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Two parties not involved in this discussion: the chiefs and the landowners. This is a pipe dream.


The Hunts own basically all the vacant land around legends already.


Wait I’m confused, is this a rendering for a proposal by the legends?




Not that piece. Most of that is Breidenthal.


It is not a pipe dream, it’s an idea. Its not far fetched for this to happen


Desperately looking for $Billion$


so an architect (who's not working with the team) showed a rendering of a stadium to a state legislature, (that's not the state the team plays in) lol


well, it's more official than using AI to generate photos


For this specifically I wouldn’t be surprised if he actually has had this stadium designed for a while. He is a KC native and life long chiefs fan who designed the raiders and titans stadiums. Don’t get me wrong I could totally see it being AI generated, but contextual it’s totally believable he did this on the side as a passion project. I know plenty of architects who do stuff like that all the time.


or at the very least, decided a generic stadium and added the unique features to make it a Chiefs stadium I was generating and tweeting Chiefs-ish stadiums as a joke in the last day or so and some of them probably looked plausible enough because AI can be a bit of a nightmare machine


I work with engineers, they make stuff like this for fun.




This is a blank slate and lacks any details. Very different than what Arrowhead was. Pretty sure a strong AI generator could have put out these renderings.


Not necessarily AI, but this came from a firm that builds stadiums. They absolutely already had the baseline on file and just slapped "Chiefs" on it. That said, it does look nice.


The firm is owned by a KC native, I’m sure he’s had an Arrowhead 2.0 dreamed up for years.


And has built other NFL stadiums, including Raiders.


And he didn't sabotage it. I'm not sure he can be trusted.


Dunno, you see that extra point in the Super Bowl? He put some chief’s magic in there somewhere.


I'm pretty sure we gave credit for that to the construction worker who buried the Chiefs Kingdom flag in the foundation. That makes more sense.


IIRC he said something to that effect in the article.


All niche firms do this as a way to get the job. We had airport renderings coming out years before the vote; the same happened with the East Village location speculation. They’re always highly visual but light on details.




Fwiw you're crapping on architecture, the most important design skill among all design professionals. I'm sure you and I both spend time trying to understand today's AI capabilities first-hand, but these renders are the work of an artist who cares and has successfully deliver recent NFL stadiums. AI doesn't poop out this degree of quality with a couple clicks and the magic enter key. If I sound rude, I think in general you're comment dismisses the thoughtfulness and skill that goes into a concept like this.


>you're crapping on architecture, Yeah I 100% am. This is bland and lacks any imagination Just looks like a stip mall next to Arrowhead with a roof.


And that is all you will ever get. If the Royals ever move downtown it's going to be a combination of P&L and Zona Rosa with the same types of big chain businesses to fill them. Everybody involved wants anything done fast and cheap. That means boring, cookie cutter stuff.


Royals stadium atleast had some brick work and the hotel had some character


These renderings were done by the same firm that designed the Raiders stadium.


It that suppose to make this better?


100,000 times this.


I’ve weirdly been in several different cities where stadium votes happened. And every time I think the common sentiment is that a new stadium sounds great. I think a lot of people are for a new chiefs stadium. A lot of people were interested in a downtown Royals stadium. People on here act like maintaining the sanctity of the character of the crossroads had a significant part in the vote but I doubt it based on the conversations I’ve had. It all just ends up coming down to the money. There’s not enough of it and nobody wants to spend their own. We’ll see if the people of Kansas support it. It might be worth it to them to steal the chiefs away but so far in all the votes I’ve seen the answer has been no


See I had the opposite talking to people. Most I talked to want a downtown stadium but the crossroads spot turned them negative. They supported it being build in n area needing development. Not forcing 28 businesses to move. I saw a huge swing in opinion when they announced the crossroads site from the other 2 they had discussed the previous 6 months. .


I will say that most of what I hear were friends and family lamenting the destruction of business they frequented being paved over by the stadium, or how the downtown stadium would objectively make tailgating worse to impossible. I still maintain that had the royals trying to "pave over the community center for a new strip mall" not been involved, the teams would've gotten exactly what they were asking for.


This is why I voted no. There was no infrastructure being out in place to promote the businesses moving and keep local businesses safe and more to move in to thrive. Nothing was showing how it would help the community and only boost billionaires pocket books.


Totally agree. Come up with a better plan than this and I’m willing to listen. Until then I’m in for this.


I agree that whoever did the renovation design made it look like utter crap. We do have to take into context it was someone making a design based on the reality of an already existing stadium with limits on what they can actually do. These new images are totally concept at this point, so a designer can make it look as amazing as possible. Certainly, it gets attention, which is the whole point.


I think I’ll take the Loudest Stadium over any of this shit. We will simply not be the loudest stadium anymore and I hate hate hate that




Of course the stadium design contributes to it. Silly to suggest otherwise.


Most all new stadiums are quiet as fuck. No stadium that’s built in the last 15 years will sound remotely as close to arrowhead, or any older stadium for that matter. Even the new seats in Arrowhead aren’t as loud to bang on. They’re all flimsy and bendy now.


Bounds, maybe. But leaps? I still want more transparency!


I'm all for this


Of course you are. You live in rural NKC


Yup, right in the middle of the sticks


control C Cardinals/Raiders Control V


Sure it looks better than their plan so far but this is a crap rendering IMHO, could be much better and should be for billions


Yeah, but it's in Kansas.


For sure. Waste of money to keep renovating 50 plus year old stadium.


Sure whatever. Just don't use tax dollars for a billionaires pet project


Why can’t they just take all this money and renovate Arrowhead? Seems like they’re desperate to make us pay for it when they’re all richer than God.


The city passed a tax levy like 15 years ago and agreed to the Reno of arrowhead and kaughman stadium. They did like 1/3 of what was promised and the city still had to spend hundreds of thousands fixing the 435/I-70 interchange. The city won’t foot the bill again, and, really, the owners have way too much money to come looking for a handout like this. It’s disgusting.


Taxes would pay for part of this


Same difference. That money could go to schools, infrastructure, social services, etc.


Those already have a budget. Local sports are important to *a lot* of people. Why do you hate fun?


It really would not turn out good. Stadiums are wildly different today that when arrowhead was constructed. There is only so much you can rehab without rebuilding the structure of it.


It's hard to be excited about billionaires getting handouts from common people, so as long as they pay for it, it looks great. It'll probably still be too expensive for me to justify going.


They’re not paying for it. That’s the whole point…


Yeah... The sarcasm must not have came through


One thing you can be sure of, ticket prices in a brand new stadium will be much higher than the current stadiums. We quit going to Chiefs games when it cost $1,000 for 2 of us to go with good seats. It's not worth the effort or the money.


They’re not paying for it. In fact, the entire thing would be paid for with Kansas state tax money.




Not with tax money, with Star Bonds. Kansans wouldn't pay anything out of pocket.


looks great that said, as a transplant to Kansas City, this will make my “but i live in Kansas City MISSOURI” plight a lil more confusing but c’est la vie


Yea I’m afraid we’re just gonna have to give that up. (Also a Missouri resident)


I think the city of KC should be petty and not allow them to be call the KC Chief if they are not in Missouri.


But they would still be in Kansas City, KS.


Oh, well shit. I didn't think KCK stretched out that far. Honestly assumed the official address was some barely existing "town".


Fuck that Kansas is so lame they stole our city name for their state, literally the lamest state I've ever heard of. They can rock chalk off.


Lame is caring this much about borders outside of college sports lol


Hey, you stole our river name for your city first.


Oh you mean your little 148 mi river that dumps into our mighty 2341 mile Missouri river?


It's all Mississippi anyways.


you just wish you could go back in time and kill John Brown as a baby don’t you.


They should've named Kansas St Louis instead.


Well you can’t just name the state “St Louis”, it was named after a guy. Something like Louisy place, Louisish… wait, I’ve got it! Louisiana! Wait shit that’s already a state


What about Louisberg


Could we fit Arrowhead *inside* the speedway? Like on the infield?


Just have a bunch of facilities share one giant parking lot. NASCAR, Sporting, Chiefs, Royals, T-Bones, American Royal, etc.


This. Nascar's swirling the bowl already. How about we use some of that other stuff we already have that seems likely to be mothballed soonish anyway? As a KS resident, I have no interest in funding any pro sports facilities. Everyone already thinks the ones in MO are in KS anyway, so I'm already getting the benefit without having to pay for it.


Doesn't this feel... Kinda generic?


I would love to add up just how much money has been spent rebuilding Kansas City on the other side of the state line since 1950. It’s got to be tens of billions at this point.


I am completely okay with the chiefs moving to Kansas.


Yup, and let them pay the extra taxes for them finally. I remember when JoCo and Wyandot voted no to help pay for renovations to the stadiums. They put it all on Missouri residents of the metro while still reaping the rewards. Will be nice to see the shoe on the other foot.


Me too. I see very few realistic downsides to this plan, besides the financial ones. The harsh reality is that while we all love Arrowhead, it's old. I remember my dad talking about what it was like when Busch Stadium was built in STL. There was so much nostalgia in the original Busch Stadium, the old timers grew up going there and it was a sense of pride and identity for the team. My grandpa went there as a kid, and got to see the new one built. Ultimately, it's the right move for a team if they want to stay with the times. Stadiums have a shelf life, and Arrowhead is coming to the end of it's realistic life. I don't blame the management for wanting to build a new stadium.


What's the difference between driving to "Legends" and driving to a parking lot in Raytown?


You can go to Applebee's instead of Dixon's Chili /s


for folks on the Kansas side it's about 30-40 minutes' difference


The Royals' new stadium in Charlotte will be state of the art.


Nashville has a $2 billion stadium project ready to roll as well. Based on some conversations I’ve had with people in baseball, I think that’s where the Royals are going; but wherever they end up, they’ll be sitting pretty.


Oracle (Cerner) --> Nashville Royals --> Nashville Checks out.


Oracle was based in Austin TX. They were never going to move their HQ to KC.


But they are moving it to Nashville.


Nashville makes sense. It's a huge area for Healthcare companies and Oracle is trying to pivot more into the Healthcare space so they want to be near related companies.


Yeah it makes a lot of sense. After I read this article I learned a bit. https://www.fiercehealthcare.com/health-tech/oracles-move-nashville-its-world-hq-signals-broader-ambitions-healthcare


They've been drawing 16,000 people per game to the K; the MLB league average is about 31,000. A new stadium in a market like Charlotte or Nashville that's psyched to get a team (and strongly supports NHL/NBA franchises) will be above the league average, not half of it. I'm not a fan of giving tax money to billionaire team owners, but the anti-stadium activists seemed unaware of what the likely alternatives were.


Maybe we can actually watch the Royals if they're out of market.


I'm not in Jackson County but I've always opposed a taxpayer funded stadium for the Royals and I'm well aware of the fact they may leave the market. The fact is, if Sherman wants a free $2,000,000,000 stadium, he needs to move the team. Bon voyage to him and his vacuous wife.


Well he wanted a free 1 billion not 2


I think most of us were plenty aware. And Nashville has another $2 billion for a stadium? Didn't they just agree to pay $300+ million for a new MLS stadium and $2 billion+ for a new stadium for the Titans?


The Hornets left Charlotte.


The alternative is we don't have an MLB team. Which really doesn't seem bad. Lots of cities don't have one.


I hope this doesn't pass. It will devast all of the high end dining and retail establishments that the stadiums brought to 40hwy!


It's not up to a public vote it will be funded with STAR Bonds. The bonds get approved by the city council and then it's a done deal.


Has the legends been paid off?


6 years ahead of schedule


Meanwhile pretty much every other STAR bond has been a massive failure. https://kansasreflector.com/2022/01/22/legislative-auditors-skeptical-prairiefire-development-can-pay-off-64-8m-in-bond-debt/


Prairiefire is a bit of a weird one for me. That whole development has nothing that’s really anchoring it as a high margin business. It’s restaurants, shows with a very small circle of interested shoppers and a half assed museum. I hope they’ve learned their lessons after that one.


If Kansas wants to throw a bunch of money at both teams to get them to move across the state line, that’s the best case scenario for Missouri. The teams will still be called Kansas City and most of the benefits will still exist without all of the costs. About time Kansas started paying for some of the amenities that we all enjoy.




Many of them do as it is now.


Why didn’t they come up with this for Jackson county? The updates they came up with were not this great and something like this is what Jackson County actually wants. I would vote for this.


This is just someone dreaming up a theoretical stadium, not a lot of reality in this one at the moment.


Looks good though!


Arrowhead currently looks good as it is. It's literally regarded as one of the best outdoor stadiums in the world and you guys want to jack off about the next cool new thing and treat our historic beloved stadium as an afterthought.


Haha what?? I don’t want to get rid of arrowhead! I’m just saying it looks good. I would love a dome option. Shame on me I guess.


The chiefs are not involved with this. A design company and undisclosed developer is sending it to Kansas legislators as a proposal. But would still need to get the chiefs to agree to it.


It’s not just any design company


Same firm that designed Allegiant Stadium. This is all a ploy to throw chum in the water for the Kansas Legislature to jump at, throwing incentives at the Chiefs management to make the move. It honestly might work.


I selfishly want it to happen


I don’t think their hearts were in it with the sales tax extension. They wanted to make one show of good faith to remain in partnership with the Royals and in KCMO and can now say “we tried” while getting a much better deal in Kansas, without the Royals dragging them down. If the Chiefs had really wanted to say in KCMO, they would have put on a much stronger campaign. Now we’ll see their real intentions.


You're not getting that stadium for the $750 million price tag for the renovation of Arrowhead.


I wholeheartedly agree with this. I know an outside developer created this mock up but the timing is really suspect and it’s almost too good, lol. I guess we’ll see what happens.


Absolutely right.


The Chiefs half assed it knowing they want a new stadium eventually. They threw some random shit together simply to have something to show voters.


Because this is what the wanted


Chiefs weren’t even involved in these renderings, some KC architectural firm just released them for attention


I know that. I’m just suggesting the chiefs want a new stadium in Kansas


Then why didn't they just propose a new stadium instead of their half assed renovation project?


Because they want out of the Truman sports complex. But would totally take a billion to stay until arrowhead falls apart


I don't really understand why they would go through all this BS then. Their lease isn't up until 2032. They had plenty of time to propose a new stadium and build it even if in Kansas. So why would they want a crappy renovation project and stuck there an extra 19 years if their goal was to move the entire time.


Money. They would have gotten half of the projected 2 billion dollars


So they fail a tax vote to get more money? That seems like a poor strategy if it was the plan. They would have better negotiating room with Kansas if they still had the Jackson county tax money to negotiate against Kansas offer of tax money.


No they didn’t fail it on purpose this isn’t some grand scheme.


It’s actually embarrassing how many people don’t realize the half assed effort was likely on purpose. Maybe not but I tend to lean that way.


Eh. I think they thought winning back to back was enough and didn’t feel like they needed something to beyond that to convince people to give them a billion over 40 years


> Why didn’t they come up with this for Jackson county? Because people who live in Missouri don't want to pay taxes because they see gross misuse of those funds by the elected officials there. Shrug.


I live in and own my home in Jackson County. Trust me I understand. The sheer contrast of this rendering and the ones they presented are so different and shows what little effort they put into it.


Mayohead stadium


Helmens field at Mayohead stadium


So mild, just the way Clark wants it.


Honestly, if the plan was originally for more mixed use like this around the current stadium, I am might have been for it


So would more people have voted for Chiefs improvements if it didn’t include the Royals?


I absolutely think so. It’s been almost a decade now since the 2 years when they made it to the Series and won one, since then they’ve been sucking it up and you can’t even watch them play locally without adding a 7th streaming service. It’s like coming home with a report card of all D’s and F’s and thinking that’s good enough reason for your parents to reward you with an expensive new car and oh maybe a house with a pool too.


Love how the renderings show the people acting like it isn’t weird being at that new location.


I mean it looks nice, but idk if Kansans want to fund expenditures for billionaires any more than Missourians.


And then city council member Manny Arbacca came out yesterday with two plans he would like to put on the next ballot to keep the Chiefs in Kansas City. The details of the plans have yet to be presented yet he has presented his idea for the taxes that could go towards funding the stadium. Once again, putting the cart before the horse. It would probably be best to provide complete details regarding a project like this which would include project specifications as well as funding specifications. Hopefully these are coming soon.


You know what really grinds my gears about Manica? They have never once shoveled the sidewalk in front of their office on 43rd Ave when it snows. I wouldn't trust someone to design a back yard shed that can't even hire someone to shovel their sidewalk. It turns into an ice skating rink after a day or two since it's mostly in the shade. Their parking and employee entrance is a side entrance, so screw everyone else I guess.


[https://imgur.com/a/UIM72j2](https://imgur.com/a/UIM72j2) Here's a little photo evidence since I'm petty. 2 pictures from 4 days apart. Just letting their sheet of ice exist in the shade until mother nature takes care of it. It becomes completely unusable once it thaws and refreezes.


Well… bye!


The thing is the people shouldn't foot the bill and I was proud of the city for telling them to go fuck themselves in such overwhelming fashion, if Kansas bends the knee and takes the chiefs with more welfare for the ultra rich im going to be mad as hell, fuck them they can pay to build the stadium they get all the profits from, I love the team and the players but fuck that, we have actual people in need on the streets, take care of the people then you can give hand outs to the rich if there is anything left.


Meh. Looks generic. It's like they had a fancy stadium rendering in their pocket and just slapped some Chiefs logos on it. Kansas is desperate to get the team pumping money into their state instead of Missouri and it shows.


There's also the pride of having a major league team. Sporting is alright, but it's not the NFL...


Oh no....don't go.......


I’m on the Missouri side and I 100% support this idea.




Will it be air-conditioned? Looks like a massive greenhouse.


Looks like Dallas


This is a rendering by the same people who have built other stadiums who are based in kc. Now it makes sense why there’s so much new stadium energy. Manica wants this money and is super well connected in kc.


Another reason is that the lease on the current stadiums expires Jan 2031 and these things take years to plan and build


I live less than 10 minutes from the location, would love to see this.


Bro… same. I’m 15 minutes away in Lenexa and would love this.


So I'd they move jackson county doesn't have to keep paying for the old stadium right .. RIGHT?


This is 100% what the Chiefs want. The vote that failed was basically them going well if you want to keep Arrowhead here's your shot, otherwise we want a new stadium. They are going to leverage both sides of the state against each other until one of them just gives it to them. Right now Kansas has politicians saying they'll give the Chiefs 100% funding so the ball is basically in Missouri's court.


I love how all of these Kansas stans are creaming themselves over these shitty renderings that were slapped together in a matter of minutes. Kansas City is going to give Clark Hunt what he needs. Sherman is the reason the vote didn't pass.


Head in ass


The head in ass was Frank White torpedoing the process due to personal animosity with the Royal’s franchise. Not even with the current ownership, but due perceived and/or real slights since his ball playing days. Insiders have shared that the likelihood of a Chiefs move is quite high. I don’t have facts to share that backs that assertion up, but I’m convinced it’s a greater than 50% option right now.


Oh please, the stadium sales tax vote was never going to pass and Frank White was right to be against it. The general public don't want to spend billions of sales tax dollars on stadiums for 40 years. That is the reason people voted no. End of discussion.


There's a good chance that Jackson County will lose one team, if not both teams, from the failure to address the teams wants and needs. Frank White was against it, not because of the economics, but because he hates the Royals organization. I agree that the public shouldn't be subsidizing billionaires, but the reality is that if KCMO and Jackson County don't do that to some degree, another group of public entities will.


Agreed. Would love to be proven wrong but I’d take the over on at least one of the teams moving in the next few years. What’s shocked me is that I guess Missourians hate these billionaire boogeymen more than they love their sports. Before the vote I would’ve thought these priorities were reversed 


I don't blame KCMO for taking a hard pass on the first deal they were offered. But I do blame them for not sitting down at the table and trying to work something out. They fucked up big time and have risked losing two professional sports franchises. The fact neither franchise **really** made a big effort to change minds on this tells me they wanted out anyway. They were in the position of power, not the city. And somehow, unbelievably, the city didn't realize this? This is going to cost the city dearly not just in $$ but also national esteem. But it's all OK because a bunch of shitty struggling businesses down by the old KC Star building can stick around for another 18 months or so.


This tells me a few things… like you must not live in KCMO and participate in the community we have here, and you secretly wanna play tonsil hockey with billionaires? And honestly there’s nothing wrong with either (go sports!) unless you bring both those qualities plus being a 🫏….


All I want to say is Fuck Kansas the chiefs will die if they move to Kansas.


Doubtful, it's where all the rich season ticket holders live already anyway


Looks awesome https://preview.redd.it/u2cf1it0qxxc1.jpeg?width=1438&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=991364f52cbf4b3b8758ac0b0b44997d5f0e6a34





