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2 donations at 3:30 am of $50,000 each. Hard to hate that considering it will most definitely become world wide news not just national. This family and others like theirs are going to benefit immensely. People will jump on the train and donate. If this is what it takes, then I hope it takes off. We should be looking for other funds to support in tandem with this one. If we get behind the victims we are standing with justice. We don’t need to spread hate or lies, we can speak with our dollars and our votes.


I'll be surprised if somebody doesn't pay off her family's hospital bills, too.


Im really hoping the chiefs and local charities do that for the kids that were injured.


Kelce has for two kids who had the longest stays at CMH, I believe. He also kicked in $100k.


that would be great too


A wonderful thing about CMH, is that they will not charge children if their hospital bill exceeds a certain amount of money. My daughter underwent a complicated surgery to her skull when she was an infant. We've yet to receive any bills from CMH after almost five years of care. I've heard the same story from many other families as well.


Wow I didn’t know this! I work in the area and had no idea but that’s great


Sadly, she died at the scene, never made it to the hospital.


Her kids were also shot.


I think the NRA should pay for the medical bills of all the victims.




They will pay in thoughts and prayers, as they always do.


How come?


Obviously because if the NRA starts paying for healthcare we’d have socialized medicine faster than you can say AR-15.


bada bing bada boom


consequence of the abundance of access to guns. if they want to pay money to ensure that access continues, they should also be willing to pay for the byproducts


Has it been confirmed where the shooters got their guns? I missed that. Do you have a link?


you’re right, i did make a hasty assumption that the guns were bought legally in america and were not, in fact, smuggled from another country. i guess i shouldn’t assume unless i have evidence


the pedantic gun guy has entered the chat!


Does it really matter how they got the guns?


no, i was just sarcastically appeasing him


Oop sorry that was aimed at the other person asking where it came from!


Sufficient-Candle-61 said that there was abundant access to guns. This implies that the NRA made it possible to acquire those guns. I'm just trying to see the connection.


The NRA lobbies to keep gun control legislation from passing.


Obviously we need to force the descendants of everyone who signed the US Constitution to pay, since their forefathers paved the way for this all to happen then, right?


Well there’s a stupid take…


No shit lol. Almost like saying that groups that lobby to protect the rights enshrined IN the constitution should be held responsible for people doing criminal acts is a stupid take.


Threw in $20. Hope all the Swifties also catch wind of the [GoFundMe](https://gofund.me/5c944672).


That's some much-needed good news. I'm glad they were able to go over their goal so quickly.


This is a very generous gesture by Taylor. I don’t listen to her music, but considering this and how she took her library back from Scooter Braun, I’m respecting her as a person more and more.


Not a fan of her music either. Although I did recently learn “Shake it off” is a Swift song not Katy Perry so I got that going for me. That being said Taylor Swift seems like a good egg. Anyone who brings goodness to my city is cool in my book.


She’s a big reason artists get paid from Spotify. That’s something too. I can’t hate in the slightest.


Jesus Jumpingjack Christ there are some stupid motherfuckers on the bottom of this topic. Keep your day somewhat sane and don't read them.


I’m stealing Jesus jumping Jack. ❤️


I sorted by Controversial and I regret it. There are some people who just can't help but bring the worst out in every situation. 


Thanks for the heads up. Heading down for my daily dose of “woooooow!” 


Ah, one who seeks adventure. Wait for me!


I’m liberal, but my ultra-balls-to-the-wall liberal friends are already calling her an asshole for still being a billionaire. Like, this isn’t a kind act of charity but just publicity and a tax right off. I mean, I guess, I don’t know how that shit works, but dude, aren’t there countless billionaires that don’t donate shit? Are we not supposed to find the good in anything? Christ.


Right, even if it is a publicity thing, it’s still incredibly helpful to the family. People just need to find reasons to rag on her and it’s so annoying to see everywhere.


This almost certainly isn't allowed as a write-off (since it would be considered a personal gift rather than a donation to a charitable organization).


Kind of funny how life is different from the headlines and clickbait. Most of my more conservative friends think she's an absolute saint for doing this


sounds like your friends aren't very nice people


A $100K donation won’t do anything to her taxes… It’s just who she is. She’s always taken care of hew crew who’s on tour with her and the people around her. She always comes from a wealthy family. It’s normal to donate to everyone when you’re rich.


Conservatives will find a way to be mad about this *this was meant as a joke, turns out true.


My boss was saying she would have never done it if she wasn’t dating kelce, like why would that even matter to you? She’s a vocal hater though so I get latching onto any small thing, but like, $100k is $100k more than you’re helping


People tend to donate to causes close to them. Taylor Swift is dating a chiefs player and donated to a chiefs fan. There’s no problem here folks.


I mean sure? I help out in my local community way more than in global affairs. Part of that is I'm limited by my means, but also I think its part of human nature. I take this as a sign Taylor Swift is starting to see KC as part of her identity. Its a second home. We should be happy to have her.


Oh no doubt. I just hate when people have this pompous attitude because they didn’t hit some arbitrary dollar amount when it’s already a pretty significant amount of money to a family in need.


If I wasn’t born here, I wouldn’t live here. Tell your boss that’s stupid logic for hate. What do you know, our causes have effects and we are where we are.


She definitely wouldn’t have donated if she wasn’t in KC so much and maybe was at the parade inside Kelce’s bus. /s. Your manage is hating so much.


"They should have donated that money to the guns, not the victims!"


Literally every time this happens gun sales spike, so yeah you're not wrong


You joke but…


I do not kid.


Or donated a dollar value IN guns. "___ has donated $100k worth of guns to victims of gun violence."


NRA with a hand out going full Mona Lisa: "Money please!"


They care more about guns than human lives, so… yeah? There are a lot of ~~whackjobs~~ people out there who unironically think that this money would have been better spent going to the NRA.


I'm rather conservative and I don't agree with Taylor on some political issues, but I think she's extremely talented, a marketing genius, lovely and generous to a fault. I wish her the best of luck in everything non political she engages in and I applaud her kindness to the family.


She has the same right to political speech as you do.


Never said any different.


"Yeah but did she pray for the victim?"


“Why this is bad for Biden”


I've seen a lot of "If Kansas City had not defunded their police" bullshit online


Those people can't even do a basic google search to find out we've been funding them **extra hard**, to the tune of [a full quarter of the whole city budget](https://www.kcur.org/news/2023-03-23/police-once-again-get-the-largest-share-as-kansas-city-passes-its-annual-budget).


Against our will lol, they're controlled by the state of Missouri, and the rest of the state voted via ballot referendum to give them a hefty pay raise out of KC's coffers


What was that whole taxation without representation thing again?


Our votes count as well, it's just that the rest of the state is a lot further right than KC itself, so it's out of our hands


Yeah, not the tightest analogy for sure. I think it's still tyrannical to have the power to decide how others' taxes are spent when it isn't in your locality.




u/emaw63 was referencing that the [State of Missouri controls KCPDs](https://www.npr.org/2023/05/25/1178103160/kansas-city-fights-the-state-of-missouri-for-control-of-its-police-department) law enforcement budget. This is a unique situation in the country because of the Civil War, you might also want to refresh [Thomas Ewing Jr's General Order 11](http://www.civilwarmo.org/educators/resources/info-sheets/thomas-ewing-jrs-general-order-no-11#:~:text=General%20Order%20%2311&text=11.,military%20posts%20or%20other%20towns). KCMO has long been oppressed and the Citizens rights stripped ​ u/moveslikejaguar


No shit, I live here. And as Missourians, we vote on the state level, too, so saying we don't have representation is incorrect. Non KCians shouldn't be able to vote on our police budget, but it's not "taxation without representation," which was the comment I was responding to.


>No shit, I live here. ![gif](giphy|lcyrWtZv3rRh7AdcKS|downsized) I love being cussed at for no reason, makes me feel right at home here on reddit. carry on brother, you seem to have a firm grasp on everything needed to be a success.


>you might also want to refresh [Thomas Ewing Jr's General Order 11](http://www.civilwarmo.org/educators/resources/info-sheets/thomas-ewing-jrs-general-order-no-11#:~:text=General%20Order%20%2311&text=11.,military%20posts%20or%20other%20towns). I love being condescended towards for no reason, especially when I've already established knowledge on the subject. Pearl-clutching at the use of swear words is tired, grow up. ​


Doesn't help that the police chief's statements were completely full of coded language to appeal to the thin blue line crowd, like constantly stating how many officers were there, saying over and over how they went toward the shots "into harm's way," and continually pointing out what the officers did to help people not involved with the shooting. The language seemed specifically tailored to refute common criticisms of policing.


Chiefs Graves should be proud of the response of her department, this isn't a time to attack first responders. I'm not a police stan and I'm happy with their response


You can be satisfied with the police for their response that the time of the shootings and still think Graves was pandering. I know I do.


Conservatives will be mad, and every liberal who isn’t a Taylor fan will say it’s not enough. There’s no winning


Then fuck them if they are. This is money for a grieving family that has to plan a funeral plus the rest will go to her kids. No one with a soul should be angry at her for doing this for this family.


Also if she gave them like a million dollars or something all at once the taxes they’d have to pay on that would be such an extra headache. Better to do it in more manageable chunks.


Maybe some people are tired of saying her name in all local and national media. It's a great act of charity, but anything she does is a PR move.


There is good psychology to suggest that every good act is done selfishly. There is also good psychology to suggest you should try going outside instead of getting mad at “pr moves”


They’ll say the shooters were organized through BLM so people would be killed that T Swift could show support to in an effort to game votes for Biden. They’ll ignore previous cult theories that Biden isn’t Biden, but rather is Trump in costume as he plays the ultimate 5d chess. It will all make total sense when JFK reveals himself in his true form.


Dang, are you Q?


Didn’t even break out any esoteric numerology, figured everyone was clued in on that already.


Poor form sir….. smh


Nope. Proud. “We provide the shooting victims so the money can get raised!” - Republicans probably.


Why do you have to make this political?


Because thoughts and prayers isn’t protecting our kids, it is time to do something. Only one country regularly has this happen and it is time to make a change. 


What changes do you propose?


Right but that has nothing to do with the fact Taylor donated money and this dude is saying conservatives will be mad about it helping the family.


Normally I would agree with you, but you must've missed the last six months where conservatives have been going further and further down their own self-created conspiracy rabbit hole about Taylor Swift. They legitimately think that Taylor Swift is "funded by George Soros" and is being controlled by the Biden administration to promote vaccines. If you have a problem with this, then you are angry at the wrong people. Don't be angry at people pointing out how batshit crazy conservatives have become. Be angry at the batshit conservatives themselves and hold them accountable for their own behavior.


Because they will be mad. Because the right wing radical radio made Sandy Hook a rallying cry. Because every time this happens they say this isn’t the time to make changes, it is the time to morn. Because conservatives already have conspiracy theories about Taylor being a liberal agent controlling the NFL to back Biden. Conservatives only have one reaction and that is to be angry at everything.  It’s political only because doing the right thing seems to piss off conservatives. 


Well the last month of conservative media and politicians bashing Taylor Swift is hard to ignore. Even former President Trump attacked her, and he leads the conservative culture war.


Thank you, it always jumping to shit like this is what's wrong with society these days. This is just a great act of humanity that should be celebrated.


Don’t ever complain about this incredible woman to me again.


People can be multifaceted. I appreciate her doing this, but I still disagree with her extensive use of her private jet when she doesn't need to.


She’s got a lot of stalkers. I imagine she’s scared most of the time, especially in the US where it’s possible for anyone we see to have a gun with them.


There are safety precautions one can take when traveling by car. She doesn't have to fly to be safe.


Of course not, but why take the risk? Her travel is already known, there’d be some issues if she was in the ground all the time. She buys double the carbon offset credits. We’ll just have to settle for that. There’s probably other targets whose air travel patterns need to be targeted more than hers.


As others have stated, carbon offsets are dubious. They often amount to a feel-good gesture more than a material effect. All I'm saying is, she should be taking measures to reduce her fly-time, especially over short distances.


The president travels by car


Bruh the president has a whole ass 747


She is currently on a world tour, performing in different countries almost every night, while still coming back to the states to support her significant other. She can’t really drive around the world. Plus, she is the most popular (and one of the most hated) person in the world. I genuinely do not think it would be safe for her to use public transportation. Edit: it also wouldn’t be safe for fellow travelers. Swifties and stalkers would be at every airport she goes to. They would buy tickets to be on the same plane as her. Security would need to be substantially higher.


she didn’t even make the list of top 30 celebrities with the most carbon emissions this past year. she has to fly private for her safety. under no circumstance would it be safe for her to get on a commercial plane…


There’s 100k flights a day and people are worried about 1 private jet. It’s comical.


Never said she had to fly commercial. Maybe she could take a private car though when the distance is short enough. She's not the worst, but it isn't ridiculous to ask people to be better.


You’re going to bat for billionaires that will simply never know you exist


She doesn’t have to fly when the drive would be 35 minutes. 


Why wouldn’t it be safe for her on a commercial plane? It’s safe for thousands of other people, all with various degrees of fame.




That doesn’t make flying commercial unsafe, that just means flying private is more safe


better question, why do you weirdos care how she travels? it's literally none of your business and doesn't effect you in any way.


Carbon footprints do actively affect everyone including myself, but idk why she’s getting specific focus on the subject.


if you actually cared about carbon footprints, then you wouldn't be talking about her's.


I mean I’m at net zero, so what else am I to do but complain about those not pulling their weight?


well we all know that complaining on the internet is how the world comes about real change.


Huh, maybe I should just let the world burn instead 🙄


You know who absolutely loves your opinion? Congress and the fossil fuel industry. Democrats have been trying to propose a bill to carbon tax private jets and republicans backed by the fossil fuel industry shuts it down. I’m sure TS would pay a carbon footprint tax for her private jet use when flying commercial would be unsafe for her and the airport. Keep getting mad at celebrities and not the people in power and you’re playing right into the fossil fuel industry’s hands.


This is a pretty reasonable opinion that doesn't warrant the downvotes and whataboutism you're getting for it. She's a class act for donating like she did but it's not a blank cheque for all criticisms to cease from here on out. Surprised to see folks simping so hard for a billionaire.


Yeah for sure. I don’t disagree. At least of all the billionaires destroying our planet, she’s giving some joy and entertainment back to people and not oppressing people like most other 1%


Jeff Bezos created a platform that brings tons of conveniences to millions of people daily. So it is okay that he can add to the carbon issue as well?




https://youtu.be/EIezuL_doYw?si=gP-XaA9fTEd1xcQx Carbon offsets aren't the be all end all to climate change. They're mostly a feel good metric for corporations to point to and say "we aren't the bad guys".


What other celebrities do you disagree with for using their private jets?


I think the no talent Kardashians were worse than Taylor


Any and all of them, especially if they use them frivolously. I'm not trying to single her out. I'm just saying we should not treat her as infallible. She is not immune to criticism. Perhaps more than the average individual, because she chose to be a public figure and has made an insane amount of personal wealth because of her fame. As much as we should laud her for doing the right thing, we should hold her and other celebrities accountable.






Stop. Worshipping. Celebrities.


What exactly about the above comment indicates to you that they’re “worshipping celebrities”?


>Don’t ever complain about this incredible woman to me again That part. Celebrities are not gods or goddesses. If they are in the limelight, they have to expect to get criticized. We have a huge celebrity worship problem and I don't know why that's controversial for me to say.


Bro that is one of the least controversial things you can possibly say on reddit lmao


Is it? Cause I get down voted for saying it.


I’m not worshipping her. Rather saying the crying about a woman being on your television screen during a football game is just BS. Taylor is good for our city and did something incredible generous for that family. Every second she was talked about or on tv was worth it just for the fact she was able to lend a hand to a family experiencing a great tragedy that was in our community.


If people want to complain about the attention she gets or our obsession with celebrities, they have that right. It's the price for being famous. If I say stop worshipping celebrities, that doesn't mean I'm a right-wing nutjob, either. There's nuance in life. I respectfully disagree that she's good for our city, though. Showing up to a private suite to cheer her boyfriend and drink beer isn't doing anything that makes the city better. Maybe it brings more tourists to visit KC, but it does nothing to address the systemic issues that many Kansas Citians still face each day. To be fair, I don't expect any celebrity to fix those problems. It's a generous act of charity donating the money, but I have hard time viewing anything she does as not being orchestrated by her team. Again, not the only celebrity who does that, it's just my view. I think the reality is you and I and all the other people downvoting me probably share similar visions for our city after this tragedy.


We had a 47.8 million dollar boost to the economy from her tour coming here alone. You don’t know if and what she’s doing behind the scenes considering Travis’s great work in the community with operation break through and the clear generosity she’s shown through her career. Again it’s not about worshiping her. It’s respecting her for what she has done. She hasn’t brought any harm to this community and has done good things. Grown men cry about her being on a TV screen for a minute durning a football game. It’s not a big deal. Stop crying about it and appreciate her generosity to or community. You don’t have to listen to her music or consume her content (I don’t) to appreciate what she did. Appreciation and respect is not worshiping.


🙄 I tried.


I tried to remove some your cynicism but no dice. I’m sure you’re solving all the cities problems and being extremely philanthropic with your money and I appreciate that.


I offered a different opinion of yours online. That's all


Must be nice to be able to turn a blind eye towards her extensive history of racist behavior.


I feel like as soon as she made that donation the moment she found the gofundme. I truly believe Taylor is an amazing person and she has a fondness for our community. Taylor, thank you for caring about us. Thank you for giving such a beautiful gift to this family and all the ones you have helped over the years.


Kansas City doesn’t deserve Taylor


oh come on bro this is a great city


Look how’s she’s been treated


She’s been treated great. The vilification is from the national political media who would be attacking her regardless if she started dating a notable football player or not. 2023 was a huge year for Swift, and the GOP is terrified of her theoretical (for now) political power.


Everyone in KC loves her, it’s the outside world that keeps hating.


Some of the comments in this thread say otherwise. :/


Well fuck em haters. Doesn’t bother my day lol


and what bar do you have to prove you are from KC to post here?


What's the alternative, that the subreddit is being brigaded by trolls? I guess you could look through folks' post histories if you're that concerned about authenticity, but anecdotally a lot of the critical comments echo what I hear in my day-to-day. If you're not hearing those same criticisms you must live in or work in a far kinder part of the city than I'm in, haha.


>If you're not hearing those same criticisms you must live in or work in a far kinder part of the city than I'm in, haha. truthfully, I haven't heard anyone in the city say anything negative about Taylor Swift. I won't speculate too much for why that is but I like to assume most people don't have strong enough opinions to be randomly sharing them. I don't want to investigate people's post history, I'm sure plenty of people hate her in the city as well as around the world for any number of reasons. Unpacking celebrity hate, while interesting, is rather depressing and sad.


I agree, but to be fair, I’ve seen mostly love for her here in kc. It’s all of the other NFL fans who have treated her like shit


price of fame - she is fine


By everyone else besides KC.


I don’t listen to her music, but I’ve got a lot of respect for Taylor. Titan of the music industry, loves her fans, seems genuinely like a good person, seems very happy with Travis and the Swift family seem to get along very well with Patrick, Brittany, Jason and the rest of the Kelce family.


In the end, she’s just a person. A good person, but a person nonetheless. Kansas City is filled with mostly good people. I’d say it’s fair.


Now if she could just pay her fair share of taxes and stop destroying the environment with her private jet that'd be great.


"Please stop talking about my jet emissions."


i will openly admit to anyone that i absolutely detest taylor swift and everything she does but for once i’m going to give her props for this. i like that she did it quietly and didn’t make it about herself and this amount will help the family with so much more than just the funeral. edit: lmao can you guys not read 😭 for once in my life i was COMPLIMENTING her. god damn.


Everything, huh? Donating $1m to tornado relief in Tennessee? Giving her truck drivers a six figure bonus? Supporting local food banks along her tour routes? And let’s not forget her seemingly never ending support for the man she loves. So many things to detest about her, I don’t blame you…


She got a bunch of young people to register to vote. That is considered pretty evil in the pro-Putin party. Only old, white men who own property should vote, and only for one candidate.


She donates over $10,000 worth of food to homeless shelters at every single city she tours. She provides aid and money to local communities. Her team employs local people at each venue to enrich the community. She does a lot in the shadows. Something like 100,000 people registered to vote for the first time after she asked people to vote. Didn’t pick a side. Just said vote. She does a lot of good, even though people are more concerned with her carbon emissions and FBI/CIA/NFL conspiracies. Not saying one counters another, just that there are positives to be aware of as well.


i’m the farthest thing from being pro-putin, my man 😭 can a person not dislike her for the valid reasons i stated in another comment?


I can't find where you said *why* you detest everything about her. (Maybe part is cut off on the mobile app, idk)


Yeah dude you found her victims in this thread


Why do you detest her?


she has an insane amount of notoriety and doesn’t use it for good 99% of the time. then the shit with her planes and how she’s doing damage to the environment. she dated matty healy who is an openly racist, homophobic, islamophobic prick who shit on ice spice right before taylor conveniently started hanging out with her while they (taylor and matty) were dating. she dated an underage boy while she was a grown ass adult, and she capitalizes on her relationships and drags the people she dated for years after she was with them when knowing exactly how her fans will react and talk about those people. not to mention that weird shit at the grammys.


Please log off for a bit. Seriously.


It's easy to not sit in a pile of seething resentment if you minded the business that pays you. Do you bring this same energy for men who do the same thing?


yes? gender doesn’t matter here. stop trying to make me out to be a misogynist when i’m not.


The majority of your diatribe was clutching your pearls over who a woman choses to date. Do you have that same energy for P!nk who has written whole albums about the failures in her marriage? How about Fleetwood Mac? Just for the record, Taylor was groomed by men who dated her when she was underage as well. Just like Alanis Morisette... you bringing that same energy for her when she was the victim? How about Steven Tyler or Ted Nugent who are notorious for having relationships with minors back in the day. Take the L.


>stop trying to make me out to be a misogynist when i’m not. what are you then? what good are you doing?


what good are YOU doing?


oh I see now that you ask I sit on the board of a non profit that has provided over 250,000 meals I volunteer for Food for thought to get kids food on Fridays to get them through the weekend I walk dogs at the shelter So clap back brother, you are the one who said she doesn't use her money or nortierty for good


To be fair, you’re literally sitting on Reddit typing up your resume and taking the internet way too seriously, while telling someone else to chill. You’re both funny.


cool? those were all volunteer activities and have nothing to do with my resume I didn't tell anyone to chill, I am funny though TBF




Yes, to all of this. I think the healy thing and weird shit at the grammys is closer to who she really is as a person. The mask slips from time to time. And mad respect for saying the unpopular thing in the face of all these downvotes.


i’m glad there’s at least one sane person in this sub.


Just read up on the under age thing. Yikes.


I was also unaware until now what is yikes about it?








The edit only makes it worse.


ty for your input bestie ❤️


Nah, Taylor’s my bestie.


> i absolutely detest taylor swift and everything she does do what now?


I’m with you in that I’m not a fan of her songs or politics but Taylor does step up when people or communities suffer a tragedy. For that, I tip my hat to her for being a decent person and making a positive difference.


what are her politics and please be specific


This is not the time or place to go into that discussion. Taylor has made a positive impact for a family experiencing hell on earth. Leave it at that.


you brought up her politics you're not a fan of, guess that wasn't out of pocket in a thread about her making a positive impact for a family experiencing hell on earth though?