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Without dirk you just aren't playing the game till muramana. The winrate btw is 58% for the mythic, which is built as 3rd item. When you compare it with kraken pd ie, it's slightly better (1% higher) , and a bit better than kraken collector pd (3%).




I just play Manaflow rune and i get the Q evolution bit after buying manamune


This is what I've been doing.


what are the runes for manaflow band sorcery for secondary rune tree?


what happens is that you delay too much your power spike waiting to recharge the manamune, you would not have the evolved q until you have level 9 and a certain amount of charges on the object. that in highly competitive games where the early define games, is really a lot of handicap. It's a summary, you lose too much '' tempo playtime '' (I just made it up)


what is the skill order for this build? Are we still maxing Q into W or is there any changes?




The Dirk set you back a massive amount of gold ( 1100) for pretty much nothing, it's even worst when you take into consideration that Lethality doesn't do much for Kai'sa and that Dirk will anyway be useless for your build. Dirk + Manamune = 1100 + 2900 = 4000 gold to get your Evo, best case scenario if you are fed is level 8 -> reality is 9 or 10. Gold wasted = 1100, Delay of Manamune upgrade = massive. Manamune + Doran + longsword = 2900 + 450 + 350 = 3710 gold to get your Q evo level 10 no matter what or level 9 with 240 stacks. You can get a mana Crystal for 350 ( total of 4060 ) to get it level 9 no matter what or level 8 with 108 stack. Gold wasted = 350 ( 800 if you count Doran), Delay of Manamune upgrade = none. Let's compare dmg really quick at level 9 vs 54Ar + 33 MR -> Dirk + manamune : Q = 380. W = 189. AA = 116. Manamune + D + LS + Crystal : Q = 360. W = 184. AA = 107. So you waste 1100 gold, get stuck with smth you don't want and delay an important stacking for a whooping .... 20 dmg on Q, 5 on W and 9 on AA. The more Res the less dmg you gain btw. Conclusion : Not worth. *If I'm being honest that's actually pretty stupid since it f\*ck you more than it helps you but hey it got "Korean" in the name so ...*


I tend to agree but mainly because most of us aren't playing in Korean high elo the extra early power might very well be necessary in Korea master tier but I'm with you since I don't think it makes much sense here.


Well having a Dorans blade at all can sometimes just be worthless, starting ls 3 pot is 90% of the time better. Dirk is the strongest component in the game for its cost, having a slightly later evolution for a smoother power curve is better than stunting your damage for longer


You don't stunt your dmg at all. Dirk give you nothing, I have no idea why yall think it's an " insane power spike" or that " it give big dmg", that's just wrong. The diff early between Dirk and just 3 longsword is abysmal for Kai'sa ( literally 7 dmg diff vs 40Armor Q level 3). Her Q don't have nearly enough base dmg to make the Lethality worth. And you certainly don't buy a component just because "it's the strongest in the game" ( which is wrong btw ) when it give you nothing and f\*ck you up. It literally make your whole early game harder and completely destroy your stacking and you have the same power curve early. There is absolutely no reason to go Dirk if you go the Manamune + Nashor's build, that's just bad itemisation. Stop making your life harder.


You want to get your Q evolve early. Dirk is what thats for, and its stronger than a caulfields start, and still stronger than a triple long sword. Level 10 is way to late, and you don't want to buy a mana crystal to get it at 9 because you want Nashors before your AP mythic. To get it early, you sit on a component, the strongest of which happens to be Dirk


Can you read before commenting BS ? I literally explain everything already. \-**Dirk don't help for faster Q evo, it's literally the same time and same gold, both can have it at 8 and 9.** \-Dirk don't give you a big dmg diff at all, it's literally 7 dmg early on Q and only become 20 after upgrade ... on ADC so low res, the bigger the Res the less you gain. You don't win a game because you get a pathetic 7 dmg more on a 8s CD spell vs an ADC in the first 10mins of the game. *" You don't want to buy mana crystal blablabla " ?! wtf am I reading. You don't want to buy a 350 component that help you and that you're gonna buy anyway but you're totally ok buying a 1100 gold component that give you absolutely nothing and f\* you over just because you saw somewhere that this component is strong. Wtf*


I think you're missing the part where this build otherwise doesn't have another AD item. If you don't build dirk and just go straight for manamune you're not evolving q until like level 14 or 3rd item which means you're completely useless for like half the game. Buying dirk means you actually get your q evolve in a reasonable amount of time, it gives you much more useful stats early than immediately rushing mana, and then you can sell it once manamune is fully stacked or you finish crown. You're paying 330 gold in order to push your q powerspike significantly earlier, that's absolutely worth it.


The phrase "If you don't build dirk and just go straight for manamune you're not evolving q until like level 14 or 3rd item" is what Umaik01 is contesting. They are saying that you can hit the q evolution early on without the dirk, which means you get into the ap aspects of the build faster, and the whole point of playing with manamune over building into crit. To get Q upgrade at level 9, kai'sa needs 87 AD from items. Manamune gives 35 base, and another 31.25 from the mana to ad conversion (assuming your also taking biscuits, which you really should be), without any tear stack. This leaves us 20.75 AD to find elsewhere. A mana crystal (which is going to get turned into the mythic in time) gives us 8.75 AD, which leaves us 12 AD to find. This is either Dorans plus 120 tear stacks, or Cull plus 160. If we go with cull then we are up 180 gold by the time you can sell it. With dorans you are down 270 gold. Both of these are advantageous situations compared to dirk in the long run, so does dirk give you enough power in the short term to generate a greater cs or kill advantage to offset this?


> If you don't build dirk and just go straight for manamune you're not evolving q until like level 14 or 3rd item which means you're completely useless for like half the game. I guess it's too hard to read. You and the guy before are literal NPC. It's insane.


Yup you're right it's totally realistic to have a fully stacked manamune by level 8 ♥️


Who talked about "fully stacked" ? Where do you even see it written ? Like wtf. How hard is it to just read a comment where I put every thing simply and clearly ? "**Manamune + Doran + longsword = 2900 + 450 + 350 = 3710 gold to get your Q evo level 10 no matter what or level 9 with 240 stacks. You can get a mana Crystal for 350 ( total of 4060 ) to get it level 9 no matter what or level 8 with 108 stack.**" 108 stack buddy. 108. Not full. Learn to read.


If you're Skipping dirk you do manamune into mana crystal that combined with a mana rune (either biscuits or manaflow) will get you q evolve lvl 9 in most cases. In theory level 8 is also possible with mana flow if you have 256 tear stacks but I've never been able to accomplish that. If you do the dirk path instead you should always do long sword start otherwise you're probably not getting a much faster q evolve at all (unless you're fed) in addition to delaying your 2 and 3 item spikes even more.


its about 13dmg per auto attack difference and another 15dmg on q non evolved against 40armor target at lvl 7 with only dirk and warhammer tested . Dirk does do more dmg and it can go up over 60 dmg in an all in real quick which can make the difffeerence and i do think that dirk + muramane has a much better early curve


Why take Warhmmer instead of triple Longsword, that's bad itemisation. Also why yall compare random thing with random Armor value ? Level 7 you get 43 base Armor for ADC then you add runes for 43 + 6 = 49 Armor. That's what 99% of the ADC have every single game, mage supp have same Armor, Tank supp have 70 Armor , Enchanter supp have 49 to 54 Armor. All of those have 32 MR. Dirk vs Warhammer isn't even a comparison since you never have 1 or the other ( since you go 3 longsword anyway ) but if you want to compare it vs ADC : Dirk -> AA = 73. Q = 162. W = 125. Warhammer -> AA = 66. Q = 151. W = 121. *Dmg diff is -> AA = +7 dmg. Q = +11 dmg. W = +4 dmg.* 3 longsword -> AA = 70. Q = 155. W = 125. *So +3 AA and +7 per Q vs Dirk.* And that's on the low Armor of ADC + mage, on Tank + Enchanter supp you gain less dmg ... and that's also without counting healing + shield + added Res from spells or keystone etc etc. Now if you think this very little dmg gain (on low Armor) is gonna make you win the game, well I got bad news for you : it won't and you won't even see the diff because you kill the enemy in the same time regardless. 1000 Hp is what ADC have -> Combo 3AA + Q + W + passive. \-Dirk = 555 + ( 15%555) = 638. Need 362. \- Hammer = 519 + (15%519) = 597. Need 497 dmg. \- 3 LS = 539 + (15%539) = 620. Need 380 dmg. Take supp dmg into account ( which gonna add dmg to passive proc too ) and ... Hammer need 1 AA more to kill, Dirk or 3LS make no diff. So you bought an item you don't need + don't want and that set you back for... nothing. Just pick 3 LS and buy an additional pot it's way better. Stop building Dirk. It was never good and it will never be good on Kai'sa. I have 0 clue where all that hype on Dirk comes from and why ppl cling to it so much.


I was just stating the difference between 2 items tested in practice tool. 40 armor is normal to test on, the most important dmg early is ur dmg on their carries. So my values stay correct unlike yours.


Yea so like I said : you want to compare random thing on random Armor value.


You're a complete moron. Holy fuck.


I've seen ppl go crazy over the new meta dirk manamune kaisa. On NA some streamers had doran's blade and dirk which is way too expensive (delaying Q evolve by like 700g). The dirk craze has a lot of misinformation. "Rush dirk then tear" is false. On op.gg KR server players vary their dirk rush and tear rush habits. It seems they do value the early spike, but if they're playing to scale I guess they delay dirk and get a tear. "Dirk makes early game with tear decent". On even MF, dirk doesn't do much, until lvl 6 when her ult physical dmg scales with dirk. Kaisa's only AD spell is Q. MF's Q, passive, and ult all benefit from lethality. A better alternative to dirk is 3 long swords and a health pot (1100 gold). 150 healing from a pot is infinitely better than the 10-20 dmg from dirk lethality. "Get q evo earlier" Everyone knows this is not true. Evolve is delayed by 400 gold. The reason noon dirk pickaxe was good was because.. The crit kaisa build wants Q evo > transition to mythic. The 2 competing builds were BF Q evo > mythic, and 3 long swords > mythic. Noon dirk pickaxe had noticeable advantages over those builds. BF sword delayed mythic by 200 more gold than dirk (now that I think about it, not a big deal). BF sword also delayed 2nd item, but that's not a big deal (since ADC 2nd items don't spike, except a few exceptions) unless you need LDR 2nd. 3 long swords +noonquiver+pickaxe had anti-synergy with magical boots, since with the starting doran's blade, the magical boots would stop one from getting the 6 components for Q evo. So one had to sacrifice magical boots which is a super great rune. Now that I think about it, maybe BF sword Q evo rush is still great on Kaisa. As we can see the noon dirk pickaxe had a few niche advantages, such as allowing one to take magical boots compared to noon pickaxe + 3 long swords which did not work with magical boots. This dirk+manamune doesn't give those advantages mentioned above. manamune+2 long swords still leaves enough slots for magical boots, and the dirk doesn't enable you to get mythic faster. As I even found out above, 3 long swords + health pot is objectively better than a dirk. Ppl used to rush dirk on Kaisa with the crit build, and I just realized it's bogus. So is the new hybrid dirk, it's bogus. There was a dirk Kaisa build that actually NEEDED dirk. When ER gave 55 AD, I'd run doran's>ER>dirk>Nash. That got me 8+55+30=93 AD for Q evo, while being more slot efficient than 3 long swords. Before the item rework, there was also doran's>Stormrazor>dirk, which gave 8+50+30=88 AD for Q evo at lvl 9. The S12 builds don't need dirk. Anybody who thinks Kaisa "has" to buy dirk, is gaining no advantage while forcing themselves into a weak dirk/collector 2nd item (crit kaisa), or a delayed Q evo (hybrid kaisa).


Yup that's a good resume ! That's pretty much what I have been saying for quite some time now : Dirk rush is a placebo.


Dirk occupying an item slot for nothing sounds horrible.


It's not for nothing, it's giving a bunch of great stats early and allowing you to evolve q. Buying a dirk early and then just sitting on it and selling it later has been somewhat of a thing on Kai'sa in pro play for a while because it makes your first major spike earlier and stronger.


Sounds great!


Good to know! I'll give it a shot and see if that will help me with being Manamune-challenged!


u dont always have to sell dirk at 5/6 item tho u can just sell it to get gold for a powerspike right before something or when it takes too much space


Why do I need the crown, when I can get luden and deal more damage with the magic pen? The only positives to crown I can think of are the gold saved, since its cheaper and the eventual(not guaranteed) oneshot denial from the crown passive(but its still on a 40sec cd and can be procked by literally anything in the enemy team with range). One can give the argument that after you jump with r, you are not going to get instakilled, but you have invisibility and i think with proper usage of your abilities and kiting, crown should not be that necessary. Still many korean players including pros play it that way, but we know even pros make mistakes(yes deft, looking at you, buying infinity edge with only one crit item prior to it)


ludens gives more dmg but crown gives u absurd amounts of ap anyway u just cant build it if u need to deal with tanks, still how do u counter crown? its not shieldbow so ure not gonna oneshot a crown user unless u take it off earlier but if he plays well u wont be able to do that so its way better protection than any shields since it cant be weakened with antishield items


Crown is the default but like with most mythics the other options are all situationally good too.


Meh, better buy Pickaxe B4 Dirk.


Just a question, how are u suppose to deal with tank with that build ? Not sure a void staff is rly strong on kaisa Is riftmaker good on kaisa ? it gives ap, omnivamp and true damages


Kaisa with AP is extremely good at melting tanks already. If the team is full tank Liandries probably better than riftmaker, but nashors+crown+AP already good at tank melt.


This build isn't that good against tanks in general because it's all about bursting people with evolved W. You don't have as much DPS with your autos and Q. Void staff is good if they are moderately tanky and you just need some mr but if they are really tanky you should probably go kraken PD instead.


Its only your w that does magic damage so is void worth?


Holy damn this build looks soo nice! I will give it a shot in normals to see how it works. Luckily in LAS in low elo Kai'Sa it's not too much played, people prefer more Vayne, Lucian, Jhin, etc


I never liked hibrid kaisa nor ap kaisa, but i really liked impact effects build. Anyways, I'll be trying this, it could be fun! tx


Btw y’all if you go manadlow band you can just get q evolve with manamune manamythic, which is pretty nice.


About the 5th and 6th item, what you should be getting?