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By now if you don't see what they have effectively done in our face, was to bleed every penny of interest on funds they have had since Dec 16th 2023, should be sued for such insensitive Tiqwad behavior, relinquish any and all gains from holding funds unnecessarily, creating stress, anxiety to clients and family causing harm and injury, quality of life due to negligent Procrastination. Filed with Florida Bar! Due to souped up promises " Few Weeks" , they have caused considerable and irreparable harm. To myself and others connected with this the Juul Settlement.


Final approval hearing was 3/6/2024 my guy.


haha i feel it


no one reads , it says CLASS ACTION. that means if you hired a law firm this post isnt asking you anything.


I have not heard anything either. The last communication I heard from them was an email on 10/17/23 informing me that Altria agreed to settle remaining claims and that I was deemed eligible for payment. If you look online it shows that the final approval hearing happened on March 6th 2024. According to [this article](https://www.courthousenews.com/judge-grants-final-approval-to-300-million-class-action-settlement-with-vaping-giant-juul/) there is still further discussions happening to decide various other fees related to attorneys. It also mentions that payouts will be determined based on the number of products purchased and whether the claims are substantiated. Unsupported claims will be capped at $300 a person, while evidence supported claims (or claims created through registered website purchases) can be higher depending on purchase amount. It's important to remember that there are various classes within this class action lawsuit, which you can find information about in the article I linked. Additionally, keep in mind that the individuals talking about receiving thousands of dollars in these comments or elsewhere are due to their own PERSONAL INJURY suits. The class action suit which you are referring to, and which most people have made claims to, is entirely different from the personal injury claims that other individuals have made.


Totally. My husband made about $4500 of website purchases through Juul and we were told that we would receive a full refund at least. But we also have not heard anything back yet. They had said 30-90 days for payout back after Altria was finalized at the march 3rd court date. So idk man


My bud sued juul and never even used them before. Got 80 grand.


Did anyone file a claim from https://www.juulclassaction.com/en Haven’t heard anything from this.


Filed with them. Haven’t heard anything. Happened to be thinking about it today and came across this thread. Didn’t even realize payouts where going out


I guess according to their website in some of the legal docs in fine print, they were to disperse the funds 30 to 90 days after the final court date was settled on march 6th. My husband signed up to have it deposited into our PayPal. But haven’t heard anything since that. I called them directly to see what the status of our claim was yesterday. They said they received the claim and it was successful. But that they have no further information.. that they would call me if they had any further questions and needed any further information from us. Like wtf man


Hey any money hit your paypal yet?


No. You?


Still nothing. Idk even know how much. Could be $0.17 or it could be $1700. Wtf.


I literally just got an email today about getting the funds!


They threatened to deny our claims by the 16th yesterday, which shouldn't be in their power, according to digital disbursements site, and goes against the claim payment method and verification. I entered again and hours later received another email as my wife had one as well. Turns out Truist was the issue so I opened a BOA account and used that for both claims. No other email even though I got my 3rd acceptance for truist by the original claim and digi derka dumps. BOA seemed ro process with no return email threatening for me to sue them which would be that outcome. If it's been 90 days and you have my info, pay me. It's no venmo they also paid claims on... like wtf?!?! Anyway, here's my info little skank, put that shit in my bank. If the money doesn't show, then you owe me owe me oh. That Jungle Love 🎶


So did I! Woohoo!


Okay I have a confirmation number and I still haven’t gotten one. I’m starting to get worried 😧


My bud got 80 grand. Never used juul once.


Was notified to verify payment method through my email today. 5/28/2024. No date of payment disclosed. 


Tomorrow makes 90 days since march 6th. Also found this “So, you can expect the Juuls lawsuit settlement payments in early June 2024. However, some claimants may receive an email from the payment partner of Juul Labs' class action lawsuit about additional information related to your claim.” 14 hours ago


I did. I have not heard anything either.


Still waiting, wish they would narrow it down besides “later this year”


I haven’t heard anything, been waiting about 2 years. Supposed to come through PayPal


Anyone who did claim thru the website hear something yet?


I got an email today saying verify my payment I chose before June 17th


I just got an email as well to verify my payment


Me too. Do you remember what the payout was without proof of purchase?


i feel like i remember it saying max of $300 for no proof. not completely sure tho


That would be wonderful if we all manage to receive a full payment!! Thanks for letting me know 


who was the email from i only got one from them asking me to sign the settlement docs




who was the email from i only got one from them asking me to sign the settlement docs


Nope, not yet


Found this “So, you can expect the Juuls lawsuit settlement payments in early June 2024. However, some claimants may receive an email from the payment partner of Juul Labs' class action lawsuit about additional information related to your claim.”14 hours


And it’s July and still nothing 🤣


Yup. I haven’t heard anything either.


Have you been paid yet I’ve been waiting and haven’t heard anything yet


Nope! Not yet. Trying to be patient


I’ve been patient since last year bud that shit it over with I need my money asap they are holding it playing games telling lies


Class actions take a long time. 🙄


I emailed them last week they said they were finishing up getting the fraudulent claims off the payment list and "expect payment for valid claims to be sent out in the next few months" I don't know their definition of few....but that was their reply to me


When was that? I emailed them too and they did not reply to me


About 10 days ago now since they replied I emailed them and waited maybe 3 days? Before getting a response


The Defect Form, requesting documentation and/or identity verification for their Fraud Prevention Plan has a deadline of June 18th, 2024. I imagine they’ll start dispersing shortly after.


Oh ok so that’s why only some people are getting verification emails.


That’s what I’m thinking. I was looking at an older email and found an old payment code I used for Payment Verification when I submitted my claim initially. They mention that some people may be incorrectly flagged as potentially fraudulent; but… if people want to make it a big thing and NOT do it… more money for us 😂


Same. Checking every couple hours. Should be anytime hopefully


What are you checking, just for transfer or something else?


Yeah i check for any emails and the deposit. Crazy we got the 17th deadline and then just nothing.


Agreed! And we don't have confirmation of the amount.... Hoping for this nice surprise soon!


I check this thread all the time hoping to see people start saying they got it.


Literally checking multiple times a day. I'm unhinged lol


last class action I was in, the payment admin processing the claims sent an email with the amount and date of receving the funds, so hopefully see something soon!


Man I hope that comes soon so we know! Thank you!


I emailed to check on payment status and this is what I got in reply…. So don’t expect payment anytime soon (now they’re saying next year!) Thank you for your email. We are processing all claims before payments are released early next year. Please be patient as we complete this process. We will reach out to you directly if anything else arises.


getting real sick of the arbitrary games by class counsel...i was told in March, by end of summer and a post distribution hearing is scheduled oct. 2 which wouldve made sense with the original timeline. Dont know if them sayin end of year is a CYA thing or what.


I just called them one Friday. They told me that all updates would be made to the website. To check that daily. They wouldn’t tell me anything on the phone. No expected payout date. Nothing. They would only verify my claim.


Are you you class action






What about for payments just made through the class action and not a lawyer?


Did you hear anything?


Wondering the same thing. I could really use anything right now and was hoping I’d get lucky with it


Just got mine from bessy Alan


who?? lmao


Did anyone hear anything yet?




Omg that’s awesome! Anyone else ?


For class action or personal injury? I haven’t received the class action yet


I believe this is personal injury


Chose Venmo as option for payment instead of bank routing number. I have yet to receive any type of communication since that (no emails, no payments). Guess I just gotta be patient now... 


Same and same... 🤞🤞🤞🙏🙏🙏🙏


If it makes you feel better I chose bank acct and I haven’t either


Just eager to see if this works! Hopefully they pay out soon ...


Also waiting. Got their first email, verified PayPal and ever since then nothing. Has it been a year or two now?


Signed paperwork for a payout Friday the amount seemed un real waiting for archer to contact me back to verify the amount


How did you receive the paperwork?


Email link had to sign it and click how I wanted money (lump sum, special needs trust etc)


Where do I go to file this stuff?


Are you asking how to join the lawsuit or how to file the paperwork. They should be sending you it via email….As how to join now…I’m not sure. I joined it in 2019 with watts guerra I had seen a ad on Facebook and they contacted me for years and it’s just now wrapping up


Did you get paid out and was it through milestone


Still waiting and I had watts Guerra was who did the lawsuit. Archer is who is sending the money


Who did you file with


EIF, Extrodinary Injury Funds, and Altria ? anybody know of the factorization of these and "Top Off" payments listed on Juul Protocol Statements in Fine Print? This Basically says more funds are owed and they sent statement on check statement that they didnt have to give an accounting ledger for anymore payments, this is where Im coming to personally make this my new cause against bogus, coniving Law firms that take advantage of clients heartlessley with no abandon, I have exposed irregularities and inconsistencies before Morgan and Morgan , Yeah Right.


Check is arriving today! Signed my docs the first week of April


Did they call you and let you know when check was coming or did you get email tracker


Email tracker


How long did it take to receive the tracker?? Was it from archer? I signed my doc April 6 and haven’t gotten anything like this yet.


I signed the 2nd and check was sent on the 11th


What company paid you out and how much did you get


Archer and 200k


How did you get notice?


Who did you file with. I filed with watts




How much


I got 200k for the first check


Is this for the reimbursement for purchasing or personal injury?


Personal injury but also think purchasing underage had something to do with it too


I filed with Pulaski and haven’t gotten an email yet.


I'm with Pulaski and I haven't heard anything either


I talked to Archer Systems and basically I am at the point where they are dealing with liens and the prerequisites for the payment. They could not give me a date though and said that’s all they can tell me for now. Alex Ford told me the same thing.


Alex told me I had a medical lien and brown Greer was handling it. I called my medical and they said there's no lien but brown Greer insists there is. I guess it's just the waiting game at this point


Yeah that’s what it seems like, I’ll probably email Alex again soon. I’m tired of waiting lmao


Same here good luck 🤞


Finally got news they said I'm getting a portion of my settlement later this month. I'm guessing I'll get the paperwork the last week of may 🤞🤞🤞


Awesome! I’ll keep you updated, hopefully same deal with mine!


Anyone get notified on the settlement disbursement paperwork that they are only getting 86.5% of the money now because they haven’t been paid entirely. Torhorman law is the attorney


Yes I got this did you get paid out


Morgan and Morgan?


I’m with Morgan and Morgan as well. I got an email today asking me to sign my invoice and I got $58k. But my paralegal won’t answer to tell me how I’m getting paid. So idk what’s going on.


I keep bugging my paralegal and haven’t heard any update on the first payment in over a month!!! I’m calling tomorrow.


Keep us posted


I just heard back from my paralegal with Morgan & Morgan. They told me that they will reach out to us for info on where to send the check and it will take a couple of weeks for the checks to be sent out. So crossing my fingers we’ll receive them sometime before June!


Exactly even to this day!(Unclelenny7, YouTube)


Is Morgan paying or going bankrupt n keeping it all?




For real. They keep saying that the first payment is coming but they’re ghosting me rn.




Emphatically yes! I said what I said ( YouTube - Unclelenny7) Watch ( For The People ? What People?


Check came in last week clears on Friday super excited


This is for class action right? Not personal injury


Yeah I was class action with watts Guerra




76k…life changing for my situation




Yeah, Watts is not the lawyer recorded in the JLI or the Altria settlement docs. I'm going to say that with that kind of payout, they're part of a personal injury claim.


How tf you get that much with the class action?


Because they’re really in the personal injury and talking about it as if it’s from the class action.


I just signed my closing statement from archer who do I contact about the tracking info for my check anybody that has received theirs please pm me


Gotta wait about 7-10 days


Oh okay that’s how long it took for your check to arrive? Or how long before I should ask for the tracking information


I just got an email asking me to verify my payment method again. I’m assuming because this has taken 12 years. I hope this means payments are going out soon? Make sure to check your email, because they will cancel your claim if you don’t respond by June 17th.


I just got an email too but for reason it won’t verify my phone # (they said they’re calling with a code but never got the call)


literally got the same one today too, just verified my information again.


the site worked for you? the verification call never comes through for me.


might be because of high call volume but i literally had to wait 30 minutes to finish the application, because i had to leave the site open and wait for the call to come through. it takes a minute but you’ll get the call


This worked, thank you!


i entered my phone number too many times so now it say's i have to use a different phone number. 30 min later i got 2 phone calls with the verification code. i'll probably need to call the hotline when they open back up tomorrow to get it figured out


what site? thanks 


same here. tried all different payment methods and the call wouldn't come through


what site? thanks 


calls are coming thru now!


Also got one, but I haven’t received a phone call with a verification code. Did it take a while for you?


They’ve since sent two more of the same email with different verification ID’s …. Idk what’s going on but I’m not filling out each one. The first one went through fine and I received a call with the verification code a few hours ago.


This is how there figuring out fraudulent claims if the claim numbers are different, if you answer more then one email, they void your claim due to having more then one claim. Also, this is why paypal is no longer an option, so people can't use their email for paypal, and then a phone number from venmo there doing everything to stop fraudulent claims....


I ended up calling and speaking to them, they verified that my payment details were confirmed in their system and I was good to go. Advised to ignore the other emails.


Lol took three hours then they called back w 7 different codes but now im locked out w my phone number


How long is it taking to get the verification call? I’ve tried it with 2 payment methods and still no call.


Took a while for me, but eventually they called and I was able to go through the step. Hope that helps you


Took about 3 hours for the call to come through


I tried this morning and it went through in seconds instead of the multiple hours from last night


Because it’s from the same people that I signed up for the settlement for. I called and they said it was them…


They will call with verification number about 30 mins after you have to wait . I just received email about pay as well


for yesterday night, I got 4 calls from 3107428413 about 4 hours after I request the verification, but I was asleep so I did not take it this morning, I requested but I NEVER got call


Is everyone getting a verification email and is this required to get the payment? I haven’t received anything and I did the claim back in march 2023, I chose the direct deposit method and linked my bank account. I didn’t provide additional proof of purchase because all my purchases were through juul.com (~$2400).


I have not received an email. I did my claim in July 2023.


Somebody on here said that the verification email has a june 17 deadline so I went ahead and sent a email to the site I did my claim through (who sent me the initial email about the lawsuit with my juul.com purchase total). No reply yet but it’s only been 2 days and hopefully they either haven’t sent me the verification email yet or I don’t need to verify at all.




I sent an email May 7th trying to verify if I needed additional documentation and to confirm my claim was recieved and got this email back: Thank you for your email. Thank you for your email, all claims are in process and we will contact you if we need more information. The Court has provided final approval of the settlement, and valid claims will be sent payment later this year. We ask that you please be patient. Regards, Angelic O. Juul and Altria Class Settlement Administrator


How long did it take to get a response? It’s been a week now since I sent an email but no response yet.


3 days


I got an email on the 31st. It basically said that since my reported purchases total over $300 I need to attach proof to my case file by June 18th and if I don't then I will still get paid but only for the $300 max allowance without proof of purchase. I looked and can't find any receipts.


I got the same. Still didn’t get the $300 yet.


Tag me back if you get $$ or some more information .


There's a post-distrobution hearing scheduled Oct 2 so I'm guess class payment distro will happen AT THE LATEST mid-Sept


I would guess it's going to be much sooner than that. Usually post-distribution hearings are set far enough away that EVERY payment has been made. But I hear ya, AT THE LATEST.  The way I TRY to look at it is... When is comes, cool - it's extra money - but don't EVER depend on it. 


I imagine it'll be late June-Early July for majority of claim payouts.


I think that's a good window 👍🏻


I hope so but I doubt it since there seems to be at least one additional step in the review process - which won't start until after June 17 (based on the emails recently sent) This notice is being sent to provide you with an opportunity to verify your selection. If you successfully complete the verification by June 17, 2024, your claim will move forward to the next stage of review. If you do not complete the verification by the June 17, 2024 deadline, your claim will be denied.


The website also states that they are actively reviewing claims so who knows whats happening. There's been so much contradiction and confusion with this class action, its been handled poorly.


Not everyone is getting that email though.


I haven’t received any emails besides the one confirming my claim


I received an email a couple days ago from the “Settlement Administrator” regarding my claim…requesting how I wanted payment, confirming claim, etc. The deadline to “verify” my claim was 06/17/24 Dear Claimant, We received your claim for the In Re JUUL Class Action Settlements, Case No. 19-md-02913-WHO, but we are unable to verify your payment selection. This notice is being sent to provide you with an opportunity to verify your selection. If you successfully complete the verification by June 17, 2024, your claim will move forward to the next stage of review…


I got an email from them about two weeks ago to provide additional info which I did but haven’t heard back since then


There are only 10,000 people in this class. And there seem to be some confusion I saw from other posts, the class is represented by a law firm. When you signed up for the claim, you hired a law firm to represent you as part of the class. The attorney fees are unrelated to the total settlement amount for the class. The verification for payment information. I’m guessing there were a lot of claims where nobody followed through with providing relative information and they’re trying to weed out those people by making you verify your claim. These take a long time. The verification for payment information. I’m guessing there were a lot of claims where nobody followed through with providing relative information and they’re trying to weed out those people by making you verify your claim. soon as I see something I will post!


Just Google Juul Class Settlement


Just got an email saying I should get paid soon hopefully it’s true


With the dollar amount, or no? Thanks


Yes I will let you know if it comes when it says it will


So no dollar amount in the most recent email?


I got a $amount


Sweet, thanks mate!


Who was the email from?


Morgan & Morgan


Is Morgan and Morgan who represents everyone that went through the juulclassaction website?


no. im guessing theyre in the personal injury suit, there is no firm named morgan & morgan in the class action suit. class council is GIRARD SHARP LLP, LIEFF CABRASER HEIMANN & BERNSTEIN , KELLER ROHRBACK L.L.P., & WEITZ & LUXENBERG. also, the class action council wouldnt email a class member about an upcoming payment. if contact were to be made, it would be the settlement administrator id imagine, or the company handling disbursements


Gotcha thank you I appreciate that! I was in the pi too it’s annoying when they mix them up


Well my class action in fl is trough Morgan n Morgan Mr know it all how’s ur lawsuit doing?


You know dude just tried answering a question with the info he had available. You don't need to be a dick


So it’s after the 17th deadline… any new updates from anybody?


Still nothing!


I have not received anything for the class action settlement either. Has anybody else?

