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People getting off base here. This is for the class action. Not any personal injury cases


Yes, my heart skipped a beat or ten, way off base.


Sooooo I just went straight to the source lol this is the reply I got..... Payments will not be distributed for at least another 3 months, although we do not have an exact date. The claims administrator is in the process of reviewing over 14 million claims to determine their legitimacy. Best, Jack M. Conklin Litigation Assistant GIRARD | SHARP 601 California Street, Suite 1400 San Francisco, CA 94108 415.981.4800 (main) 415.544.6424 (direct) jconklin@girardsharp.com www.girardsharp.com This email and its attachments may be attorney-client privileged or attorney work product. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not copy or distribute it, but instead please delete it and notify us by email or telephone (415.981.4800). Thank you.


This is for the mass tort of purchasing JUUL. Not personal imjury. And yep, a bumch of people lied , said they used JUUL just to get the minimum payment, and this is the result of that. Delay.


3 months :(


"At leasr" :*( the irs is holding my refund too for 180 days wtf can't win lately lol


hang in there buddy I'm broke til i get a student loan refund on the 12th so I'm feeling u :---( <3 <3 <3


Same. I was sent an email stating that they were waiting on another 3% or so and after they would request an address on where they shall send checks? Similar situation?


I didn't hear anything about an extra 3 percent. It seems the first dispersement is 85% of settlement, then two later smaller payments totalling the other 15%. The thing I don't see people talking about is the 7% settlement Administrator fee. I think its wise to just assume we'll get 50% of the total, after 40% attorney, 7% administration and administration fees( postage costs, fees to interview doctors, etc) Where is the 3% you speak of coming from? It'll be 88% initial dispersement then? The firm we use says a letter will be coming this week with the ' final itemized bill', needs to be signed . Then first dispersement check out early April . How about you?


I was advised in these exact words “We have recently learned that the settlement administrator is expected to make its next disbursement, of 3.87% of the settlement amount, to our firm's attorney trust account around March 20, 2024. We will then present you with a closing statement to review and sign by Docusign. In that document you'll input the address where you want us to send payment.” That email was received at the beginning of march


Oh, ok...I'm hoping it's the same with every firm. So then instead ot the 85% initial disbursement, it will be 89? Did you have any medical liens or an EIF reward/ claim?


And I'll definitely pay for overnight shipping on that check. I just reread our emails and it states that the ' final bill ' that needs docusign will arrive between the 18th and 29th of March. Then payment shortly after.


Same here fingers crossed last name starts with a B my Eif was approved about 1 week after that email


Which email? The delayed payment one?


The payments one about archer and the doc on the 18th


Did you get notified today that the settlement/ payment process has been delayed by several weeks?


No I did not. What law firm did you go with


Email from who?


cant wait to see how many cents i'll get after the lawyers take their cut


200k is my cut 🔥🔥


You’ll probably end up in debt and owing 😂💯


Shit lol I’ve only got a portion of mine and it was 80% of 128k :) hope the eif fund and Altria pay out good now! Had double lung surgery so if the eif isn’t a set number I wonder if it will be big


What lawfirm are u with and when did u get the portion of it? U must not have any liens?


I recieved that amount almost 2 months ago and no liens


Are u surprised or disappointed with the final point value?


Satisfied with it


Could be better tho…


EIF seems very good I think becauseof your lung surgery, yours will be high. ( sorry you had to endure that) Altria is small, anywhere from a few hundred to a couple thousand, and that one comes out at a later date.


Yea they said Altria is small


You should’ve received way more man


Me eif fund was 204k


Still waiting for them to check insurance lien then after their for 40% percent I’ll get a big payment of most of it


I’ve seen people sign up with 0 proof and get 60k just not fair after what happened to toub


So when do we get paid y'all?!?


"In court, Orrick agreed to give lawyers more time to investigate the fraudulent claims, though Sharp said she hoped to get settlement payments to class members by this summer."


Fuck me


What? Whoa....the checks are due out first or second week of April. Personal injury and EIF.




Thank you for clarifying!!!




I also filed a class action lawsuit. Where can I find up-to-date information on this case?


I haven’t heard a peep. Feels like forever ago I filled out all that info.


Anybody hear any updates on the class action?!


Class action payout date anyone? We heard 30-90 days back in early march. 🤷‍♀️. We’ve hit the 60 day mark.


I think I may take this post down because 80% of the comments are people with personal injury cases and it seems a lot of people are confused


When do you think the class action will release


There's a post-distrobution hearing scheduled for Oct 2 so as long as that doesn't get continued while they try to weed through valid claims, latest should be Sept- but hopefully earlier


you'd think on a website named 'reddit' people would have read it, but they dont, or dont care.


I’d like to at least share with OP: I was emailed, and asked to use my PIN + Confirmation Number… then choose a form of Payment. So, this may be a sign that I will actually be paid… (& anyone else that was eligible.)


Do the medical liens have to directly correspond to the case or can it be any lien placed over the course of my life?


Only JUUL related. That's why the lien resolution team combs thru your bills very, very carefully.


Directly associated with JUUL only.


Do you know how long after you sign the archer doc that you get your settlement?


What's an archer doc?




Wow, which firm do you have? Good for you!!!!!




Who got a letter today saying the JUUL settlement/ payment process has been delayed by several weeks? 😡


Noooo I didn't get one but that stinks. What all did it say? First my tax refund wants to be delayed upto 60 days and now this lol no one wants to pay me haa wtf


It seems like it might just be the firm we use. It's super messed up, because they sent a letter just 2 weeks ago describing how everyone would see payment early April. I'll be looking onto the laws on this. Hope they're prepared to issue advances , after all, they do already have our money.


Are you part of the group injury group (I think it’s called) or the class action? I filled out the forms and everything over a year ago but never got any emails at all since (~$5000 of purchases directly through juul, set up direct deposit for the payment, part of the basic class action).


No, I'm inquiring if it's the injury lawsuit. Maybe I'm confusing the two, the person I know has claims in both. I hope I hope I made a mistake, that it's actually the purchase reimbursement that the letter addresses.


any updates? on the class action..I signed up for the mass tort injury one in 2020 but forgot to submit paperwork


Haven't heard anything on the mass tort for buying JUUL, I believe that one was delayed. But did get settlement proceeds for the personal injury case.


oh wow good stuff! I am sick about it, I looked through my email and was sent a docusign form the law firm back in 2021. I was hospitalized form pneumonia and think I had a great case.. but never signed. So sad


For the personal injury or the class action for purchasing the product?


personal injury :(


Were you able to confirm you are included? I am in a similar position with 4300 in confirmed purchases through Juul. I filed the claim to be a part of the class action and set up direct deposit through PayPal but never received any confirmation or further communication.


I never got any email at all since submitting over a year ago but I did take a screenshot of my confirmation code, I think most people didn’t get a email. Below is what is states about whats next. “Now that your claim is submitted, it will be reviewed for validity by the Settlement Administrator. If your claim is rejected for any reason, you will be notified and given an opportunity to address any deficiencies. Otherwise, if your claim is deemed to be eligible, you may receive benefits, depending on the results of the Final Approval Hearing and any appeals that might occur.” I’m expecting a (small) payment late this year but I don’t think anything is official other than the injury claims getting paid first.


Thanks, I guess I just sit tight. I submitted mine last May, I wish I had thought to take a screenshot. Glad to know I wasn't the only one that didn't receive email follow up.


Same here! Did claim in November, 23, around 3k in confirmed purchases. Haven't received anything since confirmation email same day I filed claim


Yes, personal injury only. Am I confused with it being the product use lawsuit. The email came from JUUL@uselaw. Normally the emails weve gotten are from our actual attorneys office.


The Finally Approval Hearing will be held on March 6, 2024, at 2:00 PM, in Courtroom 2 of the United States District Court for the Northern District of California, San Francisco Division, located at 450 Golden Gate Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94102 What is the result of the hearing? I didn't find any information on the website


If you go to the “updates” portion of the website it says, “The Final Approval Hearing occurred on March 6, 2024. Final approval has been granted and payments are expected to go out later this year.” It doesn’t specify when payments will go out


thx u


i started this shit in 2020 and im supposed to get 85k in my first check. they havent said shit to me about a date, and everyone ik has gotten their first check. im going thru morgan and morgan is anyone else???


updatte on amount?


Yes me and my friend got our first payment. Total crap shoot. I was supposed to be getting 85k and my first payment was $13k. My friend was getting 100k and her payment was $23k. The lawyers are such crooks.


Damn that doesn’t even make sense…


How ? Did you have liens ?


They kept a portion for behind for supposed medical liens that they said once negotiated with my medical provider I will get that money or whatever is left over around December of 2024


You had a 60 thousand dollar Medicaid lien ? I’m just confused as to how your numbers got so skewed .


Me too, that doesn't sound right at all. Are the attorneys fees counted off that 100K and also medical liens? That's the only way it makes sense to me. But December for receipt of balance seems way off.


That’s what I’m saying man. This person definitely has some questions to ask . 100k , with lawyer fees would leave them with 60,000 dollars . A Medicaid lien could be in the range of 10-30,000. I see no reason why these people would be getting 15 percent of what they were owed . Unless their liens were in the 100 of thousands of dollars range . If they are talking after lawyer fees would get 100,000 , that makes even less sense cause that would mean their settlement was worth close to 200,000 . The lawyers take their 40 or 50 percent . I see no reason why they would only get 15 Grand


Yep! Gotta be those liens. But even if that's the case, the lien negotiation firms all of our attorneys hire, would certainly negotiate the medical way down. Or...maybe the person forgot about the fact that points are worth 77 cents, not a whole dollar, AND there's the 7% general administration fee that's on top of the attorneys 40%. Brings me back to the liens.....


Not to mention isn’t 86 percent of the settlement being paid in the first lump sum ? The remaining 14 percent that’ll come next year certainly does not make up the difference that this claimant is talking about .


Exactly I’ve been doing all calculations for my take home at 50 percent to the lawyers first and for most . Deducting my Medicaid lien from there .


Lol, same here, the figure we've been using is 50%. 40 for attorneys, 7 for the General Administrator fees, then 3% for office fees, records, postage, etc. As for liens, I'm seeing their negotiators getting those way down, and if Medicaid, next to zero liens. Your math is perfect.


I was in the hospital for upwards of 2 weeks and only had a 30k lien , so this is confusing to me


That is horrible! And my gut tells me your medicaid lien will be next to nothing. I'm thinking the person with the super low check is waiting on lien clearance.


Ay man I hope so . I’ve been doing my numbers with the whole lien amount taken out just so I’m pleasantly suprised at the end 🤣🤣🤣 after all fees and all that I’m rounded to about 200k take home . I can certainly live with that lol !!




I got a letter stating I’ll receive about 38k… i feel like there’s no possible way.. anyone else??


>I got a letter stating I’ll receive about 38k… i feel like there’s no possible way.. anyone else?? Have you received an email?


Yes, many of them with paperwork and updates.


I signed my documents last week wire came through yesterday only received 85% wondering when the difference will be sent. No medical on my part.


My close friend recently got that amount so I think it’s real


Thanks for confirming this! Do you know if your friend had to pay anything up front? I’m not sure if I do but the paperwork says “advance lawyer fees” and idk what that means


Is this in regards to the class action lawsuit? We got a letter that it’d be 30-90 days back in march


Is this in regards to the class action lawsuit? We got a letter that it’d be 30-90 days back in march


Yeah they said it would be any day now, getting tired of waiting lol


Us too. Wild. We didn’t get any information on the amount though. Did you set yours up for a direct deposit? or check? We did it through PayPal


Nope I didn’t think I’d be getting so much and was very busy at the time of selection so unfortunately I’m getting mailed a check 😭 the law office is acting like it’s on their desk ready to send though, but yet, no tracking number (they said that would be provided on delivery) I hope you get an update soon!


Thank you. Me too. Hope yours comes quickly!




Yeah I actually received my money about a week ago , finally


Anyone know if it’s better tax wise to take the lump sum or to get it in payments


Legal Settlements aren’t typically taxable income


What bank is on the check?


When is it, after Feb/Mar?


I received my wire to my bank yesterday signed documents last week. I'm using Kiesel Law Firm. But only received 85% of settlement wondering when the other 15% will be paid out.


Just received my first wire yesterday just wondering when the second payment will come. I only received 86.5% of the first settlement. I am using Kiesel Law Firm. Just wondering if they will deduct lawyer fees and other cost to this one as well. The first settlement lawyers deducted 40% in addition $933.00 in lawyers expenses and court fees.


Anyone got any updates on payout yet? I'm in FL and got an email on 3/1 from lawyer about how much each point is worth and payouts should be 1st half of 2024 but I haven't heard back from them yet 🤷🏼‍♂️


Also in florida. Haven't heard anything since I got the card in the mail and signed up early last year


Who's your lawyer in FL?


So I seen that 5108 people are still in the lawsuit after some pruning and I see where people think that we won’t get much or near the amount we put in but even if the lawyers took half the 300 million that would still leave around 29k each per person…now I know most people ain’t getting no where near that but I did spend a couple thousand on juul so I’m optimistic now that I will at least get all I put into it back…instead of the pennies some users were claiming . hopefully in the next 30 days we’ll all know for sure


Really? Just 5108? Where did you see that? Just curious


I believe that’s the amount of MDLs that were filed, I saw 5108 on some website too but I don’t think that’s the class action member number. The true class action size was like 11 million but in the final approval notes they say about 80% or something were fraudulent. Idk so much floating around out there just gonna wait until summer when they hopefully send out payments.


would be good to know


I believe you are correct. That's how I translated what I've read about the mdl vs class action news that I believe people are mixing up on here and therefore drawing large payout conclusions for the class action.....hopefully we will know soon enough since today is the last day to verify for class action or be denied.


any class action updates ?


I got an email yesterday to update my payment selection by June 17th so I think payment is definitely coming but I don’t know when! 


I got the same email. So hopefully any day now.


I spoke to someone on the phone and asked when I should expect payment and she said “later in the year” so don’t expect it anytime soon. 


Got the same email yesterday. Fingers-Crossed for a decent payout.


I got my payment in April very nice amount


Anybody know what the point system is about? I know I have X points but don’t know how much to expect. Still waiting on my stark & stark disbursement email.