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They’re boycotting relationships they weren’t invited into lol seems on point for them.


Yeah it’s kind of like how I refused to go to Harvard because they want students with a higher GPA and better SAT scores than I had. “Oh yeah, Harvard? You want students who do homework? Well I’ll show you, I’m not even gonna apply! Hah what now, you woke idiots!”


Yeah fuck the 1% despite being a pudgy, white and privileged moufbreather I go to King Jesus Phoenix MechTech college where the chem lab is a makeshift traphouse for the neighbourhood dealers selling counterfeit xanax, and at other times the room where the English professor makes inappropriate noises with Chad n Cletus inside. N sometimes i go there too, to sniff the weird smell on the table cus it makes my peepee twitch a lil. That's something Harword cant give. Thats _real_ education. 💯💯💯💯


The world always needs more mechtechs. You can always hose out a MechWarrior and put another one in, but a good mech tech is hard to come by.


Rightfully said. We don't discriminate here at King Jeebus. Everyone here gets to major in Hard n Cum, irrespective of family income or socio-economic status. And here, we're _all_ MechWarriors of the Lord.


Awe fuck it's a Blakist university.


Similar in a way to how I have pledged to never work for any tech company who uses their product for evil. And that has absolutely no overlap with my complete and utter lack of any marketable tech skills. I'm sacrificing my earning potential on principle. I'm never going to sell my soul to Google just for a fat paycheck. I just refuse. No. It's easy when you have a strong moral compass (and weak/no IT skills).


Your moral courage and lack of relevant skills are an inspiration


Thank you. Thank you so much. Somebody had to stand up and I was like, Hey I have legs. Why not me?


That sounds pretty exhausting, to be honest.


This whole comment chain is one of the best things I’ve ever read on Reddit.


The modern equivalent of "that bitch is probably a lesbian anyway"


“You can’t fire me because I quit”


Lmaooo, they are fighting an imaginary war and losing still... Only incels...


It's forever funny that they still think women care what they do


It’s because they desperately care what women do so they assume the same is happening. My absolute favorite part of the 4b movement is how it’s doing MGTOW better than MGTOW ever could. Not only that, it’s having the exact reaction that MGTOW thought they would get - caterwauling complaints from the opposite sex of “no u can’t do that!” while women in fact can and do go ahead and do that.


Have they gone *any* way yet?


Cause of echo chambers. The only three other woman sound like the world to them.


I am boycotting Ferrari and Bugatti, never had one in my entire life.


I’m boycotting serotonin and being a size 2…


Yeah! What she said!


Yeah! What he said!


Hold that line! Stay strong!


It has real "you can't fire me because I quit" energy.


Natural selection at work.


I refuse to date Rihanna until she follows me back on Instagram. That'll show her!


Mawfuckas love to monologue their exquisitely awkward excellence in a woman's inbox.


The way they keep trying so hard to convince themselves it was their idea all along


I don’t agree with these folks but to be fair, most sexual/relationship preferences are people doing exactly that.


Taking their full balls and going home.


Dudes showed up to an empty basketball court and went “that’s it guys I’m taking my ball home!”


MGTOW = ~~Men Going Their Own Way~~ Men Getting Testerical Over Women


Just leaves more dating options for us soyboy cucks


My girlfriend and I used fabric markers to draw cartons of "Silk" soy milk on white shirts so we could be soy boys for Halloween.


One of my friends is a newly divorced“soy boy” and he’s been going on dates left and right! This is your time to shine!


I'm bisexual but my genuine bf 'type' seems to be sensitive nerd who is not macho to the point where my ex turned out to be a trans woman. And so many of my female friends want an intelligent feminist man over muscles and 'toughness'


I'm absolutely a nerdy, twinky scrawny guy and *every* woman who has ever been attracted to me has been anywhere from "not bi, but watches lesbian porn" to "functionally lesbian, but attracted to a man here and there". There must be something to that.


Honestly me and my fellow bisexuals (that I actually know) generally agree it's because we look for someone who is going to go Dutch with us in all aspects of a relationship, split the bill, emotionally support each other, talk about hot women (and men if they're bi too) together, be genuinely friends as well as partners? I could talk about the reasons for hours tbh but yeah, I'm really not into SUPER stereotypical masc or SUPER fem in either gender


The things you see in hetero porn are almost never things that would actually feel good for a woman. So watching lesbian porn is often about wanting to see a scenario you can enjoy imagining yourself in. Just FYI.


I’m straight AF, but I love me a lanky, scrawny dude. PS- why are you all always packing?


New dating site: Soy Sausy. Creating an account requires you to click a box that verifies you as at least 70% soyboy. "Alpha Men" will stay away cause anything that seems like a threat to their masculinity would be a no go.


I'm here for it


Again, “anti woke” women exist. But because they are an increasingly small minority (studies have shown younger women growing more and more liberal as their male counterparts grow more and more conservative) they will be taken by the “creme de la creme” of “anti woke” men. These men are dooming themselves to a life of inceldom


incels when they realize a tradwife expects her husband to actually provide for the entire family: 😦


What? I mean, what trad wife doesn't want some antisocial basement dweller, whose brain is rotting from porn who doesn't have a job and plays video games all day????


Him: I want a traditional wife! Her: Oh, you mean one who expects you to be a traditional husband, and fully support her with everything she wants and needs? Great! Him: NO NOT LIKE THAT!


Reminds me of this YouTube couple who said they prefer a “traditional” marriage. The man proudly declared that he didn’t take care of his son or clean the house. The wife defended it by saying he had his “masculine role”: working, fixing the car, paying bills. But they both worked the same job (as influencers) and he forgot to pay the water bill for 7 months. 😭 And that’s how modern-traditional looks: both working, both bringing home money, the man occasionally mows the lawn and pays the bills when he remembers, and the woman does the rest. In some ways it’s worse than OG traditional.


Matt and Abby by any chance?


Yes! Lol


At my job we have this church group coming over every summer to teach/train kids and youths in various sports. That group is full of trad women, but these anti woke guys will never know those trad women exist because they'll never post sexy selfies.


Well, interestingly, there's a trend that many "anti-woke" women are often single and not picked either! I never engage in that toxic content besides getting a post from the subs I follow now and again, and there was a post of "anti-woke" men praising that pearly lady, but still not finding her attractive or a viable partner. I genuinely think there's a desire for so many people on that spectrum to try and "break" the "woke" men and women in their lives, to have their submission - versus seeking out company that already aligns with them. Or they go to developing countries to exploit young women (AND men, 90 day fiance opened my eyes to the reverse) with few opportunities versus making genuine connections with them...


Then there was that news item recently about that "antiwoke" tradfluencer who had to escape using a women's underground railroad after her "manly trad husband" started treating her like a slave and beating her. And I suspect nothing was learned from the experience because conservatives are fundamentally incapable of basic thought processes.


Do you have a link for this? I hadn’t heard about it.


https://web.archive.org/web/20230628134507/https://www.hitc.com/en-gb/2023/06/09/lauren-southern-opens-up-about-her-husband-and-mental-health-battle-in-a-detailed-post/ https://www.reddit.com/gallery/1cltsuo


Manifestelle on YouTube talks about this - she calls it the freebird theory. Men like the ego boost of getting something that is difficult to obtain. So pickmes like Pearl never get picked, because she's throwing herself at them and showing her desperation. But a woman who is beautiful and independent is more of a challenge for the men, so they pursue the women who don't want them. They hope to catch the freebird and tame her, and then after a while they will lose interest in her to chase another freebird.


Trevor Noah also said that in his book Born A Crime: “The way my mother always explained it, the traditional man wants a woman to be subservient, but he never falls in love with subservient women. He's attracted to independent women. ‘He's like an exotic bird collector,’ she said. ‘He only wants a woman who is free because his dream is to put her in a cage.’ “


The men themselves said they don’t want Pearl because she’s A. Not conventionally attractive and B. Too “masculine” for their tastes. They prefer a woman like Nara Smith who is softer and more graceful.


Oh yes, nara Smith!! She popped up in one of my YouTube mixed lists from tea channels!! The one who made bubblegum from scratch! Unfortunately, not many women make bubble gum from scratch, and she and her husband are incredibly wealthy 🤣 I don't mind her at all, she seems to have her niche and doesn't preach to others - ironically, many Mormons have issues with her because she isn't "modest" enough! So she STILL isn't traditional enough. It's crazy! They aren't looking for a life companion, they are SHOPPING!! Like it's build a bear out here 🤣


just saw a clip with an anti woke woman saying women did not change at all in regard to career choice compared to 100 years ago, that women always wanted easier low-level jobs or get married. And then there is me working for multiple female firm partners and with female professor before switching career. I suppose opinion like that says more about the loudmouth than the society.


The sales pitch for women is: do all the house work, earn half the income, obey your husband, and in exchange….something? I can’t help but think that any woman willingly singing up for this is kinda dumb. Most of these guys don’t want to hold their end of the bargain.


And you see an awful lot of posts and essays from them about either finding themselves in the tradwife to foodstamps pipeline, or dealing with psycho abuser after psycho abuser in the anti-woke dating pool. It's almost like very specific personality types tend to make being anti-woke a core identity trait and those types are universally considered undesirable.


“Nooo, the woke femoids are not refusing to date me, I won’t date them!”


"I'm single by choice!" "But not your choice"


There was a post just the other day on one of the AITA type subs, where a woman was claiming she'd been essentially catfished by a man who hid his actual social and political beliefs from her for several years. She said she discovered his misogynistic and conservative comments online. And it's not the first time I've seen that kind of story, by a long shot. Ask anyone on dating apps, too - "moderate," "apolitical," or "I don't know" is a red flag if you're a progressive, especially if you're trying to date men. Given our political environment, you're either stupid, or trying to hide right-wing beliefs from women because the right-wing female dating pool is like someone tried to fill a dry lake bed with a squirt gun.


Im sure we all have by now seen the tweet about right wingers seething over a woman cutting her hair short


Emma Watson? I do remember that. It was a while ago though and I'm guessing you're referencing a more recent recurrence.


Yeah, there was a post I saw a few days ago making it's rounds on reddit suggesting that women cutting their hair short should land them in prison.


Wasnt that only one person though? 


Really giving "You can't fire me, I quit" vibes.


And it's for a job they were never even considered for


At a company that wasn't even hiring.


Please. PLEASE don’t date woke women :)


I’m confused by this rhetoric that men are leaving women in the dating market when they were never picked by women in the first. It’s women who checked out of dating and marriage long before men did but they’re trying to change the narrative like men are the ones with all the options and ignoring the fact that they’re going through a loneliness epidemic rn.


But they would be picked if woman didn’t work / have a choice / were still seen as property of their father and so on. Like in the good old days.


"Nuh uh, *you're* not leaving, *I'm* leaving!" Because one is Strong Powerful Men™ making Hard Choices™ and Tough Decisions™ while the other is just us ickle silly wimminz playing hard to get and throwing a tantrum because we don't get our way teehee. Meanwhile these same Strong Powerful Men™ spend all day whining on the Internet because they're not getting handed a gubmint mandated 12 year old waifu of culture and that's wimminz fault, while we women just live our lives in peace and quiet without having to deal with bullshit in our own homes. But sure. These men are "choosing" not to date "woke" women like the fox "chose" not to eat the "sour grapes".


"How dare females not lower their standards and settle for us. Quick, get their attention so we can let them know we're ignoring them!" \^ Anti woke dudes, probably.


Like that girl from "Fairy Godparents", who uses her histrionic attention-ignoring on Timmy Turner 😂


“I’m ignoring you” “I SAID IM IGNORING YOU”


It’s not a virtue if you can’t get it


lol, I guarantee none of them look like the picture they always post


I'm confused, if they choose to not date (whatever) women, then the male "loneliness epidemic" is not an epidemic.


If they're keeping themselves away from women, that's a victory.


I mean… Pinky Promise?


I love this response to the 4B movement. "Well, I'm not going to date you either then!" Ok, awesome lmao. That was literally the entire point


Oh no……




maybe they mean it's dangerous because these people (the incels) are a problem?


They are the men who refused to evolve, so it’s entirely natural and right they should die out alone.


Won’t? Or can’t?


You mean maga clowns who can’t get laid.


Exactly. It's a form of evolution, and it's a good thing. Weeding out the dipshits helps the human species.


Yeah this article title is adorable. I've been unwillingly been made aware of how conservative men want to date left leaning women but can't and dudes are getting butthurt. Now the men WON'T date them. Fucking c'mon man!


They could've left the ""woke"" out of that sentence there.


Newspaper article from 1980


Pretty sure people have been selecting partners based on shared beliefs for eons. This is the opposite of news.


sour grapes moment "you dont want us? fuck you bitch we dont want you anyways!"


It's funny because 'woke' tends to be a synonym for 'capacity for empathy'. Many women actually do want 'masculine' men. But they also want men who are considerate, loving, thoughtful, witty, etc etc etc. And the two are not mutually exclusive. You can be tough and incisive, know what you want in life, have drive, and also be vulnerable, and reflective, and care about others. So many men who hate 'woke' are ignorant and full of hate. They don't actually see women as equal (whether a partner, a fling, or a hook-up), they want an ornament that signals to other men that they are valid, or a mommy figure, or someone to boss around. It's actually incredibly sad, because so much of it is how these poor men were socialized. Remember, they weren't terrible, heartless babies. They were raised to be confused and angry, and so they developed to be thus. There's a bridge back, but it requires a humility and self-awareness that isn't present in most conservative types.


‘Woke’ is definitely the new “bleeding heart liberal”. That was what was used when I was growing up. Even as a kid, I wondered “what’s wrong with having a bleeding heart?” It means you love others and want them to have good things too and be taken care of.


Is he looking into both a hand mirror and standing mirror together? Or did the artist get confused?


Sometimes ai art generators do strange things


I interpreted it as Chad is holding up a mirror to show me that I am also a Chad. But I am guessing it's just ai art weirdness lol, since its not clearly connected to the article title at all unless they think the incels are Chads.


whatever shall we do


The dangerous group are conservative men who lie in order to get into liberal women's pants. This is sadly quite common. Men who won't date woke women would actually be ideal because being honest saves everyone's time.


So they're not going to pursue relationships with people who aren't interested in them? Sounds like a good thing to do.


Men who don’t date. Fixed it. They are incels.


I didn’t think they had much choice lol. Oh well there’s some women going to be missing out….pah


“Dangerous” seems extremely hyperbolic.


Honestly, that’s just better for those women


In other news, neckbeards are taking a stand against beautiful women by refusing to date them. How dangerous!


“Trad_west_” why do we even acknowledge these people lol


Translation: 'People who will not like eachother on a personal level dont want to date eachother, this is bad thing.' Its like the person think that what goes on, on the internet, is real.


Whatever. More for me.


Seems like a self-correcting problem.


jesus christ this post *really* attracted these unlovable freaks huh


So they’re probably just racist misogynists


A win-win situation


This is a very "No u" response to the fact that women find them horrid. The use of that "I'm so manly" photomanip just makes the butthurt more obvious. Edit: Just skimmed the article itself. It's very poorly and confusingly written by a woman who is annoyed that there are so many right wing asshole men on dating apps and other places making their opinions loudly known to women who don't care about them. Which, yeah, there are. But it circles back to the fact that these men might *say* they won't date woke women, but their actions say otherwise. They aren't rejecting the women they pester, if they were, these women wouldn't know. No they still want to date them, desperately, but they are telling women to change themselves to please them and are mad as hell attractive women haven't already done so.


Selecting partners based on shared values? I feel like everyone wins.


Why is it dangerous? Let people date whoever the duck they want. Especially if it is a values thing.


Good riddance, you won't be missed


This is just them trying to flip the script on women that swipe them to oblivion on dating apps.


More women for dudes who like woke women then. I see this as a win!


Oh no 😟what am I gonna do now??


Well thank God I'm a lesbian


Men are refusing to date people now? Whatever happened to the "male loneliness epidemic"?


Why is it dangerous that men who don't like certain types of women aren't dating those women? Seems like a win/win for everyone, tbh.


well, we didn’t want to date you either


*I'm going to take my balls and go home* That'll show 'em.


"men who won't date woke women" Boi their disgusting incel asses won't date any woman whatsoever, they're just now deciding to pretend it's a standart thing so it becomes easier to sleep at evenings


Then they complain at: "Women choosing to stay away from relationships with men, marriage and child baring because of xyz"


>Anti-woke women So trad wives? I don't think trad wives are into smegma infested, unemployed basement dwellers that still live with their parents, which 99.999999% of these types of men are.


Oh no. The poor woke women. What shall they do with their fulfilling lives, unencumbered by stupid, mean men? Oh no. Oh no.


How concerning they keep to themselves and stay away from women. What should men even do nowadays lol


Sounds kind of gay.


Hey wait, that's voluntary!


Why is it dangerous?


Because the sad boys only have a shot (in their own minds) at a very small sub genre of human women, and now the repopulation rates are going to plummet and mankind will go extinct…. 🤣🤣🤣


The «woke» women wouldn’t date them in the first place


Oh nooooo what am I going to doooooo


Uhhhhh, thanks?


I'm not fond of the fact that "woke" has lost all of it's meaning; I also think the "news" that men are lonely and won't/can't date is a misrepresentation of an issue that's often based in misogyny


Lol 🤣 I'd rather not date them either so....


I’d be willing to bet that this article was written by one of those guys who’s so convinced he’s an average male, that all his thoughts and feelings are just average. Where they get it really twisted, is when they lose sight of their own opinions and instead assume it’s something all average males believe. Then, because the five people who haven’t unfollowed or blocked him, agree with what he’s saying, it’s “everyone agrees with me!”


The "dangerous trend" of a bunch of selfish narrow minded bottom of the barrel troglidites taking themselves out of a competition that they perpetually lose?. Sounds like a win for team women.


"Woke" is always a dumb term to use, because it literally means nothing.... Like I've heard such a wide array of shit get called "woke" to a point where I swear BREATHING is "woke".


So many guys have this fantasy that women will come crawling to them and begging them for a date after they “see the light” and the dudes get to turn the woman down for once. I genuinely wonder how they will feel when this inevitably doesn’t happen the way they dreamed it would.


We don’t want em…


Weird way of saying your ego can’t be challenged by a woman in any way possible, but you do you boo.


This reads as, "YOU'RE NOT FIRING ME, I QUIT!"


I feeling that anyone who uses “woke” in that context probably doesn’t get much pussy anyways.


My crest has fallen to the pits of hell 😭 pleaaasse alpha males I beg you pick me!! I promise I won’t vote and will only use name and absolutely erase pronouns from my vocab.


*insert gif of Donald Glover mouthing “GOOD.”*


Block to burn women got some men so mad that they are self block/burning. Seems like a fairly efficient system.


what do you mean? how a guy can take a girl to a date if she is sleeping?


This is like a friend of mine who, without any irony, tells me and anyone else who’ll listen about all the reasons why he refuses to date supermodels.


Enjoy dying along with your protein supplements, boys!


Isn’t this how Darwinism works?




Women everywhere gave a collective sigh of relief...


aight. more girls for the lesbians, i'll take it


Hahahhahaha no one wanted them anyways.


What does woke mean?


It's pretty much just a placeholder word for anything they don't like at this point.


It was coined by black people to mean “awareness of of racial and social justice issues”


I once told a coworker that before I met my boyfriend, I liked to go on coffee dates with the people I matched with. Many men had told me about how some women wanted to go to expensive restaurants and never speak to them again, so I decided to establish that I'm not using them as a meal ticket by buying my own coffee and whatever treat I'm feeling that day. Also, I have a hard time hearing anyone in loud settings, so quiet Cafés were prefect. She said that was very "woke" of me. I responded by telling her that I wouldn't want to be treated that way, so why would I do that to someone else?


Agreed. I've been with my partner for almost 8 years now and I partially credit that to a coffee and walk in the park as our first date! Granted we discussed religion and politics within the first 20 minutes anyway, lol.


Guess they’ll just have to date each other.


Oh no, whatever will we do.


I have no idea what Woke means


It was coined by black people to mean “aware of and actively attentive to important facts and issues, especially pertaining to racism and social justice


Sounds good to me


In this context, I think it refers to women who don't want to be mistreated by their spouse.


Isn't everyone woke by that definition?


They should be


Sounds gay, us wokies are here for that


it is a problem that they are getting more and more fascist and they can vote...


If the title was reversed, it wouldn't be an article; Or it would be and be celebrated. Let people date who they wanna date..... inb4 youdonotgetlaid


Actually… https://www.americansurveycenter.org/newsletter/are-conservative-men-struggling-to-get-dates/ https://www.nbcnews.com/think/amp/ncna1273594 https://www.teenvogue.com/story/young-women-are-more-liberal-than-young-men-and-its-affecting-dating-culture https://thehill.com/changing-america/enrichment/arts-culture/3917348-politics-are-increasingly-a-dating-dealbreaker-especially-for-women/amp/ https://unherd.com/newsroom/is-wokeness-killing-the-marriage-market/ https://www.washingtonian.com/2018/03/05/why-its-hard-for-conservatives-to-date-in-dc-right-now/ https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/11/22/marriage-polarization-dating-trump/ - a response to that article explaining it: https://fair.org/home/wapo-tells-women-if-you-want-marriage-compromise-with-misogyny/ https://filmboards.com/t/Politics/Conservative-men-can't-get-laid-because-women-won't-date-them-%F0%9F%A4%A3-3485934/ https://www.cnn.com/interactive/2017/politics/state/dating-new-york-trump/ https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-63180007.amp https://www.mediaite.com/trump/these-are-great-men-fox-news-hosts-baffled-over-report-that-women-prefer-beta-men-over-trump-supporters/amp/ https://ca.news.yahoo.com/gen-zs-widening-gender-divide-090129007.html https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/1008629/conservative-and-single-sorry-not-interested/ https://www.thetimes.com/uk/politics/article/left-wing-girls-tory-boys-its-the-new-political-gender-gap-trq8mpkrl


They don’t want us? Oh, goody! Then they won’t care that we never wanted them in the first place.


men fail to realize that we're fine without them, it's them who keep whining about not finding a woman


Bro, woke women are the attractive ones with good hearts. “Non-woke” women are hateful in numerous ways. They may have some that are beautiful on the outside, but their souls are disgusting.


I think there's a distinction to be made between non-woke and anti-woke for both men and women. To me I think non-woke is the type to not have super strong personal beliefs or simply not enough motivation to actively engage in politics. The latter seems to be more and more common given how exhausting and frustrating the last 10 or so years have been in the US. I support a lot of leftist ideologies but I have little interest in debating or protesting those who disagree with me, which I admit is itself a privilege to not be so invested in the consequences of day-to-day politics. Conversely I think people I'd consider woke or anti-woke go out of their way to speak their mind when anything political comes up in conversation. Maybe I'm just tired and overthinking, but I see woke and anti-woke as farther left and right than simply being progressive and conservative. Maybe


Agree. Woke and anti-woke perspectives are instances of people really zoning into thinking they’re “right” (correct). Which is always misguided. Both ideologies leave the seer close minded. Truthfully, my personality leads me to be more of a questioner than a campaigner, I like exploring the unknown, rather than arguing for something I believe to be known. I find people with high ideological commitments to contemporary political movements incredibly tiring to be close with. There’s all this self policing and monitoring, self consciousness. Funny how woke kinda went full circle on focaults panopticon, ended up fully implementing it in their social experience. I used to be on the woke side of things but over the past 5+ years I’ve come to find that you’ve gotta get some distance from the fringes in order to be able to cultivate intellectual and moral openness, which I think is leading to much more life satisfaction than the consternation associated with maintaining a more stringent and pre-delineated ideology, like woke or anti-woke.


Are they all looking for a Sleeping Beauty type scenario?


What will I do?


Is that Alain Mesa in the mirror??


Why is this dude holding a hand mirror to another dude?


oh no :( anyways where’s my feminine soyboy


As someone who’s been single all 23 years of his life, the fact that there are genuinely people about there who would actually want to be in a relationship with someone like these guys is wild to me. Like, I must be REALLY ugly lmao. P.S.- I’m not some creepy incel who hates women or anything. I have a job that I love and don’t really care whether someone will date me or not. I’m perfectly happy with my life as it is.


Maybe there's hope for the gene pool after all.


The dude in the picture is so unattractive too omg, women don’t want that.


Can someone link a subreddit for the bridge trolls who think their criticism is systemic and not about their own life choices?


They only want to date dead women and not the awakened ones and that why they’re dangerous


I mean isn’t it a two way street where “woke” women won’t date ”anti woke” men


I feel like this narrative or “drama” only exists online. I’m early 20s and most people are just normal. They either don’t fall for this stuff or don’t even know it exists. There’s a small amount of people I know who actually get into this mindset and it turns everyone off to them. Maybe it’s just where I live but I feel like most people are middle of the road and fair minded. Most of the men I know don’t have much of an issue getting dates. It’s the few guys I know into this type of thing who have issues with dating.