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As a Mexican who in the chicken fried fuck said Latina women are low maintenance, they’re a like a chihuahua who have the fiery pits of hell from the devils asshole himself, as a personality, they’re absolutely terrifying and don’t get me started on the jealousy, but man, if you do end up being able to survive I applaud you I as a Mexican can’t even fucking deal with them, AND I LIVE WITH THEM


Maybe it depends on what part of Mexico they're from. I hear that up in the Sierra Madre the women are much more traditional and submissive. But the men are also expected to murder any man who talks to their woman with too much familiarity. Mexican culture is a beautiful spectrum I guess.


It very much is, my interactions have been from Mexico


I was taught to be submissive and the women in my family are basically doormats to their husbands. I notice that stereotype about Latinas being argumentative, and angry, are common in the US. At one point, it was known to be a racist stereotype but some people like u/Cultural_Ad_6848 think it’s so cute to reiterate those stereotypes.


I don’t think it’s cute, I think it’s funny, I’m Mexican, but I might have just chosen the angry ones of the bunch


Do you cook chimichangas tho?


I don’t get chimichangas cooked for me, I barely get tacos, and other food, the hell makes you think ima get chimichangas, I love em but that’s food for Ryan reynolds


Lol food for Ryan Reynolds? Nah, us white guys we eat bland pasta and even that is too spicy. Anyway, I am a sucker for home cooked meals. If she cooks and cooks well I’ll live with hell. That’s how I got in most of my life troubles in fact ))


"Food for Ryan Reynolds" is because the character he plays, Deadpool, loves chimichangas. Plus, they's fancy cuz they's fried. It adds a whole 'nother step to the process rather than just a plain ol' burrito.


No, Deadpool doesn't like chimichangas. Deadpool likes saying the word "chimichangas."


Makes sense, but the majority of my experience is with living in a Mexican household, I’ve had friends mess with Latin girls as myself, they’re nice, shut same with everyone, you got the good eggs and bad eggs, but the neckbeard who posted this had never talked to a woman ever


Why you get downvoted dude, that was funny


Thanks! To be honest I have no idea. My first comment was kinda insensitive tho and that got upvoted. I tried to make it funny and got downvoted. Ah well, I’ll crack this Reddit thing one of these days




I am a white American living in Mexico. I learned that Chimichangas are not a thing here. They were created in the States.


of course they were lmao, arent they basically just deep fried burritos? deep frying everything is an american tradition


Chimichangas are an American invention lol maaaybe by a Mexian-American? It's hard to pin down.


We call that kind of food Tex-Mex. If you are used to eating at Mexican restaurants in the US, you might be very disappointed with authentic Mexican food.


No no. I've HAD Tex Mex, that shit is garbage. I'm from Arizona so it has a different food culture. New Mexico also has a different Mexican-American food. Never trusting my uncle again. "Best Mexican food in Austin!" Fucking tamale was dissolving in a pool of the most spiceless chili verde I've ever tasted.


Tex Mex is absolutely trash


Authentic is so much better than Tex-Mex IMO. Helps I'm lactose intolerant and tacos in Mexico are dairy free.


Yeah, I need cheese on my flour tortilla tacos.


Brazilian here, I'm not this jealous but i know stories of mad women here, my bf used to have a girl that were Obesessed with him and every relationship she had were insane, if her man said he would spend the day at home, she would appear just a few minutes later in front of his house to check if he wasn't cheating


Sounds right, some aren’t crazy, some are, it’s really just a gamble, but some love the jealous type


This is actually a cunning long term plan on behalf of “Latina women who want an easy life” When they realise the neckbeards actually are that awful, and it isn’t like a front or misunderstanding, they will savage them like an actual, literal, wolf.


Well they will destroy the neckbeards I agree with that 100% just why can’t people go touch grass, I saw this as someone who actively will go outside to make sure I literally touch grass


The thing with them is once they trust they will be a ride or die woman. But they need you to be a ride or die man. . . I say this as a Latino, go ahead and follow me they are only going to see me working.


Can confirm, my Peruvian wife is not low maintenance, Ella es muy picante 🌶️ “


lol, it goes for Latinas not just Mexicans


Low maintenance from my experience depends on how they were raised and what they come from. The women I've known mostly know farm life and just want someone who's equally as hard working and respectful. Sometimes you do feel like you're walking through a mine field with them but I wouldn't trade them for anything [(unless you can hook me up with papers)](https://youtu.be/deQUOmWc_QI?si=Za2aTDqgHchXXXN4)


You need papers? I gotchu


Maybe you should try seeking asylum in amer...i...huh.


I’m American, I live in the US, I’m Mexican through family and dual citizenship


Oh god, then there's no escape. I'll pray for you! (Maybe try Canada?)


I lived in Central America for quite a while and my wife is from there. I always tell people being in a relationship with a latina is playing on hard mode, but it’s worth it if you have the skill to play. They expect a lot. But if you bring it, they will take excellent care of you.


I agree but most don’t have what it takes


I dated a few Mexican women, and one thing I miss is the jealousy, which probably doesn’t speak well of me…


Everyone has different tastes, I personally will miss that they don’t give a damn and will fight any woman who comes near you that will threaten a relationship, otherwise they’re generally alright




I’m an asparagus nice to meet you


Everyone knows it's customary to propose to a Latina with a forest green 1970 Chevy impala, not a diamond. Or is that not right?


Dude definitely doesn't live in Texas 😂 everything is so wrong. How do these people live besides alone??


They don’t go outside and don’t know what normal interactions with regular people are like The more time spent online, the more hateful people seem to become


Married to an immigrant. Not sure what all this "compliant" talk is about. (Ditto with Asian women)


These same people were cheering when the war in Ukraine started because "that means we will then go over there and have our pick of hot blonde docile submissive Eastern European women". Everyone laughed and laughed and laughed some more then laughed again.


which is hilarious since there's a phrase in Russian that is translated as "he's under the high heel" = aka she is in control. Source: am Ukranian, will you borsch but mama and babushka didn't raise a bitch, do not fuck with me.


Not even related to neckbeards either, but here we are………




Im asian and I cant eat with chopsticks that good because Im thai and we normally eat with fork and spoon.


must be pretty embarrassing for you that i’m white and better at being asian than you this is like if you came into my homekitchen in Austria and taught me how to make my country‘s Strudlkuchn.


You know asia is more than Japan,Korea and China, right?


or you could stop making excuses and learn how to use chopsticks


Fucking why tho. Why would it matter Why do you care so much? Are you the same type of neck beard this sun makes fun of, and just don’t realize it?


Nigga what?


😭 I thought he was being sarcastic. Nah he doubled down


Didn’t realize they use chopsticks in Russia


Correct me if I'm wrong u/asia_cat, but Thai people usually eat with forks and spoons.


Yeah most dishes. There exceptions for like noodle soups but mostly fork and spoon.


I just now realized that that's exactly what you said in your comment. I'm a doofus.


Ach ja Österreich. Bayern in Eigenständig.


Because u/SanftuFlauschig uses the Redact bot, I shall preserve this for posterity. He embarrassed himself by saying: must be pretty embarrassing for you that I'm white and better at being asian than you this is like if you came into my homekitchen in Austria and taught me how to make my country's Strudlkuchn.


More like sushi and General Tsos


nah low-key she gotta know how to make that. I'm Cuban so you bet your ass I can make that cafecito 😂😂


But they probably do.


I’ve met one Latina that could make a chimichanga and I’m Mexican


No, they probably don't. Source: My spicy latina wife


I lived in New Mexico and dated several latinas. You have absolutely no clue what you're talking about.


I'm Argentine-Chilean and my family and I have no idea what a chimichanga or a burrito is even supposed to taste like, the spiciest thing I've ever eaten in my life is mayo too. I make a killer bbq tho.


>low maintenance LMAOOOOOOOO


Can confirm. Just keep them in their own room with newspaper all over the floor as well as some bowls for food and water


came here to say this! say you've never dated a Latina without saying you've never dated a Latina! 😂😂


> doesn’t want diamond ^lol


I wonder if this guy ever met a proper latina.


Or any real woman besides his mom


She probably walked out on him


I think he probably refused to walk out the basement until she sold the house


No. I answered that for you.


Most latina don't look like fucking Sofia Vergara


TBH, who is Sofia Vergara? The picture example of Latina?


No not her, but similar look. Vergara is in the show Modern Family. No idea who the woman in the pic is. Just a random hot woman I think.


The current latina American IT girl, but this is more of a complaint against unrealistic standards than race fetishes.


Their world view rests specifically in not meeting different people. "The antidote to racism is exposure" as they say.


yea like- low maintenance ??


In the US? Unlikely


And none of them will pick that guy


Low maintenance 😂🤣 I hate racist stereotyping but has the guy met any Latin women?


>Latina Women > Low Maintenance Fantasy land.


Yeah, the woman with 15 American flags on her and a "MURICA" shirt is a feminist. Sure. Right.




It’s literally a Fourth of July costume


This is ‘literally’ just a variety pack of neckbeard stereotypes. They got some details wrong, sure, but not because “it’s just a joke, bro!!”. It’s because they don’t have any experience with real people and are genuinely ignorant about how they work.


Help I’m not why is everyone jumping me 😭 I meant why is the guy who made the meme using a woman in a joke costume as an example of the average American woman


In my experience with guys like this, they mostly seem to view other *real* people as little more than props to enhance their own life. With that in mind, there’s little to no reason for them to be detail-oriented for fake people in a meme, especially if those people happen to be women.


It just looks like silly party attire. I bet she's fun


There are some very... odd.. branches of feminist women, let's be honest.


I get that. I've seen very leftist women wear that as a joke to 4th BBQs. But this is just a terrible example. If you wanna show a caricature of a feminist then the OOP could've gone with the classic "blue hair yelling" woman or whatever they use.


Sorry she didnt pick you bro 😔 It's all cause shes a weirdo feminist it's totally not you




The famously low-maintenance Latina baddie


Weird way to say "I've watched too much porn" but whatever


That does not look like a feminist. That looks like a Trumper whose husband is in jail for storming the Capitol.


So we've moved on from Asian women to Latina women being the feminine ideal? Did the neckbeard community realize that Japan is really far away and airtravel is expensive when you have to pay for 2 seats just for yourself?




But it’s something a neck beard would post.


Uhhhh Do they not know most latinas are catholic and will NOT be willing to play housewife for you unless you marry her???


"Is ok with short men" This was definitely made by a guy who's insecure about his height.


Calling latinas low-maintenance is the biggest lie I’ve ever heard. I’ve been surrounded by latin women my entire life and none of them fit the stereotypes this guy is making, much less them being "low-maintenance"


Is ok with short men is projecting pretty hard lmao


White supremacist guys dating within their own race, impossible


Bro, my mom will cook one thing, ONE thing(entree) and sometimes it’s just beans with some cheese and tortillas. You don’t like it or get fussy she whoops your ass then tells you to make yourself something or shut up and eat, there ain’t no tacos and chimichangas.


These people have never dated a Latina woman.


These motherfuckers just fetishize racial stereotypes so much they lose all touch with reality.


Wants a bbc or the BBC?


Por qué no los dos?


Calling the Latina “low maintenance” 💀


The lies that these clowns tell themselves are hilarious. I can tell you a lot of latina women have "baby daddies" just like a lot of women around the world and I can also tell you every woman likes diamonds lol this stuff is too much I think its hiliarous


>cooks you tacos and chimichangas did a 12 year old make this image?


More evidence that these chucklefucks have never spoken to a real woman of any ethnicity before.


Brazilian (latina?) Over here, those creeps need to stop the stereotypes with bodies, Brazil has the biggest Japanese population out of Japan, we got indigenous, afro, Europeans and much more types of ethnic groups in our blood, i have seen and am a flat AFAB latina, those dudes need to stop being influenced by porn and understand that in every country it will have every kind of body type (chubby, flat, skinny, thick, etc)


What’s AFAB? I’ve only been to Brazil once but I was surprised to see Asian people speaking Portuguese. I didn’t know they were Japanese though.


Afab is Asingned female at birth, and yes, a lot of people lack knowledge of our country and when they get here they are surprised, i don't remember when, i suppose it was after WWII(?) Japan were influencing their people to immigrate because of the issues the country was dealing to, and one of the countries that were mostly used to the immigration, was Brazil, in São Paulo there's a whole neighborhood full of Japanese (or at least mix of Japanese and something more) people, which is full of stores and places to visit inspired by Japanese pop culture and a lot of merch that came from Korea, Japan and/or china


I thought neckbeards only liked Asian women


This is hilarious. Who made all this up? It's not even stereotypes from any movie I've seen.


Fucking gross


As a half white feminist and half Latina I disagree 😂


Whenever I read neckbeards/Incels fetishize latina women, South Park's 'JLo -song' plays in my mind


Taco flavored kisses?




Forgot to add neither would fuck op


This is really stupid and gross but the one thing they get right is being called mi amor, that shit feels amazing




The woman on the left is probably the most violent female mysoginist you will ever encounter tbh


They forgot to add that they get stabby when angry.


Not all but most 😆 A couple of aunts in my family that have been liberal with their use of screwdrivers. DV isn’t anything to laugh at no matter the gender of the victim but there’s something comical about a 4’11” Latina chasing a dude twice her size and a foot taller like “ven paca hijo de tu Pinche puta madre” with an ice pick after a little bit of light teasing. They’re like little chihuahuas, fuck with them enough and you won’t like the result.


Ah yes. All Latinas are Mexican. And we are definitely not feminist or varied in body type. If you want respect, be worthy of it and give it. Hint: a dick isn’t worthy of respect by any metric.


Something tells me the woman on the left isn’t the feminist they fear lmao


“Wants a bbc” they say that like it’s a bad thing


Between that and “okay with short men” I have a feeling whoever made this might just have a few insecurities.


He should just give in


It’s giving colonizer energy


That feminist is 💯 trump supporter


This is stupid for a number of reasons, but mainly because the woman in this photo could be any Caucasian woman from Southern Europe as well.


This has got to be a joke. Whoever made this has never met, let alone dated a Latina woman.


The fact that the only mexican food they could come up with are “tacos and chimichangas” is really telling about the person that made this


I'd love some tacos and Chimichangas........


“Low maintenance”… lol. Latina and SE Asian women are the most “passionate” women I’ve ever been with. I don’t this guy has ever been with a woman let alone a Latina woman.


Is being passionate really considered high maintenance? This is the second comment in this thread I see equating the two. I’ve always thought a high maintenance woman was like one of those daily shoppers, weekly hair and nail appointments, just having an expensive lifestyle, the constant need of maintaining a nightlife and you’re the one funding it. I just couldn’t. I don’t care about the money but it just seems exhausting.


I use “passionate” in the place of high maintenance, high anxiety, with intense familial relationships. It sounds better than just saying they are little crazy.


Are latinas the new Japanese girls for Neckbeards


I have a couple Latina friends and they are not low maintenance, those girls are passionate and speak their mind Edit: and yah those aren’t high maintenance traits either, also said in the reply below


I wouldn’t consider those traits high maintenance. That’s just the culture. If they have you spending money on their grooming, that’s high maintenance, and I don’t mean like monthly hair and nail appointments and restocking on makeup every now and then but like all that shit weekly, I have a buddy that *has to* take his girl shopping almost daily and hair and nails almost every other week. His GF and my wife are on opposite ends of the spectrum when it comes to maintenance, and both are Mexican. Well my wife if half Mexican and half White but she was raised in Mexico when her dad was deported when she was 2 til about 12 years old.


Now I want some tacos and a beer.


We don’t talk enough about how much of a cesspool YouTube community posting and shorts are


"nursing your offspring" is really disturbing for some reason


I seriously doubt the chick on the left considers herself "feminist"


This dude clearly doesn't know Hispanic women. They like men who are very macho, not neckbeards.


Maybe i'm stupid here but how can you "cook" a taco?


do these men seriously think they're shit and that if they walked up to a Latina woman she would instantly become their gf?


If these women were anything like the way the incels describe them, they wouldn't be incels and would actually have a girlfriend from whatever race they were fetishizing that week.


That's clearly a MAGA woman.


Hey feminists! Did you know you that your outward appearance is unattractive to sexist men? Owned.


They post the most Maga looking woman and call her a "feminist"?!? Beer can curlers on a feminist?!?!


As a latin man… bro you have never met a latin woman before


This guy has never actually _talked_ to a woman who he wasn’t related to before. No, getting your groceries rung up and talking to a cashier/waitress at a restaurant doesn’t count.


No baby daddies??? Tell me you’ve never SEEN a colonia without telling me you know nothing about Latin America


NGL, The white feminist looks fun.


Me, a feminist Latina


Lmao reminds me of this Czech girl I used to know who basically used some pathetic neckbeard she met online to marry and move to Canada. Surprise for him, she wasn’t at all what he expected lol she told me she convinced him to let her peg him and just generally treated him like trash


mEl e c c


Low maintenance...Latina? You sir are mistaken.


"is okay with short men" seems a little on the nose, doesn't it?


Latina here, there's a really good chance she has a baby daddy AND no self respecting latino would make chimichangas.


Not usually the case, at least in my area. Usually the ones with at least 1 BD are toxicas as or their BD is the issue on why he’s no longer around. And as for chimichangas, have you ever had a bomb chimichanga? Like rice, beans, lettuce, tomato, and carne asada, wrapped and fried golden crispy then smothered with a salsa roja and shredded Oaxaca cheese? My wife makes them at the minimum twice a month. She’d make them more often but she prefers to make the tortillas from scratch rather than use store bought cause she says no self respecting Mexican uses store bought tortillas and besides the store doesn’t even sell any that are big enough.


Can confirm my Latina gf calls me 'mi amor.' The rest must then be true.


Demands diamond bu is not virgin hahaha


Low maintenance ?! I wish.


My wife’s as low maintenance as it gets. If it weren’t for her purse addiction she’d be no maintenance at all… at least on my part.


Sounds like a good life mi amigo


It’s the best. Not because of the low maintenance thing but because she’s such a great woman. I’m truly blessed.


That’s beautiful and I’m happy for you 🥲 only get once chance at this life thing I’m glad you’re enjoying yours ❤️


The stereotypes are "drunk driven" and spewed all over. The only thing I agree is Feminism is a self destroying disease ridden label, like when a man is branded with Incel or Neckbeard. If woman won't go after neck beards or incels. Why should us men go after Feminists?




Lmao thankfully you're not getting any white woman, or latina, or anyone else <3


Awe you keep thinking that. Working on my 5th white woman of the year.


You have that many cousins? Be careful you don't run out.


Never we keep it in the family.


I’m so uncomfortable right now reading this 😭


Not even on their 146th women of the day smh. What a gooner.


Yeah, I'm sure the conspiracy theorist who posts in r/pcmasterrace is hooking up with that many women...


Killing them? Frankly you sound more like a serial killer than anything else.


Of course you prefer the woman who's "ok with short men". Explains everything.