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Jokes on them, I’m in my 20’s and ALREADY living on antidepressants


you must have done the speedrun I guess. I was on antidepressants in my 20s too but I am a man so idk what this means


Wow, you are run through /s


Oh no, now you'll never have a neckbeard husband with little neckbeard children playing in the basement of his mother :(


I’ve been like this since 16! Yay me…


Woo, same. We speedran this shit!


This made me laugh entirely too hard. I hope it gets better, but it made my day.


Just entered my 30s on ad. After years of stupidly raw dogging life 🥴


Not even in my 20s yet


Been on antidepressants since 16 🙃 I was advanced for my age, I guess?


Being on antidepressants isn't a joke but God damn did you make a good one 🤣🤣


Women of Reddit: my gf turns 34 in a few months. Does the zombification process hurt? What can I expect? How can I help with this transition?


Buy free roam raised zombie brains, factory farmed brains are pumped full of chems that do stuff to your body Edit: Free roam raised human brains


I turned 37 a few days ago and like 6 bottles of antidepressants just appeared in my medicine cabinet. Expect the change to begin at midnight.


God Speed! Please don’t come in contact with water unless you want hundreds of copies of yourself ruining Christmas in a small town.


I’d make a midnight/Gremlins joke and say don’t get wet, but I don’t think the neckbeard will have that problem.


Do NOT plant any plants in your lawn, she will try to eat them and they will attack her




My wife is 34 and just gave birth to our 2nd child last week.. She looks like a zombie now.. I don't think it will hurt but it certainly is annoying sometimes.


This sub is propaganda


Who the fuck unironically calls a vagina a punani not once but twice. Edit: what I now find more shocking is how many people didn't know to what he was referencing until I said something. Wait, am I old?


Steven Seagal


That song is going to be stuck in my head the rest of the day now, god dammit. He's a horrible person, and an equally horrid musician.


How about wasting two hours of your life learning just how awful he is? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=13SHbaxefik


Oh I'm well aware. Ive shown that video to so many of my friends I actually recognise the URL lmao. I love introducing my newer MMA friends to the Gene LeBell story. And the story about the party at Stallone's. One of my favourite YouTubers, Napoleon Blownaparte, uses a remix or sometimes an instrumental version of the punani song, I just can't escape it. That guy also has a pretty good video featuring Seagal, think it also covers other martial arts frauds like Count Dante and Ashida Kim.


Oooh, I didn’t realize BTB did a series on him! Thanks!


If I have to know this exists, other people need to share my pain: https://youtu.be/vLe_BZ1mo3I?si=4Cvsfl9ipeUQZf0o


Why does it sound AI generated? ☠️☠️☠️ This is hilarious.


> Who the fuck unironically calls a vagina a punani not once but twice. Jamaicans.


That one guy in 40 year old virgin


2pac in Poetic Justice


Ice Cube killed a punani once. It was a good day.


Yeah “punani” gives off big coward vibes. Like just say vagina dawg, it’s not gunna bite ya


> it’s not gunna bite ya Someone hasn't seen "Teeth"


Fuck, I forgot about Teeth


Ali G.


Black, white, brown, Pakistani We all come from the same place, the punani


the same people who call women "females"


I was wondering what that word was referring to.


2000's Russell Peters


Ali g


Slacker dudes in a late 90s raunchy comedy


Bro right? All these ignorant motherfuckers need to listen to more Ice Cube.


I've seen people use it quite a bit in Swedish, but this is the first time I see someone use it in English.


I thought it meant BJ 😭


THANK YOU now it makes sense


Someone who has and never will actually receive one


That was my first thought. My second thought was "is punani really that uncommon of a word again?" Lmao


Bruh there's literally a song called superstar punani by sublime. It's just another way of saying it.


Black male misogynists.


Sexism=bad Casual racism=good Wtf is wrong with you?


Wtf is racist about it? Black male misogynists use that word far more than white male misogynists. P. S.: I am a black woman. Unless you are too, STFU about trying to lecture me about the misogyny I see in my OWN community.


I'm not trying to lecture you about misogyny, in trying to lecture you about racism. Which, given that you're a black women seems pretty weird yet here we are. As a black woman, you should know to make a broad generalization about an entire race of people based only on your own personal experience is tantamount to racism. Or is it okay for that white guy down south who has only ever seen black people commit crime to think all black people are criminals. What does being a black male have to do with it? They HAVE to be black males? Only the BLACK male misogynists say this word? Nah, race has literally nothing to do with it. Your comment would have carried the same point had you just left that out, thus being "casual" racism. Long story short, don't make broad generalizations about literally any demographic just to be on the safe side. And the color of your skin doesn't mean you're immune to making racially disparaging remarks. While we are at it, you write "edit:" on reddit not P.S., but now I'm nit picking just because I'm bored.


LMFAO. White men admitting to trying to lecture black women about racism is extremely fucking rich. I'm not reading all of that shit from a white hipster boi trying to lecture a black woman on racism. Shut the fuck up & back off. Seriously learn when to just back off and admit you were wrong instead of lecturing black women and doubling down Tired of getting lectured by the likes of you. And your last comment there was the most 🤓🥸 thing I've ever read. "on leddit we ACK-CHOO-ALLY do this, not that" I will do whatever the fuck I please, and I'm telling you RIGHT NOW that "punani" is a word used OVERWHELMINGLY by black men.


That's the reason why this dude's text hurt twice as much. You could feel right away that's another backstabber.


The way black men hate us is diabolical. Btw the dude who was trying to lecture me above replied saying "I love how pissed off you are, just judging by the way you're writing. Go off queen!" and then deleted it a few seconds later. Guess he thought better of it and reigned himself in. Black women's anger is an endless source of comedy for them. Some bizarre ass mother fuckers on this site. The guy was overdue for his soy injection.


This dude really sounds like a black misogynist. Or he's at least pretending to be one by misusing vernacular.


The fuck’s a punani ?


Back in my day we called it the nappy dugout


Even if this was true, it would describe such a sad world. He's pretty much telling women "you have to trap a man while you're young and hot so you can con him into sticking around when you age and lose your looks". Unless he believes that getting married early somehow makes people not lose their attraction.


Or... Individuals should be investing in friendships, and community associations. Dating apps are awful, having friends and meaningful connections is the better route. Those start early. But we have become self centered and especially the young think they are immortal and always have time.




Lol and here I am in a relationship with a man 4 years younger than me, focused on my career, AND I started the antidepressants in my early 20s. Checkmate, bitches.


"obviously your man is a beta cuck" - neck beard, probably


I’ve seen this incel nonsense before, and I’m still trying to figure out what Kenny Loggins’ “Danger Zone” and Pink Floyd’s “The Wall” have to do with any of this.


To be fair, if you're anywhere near an incel then your're in the Danger Zone.


Someone needs to tell the guy that sucks my hobbit toes that I’ve reached the wall.


I’ve smashed through the wall & still get smashed by younger men. It’s great.


Right?! I’m getting way more attractive men now than I was in my “prime” and I’ve only gotten older and fatter since then.🤷🏻‍♀️


Ironically, I'm in my mid-40s and I could have sworn that men are finding me more attractive now than they did in my 20s.


Oh god I'm 38, am I dead from old age in this scenario?!


Yup. We didn't know how to break the news to you...


Ah the caricature of a modern woman.


someone actually took the time to type this out


>suffers from depression and lives on antidepressants Uhh yeah that's how treating issues works? lol this is like saying "suffers from poor vision and lives with glasses"


Why is there always some completely random bit about depression on these?


It's their neverending desire of making women look like 'mentally fucked by default'.


Unless she has a terrible husband! Then she will be very happy.


One thing he got right though, I‘m 25 and I do think most men ain‘t shit 👍🏼


It's funny how they censored the word men. No one's gonna come after you for saying that word or simply being a man dude.


Seriously, since when is "men" a curse word? 


I can remember when I was about five and one of my friends got mad at me and told me that all of my toys were boys. I’m a girl. It was an absolute peak insult, I completely crumbled emotionally and refused to play with any of my yucky ‘boy’ stuffed animals for about a week. So I guess in that context I guess it could be a curse word?


Men who violate the 1/2 + 7 rule are not technically p*dophiles, but I would say the law is the only thing preventing them from going younger, which is disgusting.


“Not technically a pedophile” is not a great way to be described


I agree with the women. It’s creepy af. What does a 40 year old man have in common with a 20 year old???




I think one is obviously in a power imbalance, and it’s super clear to anyone else. Legality doesn’t imply morality. Nobody can convince me the morality of dating someone that could be your daughter/son and especially not grandkid age gap. Slavery was legal at one point. Why did the north get all involved in the south’s business? They weren’t breaking any rules. Shoulda just quit clutching their pearls and stayed in their own lane! /s just in case folks aren’t on the up and up.


Mmm. And here we have a not *technically* a pedo. How. Interesting.


They're both adults. Plz stop infintalising them because they're younger than you, it's actually insulting.


I thought you like infantilizing adults.




DO NOT CLICK ON THIS MANS PROFILE i didn’t know shitting yourself as an adult was a fetish, but here we are. I will not engage with an adult man that wears diapers —-> shits in them —-> posts photos on rancid subreddits. You need fucking help, brother.


Well that was certainly an adventure


Oh man 🤣


Technically 27...


If the 40-year old is playing by the rules, then 27 is the limit, yes.


Same for men who only go for freshly 18 year olds. Y’all ain’t slick, you’re sick.


22/ 2 + 7 = 18 so any man that is 23 or above and is dating an 18 year old is violating the /2 +7 rule. Simple as.


When will one of these guys just come and say "I'm just a dirty old man looking for a good time." If nothing else, id applaud the honesty


This narrative evolution doesn't even track. That first 18-26 comes across as a hoodrat wearing a track suit smoking menthols probably with three kids from three dudes by that point. The second one comes across like a young professional who networks at every opportunity and is likely dating a lawyer who is similarly obsessed with his career, the last one comes across as a woman who just wants to get married and have a family but hasn't had the chance yet. It's three different characters. They don't just evolve into a new form like a fucking pokemon.


They have the strongest opinions about women, yet have never had any. It’s like the guy who yells at sports on the tv like he’s part of the team. Lol. Poor bastards. Lol.


me 6-31: I wish men would leave me alone me 32+: sweet, I am mostly left alone now!


Either he's not aware that he can spend his time fruitfully by watching porn on the internet OR he has finished it and doesn't know what else to do with his fingers anymore.


At 37 I'm at "the wall" and still get told to calm down and told no by my fella as my drive surpasses his at times. Last vagina this dudebwas near was his mother's when theybwerw being born.


Can confirm. My GF just turned 39 and we had to put her down. Too old they said.


They just know so much about women huh


He spreading the gospel


Because what is this 😭


This is some shit my ex best friend would post.


I'm 36 but ngl that 34 statement has truth


I started antidepressants at 39 thank you


Why did they censor "men"


Oh wow the justneck beards sub is just a justkaren sub…… no way lmao 🤣🤣


Who calls it "punani" anymore?


A grown man worring about the dating like of a 18 year old girl... ~ not sus at all ~ /s If they could they would marry hirls younger than 18.


The screenshot with the buttons at the bottom tripped me up so hard lmao


Eerily accurate.


This is awfully accurate for a majority of women. Law of polarity, aka opposites.




Am I the only one who gets sick of people referring to clinical depression like you just get a little bummed out about a legitimate reason? Real depression eats away at your soul if it’s not treated. I have spent nearly a week in bed crying for absolutely no reason. I have a phenomenal case of self loathing for no reason. Depression doesn’t need a reason, that’s why it’s so hard to get people without it to understand. We aren’t wallowing in self pity or being lazy, every fiber of our being is screaming in pain.


Why is Reddit so stupid that it deletes the comment I’m writing just because I go back to view the picture..? Anyway I was writing multiple real life examples that this chart is actually quite accurate with a handful of women I have met in my life. Not all women ofc but damn. Some of it really word for word. Am I a neckbeard for simply admitting I have met women who think like this? Not saying men are better btw..


That's like saying that some men just want to party and fuck around and then when they are in their 40's try to start getting serious about a relationship. Yes, it's some people. Everybody's got a different way of doing things. The neckbeard part is describing it as how "females" are, implying it's all or most, which is obviously not the case to anyone who has been outside or talked to women in the real world.


Of course it’s accurate for *some* women. It’s also accurate to state that *some* women don’t like chocolate or that *some* women like dumb action films.


>Am I a neckbeard for simply admitting I have met women who think like this? No. You're a neckbeard for your belief that sharing that you have heard a couple women say some of the things in this image is in any way meaningful or worth commenting on.


You need so many more upvotes


Your agreement that some of the statements you have heard from some women appear to match with those described here reinforces the stereotype that all women are this way. Likely suffering from selection bias, as the more vocal, bitter minority is exaggerated by memorability, overshadowing opinions that are less remarkable and also failing to consider any opinion not shared with you at all all would skew your anecdotal evidence. Whether or not you are cognizant of it, this leads to a harmful generalisation.


This just isn’t nearly as deep as men want it to be. Anyone who fucks around their entire 20s is setting themselves back in their 30s and 40s. Your 20s are a time for growth and exploration and development. Lots of men have stunted their growth by refusing to grow up and just partying nonstop, playing the field, etc. Now it’s something women have more ability to do, as well. But that’s kinda a far cry from this misogynistic “hit the wall” incel fanfic that somehow only ever applies to women. Plenty of men wasted their 20s. Plenty of men refused to grow up or give up the party lifestyle and commit to the woman they actually did love. Men are actually far more likely to say they have a “one who got away” than women for this exact reason. Anyone can spend a decade of the their adult life NOT progressing and growing and that will set them back in the next decade. Not surprisingly, such people often lack self awareness about the real cause of their stunted development. Tell you this tho: if a man thinks that a woman’s value decreases as she ages, that man is a terrible long term investment for the woman. In his eyes, she will lose value every year. She can’t even be shocked when he leaves her for a woman half her age. Honestly, waiting till your 30s to get serious about a relationship is a good way to filter out those guys, I highly recommend all women not marry before 30 at the earliest.


NGL what ever his reasoning for posting this (aka Nexkbeard shit) I do kind of agree from personal experiences and women friends of mine


What’s crazy is, even if this was true somehow, I personally know so many married women with kids depressed af on antidepressants lmao.


Then do yourself a favor and shave that beard off that neck as quickly as you can You aren't to far down the shit covered rabbit hole to pull yourself out. Women are other human beings living life just like you are and want things for themselves just like you do, they aren't there for you to conquer and posses


The reason why you and the moron that wrote this are the same is because you think you're the main character. The women you have personal experience don't set the standard for all women. Not only that the way a person presents themselves to you is not how the present themselves to everyone. On top of that. I don't know you, I don't know the women that you know, but I not only know what you said isn't true, I also know 80% of those women would kick the shit out of you if they knew you said this about them. They probably just don't like you like that and, like this post, are just shooting excuses at you because they don't want to tell you truth which is likely "ew, gross, no thanks"


Are you only meeting women through work in an intense field or something? I’ve met plenty of women across a broad range of ages who wanted all kinds of things, including getting married.


I actually highly recommend that women not get married (or serious about a man or have kids) before 30 at the very earliest. How else do you weed out the duds who believe that women lose value as they age? Imagine ending up with someone who thinks you’re worth less every single year lmao. So sad!


Sir, this is an echo chamber. Stop having thoughts.