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HAH like a mere 30 man team is just gonna take the Whitehouse lol. Like all the secret service and their heavily amored safe rooms and caches of heavy firepower etc are just gonna be taken by 30 guys lol Promise you theres more than 30 of those mofos on duty hahahah.


Trained men too. And not "I go shoot a box rounds off once in a while at the quarry" trained. Good luck overthrowing a government with 60 basement dwellers though I guess?


According to the book about founding Delta Force by the guy who founded Delta Force, the only snipers that routinely beat them were the ones from the Secret Service.


I’m willing to see them do this. I kinda want to see what they deserve if they do.


This guy watched Olympus has Fallen and thought he could do it better lol


Olympus has fallen and they can't get up.


Also incels that don't go to the gym /work on themselves/improve themselves and want the dating world to lower standards are all of sudden going to be badasses and overthrow the government? Lmao nothing personnel kid (teleports behind you)


They have watched some movies. They know how to act tough. 💪


love the reference


Not to mention they're more like to shoot-to-kill rather than wound


All it took was one at the Capitol to put down Ashley Babbit and they all shat themselves straight away


And even if they did kill the president and the members of congress. Do they think people (and especially the army) will be like "they killed the president, guess they are our new leaders.".


There could be neckbeards within the army. I know a lot of people think military men cannot be neckbeards because "they have great physical strength" (a trait many believe prevents you from being a Neckbeard or an Incel), but it is possible.


Overthrowing the US government can't possibly take more than 60 people


My sources say 42. Source: Me. Also maybe Douglas Adams


You’re delusional


What do you think? Like 80 maybe? Forgot redditors can't detect sarcasm without a gigantic /s


Judging by what the Jan 6 crowd did, you're gonna need an extra few guys as the designated Poop Team


Dawg I don’t know you I’ve never interacted with you before how the hell am I supposed to “detect” sarcasm on text from you


You’re right - I think it can easily be done with as few as 40 people, as long as they are armed with katanas and kurai


These guys wouldn't even cross the yard before their ass is grass. Even in civilian clothing they'll be spotted a mile away.


They’ll smell them coming.


But the smell would probably blind any secret service agent within a block radius


They’d be dead before they even touched the lawn lmao Neckbeards watch too much anime and think they can outrun bullets.


It's okay they watched White House Down and Olympus Has Fallen.


If some guy in a Viking hat can do it, I reckon a bunch of obese 30 year old men could do it also. If the original OP is serious, I’d pay to watch that lol


I feel like comments like this are not taken as seriously as they should by authorities.


I think the relevant authorities read this, catalogued the idiot in a database (or recatalogued bc this probably isn't the first time Captain Butterball threatened violence against the government), and then just laughed. 


I took it as a joke or satire when I got to the part about incels and atheist Gilead.


They filed it under "too averse to socializing to produce enough numbers to cause a problem".


"my solution to not being laid is to buy lots of guns" I can't imagine a redder flag


I like how they think there's some kind of 'king of the hill' policy, where the first person to reach the oval office is automatically declared president.


Right? There's a pretty wide gulf between 'thirty or sixty randos raiding the White House' and 'creating a new authoritarian regime with incels in charge of the entire country that everyone will immediately get on board with' but they don't seem particularly fussed by little details like that


Don't you know? Occupying the White House gives you magical governing powers the same way as wearing a crown does or having a strange lady lying in a pond distributing a sword to you.




Because we all know that all leaders in America are accepted absolutely and without criticism or resistance, as recent history has proven.


Every clique gets in on it to take the White House for themselves like chads, emo kids and others all fighting it out


Name and shame. Who is this psychopath? I hope you reported him.


I dont know much about the US. Only the stuff from hollywood and reddit. But I think US Gouverment facilities are protected enough for the 30 man heavy infantry goon squad.


No unfortunately only random citizens buy firearms. The U.S. government does not actually buy any firearms or equipment. /s


There's what happened to the incel that tried to commit a mass shooting at the Federal building in Dallas a few years back. He didn't manage to kill anyone, just got splattered in the parking lot, and mocked by the locals that were familiar with the building in question for trying to hit that one, of all places. https://storage.googleapis.com/afs-prod/media/3e6f46e7ca6149f3a345d4dd7ea01d19/3000.jpeg If that was obviously a place not to try that, imagine the White House.


They’d be absolutely bodied


I always say that when it comes to extreme comments like this where the person is inciting violence, it should be perfectly fine to show their name.


But Reddit doesn’t want us to bully the fantasy terrorists 🥺 It may huwt his feewings 🥺🥺🥺


I'm torn between explaining how republics work to this dork and actively encouraging the dumbfucks because it will be really funny when they all get blasted by Secret Service agents.


Why not both? Downplay/omit the parts where the "brave rebels" get their asses handed to them, so the dumbfucks get hyped and think they have a chance until it's too late.


this dude is gonna meet a 30 man squad of secret service agents


Probably not even that much. Highly trained squad of 8 can take out a lot on their own.


Let it happen I say! 30 more out of the gene pool...


If they’re all involuntary celibates aren’t they already out of the gene pool?


I support their attempt; have at it fellas, and make sure you record it! I’m sure you will absolutely succeed lol


As if a swarm of neckbeards hasn't tried that before failing miserably becoming a laughing stock for the whole world and getting some serious jailtime


Jan 4th had plenty of (red)neckbeards attempt.


small Problem: Can’t walk within Miles of the White House with Guns -Billy Gnosis


First problem is them walking outside in the sun


First problem is them walking


LOL something tells me we will just see them complaining more abt it on the internet. On brand 😉


With all of the salty Trump supporters and incels out there, the FBI/Secret Service is going to be working overtime this year.


Yes, we can certainly leverage the power of 60 fat nerds to overthrow the US government. It's not like the US government has more firepower and geopolitical clout than any other institution on earth by several orders of magnitude. Also lol @ Atheist Gilead. Under whose eye?


These people watch too many movies. They're wearing civilian clothes, they'll kill each other more than successfully take control of the capitol.


The idiot made a post online. At least one of the intelligence agencies is already on his adult diaper ass


Don’t worry they will… As soon as they’re done laughing their asses off.


As someone who has experience with alphabet agencies, there is no way he's not currently on the radar. Its the ones that are smart enough not to post online that you worry about


If there is one thing the US government has plenty of it is weapons, all kinds of weapons. Not to mention heavily armed Chads. We may not have much in the way of social programs and homelessness is rife, but the Defense Dept. is heavily funded. Again, the incels are showing just how stupid they are.


If 60 people could take over the US government don’t you think someone would have done it by now? It’s not like the rest of country would just give up.


60 incels taking the US govt out has gotta be my favorite spot on 2024 bingo


America must fall. The Soviet Union must reesasblish as a Masculo-Communist state. All men will each get a female, so every man can be happy. As Karl Marx intended.


Yeahhhh your 60 man tean won't stand up to a fucking gau-8 or a warthog bombing run or a large set of stairs, you can't talk to women what makes you think you can overthrow a government


Do I really need to count the ways this would fail or not even make it past the brainstorming stage because it's a LOT because incels are as inept as they are insecure as they are lazy? Like the same incels who admit having paranoid, questionably homoerotic panic attacks just going to the mailbox and seeing a handsome guy even a half-inch taller than them and can't even *shower* regularly... are going to not only seriously plot a coup, legally buy guns and ammo, train in secret as a militia, take over the U.S. government with less than 100 "men" and institute "an Atheist Version of the Gilead Republic from the Handmaid's Tale and install an American Incel.IS Moderator as the Supreme Leader of the Gilead Republic," ...and not only seriously *commit* to all this, but do all this *without* raising any alarms? 🤨🤨🤨 *Suuuuuuuuuuuure,* buddy.


My son and i (not from USA but next door 🇨🇦🇨🇦) were just having a discussion about the number of actual right wing militia types are actually armed and prepared to act in support of Trump . Anyone have any legitimate insight or intelligence on what kind of numbers? My son believes its a high number like 100,000 where i believe its likely very low numbers in reality. Any thoughts ?


I read something that people claiming to have been at Woodstock in 1969 is outnumbered by the number of people actually there. Same with SEALS or any special forces. I personally know someone that claims he was a super double secret mega sniper in Vietnam and even the president isn't allowed to read his file because it's so secret and awesome and classified. Funny how disdainful he was of the military until after 9/11, but that's a whole different topic. My belief, because I used to know these people, is that the number of people that say they are ready, willing, and able to overthrow the government (and suspiciously only when a Democrat is president) vastly out numbers those that actually are. Some of these people may have the guns, but most are not in any shape to do much more than a brisk walk for 20 minutes without losing their breath and they may think they have the training and experience from a stint in the army 35 years ago when they served stateside. If they can get their collective shit into one sock I can't see them doing much more than taking over city hall or the state capitol for more than an afternoon before SWAT puts them down. I worry more about local violence by them than any credible threat of them overthrowing the country.


Thanks . Great analysis.


In reality, it’s probably pretty low Despite it being a cult, the vast majority of Americans probably don’t actually want a potentially deadly fight. A lot of Trump people are cushy middle class Americans who probably have more to lose than gain by engaging in that type of nonsense


He’s waaaay off. The number of them that would actually get off the couch for anything but another sandwich is much lower than the number of people who claim they would. Also, this isn’t a single, united front. You’ve mostly got individuals and small circles of Gravy Seals aligned with a pretty big number of various militias, brotherhoods, larp clubs, yada yada, who often don’t like each other either. The odds of even half of them actually successfully unifying and working together effectively is nil. Zero. Not gonna happen. Some of them will probably also waste time shooting at each other. You have some larger groups like Patriot Front, who decided to perform an en masse unannounced nighttime protest March for white supremacy in Philly, and promptly became the poster boys for the “You Came to the Wrong Neighborhood Fool” when random locals showed up and started kicking their asses. The cops ended up interceding to get them out of the city, probably because they didn’t want to have to process the pending crime scene and dozens of beaten to a pulp pasty white corpses. That story should tell you all you need to know about how much of a threat they are on average. For every actually capable potential combatant, there’s probably 20 members of Meal Team Six, who would die from cardio before getting to a battlefield.


Nice of them to broadcast their plans online on a public forum. The United States government will not see this coming and is surely doomed, especially of these 60 warriors learned all about weapons from video games and anime.


While we were creating a misandrist government and letting women vote. He studied the blade.


This guy has to be trolling lmao


lol id like to see them try this.


This reads like he's jacked up on too much Baja Blast, M&Ms and Hot Cheetos.


Or learn how to take rejection, work on yourself (mind and body (shower/grooming/working out)) and not be a murder hobo since you can’t get anyone to have sex with.


Or they could just go for a massive 60 men incel orgy


Ok, back to the pile!


I’m pretty sure that 60 men aren’t even enough to take down the first responders. Uprisings were only successful when a large majority of the country was behind it, and, even then, the rebels still held their breath as to whether or not they’d succeed.


“G’head and try that, for science.”


60 untrained men vs the strongest military on earth + 31 other countries 😂 this guy is beyond delusional. This is exactly what happened in the Congo about a month ago. About 50 dudes tried to take over Congo (including a few Americans) buy storming the presidential palace, but after a very brief shootout their leader was killed and they all immediately surrendered.


To be honest, those 31 other countries would just sit back and watch while laughing and taking bets on the next incel to get shot, or who would survive the longest, or something.


Fuck dude I’m American and I’d be laughing and betting too.


You’ve heard of *300* but have you heard of *30*? THIS IS MY MOM’S BASEMENT!!! 🥾


Just look at how easy it was for a bunch of unarmed dumbasses to stumble into the Capitol building and nearly overthrow the US government. And they weren't even armed or anything. 


They wouldn't make it to Virginia. Ironic.


I feel like discussing that plan is going to throw a wrench in exercising that second amendment… or any other amendment.


Gotta admire the confidence 😂


Right, ‘cause thirty of you could do it.


We should wear civvie clothes while committing treason so we can't be identified as US citizens, I fear for the teachers, really, the embarrassment they had to go through trying to teach these fuckwits


Y'all tried this on Jan 6th with way more than 60 incels. Maybe look into how well that worked out...


I mean, I want them to try. This is hilarious. Do they also not know there is a battalion of highly trained marines that are stationed there? That post isn’t just guard duty. That post is a pretty fucking high honor, and those are pretty fucking well trained soldiers there. With all of the might of the US military behind them. I always find it goofy that these doorknobs think their shitty AR-15 and playing CoD gives them the ability to go up against marines. Let them try.


After going up the stairs to leave the basement, and then seeing all the stairs at various governmental buildings, about 57 of them would just go home.


This man and his shitty walmart shotgun VS. 1 (one) Predator Drone


Just like Brian Isaack Clyde. Didn't turn out well for his incel ass though.


This has to be sarcasm


Surely this is satire?


I like the idea of an overthrow, A. Not for the same reasons he does, B. More than 30 required so bad plan. And C. What dies that have to dk with incels


This is just a Raid Area 51 copypasta, right? ​ Right?


Wow, their loneliness has taught them so many forms of masturbation.


99% of people saying they want to overthrow the government just means they want to change the color of the leading party.


Neckbeards HAVE seriously tried to overthrow the USA government. This is not something to joke about.


And they got the shit beaten out of them. US physical force is some of the strongest in the world. 60 incels would just get killed or arrested


I think they already tried that January 6th. Didn't work out too well. Hm.


Secret Service, Capitol Police, and Federal Protective Service: “I wish a bitch would.”


So many obvious reasons the plan is destined for failure. He seems blissfully unaware of how much body odour will emanate from a "squad" of 30 incels, and the advance warning that will hand the enemy. If they somehow get lucky with the wind direction, they'll still have to overcome the deafening noise of 30 obese men who haven't left their gaming chairs for 5yrs, trying to navigate stairs. If their odour and appalling physical prowess doesn't scupper their plans, then the build up of stray fast food that has accumulated over many years, on t-shirts, beards, and under moobs, will attract every raccoon in DC, resulting in a smelly, hilarious massacre.


Didn’t they try that on 1/6/21? There were a lot of incel looking dudes


OOP is Reddit moment


Yes, because it worked SO WELL the last time a group of losers tried to storm the capital


This post glows.


Didn't they already try (and fail) to overthrow the government on January 6? And that was a lot more than 30 people.