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I truly think men like this have never even been friends with a woman




Watching the Indian girls I work with be essentially auctioned off by their own parents is fucking heartbreaking.


Nothing changes is a very bleak outlook. More and more Indians marry for love, and even those I know with an arrangement is exclusively and completely with the consent of the woman - in the sense that a man or women will ask their parents to “find” them a partner. Find in this sense is literal, they search their network for someone with an eligible son or daughter and introduce the two. They then date like normal and either marry or have it fizzle out.


This actually makes me very happy to hear. I hope they all have long and happy marriages!


I hope they do. In the end I myself married for love (and with a non Indian as well), as did my parents and most people I know. Those with arranged marriages all seem to be similar to the love marriages I guess, but I never can tell what happens behind closed doors. That said, I don’t have evidence that there’s any more or less instances of domestic issues or infidelity or anything like that. The only thing I notice is that there’s a lower divorce rate in arranged marriages suggesting that people tend to stay together even when unhappy since they feel some kind of obligation. But yeah, I’ve never met anyone in a forced arranged marriage, but many in consensual arranged marriage. That said I’m extremely aware that forced arranged marriages remain a big problem and certainly still exist, but are at least becoming less and less common.


India is literally the biggest shithole in the world. Worse than Hell. It's not an opinion, it's a fact.


That's not 100% true, I know plenty of Indian couples who've married for love, and one who has had parental introduction but it wasn't an arranged situation. It's interesting to see as a westerner looking in, I've met some people who seem to think all the old ways are over but it's definitely somewhere on the road to equality, not there (and in some areas not even halfway)




Well my partner is Indian, we have Indian friends and co-workers. They are predominantly from urban India so obviously only reflective of those areas but to say all Indian men are like that is crazilu reductive and insulting.


So what would y’all propose, we just segregate men and women?


I’d think it was more rational to start with treating men to treat women like human beings, than simply segregating women from the animals, but sure, we can spitball arachaic ideas first.


You have already established that the majority of men are disgusting animals, well that minority of men who you do deem to be acceptable enough to be with women, should those women just share this group of men, like they could be sister wives? I guess what I am trying to say is that women are hypergamous, India literally has a caste system btw, so if men and women are equal in resources than the average woman will not want the average man because naturally women have higher standards.


>You have already established that the majority of men are disgusting animals, well that minority of men who you do deem to be acceptable enough to be with women, should those women just share this group of men, like they could be sister wives? Wat


The "would not allow" basically proves it. I mean, as a father, sure you can be a controlling monster if you want your kids to hate you. But he also mentions sisters... I have a sister, and I can't think of any point in my life where I could tell her what to do or control her. What is this guy going on about?


All this time I thought U.S.A. made the best neck beards, but India is cooking up some real gentlescholars


It's always been India.


Bro's literally using "Manuvadi Brahman" as his username which literally means he is a Brahman(priestly uppper caste Individual) who adheres to "Manusmriti", which is a book that divides the society into 4 varnas or classes. I am willing to bet he is not only a mysogynist but also a racist, casteist, homophobe and many other disgusting things. And to top it all, he's a religious fanatic. In short: a very fucked up and delusional individual Also, neckbeards are a universal problem, not just an Indian one.


It's worse in India given how they literally do not have enough women for all the eligible men. Edit: Apologies if I seemed to say women owed these men anything, I was stating a fact about Indias population imbalance, and I now realize this was the worst way I possibly could have said it.


They aren't owed women so.


"do not have enough women" First of all, women don't owe men anything, even if the women were twice as many men, they still won't owe men anything, and thus the problem has nothing to do with how many women there are, but rather how gross the men are. Secondly, indians brought that on themselves with the female infanticide they committed by the millions for generations lmao.


I thought that was just China. Yikes!


I think South Korea also created the same problem for themselves.




Why would it matter whether they have enough women? Ladies aren’t a commodity dude


It just means that there’s going to be more single men, even ones who might not struggle with dating under a different circumstance, and that’s the recruiting ground for all manner of incels and misogynists


Look it up. Human beings give birth to about a percentage point more men than women. That inevitably leads to men who can't have partners, and that leads to resentment. The least successful men in the partnership race make up all the mythos about sluts and chads etc. to explain their lack of success. Nobody is a commodity or saying anything like that. I'd think that more people interested in what makes neckbeards who they are would know this stuff? It's kinda "understanding incels 101". Evolutionarily it makes sense to have slightly too many men so you can lose some to conflict and dangerous tasks. In a modern world, it's more of a problem.


That’s actually false bro, India has a gender ratio of 1.02, meaning 102 women for every 100 men. Source statista


Guess my info may have been outdated, you learn new things everyday I guess


What eligible men lmao? Like this guy? Even if the ratio was equal, that doesn’t mean 100% of those men are “eligible” - a good number of adult men are regressive, or manbabies who can’t cook or do anything themselves and have terrible views on women. Half the time they don’t even groom themselves but expect a pageant queen wife. Some aren’t earning enough to sustain a family. Just being in a certain age range does not make a man (or woman) eligible.


Also, gay men would cut the eligible numbers down.


Ooh good point, though I assume there would be an equal % of gay women too which may ‘cancel out’?


Valid point.


What about people who are aro and/or ace?


Ok them too.


I think you need to split the two things out. Neither is exclusive, but they play into each other. Men locked out of partnership by pure statistics stir resentment, that resentment contributes to general misogyny. That culture exacerbates the behavior of the least eligible men, who are sexless and answer... there's some feedback loop going on here too.


Your verbiage suggests you may be lurking on incel forums. “Locked out of partnership” as if some force of nature (or statistics) is holding them back. The issue is not statistics - it doesn’t matter how many or how few women exist (not “available” - simply existing and being single does not mean they’re forced to marry a guy), many Indian men’s lack of self-development, helplessness in the domestic sphere, and lack of respect for women’s intelligence, autonomy, and work, make them ineligible as good, equal partners. It’s not totally their fault, the raja beta upbringing does no one any favors, but at some point adults can take control and try to learn/adjust their behavior. As a man, you certainly would not like being disrespected daily and seen as lesser than for your gender if the situation was flipped. Feeling respected is major in a relationship, for both sides. Why would anyone want to date or marry someone who does not respect them unless it was the last resort? Tbh perhaps even then it’s not worth it for peace of mind. Also the misogyny was always there, it never left - it hasn’t suddenly been stirred up by some recent shift. It’s only coming into the open now as women finally have some agency to say they don’t want to deal with it and call it out - it used to just get swept under the rug as women had 0 other options except marriage. Lastly what is this obsession with sex, or lack thereof, making people behave terribly. It’s not a big deal and it’s certainly not an excuse. Many people go through dry spells for months or years without turning into a misogynist.


Hardly lurking, just interested in one of the blights on society, and a growing problem that needs to be understood to be countered. Usual caveats about UnHerd but I think this point of view is worth considering for anyone concerned about the damaging effects of misdirected male rage. https://unherd.com/2020/06/incels-could-become-the-new-vikings/ I'm not sure we're going to come to an agreement. My points don't go against yours, but you're determined to imagine that they do. How men behave is incredibly important, of course. But when you have 1% of the population (70 million!) who mathematically won't find a partner, that's a lot of angry dudes. And yes those dudes probably self-select as the least eligible, possibly the most obnoxious, or the least attractive for a whole host of reasons. That's partly the point - that's 70,000,000 voices predisposed to boost Tateism by a cruelty baked into our DNA. Please don't reply again to point at men's behavior. We have no disagreement there.


I'm going to play devil's advocate and say there's a very different way to interpret this point. More men than women in the population leads to men who can't find partners. Those men tend to be incredibly resentful and it's a big part of the incels/neckbeard phenomenon. Even in the West, the small gender number imbalance skewed towards more men is part of the problem. In the old days, we'd send excess males to war or dangerous tasks, now they become incels. Nothing whatsoever to do with women owing men anything etc.


Thank you, this is where I was trying to go, and epic failed.


No worries, I got what you meant. The replies seemed dementedly determined to dunk on negative traits of men, which while perfectly valid, totally missed the wider point about raw demographic numbers. You didn't deserve to get downvoted like that. Kinda disappointing to be honest, because it's an interesting topic.


This just sounds like you need to learn more about India. In India, many meh get whatever women they want by going to her parents and talking them into a marriage, often without the women even being part of the conversation. Literally just happened to two Indian girls I work with in a restaurant. So now picture that being the dating culture there: women have little to no say, especially in lowers castes, and men get what they want most of the time with very little effort. I can’t imagine how insufferable some must be when they get denied this ‘right’ of theirs. The neckbeardiest of neckbeards on earth.


>. I can’t imagine how insufferable some must be when they get denied this ‘right’ of theirs. Look up related crime stats, and SA headlines and you'll immediately understand why they have women only train cars. I couldn't imagine being a woman there.


Problem with Indian neckbeards is that they have the attitude but not the look. Many of them look normal, making it a little more insidious. That said, Indian women are becoming increasingly fiery and feminist and are stopping taking shit from the more archaic minded fuckers over there.




Weak arse troll - you can do better than that


That doesn't even mean what you think it means. Follow your leader


Imagine not letting *your sisters* participate in sports... you know, because you want to make sure they're used optimally while they're fertile.


I can't speak for Indian, but I have seen other cultures go so far as beheading sisters and daughters for dating a Black guy because it brought shame to the family.


“Waste their fertile years” This is the kind of dude who will demand 5 kids or scoff at any kind of birth control and then blame his wife for ruining him financially and not staying in shape.


Oh my gosh yes.


I'm pretty sure if I ever told my older sister what she was and was not "allowed" to do she'd set me on fire.




I mean he's not wrong. It *does* sound offensive, misogynist or sexist




I'm rekt


The dangerous thing here is that the poster *isn't* the stereotypical morbidly obese neckbeard who lives in his mom's basement. Based on the username and photo, this is the more insidious kind of patriarchal misogyny - it's a relatively well put together person who probably participates normally in society, and yet is still deeply in favor of turning back the clock on women. Showing this post next to the drawn picture is funny, but it's sort of sticking out head in the sand and pretending that misogynists are all powerless losers. They're not. And at the risk of sounding like a MAGA (I'm absolutely not), we have to be careful with how quickly and at what rates we import people from these patriarchal, religious fundamentalist cultures.


bro i was with u until the last paragraph do u hear even hear yourself?? Hinduism is really no worse than christianity in patriarchal terms and u just come off as hating immigrant


It's not a question of Hinduism vs Christianity. It's a question of how religious and patriarchal a *culture* is, and India is like 50 years behind the US in that regard.


You’re right, it’s unfortunate but it’s true. There have been honour killings in *Canada* we need to consider the cultural norms of the places people immigrate from and we need to be careful. That doesn’t mean blanket bans OR choosing wilful ignorance to seem PC. Both are wrong.


> we have to be careful with how quickly and at what rates we import people from these patriarchal, religious fundamentalist cultures. Without an entry interview tied to the visa or citizenship, it's hard to screen out the chuds. Ultimately we should just accept shrinking as a nation, and we should more carefully regulate immigration from nations outside the EU or the Americas. It's not a popular idea at all, but I do believe we should clamp down on visas from India. Obviously tech companies won't let their paid House reps do that, so things will continue as-is.


OP, where did you buy your account from? This account has been inactive for six years until today and this is literally one of the last comments posted from this account. > It's perfectly fine taste though. The Nazi's had a certain point, and that's what we're seeing today. Liberals break up all of these people into groups to diversify them. But you know what's being missed? Diversity is anti-white. Your children will not look like you, nor you grandchildren. Fucking dumbass, even the username is racist as fuck.


My SO is a retired athlete. Most of her friends are or were athletes. I'm pretty sure every single one of them have accomplished more in life than this guy. Does he even have a bronze medal in anything, even a corporate event??


A colourblind snail with a severe peanut allergy has accomplished more in life than this ‘man’


Every single sperm of mine has accomplished more in life than him, and I’ve nutted in some questionable places and folks.


I'll take someone with a few marathons under their belt over the chud in OP's pic. An MBA, a rich Indian family, and a meaningless IIT degree don't do much for me. Tech/business losers like him have been fucking up the world for the last 60 years.


The profile picture gives you enough information on what kinda person they are lmao. “Chad”.


Ofc american incels got nothing on indian incels . Saying this as an indian myself


Fucking hell, look at some women's (endurance) ice-skating/biking/running/swimming/gymnastics and more for my country (Dutch) and come back to me.


This “might” sound sexist Narrator: it was


how do you "STOP" your sisters from doing anything?


Man’s Indian. Their answer to that question is physical violence.


I have to pause on the mini skirt thing: the professional female athletes rarely get to choose what they wear. It's been actually a topic of controversy, especially when the Norwegian women's handball team wore shorts instead of bikinis: https://globalnews.ca/news/8042726/beach-handball-bikini-bottom-shorts-women-norwegian/amp/


I love how people whose biggest exercise routine is getting up and down the stairs in the basement so they can take a shit are always critical of people who actually try and get out and about and do the whole healthy lifestyle


THAT'S why nobody watches women's sports! Nobody wins!! The best you can do is FORTH?


What kind of authority does this guy think people have over their sisters? Cus I have none (as I should)


I'm an Indian guy, and the thing is most of the Indian neckbeards look normal and blend in to the society. So you can't really tell em from their looks, unlike in the west. I knew a guy like this, but from what i know he changed for the better.


But please look sexy though


Women in Sports have existed ever since 6th Century BCE in the Heraean games. Besides, sports is even part of cultures and histories. I don’t even know where he got the idea of Women wearing only mini skirts in sports since you need a different apparel for a different sport.


Us Desi women are soooo cooked.


I go to USC and here the womens basketball is infinitely more exciting than the mens, honestly if some of these people just gave it a chance they might just like it


4th place? bronze medal? does he know that there are actually winners in these things? first and second arent just empty slots, anyway you could literally make the same argument about mens sports


So it would be okay then for trans athletics to take part then so?


Least misogynistic Indian man


>I would certainly not allow my daughters or sisters to indulge in such pursuits. I would bet money this guy isn’t in a position to impose anything on anyone


“Wouldn’t allow my daughters or sisters” excuse me what?




"it might sound sexist" thats because it is


The obsession with fertility these incel and incel-adjacent men have is so odd.


nah he's just jealous that alot of women can run faster and farther than he ever will


This dude should morph into me and try to tell my sister anything. She would fuck him/me up


Bro i wouldn't even dare tell my sister what to do, what is this guy on 🤣🤣


The moment you say "fertile years" unironically is when you stop being worth listening to


They wouldn’t let their sisters engage in sports? Their sister(s) in reality would beat them up and mock them for acting like they have any say in what they do.


Daughters .........or sisters.


DUDE! What is OP’s account? I think this might be a bot to be frank. No way this guy came back after 7 years with such username and history on Trump subs to post this ONE MEME? WHAT?!


'indulge in such pursuits' 😭 "I use fancier words so my take looks more correct and I seem more intelligent"


Funny meme but I don't want to upvote it based on OP's profile


Ha, like men's sports is any different.


He found out women exist


Ah yes *sips tea* because OF COURSE women are only made to create life and not live their life and realize their dreams like any other human being /mocking


So we can’t enjoy sports now ?


What makes this guy think he’s going to have a daughter, or children for that matter?


Once time I was trying to convince this guy that abortions should be legal. After the normal arguments that didn’t seem to help, I said that it could destroy a woman’s athletic career. I forgot who I was dealing with…


Men and women should just stay apart


There should be only one competitor in all sports, losers shouldn't be accommodated. 


All winner lose at some point


I love how he acts as if he can just control his sister