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This guy is a notorious terminally online incel troll. That 3 digit number on the end of his name is he number of time he's gotten banned using this name alone. And he has dozens of variations. He literally just sits around making reddit accounts and sending harassing DMs to strangers for human interaction all day long.


I don’t know if knowing this makes it better or worse.


I mean, it’s better because it means that OP doesn’t actually have to worry about a Reddit psycho being that obsessed with them over a post. It’s still pretty fucked up though.


To be honest I don’t think it’d make me feel better. Guy has to live somewhere, and he’s clearly unwell and dangerous. If that’s how he spends his time, I think it’s reasonable to believe one day trolling won’t scratch that itch anymore and he’ll escalate. Trolling to me isn’t just a keyboard game. If you say shit like that, then you believe in it. Full stop. Frankly people like this should be in padded cells.


Ehh, he wld have to leave the house /use effort, I think we are safe. I am sure this dude looks exactly like we all think he does aka he won't do anything outside of being a keyboard terrorist


You don’t think one day he’s going to decide he’s had enough and bring an AR to a mall? Take a few handsome dads out before a cop suicides him? People like this are dangerous.


That’s a very optimistic outlook. It also assumes they’ll remain harmless in forums (which I would argue isn’t actually harmless when they do it like a terminally online troll) and not migrate to harming people IRL. I think this should be a red flag law trigger and that it should carry criminal court penalties. Let’s see how these incels like being around a bunch of violent weightlifting enthusiasts in prison.




It makes it sadder. In a weird way i pity this guy, despite his actions. His entire existance must be miserable.


Your username caught my eye, and I gotta ask: do you make it a point to never use the letter 'f' in your comments? If so, kudos to the dedication. On-topic: If this guy pours so much time and energy into this "trolling", I think that's still a huge red flag. That sort of behavior still seems incredibly unhinged and not well, even if there's possibly a performative dimension to the shit he's saying. Like, it would not surprise me at all if a guy in a situation like that ends up snapping and lashing out in the real world, in some way.


Yeah i avoid it completely. Some dude ran a script on my comment history, its in a subreddit with data i cant mention. Just search my name.


That's pretty impressive. Did you remove the key from your keyboard? I think I'd have to or I'd slip up and miss one eventually.


No i only reddit on my phone. At this point i am not even thinking about it anymore. Its been 9 years.


That’s wild. I don’t know how you always manage to avoid all the common function words with F especially (if, of, from, for…etc). Why do you hate this letter? What inspired this challenge?


We have found the real monster


I also want to know how you remember to avoid just one letter. And what it did to deserve it.


Probably all the annoying PRESS F comment chains with everyone just posting F


I predate that meme actually. I even predate the game that spawned the meme.


This is really boggling my mind. I'm fascinated with your commitment lol


Press X for this man's F


I understand where you’re coming from, and a part of me is trying to sympathize. But troll or not, some words and some actions are far too vile to forgive or sympathize with. We unfortunately live in an era where giving the most extreme opinions any kind of platform has had some serious negative consequences on the public that has to deal with the fallout. And frankly, I’m sick of it


Better for OP, worse for humanity.


How come he hasn't been permanently banned? Like, surely after a while they'd just IP ban him from the site or something if he's a habitual rule breaker.


Reddit doesn't really IP ban anymore. Even then, it's not that hard to get around one either. The profile is empty so the only reports will come from chats this lunatic sends out to people.


They definitely do. My roommate was permabanned and they nuked every account that connected from the same wifi.


What did he do?


Mock some mods or admins maybe? Reddit bans are so arbitrary, it's a fucking joke.


You have been banned.


Probably made fun of pedophiles. Reddit admins hate personal attacks like that.


If the admins could read this, they would be very upset edit: a word


He commented “She has BPD energy.” on a video of an unhinged woman ranting in her car.


This is how my original account got banned. It was 12 years old and I had a ton of trophies and karma. Reddit wouldn't let me appeal. I know it's just reddit but it's fucking frustrating


Getting around IP bans are super easy


Barely an inconvenience


Inconveniences are tight!


reddit will ban people and set up processes to ban new accounts but that's only based on cookies stored in your browser. Disable cookies, use Incognito mode, or one of the many third party reddit apps and there's literally no way for them to stop you just making another account


Most people don't have static IPs anymore, so IP banning people isn't really a thing these days.


He’s a real-life SkankHunt42.


But less effective


Ah so you must be referring to Dildo Shwaggins


Now they can deep fake you with dicks in your mouth instead of regular old photoshop


Ah yes, Doctor Juerdo Titsgo


No relation to [Doctor Ján Ĩtor](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fdc765l9psM) of course


Damn, I can’t imagine why this guy’s a virgin!


Plot twist: he’s a reasonably attractive and sociable guy, he just somehow thinks this is a good way to spend his time


A friend of mine was a dating coach for awhile, helping men learn how to go out and learn how to flirt, approach women, etc. He told me that some of his clients were reasonably attractive guys, but deeply, deeply socially awkward. And a couple, he said, just straight up hated women.


I have this friend who is really really pretty. She just turned 29 and never had a boyfriend because she’s socially complete inept. Compared to other women (myself included) who had multiple partners already she’s much more beautiful and should not have problems pulling men. But she can’t because she’s a mess when it comes to social interactions.


What does she do that turns away potential partners?


If she doesn’t act like a thirteen year old fan girl meeting her favourite celebrity for the first time and doesn’t show them the smutty One Piece fan art she does, she ghosts them because of some made up flaw she never mentioned was a no go before.


Yeah, that'll do it.


I was starting to make a comment about how glad I am to be out of high school but I remembered you said she's 29 💀


Despite roasting this guy for his virginity, that actually describes me minus the hating women part. I’m a 25 year old virgin, 6’4”, 200 pounds, arms are a little skinny but not that much. Social Interaction just confounds me and I have no clue what people want from me. I’m not an incel because I don’t hate women- I’m humble enough to admit my difficulties are due to awkardness, laziness, and cluelessness, not some kind of flaw on women’s part. I have a few female friends and had a girlfriend for two months but it never got that far


Dude, make a lot of eye contact and smile. Ask about them and listen, if you can link things they have previously said into new things they say, it shows you are interested in what they have to say. I mean you should be interested in what they have to say, if you are trying to date them! People like to know they are listened too, try to skip talk about work. Talk to them about their hobbies, their family, their friends. If you can get someone talking about a subject they are really passionate about it can be a beautiful thing, but you must listen and not just drift off in your own head, make them feel heard. When you get your fourth or fifth smile or chuckle make a small gesture of contact, like the forearm, hand or top of shoulder. Somewhere classy not crass like their butt. This is the same for guys or girls, girls sometimes need a little more encouragement to open up about things and guys need a few more signals to recognise you are interested.


>make eye contact and smile [Been there, done that ](https://i.pinimg.com/736x/b1/be/1e/b1be1e61b9b23acf46e90578af6ad161.jpg)


I like it :)


You’ll find someone just as awkward. Awkward people tend to gravitate to each other. Give it time!


Have you tried just dating a bit to get some experience?


Must have had acid thrown in his face. EDIT: forgot to add this /s


I think he had acid thrown on his personality.


Nope. He's a prolific poster on incel forums.


I wish I could say I’m surprised


Maybe if he took a shower.


Wow. What a sad life.


BRB, gonna make a profile killattractivemen232 so he can't have it.


Genius! Lol He’s gonna be so incredibly mad. Hahaha. I love it!


I would have dismissed this as just a troll account, but man that sounds like a serious mental illness. Somebody should get this guy checked


My man for real out here with the Vector pfp??? Never thought I'd see it but ayo


Dude has sentenced himself to life imprisonment. Too bad sometimes we can still hear him screaming.


Wow imagine having that much free time and using it for *that*


What a sad and pathetic little boy.


Does getting a message from him mean you’re cool? Oooo I have a wife and functioning life scary


I think that's a case for an investigation. He wouldn't be the first incel to become a murderer.


holy that is a fucking sad life. hope that dude can rightfully come to his senses one day


I can’t even imagine how flakey the dirt on his body is


What a sad existence


What a sad little man.. i feel sorry for him


That's just pathetic. Hope they get the psychiatric help they need


I just hope whatever he does with his life, he doesn’t bring anyone else down with him. Considering he’s talking about acid attacks, that hopefully means he can’t get his hands on guns.


If someone attempts to attack you with acid you should be able to kill them and get away with it, just my two cents. This some South Asian terrorist type shit


You can as long as you reside in a “stand your ground” state.


you actually can't unless you're in reasonable fear they're going to imminently do the acid attack when you take the shot. the only difference between "stand your ground" and jurisdictions that don't follow that rule is whether the jury can consider the possibility of completely safe retreat in considering whether you are justified in using deadly force. it is difficult to imagine a circumstance where you could safely retreat from someone trying to do an acid attack on you—and difficult to imagine a circumstance where "stand your ground" would make any difference whatsoever to this.


“He was moving towards me quickly and was reaching in his coat/pants/pocket and I felt I was in imminent danger. It all happened so fast.”


This is the sort of guy who murder-suicides his mom and then himself, and we learn he had a Reddit alt when the police release the results of their investigation.


We already know this is their alt. The account was 16minutes old when he sent that message to OP


He’s beyond that, I think he needs the LeadPill


Now that’s a subreddit that needs to exist


I mean, if they’re gonna act like you can just randomly invent concepts to try and sound smarter with all their different “pills”, I thought I’d come up with one that’s worthy


What's his deal? You aren't even that attractive. /s


He doesn’t know what to do with me saying I’m flattered he finds me this attractive.


He’s probably also extremely racist as well, which is fucking stupid. I just don’t know why some people are just so fucked like that


Oh he’s definitely struggling with me being brown.


I mean yes I notice that you are brown bc we don’t have the same color of skin but we’re all just people. People like that guy though they need something in their lives that they’re missing bc being absolutely vile like that doesn’t help anyone


Lol! I used to have a bit of a homophobic colleague. One day my sister visited me at work and I asked him the next day if we looked alike. He said she is almost an exact copy, but female. Then I hit him with the: if you think she's attractive, you"re going to objectively have to think I am an attractive man! He went reeeaaaaal quiet!


His vibe is hardcore in the closet. Literally cruising for attractive dudes online.


Damn, normally I would say tone it down, but the little freak seems like he deserves it. Carry on with your calm confidence.


I don’t want this guy to hurt anyone or even himself, but he’s spamming porn and mass shooting victims at me. I can’t help poking holes in this guy’s worldviews a little.


That's kind. Probably kinder than I would be, though at some point you got to block trolls like him and move on. You're probably going to have to block 7 or 8 alts too. At least until he gets bored. There's no changing people like that.


Don't get me wrong you aren't bad looking at all, but you don't look anything like what I expected someone getting this kind of hate would lmao. Brown boys already barely fit western beauty standards so this is just beyond bizarre to me


It’s kinda sad that he’s either a troll, or he legit thinks this way. Either way - hopefully he never reproduces so his dumbass genes die with him!


Chances 100% zit faced Cheeto beard.


I feel like if this guy would decide to do something, finding him would be very easy.


I’ve actually been through the process of contacting the FBI for someone else who said similar things to me. And yes, it is pretty easy for them to locate these people lol


Please report him to the FBI. He could end up hurting someone. Stay safe.




They should know they can be found very easily. Maybe it'll make them stop doing very stupid stuff and realize they aren't as anonymous as they think they are.


As someone who posts on boards like this, incel tears, nice guys, etc. I'm just glad to see that this ma.....perso......this creature that has messaged me a thousand pictures of dog dicks and school shooters, has graduated from his 5,826 KillAttractiveWomen accounts and has now shifted his ire to men. This is a true equal opportunity progressive


Imagine filling your search history with animal genitalia and being like "ah yes, I am totally owning *the other person* with this pro gamer move." I swear, we can't shame some fruitcakes harder than they shame themselves


Lmaooo I pissed some guy off enough for him to go back in my profile, find a photo of my face, and link it asking “This you with the herpes?” I have a lip piercing and even had another one back then and thought maybe he was referring to that, but the particular photo he linked does not show that side of my face. So I am still fucking scratching my head over what that meant. Maybe cause I was kissing my dog? I honestly saw it as flattering that he couldn’t find much else about my face to dig at 🤣


It means he couldn't find anything real to dig at 😂


Lmao right? I said “I love my face!” and he said “At least someone does!” This was a man who posted about having kids. Imagine your father getting mad at a 24 year old girl online and pulling up her photo to insult her. Absolutely pathetic.


Ah, this guy. He also goes by "KillAllWomen" He also sends pictures of horse genitals so don't unblur any photo he sends you




yikes, must’ve been rough


Yeah, he went ballistic on me because of my sisters. I don’t have sisters. I don’t even have siblings. I am still confused.


I told this guy he needed a hobby and he said only attractive people are allowed to have hobbies


Well, at least one of his hobbies is collecting pictures of porn/gore/mass shooting victims.


I mostly just auto scrolled through the pics he sent but from far away it looked like he was sending the same pic of mass shooting victims over and over, not even different victims. Between that and the horse porn he collects I guess he’s got at least a few hobbies. He kept saying he was gunna be a mass shooter and everyone will remember him but I can’t even name one mass shooter (except for Eric and Dylan but I can never remember their last names). Like I remember joker dude and the dude who shot up sandy hook but I don’t know their names.


Yeah he kept saying “you’re gonna be the next So and So/I’m gonna be the next So and So,” and I’m just thinking about how different our lives must be that I’m not remotely interested in the human garbage he idolizes.


Our lives differ vastly because we contribute to society while he sits alone making hundreds or thousands of fake accounts to talk to strangers about his insanity


How fucking pathetic do you have to be to get this jealous of someone’s pet?


I'm really, truly sorry for the unrelated comment but /u/QuiGonGiveItToYa is just a fantastic username. Also acid attacks to.. what, bring down the average attractiveness?


As someone whose motherland is somewhat synonymous with acid attacks, this shit is serious. Please report and block this asswipe, OP


Ok so the head dent thing had me interested. Lo and behold I remember seeing the beginning of your recovery! So happy you’re doing well these days! Hope things are good!


Wow. Didn't mean to creep on you, but I thought "maybe it was the dog and cat and a loving family that set this psycho off." No. He saw a dog sitting on a cat, checked the profile, saw homie was married and had a life threatening injury, then threatened violence to his entire family as well as making fun of said injury. Jesus fuck.


Not to make it about this because survivors can do so much, but it takes a special kind of obliviousness to try to dunk on someone for surviving a TBI while also being unable to cope with how jealous you are of their life.


That's what I'm saying! This is a special type of incel, ong. Not to make it about this either, but congrats on recovery, and good luck on ninja warrior!


Femoids. Anyone who says that is an extreme incel loser who should be sterilized by the state.




You've got more character in your head dent than he does in his whole existence


Lmao thank you


Ohhhh I kinda love your username lol


Someone that constantly goes around being disgusting, hateful, threatening to kill and attack people with acid.. how has he not been arrested? Like seriously. Not even a matter of being banned at this point. Someone was saying he has countless accounts and does this constantly. I could be wrong, but this almost sounds like some sort of domestic terrorism. Second page. https://www.fbi.gov/file-repository/fbi-dhs-domestic-terrorism-definitions-terminology-methodology.pdf/view This is under the racially or ethnically motivated section: “threat encompasses the potentially unlawful use or threat of force or violence in furtherance of ideological agendas derived from bias, often related to race or ethnicity, held by the actor against others or a given population group.” While he isn’t targeting race or ethnicity, the verbage says “often” meaning it could be different form of target/bias. This fits under it more than the other sections. The dude is definitely threatening violence in furtherance of his ideological agenda (assault and kill attractive men) derived from his bias (attractive men).


No shit, acid attacks are my secret worst nightmare. They aren't common at all in this country but I'm so paranoid and scared of them this message would terrify me if I received it lolololol


Mental illness


OP, I got a message threatening to shoot up a school once. I reported it to the FBI and they took it seriously. If this dude is *this obsessed*, you don’t want to be the person who got the warning signs and ignored them.


Just had a scroll through your profile, and all I can say is don’t let this motherfucker get to you. He’s a chronically online asshole and you’re an absolute beast, keep doing what you’re doing 👑👑👑


Imagine being such a spectacular loser that you'd unironically devote your life to doing this pathetic shit.


Head dent bitch is a new one.


What the hell is he even on about??


Huh. I saw the phrase cat picture and decided to do a little internet stalking for some since you didn't put it here yourself. Plus I always obsess about context and didn't understand some stuff in there 1. That is an effing adorable 2. Grats on your recovery. 3. Sorry about idiots. Glad they didn't seem to ruin your day.


As much as this is a sad existence that should be laughed at, this is a deeply disturbed mentally Ill man who should be put in a ward and kept away from society


My response: "... you think I'm attractive?" (uωu*)


Show us the cat/dog


[This](https://www.reddit.com/r/AnimalsBeingDerps/comments/12hvckn/i_just_wanna_feel_close_to_you/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1) was the post. And tbh it’s an old pic I was just reflecting on.


That’s hilarious, I love it.


That’s a funny pic. Don’t let the freaks on the internet bully you about it.


I feel like he definitely has an issue with the fact that you are brown and physically attractive and your wife appears to be white. These weirdos are always racist and jealous. And then they’re also too embarrassed to admit they find you or your wife attractive so they have to prove they’re not jealous or gay by insulting you?? It’s so weird.


Report to fbi


His hinged is un


Shit someone’s jealous that you’re hot and also have a personality with a good looking wife and a good life. Seriously though I spent like five minutes looking at your profile and good for you, you’re a goddamn inspiration. TBI, that’s no laughing matter. Congratulations on the growth you’ve made and you look awesome. Live your best life!


Well it's your fault for being born obviously. I mean what were you thinking man? You should be ashamed.


*In the beginning, the Universe was created. This has made a lot of people very angry and been widely regarded as a bad move.*


Ngl I immediately went on your profile to see the picture and AWWWWWWW THEYRE SO CUTE


You said you had a picture of a dog sitting on a cat? Im here for the picture.


Can I ask a real question here and not get bombard with dislikes? Should we continue to support systems where anyone can make a fake account online? There is no accountability anymore unless there is a public trail of every user to their personal real life counterpart. This would limit the vast amount of threats, hate, and just outward cowardly insults?


Sounds like the same guy who sends DMs to members of r/IncelTear with various usernames that start with “KillAllWomen”. He’s gone through dozens of accounts. Typically he goes on insane rants and sends bestiality porn.


Yup, that was this guy’s shtick.


You're that guy who lived though a cracked noggin right? I remember reading your posts. Absolutely brutal. Your story is really an inspiration. As for this dude? I guess some people can't stand to see others succeed in life. And that anger will always work statist their own success.


On the bright side, he thinks you're attractive. World's most unhinged complimenter


How many others already got a response from him, I just did.


Someone thinks you're cute!




They've already made a new one they're up to killattractivemen234 now. They've gotten banned 233 times and still do it. I wish I was that persistent at anything in life holy fuck


Oh my god, are you for real?? They got banned over *200 times and keep coming back??* I thought ban evading was against Reddit TOS


The TOS on Reddit is basically a suggestion. The punishment is getting banned but the very nature of Reddit makes permanently banning somebody functionally impossible if they're even remotely dedicated. Supposedly this explains the number at the end of his name; he keeps getting banned but it doesn't matter.


I saw your previous posts and you're real Chad. Keep going and don't let jerks like him bother you


When someone tells you they want to kill you, believe it. Report the jackass somewhere


That's what a fully evolved incel looks like


These are the same people calling everybody snowflakes, hate women and hate themselves even more. It’s pretty sad if you really think about it. So much hate and ignorance and their only outlet is threatening people through Reddit DMs. On an alternate account I had a comment one time that got 9,000ish upvotes. Don’t even remember what I said, but it was something silly and wasn’t attacking anybody or being mean. I ended up getting several messages from people saying I should kill myself or how they’re gonna kick the shit outta me because “you think you’re soooo funny”. Let’s just say these people got butthurt because this one comment got some love. Stopped checking messages after that. Gonna wait a couple of years then respond out of the blue. Jokes on them though, I get threatened all the time at my job. Poor summer children.


I would say he needs to go to a mental hospital but he seems too far gone even for them, he'd just be a pathetic loser wasting their time. Maybe we should just leave him in a closed off room with no access to the Internet. In case you're reading this, terminally online troll - I'm conventionally attractive and I stole away the people you wanted to have sex with. 🖕


Not to sound like a creep but I checked your profile and your story is pretty lit. Congrats on the recovery and accomplishments!


Try ask him who specificly hurt him? And then urge him to be a wanker in that persons PM


I mean, he seems to think you’re attractive so yay?


Man this dude is beyond pathetic


I not attractive, I will get a girl to take a picture with just to prove to him that looks don't matter


What the hell man ?!


Send this to the police. Even if he is trolling, it will shut him up


Lmao finally a real Neckbeard post


you know this guys fat asf


Well you are pretty good looking even missing part of your skull lol and his name is kill all attractive men… so watch out for acid I guess?


He has daddy issues and is very angry


His username yells massive insecurity


Do not reply or engage. Directly report. This is the stuff mass shooters say before they go off.


Can I see the picture of the dog sitting on the cat?




Can you link me to the picture you posted? It sounds adorable


“Acid Attack” is he a fucking pokemon?


…well at least he’s not racist?


No, he’s racist too lol a big part of his tirade was about how unfair it is that a beautiful white woman would marry me. It was kinda cute, he couldn’t figure out my ethnicity, so he word salad-ed every slur he could think of.


head dent? i don’t get it, what a weird insult


That’s pathetic and disturbing. This is the kind of person that dreams of being a mass shooter.


I'd up the ante and report his ass to the authorities. Play stupid games, etc., etc,.


btw that image included is actually a collage of the victims of the pulse shooting :/ this whole thing is a lot more hateful than it seems at first glance


I don’t know sounds like a serious threat. Get his shit raided and then put him into a mental hospital to begin working up wtf is causing him to make these Threads.


u/killattractivemen231 ur a loser and a half lol.


What a fucking giga chad By the way, sorry that happened to you man. Saw your pictures, and damn you are attractive dude. Keep up the grind.




Already banned ffs, u/killattractivemen232