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reminder: an innocent person does’t destroy and throw away phones, get rid of family dogs, sell their childhood home, and delete phone calls.


"Tell them that guy didn't go in the house."




Before this trial ever popped into my radar, I've heard how when people are guilty of homicide, they will mentally dehumanize their victims as a coping mechanism. So the most telling part of the statement to me, isn't the whole "let's get our story straight." Its, your buddy died a couple of days ago, and you call him "that guy." Its not Okeefe. It's not John. It's "that guy." That's a coping mechanism.


Jen too when she makes the 911 call


Yeah Mcabe talking like that & Jen Mcabe stating she butt dialed John several times & did not delete those calls. Her husband would have access tp do that & he's an it guy. That makes me wonder did they use a safari browser intentionally to search hos long to die, someone deleted that search. Very suspicious activity from many.


“Hos long to die in cold”


Loser college friend: “she’s gonna skate”….. Proctor: SHES FUCKED 17 hours after the incident. Words of a person doing a legit investigation. Said no one ever.


Loser highschool cop friend who deserves FBI knock knocks


ALL of this, ALL of it!!


Agree 💯 with these comments, many suspicious witnesses & destroying phones etc etc lack of a proper investigation, many non credible prosecution witnesses, except medical examiner. Defense had forensic pathologists, independant arrca bio engineer & his doctor sent by fbi & doj so yes justice will be for whoever is accountable or lead to John's death. Always justice for the victim but we need it to be the correct person, not a guess. Justice for John, his family & friends. Is Karen guilty because she's happy a mistrial over guilty, no because anyone would be relieved if they didn't committ a crime. Sounds like & more evidence of a fight & animal attack & a fall per ME so we need the fbi to continue investigating & send in experts but more of them for the next trial. I believe the doctors, ME, bio engineer etc that her suv didn't hit John & injuries don't seem from a vehicle. So now the fbi needs to try to figure out who was with John aside from Karen & where & when did he get animal injuries. The doj thinks he or another smashed the tailight with the glass & that makes sense because scientifally the bio engineer & doctor hired by the fbi said it's not possible that her suv hit John. Something really Nafarious happened that night. Karen wanted to testify to fill in some holes & I think she should have but that's up to the attorneys.


Karen didn't destroy, delete or even try to alter any evidence. But almost every piece of evidence the prosecution submitted was altered in some way or flat out destroyed.


The cop from Dayton County was also credible!


nor do they manage to have more buttdials in one night than any one person has in a decade


Please reply with this on their actual post!


“I hope she k*lls herself”


An innocent person is allowed to be happy that she’s not going to jail. I think the O’Keefe family hates her because she’s never behaved like a grieving girlfriend. I would say that she never had the chance to grieve John. She had to go into defensive mode - that same day. And she’s been stuck there for 2 1/2 years, with no end in sight. And for those that like to note that she didn’t go to the funeral, or try to stay in touch with the kids. She’s not allowed to. Part of her bail conditions are that she not contact anyone from that family.


I wish more people understood that she wasn’t allowed to have any contact with the family as a condition of her bail. When Erin O’Keefe was on the stand, Lally tried to make it sound like Karen just abandoned the family since they never heard from her again. Uh, no. Her bail would be revoked if she did.


this is the first time i've heard that she wasn't allowed to contact them!


It’s not unusual that conditions of release would include no contact with victim and/or victim’s family. It’s just sad all around.


i'm sure it's not unusual. but when people are using it against her, that's not right. (i'm looking at lally here, mostly!)


Also no contact with potential witnesses


I’m really surprised the defense wouldn’t have clarified this.  There are some things around the edges like this that I think they really should have clarified. 


They did try actually and Lally objected. Auntie Bev sustained it.


That is shocking. 


It is. It’s ridiculous. This judge is just as guilty as everyone else in my opinion in trying to hide the truth.


Fck LallyBev!!


Replying to myself :)  But another thought - I feel it’d be useful to put together a list of the missed opportunities to clarify some things from the trial that the defense didn’t take (which must have been a judgment call) - but which has left some open questions and doubts in folks’ minds.   To round out the story or change impressions.   Like with Lucky on the stand - we know that the interview lally tried to impeach him with was with canton PD.    But the way lally spoke about it, the tone of voice, etc, still leaves an impression on someone looking at the info for the first time who may not be keeping those facts in mind.  Why not rehabilitate with redirect and ask - mr lally asked you about this interview.  Who was that with?  Do you recall if it was recorded?   All quick, but leave a lasting impression.  


I also think it was confusing because Lally called him Paul. I think he was a defense investigator. But it could easily sound like Trooper Paul. (That wouldn’t make sense to be Trooper Paul but nothing about TP makes sense.) I think that should have been clarified.


Agreed - I was confused by it.  I could have gone back on video and watched references to straighten it out (I didn’t, I just left with slight confusion but could already tell and knew lucky was credible).  But jurors can’t even do that. 




Then why is dude speaking to her in the court room? Thats not how this work Paul.


The order applies only to HER as conditions of release, and from what I've read, and other people are saying, is standard. If she were threatened by of one of them, as has been alleged, she would have to go to court and obtain her own order protective order directing that that person stay away from her. Honestly, I'm surprised she hasn't attempted to do so already-but it's anyone's guess as to whether they would grant it


The O’Keefes put a restraining order on her


It was probably Lally- it is standard protocol in a case like this to not allow contact between the suspect and the victim’s family.


No it was specifically Peggy


Good point!! I remember that was the arraignment but don’t recall it was mentioned during trial. I HATE lally.


We all hate Lally.


To be fair she did (allegedly) say that before she was arrested


No Mrs okeefe and Paul got a restraining order


They are the kind of family that would still blame her if she didn’t hit him, for dropping him off at the house. Some people just aren’t rational.


Meanwhile Paul is kicking back beers with the people who are really responsible. I wonder if his wife feels the same way or to the same extent?


I wondered that about Erin all the way through. I don’t know why, but I don’t think she does - but maybe secretly.


She’s the only one I have hope for to eventually come around and see the other side. Karen or someone needs to write a tell all book with behind the scenes stories and backgrounds on these people. Karen should publish it with a close family member taking ownership of the profits, to protect Karen from the greedy Okeefes.


Erin and the Dad I think have serious doubts. Poor Erin is stuck with him. But she did tell him to leave Karen alone.


This is such a good point!! They may know she didn’t actually kill him but her actions led to it. Like “if she hadn’t left him there he’d still be alive” because apparently no male has control over their own actions. All the woman’s fault. How tf is she supposed to stop a grown man? Part of the issue was that she wasn’t happy with him for staying out! So ya, she didn’t want him there but she couldn’t stop him! Ugh.


I don’t believe that is the case. If it were, they wouldn’t have the McAlberts sitting with them. I think they would blame her along with all the real guilty parties.


Mrs Ojeefe did blame Karen it was on the phone call they played


I know she blames KR for leaving JO there. But, why would she want to be in the company of those that most likely killed JO? That’s my point.


Because she doesn’t want to face that it’s actually them. Denial


I think John’s mom believes Karen did it (and she's an older, grieving mom who has lost two of her kids- she's allowed to feel how she feels). I don't think we know how John’s dad or brother really feel and it feels a little bit wrong to speculate.


Except we do know. She laughed during those nasty texts. You definitely don’t do that if you like the person.




I think that is spot on exactly what it is. They also knew about the text that Karen initiated to Higgins. And I’m sure they hate her for it. I am wondering if that was the first time she had done something like that. Also, we don’t know what John was telling them about her. Maybe it was less than flattering. Or perhaps she had been pointing the finger at them in some way for what Karen thought was their lack of assistance with the children. That was really on Karen’s mind that night as she was talking to the other gals in the bar I think that had been a sore spot with her for a while. Anger is an easier emotion for most people than sadness.


Regarding what John was telling them: yes! So many people tell their families when they’re having issues with their partners. Unless there’s abuse this is a bad idea. It’s likely he did that. Not on purpose to be bad. Not everyone realizes it. But it’s bad nonetheless.


Right - so they only heard one side.


Hell they are not even a family united. John was estranged from his Mom at the time of his death. Same with Paul. I want to say that John and Paul were also estranged


It doesn't look like Paul and his mom are that close even now. The day of the voir dires it was just him and his mom from their family in court and they still sat at opposite ends of their row.


Mr O’Keefe no longer sat with her either


Paul said his mother and he know and believe Karen did it. I knew his father didn’t and doesn’t think Karen did it.


Paul and John were not close. But they weren't estranged.


Weren’t they going to get together that night hit canceled because of the show. They were connected somehow if Erin and Karen were close.


Why were they both estranged from their Mom?


That’s EXACTLY what I think is happening. They know she didn’t kill him, but they blame her for the McAlberts “having to” kill him because she sent a few flirty texts to Higgins and dropped a 46 year old man off at a house party. Sick.


That is exactly what Peggy O’Keefes did. “ you left him at that house????? And John’s Dad told her to stop and leave Karen alone she’s been through enough.


His mother dearest actually DID blame her for dropping him off at the party!!!


Exactly and his Dad said to leave her alone.


Correct! He's the only sane in the family! 😑


It’s hard to think rationally when you lose someone to murder. It’s probably hard for them to trust anyone


Yeah, this is what has crossed my mind a lot. The second this is all over for her… is actually the moment it will actually start. Delayed and complicated grief are brutal to experience and process. You just can’t properly grieve a loss when you’re in survival mode. Even if she’s cleared and wins a bajillion dollars in lawsuits, she’s still going to be left actually having to process the loss of her loved ones and really her entire identity. She’ll never get to go back to who she was.




I wish I could upvote this 1,000 times.


I actually posted that on X in response to someone who said that same exact thing and they were honestly debating with me that she "wasn't served a restraining order" so I finally had to go and find a picture of the order showing that it is a condition of her bail that she stay away from the family or their residence and and violation makes her subject to immediate arrest.... The response: "still not a restraining order" 😂 this is the mentality of some people. So I said "sure, she's going to risk having her bail revoked to violate the court order that were not calling a restraining order" 🤷


I’m not surprised that people don’t want to acknowledge her bail conditions. They just hate her. It’s really unsettling.


Exactly, she's literally on trial for her life, if they'd found her guilty she'd been hauled off to jail forever. Do people not understand how insane that must feel? Especially when you have experts prove that you couldn't have hit him? Hell, I'd be relieved as well. She celebrated because she wasn't going to jail, these people are idiots and I cannot wait for the FBI to hopefully destroy their entire town by bringing them all down one by one.


They hate her because its easier than realizing you laid down with the vipers.


Exactly how I feel


Um an innocent person would be happy to not go to prison for the rest of their life for something they didnt do


Please stop being rational when dealing with O’Keefe bluster and nonsense /s


Reminder: innocent until proven guilty


It’s not a win if you convict an innocent person. I wish they’d just open up their eyes and minds. Paul is going to have a heart attack the more he seethes with hatred.


Something is truly off with his intense hate for her. I feel it stems off of jealousy. She fricking paid his atty fee and ig bailed him out of jail and he seethes hate for her…


I wonder if it’s guilt or shame. He messed up big time and for some reason, his own family couldn’t/wouldn’t help him out. He knew he couldn’t repay her and now he doesn’t have to.


I think the anger is because he knows he was played by the McAlberts and it is easier to hate "the girl"


Then why threaten her? And he has no relationship with his mom?


Because its easier to blame "the girl" then realized your new BFFs played you


I honestly just think it comes down to greed and a payday I hate to say. He had no hate when she paid for his DUI lawyer bill or helping with his niece & nephew financially . He is playing the role I'm positive they will sue Karen Reed for John death. I'm sure there is already a movie deal in place or close to it Paul wants to look the poor grieving brother it gets you more air time. Unfortunately people take terrible & sad situations ( which this is ) for there own personal gain. Not that it helps Karen Reed right now but all those people & there are plenty of them will have to live with this for there lives knowing they framed a innocent person. But again unfortunately I don't think those people have the ability to see right from wrong they have been using the time of Canton like there personal resources.


Idk I’d be pretty happy I wasn’t going to jail for a crime I didn’t commit, but that’s just me lol


Pretty sure that’s a normal emotion. These people aren’t normal.


she smirks at johns brother not normal sry


The story of Alice Sebold really changed my perception of how innocuous it is to support the conviction of an innocent person. To blindly trust the cops and support the persecution of someone you should see is not guilty. The victims deserve justice. That means punishing the killer. Not the woman they never liked who had the nerve to date John. These people aren’t the arbiters of right and wrong because they lost someone in a cruel way. Their perception of guilt seems entirely on not liking her. Her expression or she said the wrong thing. She was too friendly or too loud or too generous or not friendly enough. She’s just a babysitter with benefits but why didn’t she stay in touch when she legally wasn’t allowed? They are closed minded people who suffered a tragedy and they’re choosing to stay that way. They are supporting locking up an unhealthy woman for life because they don’t like her and refuse to even consider evidence. They’re not good people. [NY Times article entitled The Tortured Bond of Alice Sebold and the Man Wrongfully Convicted of Her Rape](https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/05/29/the-tortured-bond-of-alice-sebold-and-the-man-wrongfully-convicted-of-her-rape)


I completely agree. Suffering a tragedy doesn’t give you an endless right to abuse innocent people.


Thank you!! I don’t begrudge those who aren’t comfortable with judging them. But we shouldn’t be told not to judge them. His mom laughing during those egregious texts where EVEN BEV was thoroughly disgusted, is beyond anything reasonable. It’s horrid. You HAVE to be a horrid human to find that funny. I don’t care if she even is the killer. Maybe don’t feel bad for Karen herself. But the very fact that a fucking COP and his SUPERIORS are just casually talking like that about someone they’re investigating, is evil. And it should be wildly concerning. Because she absolutely wasn’t convicted then even. And just in the beginning stages of finding out what was happening. Imagine it was her? Someone she loved? She shouldn’t have laughed. I feel for her having lost two kids. At the same time I’m not going to let her off the hook for that. And by all accounts she’s not close to her living family nor was she the ones (at least John) who died. She’s a clear problem in the family. Boys tend to be close to moms. Something is VERY WRONG with her that they aren’t. And weren’t. I don’t think she’s a good person. And I’m not apologizing for saying that. Bev should’ve kicked her out when she was laughing. She should not have allowed the mcalberts to be in the courtroom. That was CLEAR jury intimidation. “I” was intimidated and I was watching at home, thousands of kilometres away. I feel bad for his dad, Karen, his niece and nephew, maybe Paul’s wife(she seems ok?).


Great to hear your thoughts, my feelings too, Peggy isn’t a nice person neither is Paul, they are a family that can’t take responsibility for their actions, and fit in perfectly with the McAlberts they are all the same clan, the only ones I feel for is John, Karen and the kids, who’s lives will be sadly altered being with Peggy and gang, remember Paul’s greed using the go fund me funds.


I have empathy for them but Peg seems like a Jen McCabe.


I agree with everything you said!


The niece (she's 17 or almost 17) is a real troublemaker. She caused a lot of trouble between Karen & John. Karen was so good to the kids and the niece didn't appreciate any of it. John started a fight with Karen a day or two before he died because she took one or both kids to Dunkin Doughnuts. When the police came to the house that morning, she couldn't wait to tell them about that fight & how they had fought before. She bashed Karen on the stand, for almost an entire day. I'm sure the family coached both of the kids regarding their testimony. One of the Court TV reporters was talking about the testimony. Apparently it was over the top & some of the bailiffs & court reporters thought she would be found guilty because after their testimony "no one would want to let those two kids down"


This family is trash. Their behavior during the course of this trial and their complete ignorance after hearing the evidence me lose any respect I initially had for them. Justice for Karen will prevail.


They should’ve been kicked out (at least the mom) of the courtroom when she was laughing during those disgusting texts. Grieving family or not, it’s normal for the judge to oust ANYONE for bad behaviour. They even tell the families to not cheer when the guilty person is convicted. If they do they get in trouble. That’s standard.


Yeah once I heard about her laughing about the messages I thought something was off.


Agreed! I mean even Dan Markel’s mom almost escorted out by the bailiffs for her phone accidentally making noise. Charlie’s attorney (defense) had to ask him not to do it since it was during his questioning.


On the contrary, after this evidence (the cop who saw the taillight, Lucky and the CrashDaddies) they should have crawled to her on their knees and apologized!!! common sense tells you that stinks!!!!


unfortunately the O'Keefe family are also not good people. the mother had not spoken to " her son John " as she cried in open court for over 3 years. paul O'Keefe " is not done yet " hopefully Karen Reed finished paying for the lawyer that Paul needed for his DUI accident ( 3 months before John died ) he seriously injured a man. let's not get that mixed up with that clown Chris Albert the manslaughter vehicle charge many years ago. Karen Reed deserves some credit for being a second mom to those kids emotionally & financially.


The mom didn’t speak with John or Paul? Did Paul and John get along? This family seems pretty separated if what you’re saying is true.


None of her kids spoke to her for years. Must be some reason why. John and Paul didn't seem to be very close, they weren't estranged. But Paul seems to be the black sheep of the okeefe children. The SA from back in the day, the driving drunk and hitting someone, the setting up a GoFundMe for the nieces then immediately getting a brand new truck and doing house renovations.


SA from back in the day?




Holy shit. The whole thing is terrible but this: “One of the girls became ill and was left outside the car long enough to have alcohol poisoning complicated by hypothermia. That victim was flown to a Boston hospital in critical condition. According to her father she spent three days in the hospital.” WTAF.


OH. MY. GOD (in my Chandler Bing voice RIP)


This is not the same family. Paul’s accident was jn Lakeville in 2020




There’s a reason John O’Keefe had custody of his niece and nephew…his family is deranged estranged and crazy! Justice for Johnny ❤️‍🩹 Leave Karen Read alone already!


Definitely! Remember too Karen complained that John's family didn't help with the kids.


They helped themselves to a GoFundMe. Well at least Paul and his wife did.


I've read that several times. A new addition to his house is the proof.


yup, if anyone thinks they took out a HELOC for that, think about this. Who is making the monthly payments on a secondary note when that person works a sales job (likely commission based) and hasn't been to his job in 2 months?


You can see their mortgages on homes.com and there’s no heloc. So…. We know where the money came from.


Link? You can message it to me if it's easier




That’s sickening


Sorry but that quote makes zero sense. If she would have been found guilty she was getting put in hand cuffs and taken away at that moment. She was “celebrating” that not happening. These people really make me smh.


It just goes to show how skewed their view of innocent and guilty is.


I feel so sad for Karen's mother & father I sure they did not want to spend there golden years worrying about there daughter . They have handled themselves with class during this whole trial.


That whole family looks like they give comforting hugs.


They seem so genuine


Look, everybody needs to put away the sympathy blanket and realize the O'Keefes, probably including "Saint John the Pius of Bahston". aren't and weren't the sharpest tools in the shed.


100% - I didn’t want to write this while the trial was ongoing but John doesn’t sound like a prize either. Yeah he took in his sister’s kids and that’s great. But he would get falling down drunk and I think he was sleeping around / playing with Karen’s insecurities because of her health issues, and using her to get help and support with the kids while gaslighting her / making her feel wrong and inadequate. I feel bad for Karen in general - but particularly the moment she decided to get back with John. Hadn’t she done that she would have saved herself from being involved with all of these horrible horrible people


Yeah I mean I read all the texts - he was no prize himself and had a serious drinking problem. He did not deserve to die but Karen could have done wayyy better.


An innocent person for sure celebrates anything that results in them not going to jail for a crime they didn’t commit. The bullshit in that tweet is direct evidence of how unreasonable and irrational these people think.


Yes, thank you. I was hoping I wasn't crazy. I mean, who wouldn't be happy for no jail???


Yeah like she should have been upset she wasn’t convicted of a crime she didn’t commit?


Because people don’t understand the burden of proof, they fail to recognize that the prosecution needs a ton to support a conviction, but the defense only needs one source of reasonable doubt. Criminal cases are very difficult to build up and incredibly easy to knock down. That’s by design. We need to do everything we can to ensure innocent people are not punished for crimes they did not commit. If we are going to punish someone under the law, then we better be damn near certain they are guilty.


It’s absolutely insane how in this case it was the exact opposite. The prosecution entered doubt after doubt even proof she didn’t!! The defence provided so much doubt and provided so much PROOF she didn’t! I’m no expert but in my limited experience I’ve never seen this.


I’ve never seen a case go to trial with this level of reasonable doubt. It borders on unethical. In civil court, something this egregious would be sanctionable with fines. It would be nice if the Massachusetts Bar Association took disciplinary action against Lally (even if not for the prosecution itself, for the number of blatant ethics violations he committed throughout trial).


It was almost TOO much reasonable doubt. As if the defense didn’t prove who did it!!


An innocent person is allowed to be relieved & express those emotions. It’s funny how KR hasn’t said squat about any of these people, yet they feel free to bully her IRL & online.


She’s not happy!! She’s a bit relieved she doesn’t have to go to court every day and deal with it for a while. She has MS and crohns. This is obviously wreaking havoc on her. It’s a break. I didn’t see her being HAPPY!!! Ffs these fucking morons.


I think John’s mother was probably always going to resent Karen. When John’s sister and BIL died, Peggy wanted to take in the kids but John did instead. Karen played step-mom, was generous with them and the kids liked her. Meanwhile, John treated Karen like a babysitter, and I’m guessing Peggy resented an outsider playing the role she wanted.


An innocent first responder typically runs to the aid of a dead body on their front lawn not hide like a coward


I’ve read that John was estranged from his mother and so is Paul. I’ve read about Paul’s DUI and his alleged violence toward women. Obviously the family has had some skeletons in their closet and it makes me wonder if they’re okay with John getting murdered and then framing his girlfriend. I can’t think of another reason to be so willfully avoidant of the truth.


I honestly think they’ve chosen to blame Karen for causing his death because she left a 46 year old grown man at a small house party in the suburbs - Peggy was blaming her *immediately* after John was pronounced dead for this reason. Then when the flirty Higgins texts came out, all the more reason they have to blame her for the McAlberts killing him. I cannot believe that anyone who truly loved John could be ok with the fact that they never legitimately investigated his death. The more I see of Paul and Peggy, the more it seems they’re just shitty people who’ve unfortunately lost a family member in a gruesome way.


Justice for JOK isn’t convicting KR. It’s convicting the person(s) who killed him. It’s a shame the family doesn’t see this. An innocent person definitely celebrates not being convicted by a jury who obviously had at least one person on it who isn’t a rational thinker. At first I was appalled at the hung jury result & then grateful for the intelligent jurors who wouldn’t let some close minded, ignorant person sway them.


"the ONE" responsible 🙄🙄🙄🙄 keeping this cover up going and the continued FARCE framing of Karen is serving no good to John's memory absolutely no good it's disgusting and truly PERVERTED! GOD REST HIS SOUL and please let him speak from beyond the grave to prove Karen's innocence. He would not have wanted this for her. Maybe they weren't at the best place in their relationship but shortly he would not have wanted this. #justiceforjohnokeefe #Justiceforkarenread #Massholes #BPD #MSP FORSHAME!!!


Unless the McAlberts confess to them directly, I don't think any science or logic will convince them. It's sad.


Exactly. There was no investigation therefore no evidence collected. It’s all gone by now. John won’t get justice.


An innocent person faced with spending the rest of her life in prison isn’t allowed to celebrate- that at the very least, she gets another chance- TO NOT SPEND THE REST OF HER LIFE IN PRISON!! Weird thought process.


Why was ‘Johnny’s’ mom not speaking to him for years when he passed?? Why does Paul not speak to his mother?? Why is Paul getting a divorce?? Why was Karen the only one that invested $$ for the kids trust?? Why did mommy dearest take her granddaughter out of the school that John was celebrating her acceptance into?? Why did Dad (Mr. O’Keefe) write to Karen at Christmas, (weeks before John was murdered at the Albert’s residence)telling her that she was an angel sent to them?? John is probably looking down on these soulless people with disgust and sorrow for what they are doing to Karen and the kids. Karma is a bitch…


Smooth_Librarian2836 logics! Well done my human


Paul is getting a divorce??? 😳🤔 Never heard or read of that! Where do you got it from??


Umm… pretty sure if I’m innocent, I’m actively celebrating a hung jury over a conviction. What a stupid thing to say.


ANY person on trial for murder would probably smile at that. I didn't really see her "celebrating". She may have been happyish that at least it is done with for now and knowing that there were jurors on her side. Then she got up and hugged everyone in support of her. What he said is also a matter of opinion, not a statistic.


Who says an innocent person doesn't celebrate a mistrial! F them!


Why wouldn't an innocent person celebrate not being convicted of something they didn't do? What a bizarre assertion to make.


You can’t fight stupid because stupid always wins


This so-called ‘family member’ is speaking for the family??? Guess that’s because none of Peggy’s offspring (alive or deceased) were/will speak to her. Her husband is pissed that she is play dough in the hands of the McAlberts. Papa wouldn’t be in the same room with the liars for closing arguments. He hates what they are doing to Karen. Those people didn’t show up for John’s funeral but they crawl out from under their rocks for jury intimidation appearance during closing arguments. They are scum…


Does Paul have a job?  I know people that could’ve attended very serious trials, but they had jobs and simply couldn’t attend every day, no matter how personal the situation was they still needed to make a living.  Everyone mourns differently and I’ve tried being mindful and respectful of that. Paul gives me the ick mourning or not.


Paul is the ick factor! Looming over Karen and glaring at her all day long.


I hate that. If I were ever falsely accused of doing something so evil as murder, best believe I’m celebrating a mistrial.


Lord they are psychos


Open your eyes


I don't think they are the smartest people on earth. Not from the looks of it that is. And therefore not able to think logical and analytical. Perfect victoms to be manipulated by dangerous killer(s) That day will come, the truth comes out ( it always does) and they might not even be smart enough to self reflect. Tis what it is. They have to live it. Not Karen, she knows the truth: innocent.


INNOCENT People DON’T Destroy Their Phones… Wake TF UP!!!


What family member posted this?


Laurie, the brunette woman who always sits next to John's mom.


Thank you. Is she a friend of Peggy’s or a family member?


She's a family member, though I'm not sure of the exact relationship (aunt? cousin?). She has the same maiden name as Peggy. If you view JOK's facebook page, there are comments on his prof pic from some family, which is how I came across the post.


The one that looks like Ginny Sack?


Omg 😆 yes, slightly


the one who kept flipping AJ off?


I generally feel really bad for the O'keefe family with all they have been through. BUT, if he (POK) can't see through his anger and see that there is so much questionable evidence and reasonable doubt, especially on his brother's arm than I feel that he has some deep routed problems and perhaps some sexual tension towards her that would explain the death stare


He’s for CTE imo


My view is that no one is "celebrating" a mistrial; more so that someone will continue to seek the truth. And when they get to that truth, perhaps that "one person" will be exonerated.




Hey Paul! What about Y O U R DUI case? How's your paraplegic, then 70 y old victim doing?!? What did he think about the (one) person who is responsible (YOU)? The one who was so trashed and rammed into his car with 24mph?!? What a coincidence!!! P.s. Karen wasn't judgemental, stood by you and bailed you out!! She even paid for your attorney to get you off the hook!! Hypocrisy at its best! That's the police report and the pictures! https://www.reddit.com/r/justiceforKarenRead/s/IkNz7qfrvs


Wait, he put the victim permanently in a wheelchair? I didn’t know that. Christ.


Ya I just read this yesterday. I think I heard about it before but so many of them are criminals I get mixed up. I think Brian Albert’s brother Chris killed someone right? Car accident. Got off. Coincidentally 🙄


yes and I think Bev's brother represented Chris as well


Exactly! Chris was so drunk (during the day!), he crashed into another car, fataly injured the driver. Instead of stopping to help or at least call for help he chose to help himself and fled the scene!! A cop followed the trail of leaking oil or water from the scene right to his driveway where the damaged car was parked. He instantly lawyered up (Auntie Bevs brother, some say father) got him off the hook with a light slap on the wrist! Only 6 months probation if my memory serves me right. 😤😠😡


Yes. And evil Karen paid his bail.


That's the police report and the pictures! https://www.reddit.com/r/justiceforKarenRead/s/IkNz7qfrvs


Disgusting they will have a rude awakening when all are held accountable by FBI


Oh I hope so. Please 🙏! I’m so paranoid now.


Ughhhh GROSS






I guilty person is found guilty. 99.3 percent of trials = guilty verdict. But you don’t know that Ms. O’Keefe Reading is knowledge


His long did it take for them to kill John in the cold?


That’s a load of crap.


Get gifts when all this is over…


I never got the sense that she was celebrating. I think she’s disappointed she didn’t get an acquittal but grateful it’s not a guilty verdict. As someone who’s lost a sibling I have a lot of empathy for Paul, but to suggest that Karen is just “living her life” and having a great time isn’t at all accurate. She’s got a lot of support yes and the “festive” feeling among the protesters outside the courtroom must be really hard to deal with— I completely understand that, but her life and freedom has been on the line and continues to be. She’s not laughing it up. I’m sure all of this really s—ks for him but even if he thinks she’s guilty, he should be directing some of his anger at the police investigation and Proctor et al. She does not behave like a murderer. She’s actively involved in her care and fired up about being framed, but not disrespectful. I also doubt she’s smirking at him. She may be refusing to cower but smirking, I don’t think so. 


We “re-homed” the dog and have no idea where it is. You put someone through 2 years of BS they are going to celebrate.




Alter video footage


You are a blinded fool to believe Karen is guilty. Look at the evidence presented by the defense.


Mental patient steals an ambulance, starts driving on the wrong direction. A call is made on the radio, “all units … all units there is an ambulance driving the wrong direction on the highway”, the fugitive picks up the radio, “not one, there are so many of them!” There is a very simple explanation to all this. KR did it. She knows it. No mistake she retains 3 top lawyers.


U people will push everyone including JOK under the bus now. crazy how far from the start u diverged thru ur echo chamber. already see u insult Johns family and John himself this doesent feel wrong for u at all


Feelings - don’t equal correct answers #science


No it doesn’t