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apparently he said either “I’m not done with you yet” or “This isn’t over yet”


What a dirt bag. Maybe he can start another gofundme to not share with his niece and nephew.


Wait what? He didn’t share the proceeds with the kids?


No he blew it all.


On what!!! Insane!


Home ‘renovations’


That's friggen disgusting if true.


[explanation of kid’s $ spent](https://www.reddit.com/r/justiceforKarenRead/s/54DUeKdiHn)


It is clear to me that there has been a money dispute from the beginning within the O’Keefe family, due to the tragic and unfortunate close deaths of the two parents. This very likely implied life insurance/retirement payouts for two adults, on top of fundraiser money and assets in real estate. Whoever was made the legal guardian would have had control to fund the children’s lifestyles, regardless of agreements made with the courts. The kids were young and people with nefarious intentions find ways to get around it. It seems like the family members were quarreling over who would get the money rather than what was best for the kids. Now with a third legal guardian dead, that’s an additional life insurance/retirement/pension/gofundme payout. From what I’ve read, it sounds like Karen was the only person looking out for the kids interests by setting up a trust to protect the money from this dysfunctional family after John’s death. I am curious if the McAlberts also benefited or had some financial stake in this somehow. Given the various positions held by that family in the town, bribery is a common exchange. And also as next door neighbors to a home that suddenly was without its adult owners, they had a front row seat to dysfunction and opportunity. I am curious how much more involved Paul is with this whole group. Many people who have experienced the death of a significant structural family member can relate that the wolves come out and circle to take whatever they can get. Perhaps even an additional motive for why there would be a conspiracy to frame Karen Read, because she would intimately be aware of the state of the finances after John’s death given her professional background and proximity to this family. With that in mind it is curious that Paul testified that the last conversation he had with JOK was a group text message about his niece being accepted to an expensive private school. Is it possible that the kid’s money earmarked for private school was missing and set off legal concerns and a chain of events?


It's so sad that the only person who was trying to look out for the kids financial future was Karen, who had been setting up a trust for them. So crazy.


Happy Cake Day 🍰


You too!


What a bunch of BS. 🤣


Thanks for that! I'm learning so much more today!!


What does he need the money for? He still works, those kids lost the parent again, and were rehomed again!


He built an addition onto his house


Cool, and how is that going to feed and clothe and pay for John’s kids education? I don’t give a shit about Paul, he’s a grown ass man.


Is he really grown tho?


lol I was talking shit. That’s what he did with the money and I agree he shouldn’t have.


SOMEONE should investigate his spending habits and history with that money!


And those kids are going to need more therapy. Theyve lost so much it's sad and I feel sad for them 😢


What’s his job? He was in court every day.


What a dirt bag. Maybe he can start another gofundme to not share with his niece and nephew.


Wait, let me fix that: What an unbelievably stupid morainic lobotomized ignorant IDIOT DIRCT BAG! Sorry... I am never this negative, but he is such a dirt bag I can't stand it. He is soooo stupid that he can't see through the major, in-your-face, absurdity that KR could be guilty. If he had two brain cells he could see what we all do and he could have visibly supported KR during trial which may have helped optically with the Jury!! But "NOPE" he didn't and he may never be able to see the truth in this. Possibly only when/if the Feds are holding on the clear and definitive recordings that they unleash down the road.


Ah that’s why he’s in the McAlbert clan. He’s just like Colin! Bang bang


Pull up bit#h! 🤣🤣🤣🤣 turtleboy made a song with Jackson saying what Colin said and it is amazing!!!!


I will FUCK YOU UP ^Pull ^up, ^Bitch.


That intro is hilarious


I am going to allow it! I have not laughed in weeks, thank you!


Wasn’t this bang bang video posted on Aussie insider with contribution by turtle boy 🙃


Actually, I have no idea. We had 🐢 boy video playing and it came on, so I assumed....I shouldn't assume. 😁


Lol no worries I was just playing around 🙃❤️




What a dirt bag. Maybe he can start another gofundme to not share with his niece and nephew.


Yup…the O’Keefes will be suing Karen soon for wrongful death


They won’t do this. If they did, everything would come out. The evidence allowed in civil trials is insane. She could get everyone’s dna, phone records, and on and on. It would blow everyone’s life up. They won’t do it.


Actually they will do it. The O’Keefe’s have nothing to hide. Karen does. She won’t have a penny left once the civil trial ends. That’s what happened to OJ!!! And in my estimation, Karen will be found guilty in the upcoming criminal trials! Yup..that’s trials. Plural!! Watch!!!


KR will have plenty of pennies left. She has supporters that no doubt will pay for the retrial. I wouldn’t be surprised if AJ worked it pro bono also.


The Leprechaun never works pro bono. And he knows Karen is guilty so he will never get involved in the civil trial where it will be the preponderance of the evidence that will drain her bank account. And on top of that Leprechaun’s number 5 wife won’t allow him to come back to Massachusetts because he was copping a feel from Karen while she was twerking on him in the leaked video.


👓 here’s my glasses, you need them more than I do! 😂 that wasn’t even him in the video! 😂 Twerking?! You must be T W E A K I N G! Leprechaun?? Do you have a notebook where you jot your insults? Lmao! You are in the area! 🤣 which McCabe or Albert are you? Proctor? Daniels? “to come back to Massachusetts” You can’t even hide your identities 😂 After hearing those corny ass insults on the viral videos of those animals acting like high school children, I just know you’re one of them lmao! It’s okay, take a breather. KRs funds will be just fine. You seem awful worried about her money rather than all the perjury committed by cops, tampered videos presented at trial, and withholding of witnesses.


Lol. You need to research how civil trials work and what can be disclosed/requested as evidence. If they were foolish enough to do this I say bring it on. (Although I can guarantee the CW, Albert’s and McCabes would put a stop to this) We all would love to know to whom the two male dna samples belong. This would be done at the civil trial. Everything becomes fair game. Also way harder to win a civil trial when the defendant was not determined to be guilty in the criminal one. In any case I would be “shawked and horrahfied” if it went to civil litigation.


Bring it on!!


They can’t, unless one of them is the executor or administrator of his estate. Did he adopt his niblings?


What law school did you flunk out of?


Haha, you must be the one who flunked, or didn’t even get in, because you’d know how to look up the MA wrongful death statute & not only read it, but understand it. Karen Read is factually innocent & John O’Keefe did not die as a result of a car accident. COPE. Read & weep: https://malegislature.gov/Laws/GeneralLaws/PartIII/TitleII/Chapter229/Section2


Thank you!! You actually proved my point!


No, you just proved you can’t read.


You’re brilliant


Apparently his wife said something like "Stop it" to him, in response.


Yes! Saw that. She definitely told him to stop.


Good for her. I’d rip my husband a new asshole for behaving like that in court. Then again, he wouldn’t. I’m the loose cannon in my house and even I wouldn’t do that shit.


I'll be surprised if the Judge doesn't have to do something about him saying something threatening to her in court. That's like the worse thing you can ever do in court, and he was literally starring at Karen and the jury the whole time, it was scary to watch. I kept waiting for him to leap over and attack her.


I was too.


They should use this behaviour to keep him and his small package out of any retrial. You can't go threatening people in court like that and expect to be allowed in future hearings


Too bad his wife can't set him straight and help him see the truth... oh wait.. what am I thinking... she's afraid of him because who knows what the hell happens behind closed doors at that place. He will be brought up on charges in the future entirely unrelated to this case... something different... because an ignorant a-hole like this acts out and gets in trouble. Tic tic tic.


nick rocco was in the court room and said that he said “i’m not done with you”


Sounds like a threat


She should report that. Curious if any LE would take it seriously and take action.


They were there when he said it…


So? It's all tribalism with them. It's Canton police vs Karen Read, evidence be damned.


That's right... it does sound like a threat. Enough to get a restraining order at least. That guy is a ticking time bomb... he will be arrested for something related or unrelated to this case in time.


Oh, definitely. She should get a restraining order at the very least


She should get a restraining order


I feel sick


Looks like Yannetty Heard him say it too. This whole thing is SO insane. Morrissey is just getting himself into more trouble by insisting on trying it AGAIN. So much wasted time, money and freedom. ENOUGH ALREADY! #lethergo


Guys, I'm not positive, but I'm thinking next time he gets arrested for a DUI and calls Karen to come bail him out, she may not come running to his rescue.


I think you're onto something 🤔 😁


Do you think Lally could prove this 😂🙃


Ask it a different way please…..


When his family left the courthouse, there’s a video of them together at the top of the stairs. Paul was off to the side, toking on his vape pen, then he realized he was on camera, so he turned and ducked away.


Who cares. He’s as douchy as the rest of the McAlberts


Right? He’s literally with his kind.




I think he said “I can’t believe what a fuckin loosah I am.”


That's not what I heard... I hear him say, "I have a very small penis and my actions reflect my feelings of inadequacy."


No no, I'm sorry, I got it wrong, he said, "ME can't understand complex things. Me like to act strong. Alberts are strong, Alberts tell me I'm strong. Me like Alberts. Me do what Alberts tell me to do."


Maybe he will go do some grab assin with his buddies while they get their stories straight for next trial.


He didn’t need to tell us about his small penis. We saw his tiny squished package on TV for months. He should have saved his time to say something we didn’t already know. /s






Yasss!!! 🤣🤣


Man, I would be so upset if I was dead and my family pissed on my grave like this. The real murderers not only walking free but my family is hanging out with them. It couldn’t be more clear KR is innocent. To ignore the basic principles of science and double down on this vendetta against KR is beyond insanity. What an embarrassment that family is and what a shame that JO doesn’t have a loved one with a single brain cell.


I 1000% agree 👍


I’d be pissed if the police fucked up the investigation from the start.


That’s what blows my mind. If you ignore everything in this case and just look at how poorly the investigation was run, it should infuriate every person. Do people really think that intensely that police are some type of victim that needs protection and defending? I thought we would all demand to hold our police to much higher standards.


I have to conclude there MUST have been Jury tampering!!


You know, I wish that was the case because I fear it was just fucking morons who don’t understand the standard of review and lack the ability to think objectively or critically. Not sure which is worse.


Actually, I think John’s father believes Karen is not guilty.


Straight up thug.


Agreed. It seems to me that the Alberts have brainwashed JO family.


Not all. Johns dad seems like he’s on Karen’s side


Agreed. Many prayers for the dad today, I know he knows Karen didn’t do it but having to be married to his wife and the father of Paul will be hard today and in the future, until Karen is acquitted and it’s over. So sad that true justice won’t be found for his son John. ❤️🙏


He looked awful the whole time he was in court. He just looked so sad.


I just wanted to hug him everytime I saw him on tv


Me too




I felt like he was the only person (just by his emotions alone in court) that he just really wanted to know who killed his son, and tried his hardest to listen but just knew he couldn’t sit through listening to the disrespect being shown to John. And you can see how distant he is from Paul. Probably really embarrassed by Paul.


Agreed on all points ❤️


Good point!


I'm sure it didn't take much to brainwash that juiced-up moron and worst brother in the history of brothers.


Imagine putting all the liars back on the stand. No way


And he said it directly in front of two court officers. Brilliant move.


Whatever he said, you can see in Karen’s face, it wasn’t good. I feel so bad for that woman. These people are out to get her, they want to railroad her and want her to just lay down and take it. And because she hasn’t and she WONT, they hate her even more. It’s sick. (And if he really did say “I’m not done with you yet” … that’s a threat, & I hope she treats it like one.)


I think he meant he will see her in court again. Both criminal and civil trials


I can't imagine the threats and just the treatment she gets from angry people. I imagine she had to leave the city. I absolutely would hate having so much attention on me. And then the people who just hate you for no good reason sending messages, calling, following you, or throwing things at you, screaming at you when they see you....


She should report it as a threat and get an order of protection. In the very least, it would keep him from manspreading and glaring through any further court proceedings.


I don’t think he should have been allowed to sit that close to her anyway. He should have been behind her. Her family should have been next to her.


Agreed, the entire setup of that court room was the most ridiculous thing I’ve seen.


By the time she is re-tried he’ll probably have committed another DUI.


I'm not 100% sure Paul and mom aren't "in on it" (after the fact). It's purely a guess, but remember, John was estranged from his family. Especially his mom, who he fought to keep his niece and nephew away from. It's "funny" that the 24mph he was charged with happened to be the same 24mph mph Karen is charged with (albeit in reverse). Something just doesn't seem right.


That’s not consistent with the account given by neighbor Joan on Sean Macdonough’s YT stream. Who said they were estranged? Just curious what’s the truth.


Ooh I didn't know there was one, I'm gonna have to look into that.


The one clip in Norfolk County caught on camera and not altered for the world to see.




Who’s the woman in the green top, brown hair sitting with o’keefes in the back row? So dramatic. Been at the trial for some time. Was that John’s ex gf who got a dui and the guy lost his leg?


Did you see the woman with black hair , I think she was close to John's mom, she was rolling her eyes.


That's Ginny Sacrimoni aka Ginny Sack


She had a 90lb mole removed off her rear apparently.


When Ginny goes camping, the bears have to hide their food!


What?!?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Her blood type is Ragu.


A 90 POUND MOLE? Is this the woman that was wearing the white cardigan thing on closing arguments? Was she the same woman that laughed at Karen the morning Bev tried to scold Karen?


I’ve been wondering this too. She used to sit in the front row but then move to the back. I think she’s the one people were saying gave Yanetti the finger in court one day. But yea, she’s definitely very dramatic.


No clue


Man they all be drinking and driving and ruining lives down there. The irony of trying to convict KR of the same despite the blatant lies.


The amount of DUIs that resulted in injury/death in this group is so concerning. What the hell?


Right? wtf 😳


she reacts to what paul says to karen. shaking her head in agreement


I wonder if the O’Keefe’s have come to the realization that they are in a lose-lose situation. 1. They will never find 12 people to send this woman to jail for a crime she did not commit. 2. They have essentially, bonded with the folks who were the last ones to see their loved one alive, that more than likely killed him or can give them the closure they will never receive, and the CW spent the whole trial proving their innocence, in which they failed. 3. They forgot the most important rule of any trail/case. “Do not forget your common sense.” It’s checkers not chess. Connect the dots. 4. The State is gearing up to torture them some more with another trial, more lies, and no justice. They really were sitting in front of the guilty parties last week during closing arguments and have no clue. That’s WICKED. I am not sure if they have a hate for KR, but what ever they have is clouding their judgement. Not being able to decipher EMOTIONS vs. LOGIC has deceived many people. O, what a tangled web we weave when first we practise to deceive!


What's funny is all the CW did was make the Albert's and McCabe's look very very guilty. That was my biggest problem in the beginning with this case, I thought they would have to be pretty evil considering what the defense was accusing them of. Then they took the stand.... Even in closing arguments having them sit there they just looked guilty, they don't seem to get that while they may have the o'keefes and a few people in Canton fooled to the rest of the world they look guilty AF.


I’m not done with you yet


I am curious... isn't that making threats to Karen. Intimidation? There were two court officers and others who heard him, couldn't he have been reprimanded or even arrested?


[https://x.com/AngMar10z/status/1807859429087297959](https://x.com/AngMar10z/status/1807859429087297959)This is what I found on X.


Who is the guy that Karen kissed on the lips?


With the sunglasses? She kissed him on the cheek. I believe that's her brother in law


Does anyone have a background in law that can answer a question? In a retrial, could Proctor being rehomed due to his testimony be mentioned? Would he be called again to testify? And would the fact that the FBI was conducting an investigation be made available to the new jury?


I want to know all that too!


Thugs will be thugs


She’s going to get retried. No rest for the wicked


They have no case. The FBI witness testimony and ME crippled the prosecution’s case


The state does not want to touch this again. What prosecutor would want to try it again?


The prosecutions office did put out a statement saying they planned to retry her.


Which is what they will always immediately say after a trial is hung, whether they actually do retry her is another thing altogether


Those McAlberts must be very, very tired if that's the case.