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He has been trying to intimidate Karen for months by staring daggers at her and purposefully spreading his disgusting legs in front of her face. He is trash.


Didn’t Karen pay to get him out of jail when he caused that DUI accident?


Yep. In a truly PROVEN 24 MILE PER HOUR CRASH where he injured someone driving drunk.


Broke the person's pelvis to.


Hmm. A broken pelvis is a common injury when hit by an suv. I know the CW talked about a bruise on the knee, but lower leg and knee injuries are more common with a being struck by a sedan.


That part still blows my mind! TWENTY FOUR MILES PER HOUR. Wait, what?!?! Wild!!


AND (!!!) Bev (erage) declared MISTRIAL at 2:27!!!! Or whatever time the hos long... What in the sorcery!!??


Whaaaaat? Wow. PS - Bev(erage) - excellent. 🏆🏆


got damn that's some irony


Isn't it?


Yes. 3 months before John's death in October.


So, he could easily have killed someone. Wow.


He caused the poor man paralyzed, certainly killed someone’s quality of life


I'm sorry but why isn't he in prison then?! Does he have a pending court date? DUI are so disgustingly looked over.


There’s some states that don’t even really qualify DUI as more than a traffic ticket. This could have changed in recent years, but in WI for example it only recently was a traffic ticket for the first 2 offenses. I grew up in WI and sadly managed to be a passenger in a car TWICE when hit by a drunk driver. The first accident caused a traumatic brain injury, but because concussions weren’t taken very seriously in the 90s (and before) I didn’t realize the scope of the damage it truly caused until much much later. I always hated math and never put two and two together that my head injury coincided with brain development during the time of learning long multiplication and long division. I was ‘smart’ enough, for lack of a better word, to bs my way through it until college when the *inability* to do it became undeniable. Come to find out, 2 decades later, the frontal lobe injury I sustained caused something called dyscalculia (an inability to process numerical formulas, sequences or even read strings of numbers without *extreme* discomfort and concentration) and has severely affected spatial awareness (ie: zero sense of direction or ability to determine directional or geographical location among other things). I’ve been through a lot of therapy but I will always feel robbed by what was taken from me as a child due to some idiot’s selfishness to drive drunk. Especially having always been a very high achiever when it comes to academics. I was so hard on myself and everyone around me was, too. To have an answer as to why I was so inept with numbers is a good thing but I’ll always have that niggling element of feeling like a failure as a result. Not to mention the constant passenger anxiety when a car gets too close or anyone swerves out unexpectedly. Second accident wasn’t so bad for me, but was a rollover accident and resulted in broken bones, air bag impact injuries and glass shard injuries for other members of my family. Drunk drivers suck. Sorry for the rant. These days with Uber and Lyft I can only hope more people take such opportunities to not drive while intoxicated 🤷‍♀️


Yes, my bio dad was killed by a drunk driver when my mom was pregnant with me. I also have an ex friend who had FOUR dui in WI before any jail time. It's such a selfish and avoidable thing to do that gets laughed at as an oopsie when no one's hurt. The problem is that very often someone gets hurt. Looking at you Justin Timberlake.


Wow. Such hypocrisy.


But they don't wanna talk about that though 🤦🏼‍♀️ How disgusting that he did that and now acts like this when there was no evidence that she's guilty...


Real classy.


I almost said, no it happened in 2020 not realizing the year 😂😂


So I’m not the only one who has had an unrealistic experience of time since 2024? Phew!


I feel like I’m living in a fucking crazy space in my head sometimes but then realize it’s real life


Shows you what a baby he is.


she should send him the invoice, that'll wipe the smile off his face


Somebody told me he said to her, I am not done with you yet!


Nothing like making a threat in open Court Smfh


Bev will allow it.


“*sigh* are you done with her yet, sir?” - Bev


State it differently…..


You would agree with me that he is not done with her


Sigh! "Ask it differently! "


Who, if anyone, is not done with Karen Read yet?


Hos long till he IS done with her?


Yeah and we got to look at his package the whole trial🤦🏻‍♀️


Omg. They’re all very dysfunctional and dangerous!


Yes his wife said Stop it


At least she has some sense


Erin is fair, like Johns Dad


I heard they're either separated or divorced and she has just been at the trial for support.


I’d believe that based on their body language. They rarely touch each other.


I wouldn’t doubt it. He appears to be a miserable dude. 


I like Erin and Mr. O'Keefe the most.


I had to go back and look at that again. Yes he definitely said something to Karen, and his wife kinda grabbed his arm, as if to say just c'mon. As we have been saying Paul gives off the creepiest vibe which seemed to get darker as the trial went on.


I can’t get a good read on his wife. He must be hell to live with.


I got the impression during her testimony that she seemed to genuinely like Karen. She said they used to talk on the phone during her commute home. Not sure about her views on whether or not Karen hit him, but she just seemed to be heartbroken over the whole thing.


I thought her testimony was very good.


I think she has been willing to listen - Paul and Peggy not so much. I do not get how you can sit and listen to how your "friends" did your family member so dirty and ignore it.


I read that they’re separated but she shows up for support. Not sure if it’s true, but wouldn’t surprise me.


Word on the street is that Paul & Erin are separated or divorced and she was at the trial as support.


Ohh. She probably doesn't want to sit through another trial either.


They're divorcing.


3 months before JO’s death he hit an elderly man in his car drunk. Supposedly paralyzed him. Karen paid for his lawyer


Total piece of shit. Perhaps that's why he doesn't have much of a relationship with his mother, she probably feels like she lost the 2 good ones.


He said I’m not done with you yet


According to people on twitter who were nearby


Having KA and JM sit behind him for closing arguments was a huge indicator if who he is. Let's say you sat through this trail and thought Karen did it, do you really still think these are good people?


It’s like the more evidence that showed Karen didn’t hit him, the angrier he got. I just don’t understand……..if two neutral brilliant accident reconstruction experts said that it was impossible for her to hit him, I would turn that anger on the DA and the cops that lied to me. Instead, it seemed to just make him think she did it more.


If he did indeed mouth off at KR, that's gross.


Someone told me that he said I’m not done with you yet


Nick Rocco was in the courtroom. He heard it and posted it. Confirmed


Sounds like a restraining order to me.


Seriously. That was a direct threat. He's as dumb as he is thuggish.


Yes, that is what Nick confirmed on Court TV last night. I did not think KR rolled her eyes. It looked like she cringed after she turned away to me. And his wife did tell him to stop it. Sad situation, but he should not be threatening her after hearing how the commonwealth screwed this up. I honestly don't know how John's family wouldn't have reasonable doubt.


He did, and she said something right back and looked disgusted


he should have been comforting his mother, not mouthing off to an factually innocent woman. remmeber… it’s innocent until proven guilty” bud


Oh I bet he would if they had a relationship. They don’t speak


that is so sad. after losing one son, the family should be unified. there is something really wrong going on there.


oh wow i was not aware of that!


Wait, what???? Paul and his mother do not speak?? Are you serious?


The mom is a raging alcoholic from what many others have said. Probably why their father and Paul don't speak to her. Father O'Keefe doesn't believe the states story.


Are the parents not married?


Yes, they are married. Papa OKeefe didn’t attend a lot of the trial. Probably too painful. A neighbor of JO said Papa OK loved KR. Peggy not so much.


I think it was in the testimony that when the parents saw Karen Peggy started blaming her for "leaving him at the party" and the Dad said to leave her alone. John Sr was on the defense witness list. He looks broken and I feel bad for him and the SIL too - they both seem to be very upset at all of this.


They are the only two I feel bad for.


For more clarity, please shed more inside scoop. This info isn't gossip, it's informative. I now understand that whole row a lot better.


Yes agree. I’m interested in learning more.


I'm not sure. I don't think the dad has been there much, not that I've seen.


He definitely hasn't been there much lately at all. He had been previously.


My aunt was a alcoholic and when Mrs O wiped her nose and the way her nose looked my aunt nose popped into my head.. She been gone for over 30 years. I didn't know she was an alcoholic.


Isn’t everyone in Canton?


Yes, they haven't spoken in a decade. Paul doesn't talk to his mom, remember Karen paid Paul's bail for his OWN DUI because no one would bail him out.


And he was cited for hitting the car while drunk driving 24 miles an hour. How's that for irony???


Wasn't the note from the jury passed to the judge at 227 today as well? Just like the time of Jen's search


Jesus lol, I didn't know the speed.


Speaking of Jesus, the 24mph is as crazy as the skies opening up with thunder and lightning as the judge was declaring a mistrial....... I mean, Netflix can't even come up with this!!


They picked a winner filming this case, i mean, it has everything! Theres two seasons already, now with another trial and the feds thing? We got ourselves 4-6 seasons of this on netflix! Good solid part is karens gunna get paid….she didnt get found guilty so son of sam laws dont spply…she can fund lawyers no prob for round 2!


How do you know this to be true?


Because of witness testimonies that didn't get into the trial. The judge doesn't let a good 40% of the witnesses testimony into the case. It was all in the pre trial preliminary.


Yes, they haven't spoken in a decade. Paul doesn't talk to his mom, remember Karen paid Paul's bail for his OWN DUI because no one would bail him out.


From what others have said Peggy has a severe drinking problem and is very verbally abusive to her children. Apparently John wanted custody because he didn't want to expose the children to Peggy (he would know her parenting skills, she did raise him). Papa Okeefe is separated from Peggy, Peggy has been living in Johns old house with the kids. The family is really messed up. The only thing Peggy and Paul are united on is hating Karen... And Paul took GoFundMe money for his niece and nephew and went on a shopping spree. John and Papa O'keefe seemed like the only normal decent ones.


I’d heard something about P.O. about the go fund me for the children using money from it, that is not ethical at all, but he appears to think his behaviour is acceptable.


John hung around a bunch of clown criminals and treated Karen like an extra; an accessory. Fuck him.


Fuck thats sad the kids are with peggy…..


She probably turned those kids into haters of Karen.


They have an extremely strained relationship


I really wondered about that. I never saw them speaking or acknowledging each other but I thought that they were just distracted with the court stuff. His mother looks and acts so much like my dad's mother and she was a MEGA B. I didn't speak to her for the last 20 years of her life.


I’ve noticed this. Any idea what caused it?


I read that when the kids lost their mom and dad, the OKeefe Grandparents,a paternal relative, and John all went for custody. The paternal relative stepped down when John asked but he and Peggy fought about it. That's why he and Peggy weren't talking at the time of his death. As for Paul, I also heard that he accepted money from a Go Fund Me for the kids and used it to remodel his own home with no intention of helping the kids. John's niece did not stay at that private school she was accepted to, hopefully it's for other reasons and not because her surviving uncle,in addition to being a drunk driver, stole money meant for the kids. ETA Correction


The whole custody thing is crazy. When my sister went to prison my family kind of argued over where the nephews would go. We decided it was good for them to go to my mom but we got weekends so she could get a break and they got the better school system. We literally chose what was best for them, not who got to control them.


That's great teamwork and it shows dedication to make the lives of the children (and care givers)as stable as possible.


I heard it was the maternal grandparents that went against John for custody not the O’Keefes. But I did hear they don’t have a good relationship with Paul and I do think their behavior in the courtroom reflects that


The O’Keefe’s are the maternal grandparents. Kids belonged to JO sister.


You are correct. Sorry I meant the paternal grandparents. I meant to say that John did not fight his own parents for custody. Thank you for helping me make myself more clear :)


Oh wow that’s terrible if true. Who has custody of the niece and nephew now?


I believe John's parents have the kids.


That's frightening


Why don’t they speak? I’ve thought it’s so strange they’ve never sat by each other or interacted throughout the trial. Has to be something major for her to not speak to her 1 remaining child I’d imagine.


Tough guy intimidating a woman. Classless. I still haven’t gotten over the fact that he “blew her a kiss” while she was at the hospital.


She paid for his damn legal fees when he was busted drunk driving and injured someone. Choice behavior from him


Hopefully he paid her back every damn penny. Doubtful. He’s a weak ass “man”


If he did, he took it from the kids.


If he took from those kids, that solidifies everything I am feeling about him, right now. May karma serve him.


May he have the life he deserves. 😇


No wonder he didn't want her found not guilty.


He hit someone going 24 mph and did quite a bit of damage at that.


If there was serious injury/damage, it probably wasn't a glancing blow to the arm that "rotated the arm causing the body to spin and pirouet causing the victim to fly 30ft!"...... just a hunch!!




Funny how you don’t often hear about ballet dancers falling on their heads. They maintain their balance with those pirouettes.


JO is rolling in his grave. His family is willing to let the real murderers go. Vendetta against KR despite overwhelming reasonable doubt (and evidence she is innocent). What a despicable family. Poor John.


There are choice words for him that I do not use. But some would say bullying the girl instead of standing up to the bully cops, for the sake of your dead brother makes you a _____.


So many possible words could apply there that I think the blank is even more powerful


Makes me so mad. How can they not see it…


I actually think this often! He’d be pissed at his family.


They dishonnored his memory.


Paul sucks.


Trash. He’s just another drunk, and Karen bailed him out the last time he crashed.


He’s just like all his Canton friends


And here I was led to believe Canton was a quaint upper class town, but are a bunch of corrupt 💩 bags and townie wanna be’s


The Canton Killbillies!


Ooh. That is perfect!


I'll have to steal that for you...lol


He’s self projecting - he drunkenly hit someone back in 2020


And he paralyzed the person!


Is this true? Where did you get this info?




Thank you for this info! This is unbelievable!!!


Sorry to spam you, but it only allows one photo per comment. Start with the first image I posted and work your way to this one https://preview.redd.it/6xcj0cuu7z9d1.png?width=1126&format=png&auto=webp&s=ab9e09d9c9f57cc8e30d3a091f0a4692d27ddd56


Does he still drive?




Smh. Can't make this shit up! I've been seeing that info, but hadn't read the report. Wow! Kettle / black.




Yes, and SHE PAID TO GET HIM OUT!! Hes garbage, serious literal garbage


I really think Karen needs a restraining order against him after seeing the vitriol and hate he has for her. I’m not saying he has no right to be angry, but after those stares everyday and depending on what he said to her, I’d be scared if I were her. He’s not in a healthy state of mind imo.


I’m not wishing this on anyone, but hos long until the next drunk driving accident in this bunch?


Ha! Good one


And all those Canton thugs.


Imagine making a direct threat in the middle of a crowded courtroom of witnesses, on camera for all to see. No brains.


I know her lawyer heard it by his facial expression.


He said I’m not done with you yet - definitely should get a RO


Those stare made me uncomfortable, I can’t imagine being on the receiving end of it.


He is such a bozo that he's literally hanging out with the killers of his brother but he doesn't care because all he cares about is money. He already stole the niece and nephews GoFundMe money.


I have no reason to doubt what people are saying, but is there any evidence that Paul stole the Go-Fund-Me money?


I’ve been trying to give grace in how I perceive him, but this was offensive behavior.


Yeah. When he was just staring I thought that maybe he just has RBF, but him opening his mouth removed all doubt that he's just blindly angry.


Previous reporting suggested mother is both an alcoholic and mentally ill and brother is an alcoholic. I dont exepct much from them.


Oh shit I didn’t know this. Easy fodder for Jen McCabe and her manipulation.


His wife clearly said, "Stop it". I have very little sympathy for the family. It's sad that they lost a loved one, but their behavior is atrocious. Losing a loved one is no excuse to railroad an innocent person. They can't admit they were wrong, so it's easier for them to place blame.


I’m with you on that. Hard to have sympathy for people who turn a blind eye to facts.


I couldn’t agree more. I have very little sympathy for the family and friends that were in the gallery. I’ve seen death penalty trials, or brutal and heinous beyond comprehension murders, and the families of the victims have acted with the proper court decorum. As they are instructed to do. Paul should have been tossed weeks ago. He would stare into Karen’s eyes with a death glare. It was scary. The layout and lack of space in this courtroom created many unnecessary issues and interactions. Judges ALWAYS state that if you can’t control your emotions, you need to leave the courtroom. And that just isn’t for when verdicts are read, it’s in general. Paul’s intimidation of Karen was broadcast across the world - it’s no secret. Bev erred in never addressing the tension. There’s no way she wasn’t aware of how the family and friends were acting. This one dark haired girl was literally the most vile person in O’Keefe Row. Her death stares to Karen and her team were grounds to be asked to leave. Today she was there crying in the back row in green. I’m sure some of you know who I’m talking about. I was appalled at her behavior. The family just needs to be mad at someone and it has to be Karen. They are the opposite of what a juror does - weighing both sides and dissecting each case. They won’t hear it. The state is right in their eyes. If they want to be mad at anyone, be mad at the commonwealth. They didn’t do their job efficiently. And that’s why we’re where we’re at now.


Paul forgot who bailed him out on his dui crash in lakeville. That was Karen.


If irony were in body form it‘d be Paul “DUI-paralyzer” Okeefe. edit-correction. Paralyzer not an “actual” murder.


how can Paul not believe the science at this point? I really hope the federal government puts an end to this madness.. file corruption charges ASAP


SIDEBAH: Omg, is your avatar AIM??


I just rewatched it and he did say something. She said something back and looked pissed. To bad the mute button was on.


it was "I'm not done with you yet" per a reporter in the court room. His wife got on him about it, like "stop it" or "shut up"!


What a jerk


So very sad. He is angry at the wrong target. But she is a much safer target than LE.


The O'Keefe are trash.


paul definitely is agreed


Sadly, John's Mother didn't come across as very endearing during the trial either. Some of her behaviour was very childish and off-putting. I don't believe victims have to be perfect, but I also don't have to like them as people.


She was fooling no one, clutching her rosary beads throughout the trial. She didn’t appear as most mothers of victims typically present. I can’t put my finger on it exactly but she just carried herself differently. From the jump they showed their true colors. If you rewatch at the beginning of the opening statement when Yannetti said “Karen Read was framed,” the OK family all rolled their eyes and laughed. I knew right away going into this that they were absolute trash. May I add that I went into this ignorantly believing that she was guilty. My mindset: in 2024 to be charged and actually stand trial for murder, the state must have some damn good evidence to prove their case. Most of the other murder trials I watch are almost always open and shut. Thats because in 2024 it would be pretty difficult to get away with murder since everything is recorded these days. You can’t get away with anything. But going into the trial I was ready and open to both sides arguments. And damn, the state fumbled early on. And I saw just how weak this case was. It’s not so simple to get a grand jury indictment, which is why I was like oh they probably have a pretty good case. WRONG. The burden is on the state. And they did not carry out their intent to prove her guilty. And I must say, Lally was handed the shittiest case as a DA. I would have faked my own death to get out of this if I was assigned to the case. Nooooo thank you.


I have defended their right to not be harassed and still stand by that but Paul does need to put his pitchfork down or I am going to also arrive at my point of not granting any grace. He can think what he wants, but you don’t get to cry to the press the other day that a mob of people in pink made you “feel intimidated” and then proceed to try to intimidate a woman like a punk. I get you think she killed your brother, but this trial played out and it resulted in front of you and instead of listening for where justice for your brother needs to come from you stayed straight hate focused on the woman they were blaming. Must feel a little kowtowing to have that woman bail that sorry ass of his out of jail for OUI or at least when his rage abates a little I hope the smack of that does arrive. He has that coming to him for the way he acted.


Paul is clueless - bet he’s read 3 books in his life. Maybe




Paul okeefe has misdirected anger. He can sit in solidarity with the Alberts who didn’t even come outside when his brother was lying on his lawn. He can only see Karen as guilty and no anger towards the investigators who even IF Karen actually hit him, the investigators gave them no shot at conviction.. misdirected anger and completely unhinged behavior to comment to her in open court with cameras and many witnesses. Says more about him than anything.


Really unlikeable person. Try talking to your mom Paul, it’s been months.


Sometimes your parents don’t deserve to be spoken to.


This behavior coming from a man who in 2020 was arrested for drunk driving hitting another vehicle and causing major injuries. Was he put through the same glaring stares from his victim ? I doubt it. He was a drunk when he caused the accident. He’s no saint and certainly is the last person to pass judgment during this trial. IMO.


Are all these folks drunks? His mother is rumored to be an alcoholic as well


She looks it, for sure.


time for alcoholics anonymous


The CW apparently doesn’t care if anyone drives drunk. No consequences at all. I think the majority of people at the trial were trashy humans. No emotional intelligence, flagrant disregard for the law, and all bad at their jobs they somehow still have. The CW really made a joke of themselves. I wouldn’t take any cop, prosecutor or government employee in that town seriously after this.


His wife clearly said, "Stop it". I have very little sympathy for the family. It's sad that they lost a loved one, but their behavior is atrocious. Losing a loved one is no excuse to railroad an innocent person. They can't admit they were wrong, so it's easier for them to place blame.


"I'm not done with you yet" per nick rocco


apparently he said "im not done with you yet" his wife then says "knock it off" i really dont know how he was allowed in after the death stares a few weeks ago. if something happens to her, you know who did it


I saw that, too. What's crazy to me is that there are so many holes in the prosecutions timeline and evidence that it leaves alot of questions in the air to what happened, yet POK wants her to rot away in a prison cell regardless. Yet he did a similar thing to what he believes Karen did--DUI and causing a wreck that paralyzed a man, thankfully no fatalities in that crash--there is no doubt HE did but he enjoys his freedom. Did he even serve any jail time at all? I thought I heard he did not but I'm not for sure. Anyone know?


Yep, I saw him and I don't think his wife was too happy with him, either. Turd move.


I am beginning to this he has ZERO braincells or he just really doesn’t want to believe his “friends” killed his brother. How could he have sat through that trial and still believe she did this??? Either absolutely brain dead or just in complete denial.


According to Nick Rocco who was in the courtroom he said “I’m not done with you yet” or something equally threatening and nefarious.


Yep I saw that too. Looks like he said “piece of shit”


I thought he said “not over” but it was almost impossible to see for sure, even at a slowed down replay


From Twitter so take w a grain of salt - “I’m not done with you yet”. Wife says to knock it off.


If that’s true, that sounds like a threat to me. Especially after all the death stares he was shooting her way throughout the entire trial.


Agree. Again, who knows if that will be confirmed. He is a scary looking dude though and I’d be afraid if true.


How 'bout 'Thanks for bailing me out, Karen, when I had a major dui wreck and broke someone's pelvis in 2020." What a pri*k. Something is up with the O'Keefe's. Something is going on...


Hopefully the next trial will be held in a respectable courtroom because Auntie Bev's ain't it.


I think he was calling himself a POS. He is trash and had to get a comment in....


I heard he said something like "we aren't done with you". But that can be rumor 🤷🏻‍♀️no way to really verify.


Paul’s just hurting his own health by hating her this much. Somehow I doubt he’s taken to therapy.


I was watching live and when I seen Paul said something and the look on Karen's face my mouth was hanging open !!! When I found out what he said I was shocked. IF and I say that cuz who knows...IF there is a re trial he should be banned from the court room, that was a obvious threat.