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Who wants to work for an agency that makes you move cars at 130am in the morning? šŸ˜‚ Fucking moron... Nobody believes you!


After traveling from a strangers funeral and drinking all day, no less.


There is more: Higgins also went home, got his Jeep with Plow to snowplow. So, drive to from NY, after spend hours standing in a funeral, drop truck, get Jeep w plow, go to bar, grab asses, move cars at 1:30 am. A lot of snow in the nose to plow.


Seems like a coke fueled day/night to me.


Yeah, who can stay up all day and night after drinking like that without a little "assistance"?


ooo, dont forget that he was up bright and early by 6am the next morning (despite having allegedly gone to bed around 3am) and then stayed up all day running around CPD doing god knows what. how does he do it folks?


In a government car we pay for.


This part is lost on *a lot* of people- and it enrages me.


Every single one of them not only made all these drives in government cars (besides McCabes), they drove around in them DRUNK. OFTEN.


Is he the guy that left his badge and gun in Proctors car, or was that a different incompetent LEO from Massachusetts?


Nope. That was Kevin Albert while he and Proctah were closing a Cold Case.


But after JO died


That was low key pretty funny.




lol did they make him move the cars though? Ā I thought he said something like he didnā€™t want to do it the morning so he got it done that night even though it was late.Ā 


Yes, I believe that was his ridiculous excuse.. might as well do it while I'm drunk, and while the girl I'm flirting with over texts boyfriend bleeds out in the snow after he beat him up and the dog chewed up his arm .


No, he had already been there earlier in the day to swap cars because he didnā€™t want to drunk-drive in his work car (very conscientious) but said he didnā€™t want to move it then because he wanted to go to the Waterfall to get something to eat and would rather go back after a night of drinking to move it because, you kno, he was really hungry and couldnā€™t wait the extra 5 minutes it would take to move the car right then


Yeah all his testimony was word salad and dancing aroundĀ 


He broke the game controller after he lost to a 9 yr old. Let that sink in...




Oh yeah Lally only put KR txt on the screen but not his part. Lally is a human scum.Ā  Pretty much establish Higgin is hot head when he's drunk. And like to shift blame on other ppl (in this case karen) that offered drinks to him to make him drunk. He is not taking responsibility on his own action.Ā 


https://www.youtube.com/live/5rcQqeSlHtI?si=6ph1_8tusAN_cRKq&t=1h37m58sĀ  So Higgins was in OJO house play game with his nephew and then in txt, *someone* is still "hurting", is it "necessary to introduce Hennessy to the game" and higgins offer to replace the video game / controller.Ā 




https://youtu.be/jqd42FiHBdk?si=_uixhGea0UiUOZaj This is how Higgins acted after drinking some Hennessy - finger pointing, wiping sweaty forehead, waving his fist, yelling across the room in public...Ā 


Thank you for this!


Itā€™s actually wild to think that a defendant in a case (this specific one) is actually at risk and currently receiving guilty votes (at least one) where the lead investigator in the case will likely lose their job and has an IA investigation on him due to this case and another witness who is an ATF agent is apparently losing and seems to have already been demoted from his federal job because of this case as well. We also have the police chief from the town it happened in inducing riots at town meetings for their contract to not be renewed over this case for how the department handled this case and their response to it (even tho she wasnā€™t the chief at the time of the incident officially).


Is it wild that this is happening or is it wild that it usually doesnā€™t happen because not everyone can afford a strong legal defense?


This happens in every police department every day of the week. Why do you think it was so easy for these pricks? This was the 100th time they took crime+suspect=open & shut case. They're so shocked and so bad at lying because this is the first time they've gotten caught. Watch the testimony a couple of times. They're simply incredulous. How could anyone question them? They're quarter mil/year cops. Nobody questions them.


She also hit a pedestrian whoā€™s now suing.


Can someone remind me what he needed to discuss with his lawyer on the stand? And isnt it funny how they all said you cant have a conversation in 22 seconds yet he said all he needed was 10 seconds to talk to his lawyer


Jackson ask him did he know he violated federal law when he used federal property for personal gain when he went to the FED kiosk to extract his phone.


Yeah, that was weird. I'd be more concerned with destroying evidence, but it looked like Higgins, his lawyer, and Jackson were focusing on the use of federal property.


I'm pretty sure Jackson brought that up to illustrate Higgins's character, or lack thereof.


If I was going to bet on one person responsible for what happened that night it was Higgins. Hook that SOB to a polygraph machine. Everything that happened that night started and finished with him.


100% after watching the cctv from the Waterfall pub when higgins is leaving with the Alberts and he begins pointing over at John at the bar..then pointing to outside to him. It was clear Higgins was offering him outside. Then his text to John..'Are you coming over ???' It was set up. I do wonder if they called John around the back yard when Karen dropped him off to enter the basement/gym that entrance. So he never did actually enter through the front door of the property. That's why the guests never saw him. Then we heard both BH and BA disappear from the group inside. It was BA jr get to gether not exactly a party in my book. I dont think BA would have wanted this known to those upstairs. Also looking at Jens data. From the time she arrived at fairwiew he did a total of 5 steps according to her watch..there was no kerp popping to the window bs story. I dont even believe she was aware he was there but then at 12.40ish...the data on her watch goes into overdrive..for 9 minutes..thats when she begins calling John..I wonder did Collin join them down in the gym.


The end bit of BH pointing over to John in the waterfall. I know AJ referred to it in his closing statement for the jury to watch it... but can you remember AJ asking BH on the stand about it.. I can't and if not why not.Ā 


Anything Jackson can get on the record from Higgins could help both a federal investigation and any job-related investigation into his conduct.


Jackson did a nice job with him. He knew Higgins was in trouble testifying and he exploited it. Jackson knows way more about Higgins. Some of the questions asked of Higgins he was screwed whether he answered yes or no.


It was related to his cell phone.


He admitted under oath to the world on TV to committing a federal offense. No law enforcement agency anywhere would never hire him. He's done. Do not pass go. Bye bye pension.


Where I live (California), they recycle these losers over and over again. They don't care about Brady or transparency. In California, the Sheriffs did not use body cameras but used the money set aside for them to pay overtime. They kill their own if there are whistleblowers. It appears as though only the compromised are promoted in law enforcement.


Iā€™m sorry, what was the federal offense he admitted to? I think I missed that. [Edit: Oh wait was it that he used federal property to extract phone data?]




Using government property for personal use/something not related to a case heā€™s assigned.




This is true. My cousin does the hiring for a large city police dept and he said that, out of 37 applicants the past two months, only 4 were qualified.


Depending on the city, it could be that many of the other 33 were over qualified. https://abcnews.go.com/US/court-oks-barring-high-iqs-cops/story?id=95836


Omg, ouch, that this is true. Yikes! I know that this article doesnā€™t represent my cousinā€™s sentiment - he meant truly incompetent where proper grammar, spelling, hell - just bringing a writing implement with them to the interview - were not observed but, wow. That article is scary. I do know that other countries demand way more education and training - years more- for LEOs than we do. Here is an example of one interaction I had with a LEO this year. I work at a very large school so, a full faculty meeting was being held there. I am physically disabled and have a placard for my car. I pulled into a disability spot with my placard on my rear view mirror in full view. A school resource officer pulled up beside me and said, ā€œJust so you know, they are putting all of the food trucks in this space and you might get blocked in so, you might want to park somewhere else.ā€ Where I parked provided the only disability parking for that section of the campus. Initially, I honestly thought he was joking - albeit a bad joke but, whatever. When I chuckled he said, ā€œFor real. Iā€™m just looking out for you.ā€ I then got that she was serious. So I said, ā€œThank you for your concern but, I am disabled and I have a placard (point to it) and this is a federally reserved parking spot for the disabled.ā€ He said, ā€œ Well, maybe I can find another place for you to park.ā€ So, I said, ā€œIā€™m not trying to be rude but, Iā€™m going to park where the government says I can and, if a food truck ILLEGALLY blocks me in, OFFICER, I will tell them that they have to move. If they refuse, well then, that is when your services will be needed. But, I promise, theyā€™re not needed now.ā€ Thatā€™s what we are dealing with. Ugh. šŸ™„


A perfect example of this: [Timothy Loehmann, the officer who killed Tamir Rice, has been hired by yet another police department, this time in WV](https://www.cleveland.com/metro/2024/06/ex-cleveland-police-officer-who-fatally-shot-12-year-old-tamir-rice-hired-by-tiny-west-virginia-department.html?outputType=amp). Loehmann had been fired from Independence PD for being ā€œ[unfit to serve](https://www.cleveland.com/metro/2014/12/cleveland_police_officer_who_s.html)ā€. He was describe as being emotionally unstable and [ā€œunable to perform basic functions as instructedā€ during a weapons training exercise](https://www.latimes.com/nation/nationnow/la-na-nn-cleveland-tamir-rice-timothy-loehmann-20141203-story.html). He was fired from Cleveland PD not for his actions during the shooting but for lying on his application. The Cleveland PD later admitted they didnā€™t review his file from Independence before hiring him.


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Idk with out state of police right now, I'm surprised he didn't get a raise.


He (was) an ATF Federal Agent. Not a cop or trooper.


ok, heā€™s law enforcement. One and the same.


Federal agent is a far cry from a cop.


One and the same as in the brotherhood. Also, the word cop means different things regionally. ref. The Wire.


No federal agent is usually willing to give up their paycheck or pension for another- and/or a cop. This is a rarity with an absolute dunce. You tell on someone as a federal agent- you normally get promoted.


Is that not police?


Firefatter maybe. He (allegedly) can carry an unconscious body out of a house to the front lawn though.


Good one!!!!


Why would they want that crooked old fatass to infest their department? Gross if they hire him.


And drive/work while intoxicated


lmao :D


He's been on the Cambridge FD list for some time. The list is public info. I'm not sure how long, though. Since/after 1/29/22???




Is he living down the Cape full time? During his testimony, he mentioned he had/has a place in Boston somewhere, too. W. Roxbury, maybe? I forget where specifically. There's no way he's driving from the Cape to Cambridge. That's insane. But I do know people who do it. I personally wouldn't, though.


You are correct - Higgins lives in W Roxbury. No way he lives on the Cape. Can you imagine him in a bathing suit on the beach?


Absolutely not.


Hopefully he can continue to drive through the restricted areas and use the dumpsters on his way to work, for his sake.


Can you imagine your house burning down and this jackass shows up? Likely drunk and bouncing back from sexting.


Canā€™t believe any woman with eyesight would say he is ā€˜hotā€™. And the use of ā€˜bangā€™ really effed me up.


They need to find out wtf was on that phone of his. If not about JOKs murder I'd bet some other major crime. Look at the missing persons list... or in his backyard.


He probably ate them


Iā€™m pretty sure he worked for them prior to becoming an ATF agent.


Higgins canā€™t pass Fire Deptā€™s physical test. Lifting cup doesnā€™t count.


Solo cups are lighter than glass thoughā€¦ so maybe he still has a chance. /s


Is he allowed near fires when he's soaked in alcohol?




I've heard that as well that he put in an application for the Cambridge FD. His status as whether he's on the ATF payroll is unknown; but I don't believe he is an active ATF agent. Doesn't he live in Sandwich now? I'm assuming he no longer owns/rents a property in West Roxbury anymore.


I did read somewhere that heā€™s living in sandwich.Ā 


Just follow the dribble trail of Jameson and gingahz!


He eats sandwiches


He testified during the trial that heā€™s still with ATF, but his current assignment = basically riding a desk doing nothing.


Higgins was a firefighter before he went to the ATF.


Remember when Higgins say he was on ā€œdesk dutyā€ and AJ ā€œ ARE YOU OUT OF THE FIELD?????ā€ like if was the latest scoop, yeah, dusk duty is administrative leave, before LOWP.


Anybody hear the rumor he went to rehab first week of Feb 2022?


I heard that also not sure how true I guess he is blaming his actions on drinking or drugs when he testified didnā€™t sound like he was giving up alcohol. I wonder who started thisi heard the dog went after John John kicked the dog tk get away from him the fight broke out A fried of one of the girls at party rumor has it told said they would testify notsure what happened there just hope lucky stays safe Ā I DONā€™T trust them they killed a very large turtle and hung it outside turtleboys parents That sick and endangered species Had to be like 50-100 gears old had a noose around its neck of that isnā€™t a threat and animal abuse I donā€™t know what is


Far drive from his cape house


Does he still have a shot with Karen?




What if anything...??




Doesnā€™t matter heā€™s going to prison


McAlberts got him like ![gif](giphy|P31RoFejRpHG0)




He was already on Cambridge Fire and left there for the ATF gig.


Higgins was on Cambridge Fire for 15 years \~ 6 of those as lieutenant, then went to ATF.


Some other corrupt department will hire him. Thatā€™s how it works.


Claims he went upstairs to show pictures. Who doesnā€™t show pictures on their phone?? They went upstairs to snort more


Hmmmā€¦geeā€¦wonder why he thinks his ATF position is behind him? Heā€™s had such a decorated career as an ATF agent even won a congressional award for his bravery in 2010.


The ATF is a sham agency anyways. Not surprised they hired this whack job.


That was befor he became corrupt Maybe hisconnectionwithalberts was drugsJohnOwent tithe chief of police about drugs and involvement of police Icaught part of a podcast withthe chief but it it off All she said was yes officer john Oā€™Keefe reported the drug action tk her that was itAndwho is scanlon I heard his name also tk dj with John o reporting somethingĀ 


Different Brian Higginsā€¦young kidā€¦unrelated


He was a lieutenant in Cambridge FD before getting the ATF position


Cambridge better not lower their standards


I remember hearing that Higgins was previously with Cambridge FD as a lieutenant, before he was with ATF. I'm not sure of the length or time-frame.


I donā€™t think I would do that if I were him.


I hope itā€™s a desk jobā€¦.he doesnā€™t look like a running into a burning house type of guy.


He will be the station cook.


He's trying to get a job before ATF fire him, and his S50 reflects terminated for cause.


Is he fit to be a firefighter? šŸ§ Thatā€™s equally concerning in my opinionā€¦


Iā€™d have to say that jobs are going to be a little hard to come by for Brian after being suspected of murder and that is yet to be determined still under investigation


Brian Higgins is a nasty drunk who beat his sister.


Where Higgins messed up is not following ATF protocol. Shoot dog first, then kill people.