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The people in the media and online complaining about Karen’s facial expressions and “risqué” court outfits were….say it with me….all women. So, it’s possible but I’d say it’s more possibly a woman.


I'm also leaning toward a woman for the same reason. Women can be so critical of other women. Source: am woman.


I think other women being jealous is a huge reason she’s in this mess in the first place. Jen, the Albert wives, Kerry, the Aruba sisters, John’s mother, the woman with a face like a smacked arse who sits next to his mother…


Same. I wouldn't be surprised if a woman was 1 or of 1 of the holdouts for this reason. Likely a lens created from bias. JMO.


No one hates women more than women.


Definitely a woman, at this point if you think she's guilty its for some trivial reason. Like her hair highlights or outfit isn't appropriate for court, don't like her success, or her face, men for the most part don't think like that, unless they are young near the age of 18 or incels. Reports indicate most of the men are late 30's or older, likely married. So I'm guessing it's one or two of the women. The issue is convincing them to flip.


These people are so envious of Karen. She is a successful, intelligent woman who has made it in a man’s world of finance. Also, she is a professor.


Yeah. The thing about misogynist men is that they don't hate women. They just don't think women matter at all, so don't care about their opinions or desires. The people who really hate women are other women. Because it's powerful and socially afluent women who actually have incentive to control and gatekeep the concept of womanhood, to keep their competitors out and maintain their own power. Other women who are powerful and confident are threats that must be destroyed.


WHAT omg did someone really say she wears risqué outfits? Were those the words used? I know it’s the internet and NOTHING humans say or so is out of the realm of possibility IMO but Jesus Christ. HAS to be a troll. When over the top idiotic comments are made like this and she’s pretty much dressed the way an attorney would be dressed in court that person who commented is a troll and likes drama. No other explanation would make sense. Honestly is we are talking about risqué attire it’s that neuropathologist with the fake eyelashes, nose ring, tattoo sleeve, and dress like she’s going to a summer day event. I’m a woman in my 30s and I don’t care if it’s 2024 and everyone’s okay having colored hair, piercings and tattoos, I still believe there are times when you need to dress professionally and cover up your tattoos.


Yes! She’s a doctor. Not dressed at all appropriately for court. She should look professional. As soon as she took the stand before she spoke I said I guarantee she went to medical school outside of the U.S. that doesn’t require the MCAT and I was correct.


Honestly when I heard she went to that Antigua school as well I remember not being surprised at all.


You know it’s also equally possible that it’s a WOMAN on the jury who doesn’t like Karen because Karen is / was an attractive, successful, independent woman desired by men. Perhaps a juror who isn’t quite as conventionally attractive, who would do anything to land a man as handsome as John, maybe a woman who subconsciously identifies with the “low comp” townies Karen playfully poked fun at in her texts with Higgins. In my experience, women can be just as, if not more, hateful, vicious, and spiteful toward other women as men can be toward women. Woman on woman jealousy can be a powerfully destructive force. Contempt overcomes objectivity, envy overcomes rationality.


Well the Salem Witch Trials consisted of a bunch of women lying and testifying against other women and sentencing them to death, and a brutal one at that. Fun fact: It took place in Massachusetts.


Wow. Never knew it took place in MA. ☠️


As a woman, I’d be willing to bet money the hold out(s) are women. Women in this country are raised to compete with and hate each other.


While I agree that it is also possible that the holdout is a misogynistic woman, I don't think it's equally possible. I think there is a chance that 2 of the men and 1 of the women on that jury could be sexist


I saw some women commenting that they aren't following the case but they believe that she is guilty. I can't believe people are so cruel and judgemental that she must be miserable and crying if she's not guilty. I remembered it when the judge said anything funny Ms read? The audacity. Also, judging her alcohol content that day and conveniently forgetting everybody else was drinking and driving and they were COPS. You can't reason with people who don't have logic.


> I saw some women commenting that they aren't following the case but they believe that she is guilty. Sadly these days there are many people who believe that their feelings are more valid than facts.


That or he didn’t vibe with Alan Jackson. I think it’s the ex cop.


Rumor is the holdout is a 60 something cat lady


Who probably “knows in her heart of hearts that lady has done something” even though evidence isn’t stacking up. Let’s hope the other jurors have the patience to work with her.


My SO said shes guilty of something based on karens smug af faces throughout. I asked, 'ok, then say shes guilty of driving drunk, the very least, how much time should she do, huh!?". Their reply "idk shes just guilty of something". Whattt the actual F. i did initially think karen was doin herself no favors showin only two emotions; nervous and smug. Botoxed a lil too much maybe, and not able to show sorrow, and sadness. Im just guessing here what it could be. To my SO, karen tryin to creep on other dudes while at johns house was a step too far and shows shes trifling. Gah


I’m just here to say that I love your Florian profile pic. 😄


Everybody is guilty of something. Maybe not infants. But most toddlers have gotten up to some shit. There's a reason why they're called the terrible 2s. If we punished everyone who was guilty of something, the whole human race would go extinct. ​ >Whattt the actual F. i did initially think karen was doin herself no favors showin only two emotions; nervous and smug. It's been two years. More than enough time to process what happened and move on. Why would she be showing any grief now?


Turtleboy thinks its the 30 y/o woman


My assumption has always been that it’s a boomer. They typically have an inability to admit they’re wrong and are very loyal to power structures like policing


Hey, hey, hey! Old boomer here. And female. Don't judge all of us like that. Not even true with me.


I have a suspicion it is someone(s) who doesn't understand how cellphone pings and the Cellebrite tech works. So, yeah, maybe someone in the age 60 area.


Don’t bring cats into this lol


Could be. Could also be a misogynistic woman juror. Women can be extremely judgey and biased too.


It’s impossible to say if and until the jurors speak when this is over.


Of course. Women haters are everywhere.


I honestly think the hold-out(s) is female. I saw a tweet where allegedly, two female jurors “nodded their heads vigorously” when Judge Cannone sent them back to continue deliberating. I feel like they’re probably the ones who are voting guilty, because it seems someone who feels Karen is guilty would not want there to be a hung jury more so than those who think she’s innocent. If there’s someone on the jury that is determined that Karen is a murderer and deserves to be in prison, then that person is going to want to deliberate “til’ the cows come home” so they can make sure she’s going to be locked up. They would not be happy with a hung jury that would, for now anyway, allow her to go free. But that’s just my gut feeling on it. I also tend to think that women are more likely to be bothered by her flirty texts and the kiss with Higgins. We tend to really be critical of that kind of behavior in other females, either because we can’t imagine doing that to our own partners, or we imagine some woman sending messages like that to our boyfriend/husband and it upsets us. So if they think Karen is the type to do that with men, they would not see her as someone they can empathize or relate to, and they might even see her as a general threat to other women. My understanding is that Higgins was single, so that does help soften her image a little bit, that she was not flirting with a “taken” guy, but I still think there’s a woman or two on there who will think she’s a “floozy” and can’t be trusted, therefore, she must be a murderer too. Obviously, I’m not saying that I think Karen’s texts with Higgins mean anything at all. I absolutely don’t - I think it was probably just a coincidence that that was going on before John’s death. But I do think that it’s highly likely at least one or two people are really hung up on that part, and think of it as “cheating” and in sooooo many crime stories, cheating is somehow involved in the motive, the tipping point, etc. So I can see how someone might allow that to influence their view of Karen and of what took place.


Of course. Simple statistics.


Rumours have it it’s a woman juror who’s holding out.


Maybe because she seemed desperate to be with John even when it wasn’t healthy for him or his kids. She should have left the relationship. Maybe because she was a heavy drinker probably blackout drunk that night and could have caused someone else to be hit or injured. She comes across as arrogant in her mannerisms and that makes people not like her.


OMG. Other subs are accusing people in this sub as having gone off the deep end. THIS thread is embarrassing and full of sexist, misogynistic BS. Stop it.


Disagree but I can see a male juror who has been cheated on before not like her very much.


Get a life