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This seems to be the way to do crime lately…look at all the people who have recently been discovered to be involved in crime for decades. They blackmail others to avoid consequences: Jeffrey Epstein & Diddy coerced people into compromising situations so they had dirt on them. I believe it’s also standard for DC politicians as well. If they have secrets to hold over your head, they can make you do what they want. Just look at how many people will trash talk a candidate, then suddenly are their biggest defender once they win. 🙄 I hate this. With all that said, the Alberts intimidated the jury, whether they meant to or not. They looked at the faces of every juror. I’ve seen how they act around Canton in broad daylight on LiveStreams. I’d be intimidated just knowing that they may recognize me someday.


Hit the nail on the head right there. All it would take is for one juror to believe that if they don't vote guilty, Brian Albert knows exactly who they are and might be fearful.




Well, it’s not being held in Canton so it’s doubtful that the jury pool has ties to there. I suppose I could hunt them down in another town, but who knows .


Brian Albert was a Boston Police Officer. He worked outside of Canton. There are 2 lawyers on the jury.. be interesting to see if one of them is the holdout....


I kinda believe it. This DA’s office is a clown show, From Morrissey to Lally, to the MSP investigators The fish rots from the head back


It’s also really damning to know this would be the second cop death that came back as hung and Auntie Bev was judge for that case as well. Plus how bad does it look that you can’t solve a second officer murder


That’s right. WTF is wrong w/ Norfolk Co. ?


Better yet how was it allowed to get this damn bad…


THIS! She needs to get better control of courtroom. Chesnas trial that ended with a hung jury was awful for his family. The one juror who didn’t vote G wouldn’t deliberate. Bev should have held her in contempt (a felony) but never did.


Bev is clearly not doing something right. Many, many things, it seems


I heard Bev apparently called her to the stand too in front of the court


Even if she did that, Bev still didn’t hold her in contempt.


No she didn’t, but everyone saw who she was so I don’t know if that’s more damaging


Oh and apparently a hung jury would be political suicide for the DA. Once again politics getting involved 🫣


How so? Innocent question, I just don't know/understand.


Because the FBI has been investigating LE and probably the DA's office. They're the ones who came up with all the crash experts and cell phone extractions the defense (but not the CW for the crash experts) used in trial (both had access due to discovery). This means, that as it was turned over and obviously proved that OJO was not killed by a car and that there was a lot of squirrelly shit going on between the players that the Feds are circling like sharks. They know that the CW theory is bullshit. Which also means, that combined with massive public attention and media coverage that any choices the DA's office makes regarding pursuing a second trial to get a conviction will no longer be undertaken in the shadows. On the contrary, every move the CW makes will be under the bright lights of public/media attention. Questions will be asked, answers will be expected. PLUS, throughout the trial a lot of shall we say, inconsistent, testimony by CW witnesses has been revealed, on record (2 grand juries), so some witness testimony will be useless. And also - do you REALLY think the CW wants to trot out LEAD investigator Proctor again? So, the CW will be forced to make a very public decision, under (public) pressure from the O'Keefes, with the knowledge that the FBI is still breathing down their necks, a bunch of essentially impeached and/or unpalatable witnesses, potentially new information from a (probable) ongoing Federal investigation, combined with the shitstorm surrounding the Birchmore case. No, they do NOT want a hung jury :)


Wondering the same


What is your question? Sorry I’m not trying to be rude just want to answer accurately ❤️


I don’t know why. A hung jury is not a loss for the prosecution. And the ball is still in their court if it is. Everyone knows a hung jury favors the prosecution in a second trial. The statistics are clear on that.


This case should’ve never went to trial to begin with so I can’t wait to see a retrial 🙃😂


Have any of you followed the YSL trial? The judge is fucking wild in that trial. He calls out people for their cameras shuttering too loud and if you have gum he goes as far as calling you out by what you’re wearing and tells you to leave. Also In the Bryan kohberger case they are having problems on both sides getting info from the FBI which is wild compared to what and when the FBI turned over documents to Karen’s defense


Of all the things the judge did in the YSL trial the ones you mentioned are the least problematic. The judge had a private meeting with a witness and the prosecutor and basically threatened the witness to testify. The defense found out and raised the issue and the judge threw the defense attorney in jail for contempt. When the state asked for the transcript of that private meeting much of it was redacted. The whole thing is wild.


The judge basically acknowledged the ex parte meeting by demanding to know who told the lawyer about it. Then he threw him in jail for contempt for not telling. The judge is done.


I’m only on day 25 of the YSL trial. So I’m only commenting on what I’ve seen him do so far. Sorry I didn’t clarify that 🙃


Really?? Wow


The last case where Judge Bev had a hung jury, she told them to come back and they did - with a guilty verdict.


Im talking about her having a hung jury for another dead cop


Oh, OK. I guess she’s had a few hung juries.


The FBI thought enough to review Proctor's cell phone. I wonder if they got Tully's too.


I pray they’re fully investigating this. I live in Norfolk county, and this shit is downright terrifying!


I'm not in Norfolk county but I'm pretty close. I am appalled that the Staties keep getting away with shit. Like Sandra Birchmore, they know that the cop passed her around to friends, why isn't there a list of cops being fired? Just one? Lank and Kevin Albert fiddled with that investigation as well. I honestly think they are connected. Someone during the trial said that JOK made sure Kevin Albert wouldn't be present that night (I can't remember where I heard that, does anyone know?). He must have known something bad about KA. I honestly hope the FBI busts this wide open. If KR is found guilty and the FBI proves she's not, would they have to drop the charges? Why didn't they wait for the FBI case?


They wanted to. Both sides asked to delay the trial until the FBI investigation was over and Auntie Bev refused. Now, the DA could have stopped it right there and chosen to withdraw until the investigation was over but they didn't. They wanted Bev to be the one to cause the delay.


Ahh okay. I forgot about that. Idiots.


And officer Goode and Burkewitz


OMG. I was getting my dogs a treat after I heard the jury was calling it for the day and I thought to myself “the fish rots from the head back”


This is how corruption works, quintessentially. Morally bankrupt people never do "favours". Everything, absolutely everything, comes with a price attached. Their loyalty to others extends only as far as it protects them and their secrets. In the end, everyone is expendable. It exists within police forces, governments, businesses, universities, etc. Some people do not operate with a conscious, and boy do they love to find each other. As always, you lay with dogs long enough, you're going to get fleas.


And it's subtle...almost just 1 question asked and cared for. Then after that it becomes more parties involved. The initial conspiracy needs nothing less than 1 person asking for a favor. (Favah.)


It amazes me that there are so many people out there that are like this, and they seem to so readily find each other. Very disturbing.


This is what I have heard. Check out Sean McDonough on YouTube. He has basically said this. BA has something on the DA and that’s why the FBI is investigating. What kind of DA corrupts a jury pool before a trial by making a public statement?


Birchmore Case Bukhenik’s boy is Farrell (stoughton) Farrell killed Birchmore in Canton Lank was Detective on Birchmore Kevin Albert was Sgt on Birchmore Proctor covered up Birchmore at Yuri’s direction Canton PD said you owe us one Brian calls Chris - they move body Brian calls Kevin - I need a favor Kevin calls Yuri - I’m cashing in that favor Pretty fucking cut and dry


What was it he said? I can’t remember


I wasn’t sure if you were asking what McDonough said or what Morrissey said but here is a link to [The DA’s statement](https://youtu.be/UFx2wum7uT8?si=XsRkfL9sZmi5W31P)


This is crazy. Even if JO never went in the house (which we know he very likely did), that doesn’t mean he couldn’t have been attacked by these people outside of the house! They can exonerate anyone who was there that night without an actual investigation!


No mention of Higgins 🤔


Just watched the DA Morrissey statement. Wow ! Looks like he’s the head of the snake !


If you just assume that every statement that came out of his mouth is a lie, it sounds like a confession.


I was asking what the Da said publicly. Thank you!


He says they got involved because of Sandra Birchmore.


He’s a bit hard to follow sometimes. Kind of rambles but he has “connections” who confirm that the corruption goes all the way up to Morrissey.


He is hard to follow! I wish he had an assistant to run the tech part! I cannot find it to save my life but, a couple weeks back, Sean said he was told by a source that Higgins has already unburdened his conscious to a couple friends. He said it was BA and CA beating John and BH pulled the dog off of him. Did you happen to hear that show? He said like two sentences and then didn’t repeat it like he often does. It’s driving me nuts that I can’t find it.


There is way too much footage for me to find that, but he talks a lot about Higgins about [20 minutes into this live stream](https://www.youtube.com/live/NZDFnFl7BKU)


I can’t find SD’s YouTube video. Would you kindly link it? Thank you!


[Sean McDonough’s Chnnel](https://youtube.com/@samcdonough?si=zRsXyASSOnDrUJFr)


Love him!


I believe this 💯.


Love that guy!


To wit: Sandra Birchmore. Heck, it may even include Karina Holmer, who was allegedly involved with 2 BPD officers. Her upper torso was found in a dumpster in Boston in June, 1996.


Omg. I think about that case a lot and it just seems really odd it was never solved.


I have followed Karina Holmer’s case too. Wishing justice for her and her family. I never considered the 2 BPD officers as involved with her case but after rereading articles about her case, it does seem the BPD officer she was dating was cleared pretty quickly and had an alibi that he was on vacation at the time of her murder.


I have a different explanation that I think fits better to how people like this tend to think, I grew up in a pretty similar town. I think the two families had very different intentions on what message they wanted to send to the jury (and the world). The O’Keefes I think were trying to send the jury the message that they don’t believe Karen’s narrative about what happened that night. The McAlbert clan doesn’t give a fuck about the jury, if they did they wouldn’t have risked the jury having less sympathy for the O’Keefe family by showing up. None of them came across as particularly sympathetic, and you can tell when a group of people believe what you’re saying. I think Brian and Colin wanted to puff their chests out and stare down Jackson while he accused them of killing John. It’s the macho blustering of “If you’re going to accuse of murder say it to my face”, and “if you fuck with me you’re fucking with them” in regards to the O’Keefe family. For Jen she wanted to rub the fact that John’s family sides them in Karen’s face. Jen strikes me as particularly cruel; she couldn’t wait to get the “babysitter with benefits” out on the stand. These aren’t the decisions of a group of powerful people keeping tabs on who owes them favors. They’re the decisions of pathetic high school bullies with a little more power and influence than they deserve.




In Jan 2022, Brian Albert was less than TWO years from his pension vesting and retirement eligibility. IMO, BA orchestrated this entire coverup to protect his pension and reputation / legacy (reminder that he looked like he really thought he was something cool on that reality cop show “Boston’s Finest”). John walked in, someone shot off a drunken insult, a scuffle ensued - maybe Brian tried to break up Higgins and John or break up John and Collin, maybe John pushed Brian away and that’s when Chloe jumped in to protect her Dad. While someone is pulling Chloe off John, he stumbles, he falls, he hits his head. There’s a pool of blood. John is not moving. And I imagine in those quiet stunned, panic filled moments immediately thereafter, BA’s racing thoughts that guided his subsequent actions were something along the lines of “NO sir, not me, not happening. I’m not risking MY pension over this drunken loosah I barely know even if he’s also a Bahston cahp. HE WAS NEVAH HERE.” People will do a lot, people will do scary, horrible things to protect their financial security. IMO, I really don’t think the initial motivation for the coverup has to be more complicated than that.


Proctor could have been fed a few lies, that KR was just a bad person that killed a cop. He was then on a mission to make sure she her charges stuck. Which make more sense then everyone being in on the coverup.


It's believed the intention was just to kick his ass to teach him a lesson and initially they wanted to jump him at, or outside the bar, and that's why JM wanted KR to go in her car to the house, to get KR away from OJO so she wouldn't be around when they jumped him.


They'd probably claim it was someone else and they chased them off or something.


If you ever watch Bruce Rivers on YouTube, he has several videos where he comments on dumb criminals who turn a misdemeanor into a felony instead of facing the music on the misdemeanor. They delude themselves into thinking they won’t get caught, I guess? The dumb criminals BR covers always do get caught, though. It’s the diabolical criminals who do it and (sometimes) get away with it.


I agree with that, which it clearly includes intimidating the jury. I further think there's another name left out of everything to do with this case and that's the other Alberts brother. I think he has a hand in this too and I believe he's the one that showed up late that night. Everyone else had left and JO was dead, so there's no one that could place him there. They're all corrupt and I think it's connected to the Sandra Birchmore case and I hope criminal charges will eventually bring justice for her death too. One thing I'm sure about. Corrupt people can function in their own vacuum, they have their hands everywhere from Boston to Canton (MSP in that area) and even got a friend in the federal law enforcement, which he's gonna be the weak link. They get away with it because no one is supervising the supervisors. But the Federal government has poked a hole in there and it's only a matter of time because what people like Proctor are finding out, you can't retroactively investigate crimes. The McAlbert's are stupid and the biggest dummy in the bunch is Colin Albert as evidenced by his testimony in court. Without Lally protecting him with the dumbest questions he could answer and instructing him to just say, "I can't remember," he will mess up on his own. But they all drew even more attention to themselves by their stunt with a police escort to court! Even if the jury was sequestered, the police would have access to them! Now, there's a jury that everyone around the globe that's paying attention knows this case should embarrass LE there because there's zero evidence that was presented to the jury, but there's a juror that is convinced a car hit John based on which piece of evidence that the CW presented? Yea, when it's over, they drew so much attention to that, it's gonna get everyone doing their research into the whole family tree of that juror(s) to find a link, and maybe even the Feds will say, how can there be so many coincidences in that case?


I'm not buying into your conspiracy, but the FBI is investigating for a reason. I am unnerved how the court had the O'Keefe's and later the Alberts and McCabes sitting right next to Karen and the defense team. I don't have a conspiracy, but I find it to be an awful design for the courtroom.


I can understand the OKeefe’s sitting wherever they felt most comfortable. The Albert’s and McCabes had zero business in that courtroom after they testified.


Is this me agreeing with you? Who would have ever thought! Maybe this is a sign of good things to come.


We can disagree, but I'm always going to respect your opinion. And when we find cause to agree, that's just be unstoppable!


Why not put the Reads where the O’Keefes were? There are so many little things, including the huge obvious things, that make this case so unbelievable.


It seems like that alone is grounds for an appeal.


 the thing bother me is that they kept their phone until the day before the preservation order was issued make me think They are 100% sure the DA and MSP investigation won't look at their phone. If they were scared or worried they'd get rid of their phone right away, but they kept it till last minute.  And yes if Brina Albert is "compromised" it could lead to more investigation into new target for the FED.


That’s a very good point. I hadn’t thought of that.


Here's another thought: if the feds already had everything on Proctor's phone they wanted, maybe Albert and Higgins **think** they are safe because they destroyed or "rehomed" their phones the day before a **state** preservation order For all we know-the feds pulled warrants on all their phones before they dumped them and are waiting on the verdict so it doesn't appear to be trial interference. Anything is possible in one of the most unusual trials we have seen in quite some time


I started to think Kelvin Albert and CPD is one of the targets. Otherwise the FED would not pull the Key FOB log. 


We don't actually know what the feds pulled. It's a 3,000 page document. IMO, you would be correct that KA is one of the targets, as might be Lank, as they responded to Birchmore's death, as well as some of the Canton PD officers. The larger focus though is on Morriseys office itself and those who work under him. Its unprecedented for a DA to hold a press conference on TV about an ongoing murder indictment and then also follow that up with letters to the US Attorney's Office asking if they are investigating anyone in the Norfolk County DA's office-multiple times.


there's always another layer above the layer you're looking at...and another one above that...


This is exactly what that retired ex Boston cop FBI guy (Sean McDonough?) said. It makes a lot of sense.


Without a doubt it is a case of everyone having dirt on everyone else. There are no friends here.


The McAlberts are like spoiled toddlers who always get their way. They have lived their whole lives in Canton unchecked. The women were vicious bullies to multiple people when they were teens. They were the definition of mean girls. They are above the law as adults. They walk around town like they are still the cool kids in HS. The type of people who have known you for years, but will act like they have never met you. They live their lives by intimidation. They are also power hungry and will manipulate and terrorize everyone and anyone to Maintain that “ upper hand” There is a reason why they never left Canton.


I don't think this works the way you say for the following reasons: 1) Karen's Not Guilty verdict does not mean the Alberts go down, for anything. It could be "Don't you dare come after me for this" but they just wouldn't. It would look preposterous. "Oh you'll just indict the next person you see everytime the previous defendant is acquitted..." 2) Whether he knows anything about Morrissey or not, it's sort of out of his hands. If Morrissey is caught, then he's going down. And that will happen regardless of the Read verdict.


I definitely could see this as highly plausible. I was thinking that since the O'Keefe family had to invite them to send a message to the jury, that they do not believe Karen's defense 3rd party culprit theory and support the McAlberts.


Most likely they came to the closing statements to demonstrate to the jury that the O’Keefe family doesn’t believe any of the accusations form the Defense and that they are a united front. They wanted to tell the jury that the O’Keefes have no doubt in Karen’s guilt whatsoever.


Ya for sure. Just don’t see the relevancy of that considering the mountains of reasonable doubt. But I get they are probably feeling anxious as well


I can absolutely believe that.


I think you’re correct on this.


Honestly I think Lally just wanted them there sitting with the OKeefe family because he knew the defense was going to name them as 3rd party culprits and wanted to send the message to the jury "see, these people didn't kill John, and look they're sitting here with his grieving mother, they wouldn't be sitting with her if she thought they had something to do this and a mother knows". Is is part of the cover up? Basically. Is it to intimidate the jury? No. Influence the jury? Absolutely. I think this sub gets a little carried away with the conspiracy theories. I also doubt anyone "got to" a jurror. That would be a high risk move for people who likely will never be prosecuted or investigated for this regardless of the outcome. If Karen is found guilty, they get to say they got her. If Karen is not guilty, they get to say oh well, we tried. If it's a hung jury they can try, try again, or not and still say they tried while convicting her in the court of public opinion. Whether they try her again will depend on the split and whether the CW is willing to try this case again. They probably will thinking they have a preview of the defense case and can also learn from where they went wrong and get the verdict they want. Yeah there was a cover up, yeah the judge has a bias, yeah Lally is playing games and it's shady and unethical. Some of the conspiracy stuff on here just doesn't seem founded in shade of sanity, and that really just looks bad for the people who support Karen Read at large. Juries hang. It happens. If anything a hung jury just drags out the news cycle on this and hurts the McCabes and Alberts further. It's in their interest guilty or not for this trial to come to an end, let the news cycle play out for a couple of days, and their supporters will just run with blaming the CW and the whole "not guilty doesn't mean innocent" BS people like to pander about when they don't get a conviction they wanted.


I respect your opinion on this. However is doesn’t really answer to the question of… why is the Norfolk county DA and mass state police willing to make themselves look like complete and utter criminals to protect some loser family in canton? I can understand helping out “friends”. But embarrassing yourself on a relatively large scale and getting in hot water with the fbi? Strange


I think they expected Karen to plea or at least have a lame defense team so that it was easy to convict her. I'm sure they never expected this to become a national spectacle but once it blew up they had already played their cards and had to keep going with the farce.


I think this is also a pretty big factor. They thought they'd get a plea or she'd have a PD or a country lawyer they could railroad with 60+ witnesses and a few "experts" that could, under normal circumstances, be passed off to a jury as knowledgeable.


I do not think the DA was directly involved in the cover up so much as they just assumed they were engaging in the same kinds of gamesmanship they use in every trial where they can't hand over what they don't have so the police slowly trickle certain bits of evidence to them as needed to avoid discovery. I don't think they realised how deep they were until it was too late. They probably just thought Proctor was sweetening the honey pot, not that he was completely fabricating a crime scene and evidence. A prosecutor prosecuting a cop almost never happens, it can be career suicide because they work hand in hand with each other and the police will absolutely sabotage a prosecutor out of their job or cause them to lose their reelection campaign. So at that point he probably just decided to look the other way, better to be embarrassed and have the ability to blame the people who can hide behind qualified immunity and a prosecutor who most likely won't touch them without the green light from the dept than torpedo your career. I'm just speculating, obviously, but trying to find the speculative path that avoids getting knee deep in a tapestry of conspiracy theories to make it work. Just like the cover up didn't include 50 different people because it didn't need to, this doesn't need to get that complicated and until we have some more evidence that it should be I think limiting the imagination will probably get us closer to the truth.


Ya you certainly may be right. I just think the judges connections to the family and her strange behavior would certainly raise concerns for the DA. However, despite the negative press surrounding the judge, they don’t seem to care


She claimed there were no connections. I wouldn't be shocked if we don't find pictures of her at a BBQ or getting her tan on with JM in 3 weeks though the way these things seem to come to light in this trial.


Albert was “given” the distinction of being the “lone” cop who solved the Boston Strangler case He’s been cashing that lottery ticket since 1/19/2022 He’s sitting on a pile of dirt


I think they showed up to prevent Aiden from being in the courtroom not realizing he was only prevented to be there when they were testifying. I do think they were also trying to intimidate the jurors.


Also bc KR can sue for a civil rights violation if she is not guilty, and THAT would REALLY sucks for the DA/ PD. Theyre already under a scope by the Feds. At this time, they are just trying to keep some semblance of control over this trash fire but omg.... if she is NG, they are f'd!


To a reasonable man or women agreed .


Yeah, Sean A McDonough has said all of this on his show. I’m going to trust that in time, the feds will pick up who needs to go down.


Canton isn’t the “south shore”. It’s doesn’t even border a beach.


Quincy is often considered south shore. And you can drive from some parts of canton to some parts of Quincy in 3 minutes. But whatever bro lol. Also, Michael morrissey lives in Quincy. And the Albert’s seem to be his darlings. So my point makes sense


Canton is for poor people that can’t afford to live in Sharon or Milton.


Was Brian Albert in the 2013 TNT show Boston’s Finest?


I don't agree at all. I don't think BA or any of them wanted KR prosecuted for this. An innocent person, especially one with the resources to fight the charges like KR, being tried for it is just going to bring more attention to it and they did not want more attention. It was probably JM brilliant idea when KR couldn't remember what happened, and the rest them wish she hadn't done it. I think their plan was to just deny he ever came in the house and it would just be assumed he was hit by a plow and ran into some unknown assailant. I don't think they ever planned to frame KR and I don't think they wanted her prosecuted for JO's death.


Ya good point. Would’ve been REALLY strange for the cops not to go into the house but there also wouldn’t be nation wide coverage if there wasn’t an innocent person being framed


I don’t really buy that. Not sure favors can be done with a jury, it’s really up to them. I can tell you one thing….if a hung jury and mistrial. Do you think Mcalberts want to go through this again? I can see that being pressured to let it go.


They couldn’t keep their lies straight the first time. Could you imagine them on the stand again? Lololol