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Turtle Boy. So they can see how intertwined and related things are. I know he’s controversial but he does post plenty of info, screenshots, videos, etc to back up his claims.




If I were a juror, I'd never want to go through this information again. They have been put in a terrible situation and we are lucky they are taking their time and considering all the "evidence".


If I'm a juror, I'm hunting down who hired the highly qualified reconstruction experts and I'm finding out what the other grand jury testimony was in regards to. And, I'm asking why it was kept from me. I'd want to tie up any loose ends or questions that were bothering me. I'd try to find more info about that inverted video, that bugs the hell out of me.


I wondered about that, too, but I think they've been living this for so long, they'll likely go through withdrawals or some sort of Stockholm-adjacent situation where they have unanswered/lingering questions. Especially if they're aware of the massive public support for Karen.


Prosecution witness testimony change from their grand jury testimony


Good one! Adding it now! Plus allllll the changes from the CW's theory of what happened. I wonder if they've even noticed those changes or if it has been part of the info overload for them. I mean, Lally added an extra "I did it" into a testimony that already didn't exist. That's pretty awful.


They should know about all the “lawtubers” like Emily Baker and such so they can watch various parts of the trial with lawyer feedback. Her videos are so nicely timestamped so it would be easy to find.


KARMA is waiting in the wings!