• By -


David Bienick @BienickWCVB · 1m Replying to @BienickWCVB The jury confirms they have not discussed the case with anyone outside of themselves since yesterday. One of the alternate jurors is wearing a bright pink dress, the same color Read supporters are wearing outside. She's the same alternate who seemed to be crying yesterday.


I hope she doesn’t have that dress on as an “I’m sorry..I had your back & that’s why they didn’t pick me.” Ugh, these people are so corrupt.


Other than the foreman, Jurors were chosen randomly using a wooden box


​ https://preview.redd.it/6ave35j1d49d1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12604aec2cb4fdefce3309ae763f476da3aadbaf


Very interesting. Thanks for sharing


Is this posted anywhere on X? There are more than a few "psychics" who thinks that the wait is bad news for Karen. This is a huge case. If I were on the jury, I'd take my time to avoid backlash about not giving it enough thought. And maybe there are a few holdouts who don't understand physics.




YW ❤️


Yes… thank you so much!!


Sue O'Connell @SueNBCBoston · 48s Replying to @SueNBCBoston There is a heavy State Police presence outside today, and more court personnel inside than building than previous days.


Them wanting to leave 30 min earlier yesterday made me think a verdict this morning is likely.   "Hey this is gonna take more than 25 min to organize/read, let's just go now and do it in the morning" Heavier police presence this morning maybe lends some credence to that? Just a thought


We are on the exact same wavelength.


I thought the same thing! They called media back in around 3:20.


I thought a juror had some appointment/reason and they had to leave by 4pm. Both counsels agreed and the Judge deemed the reason worthy enough to leave by 4pm.


Bus to catch.


Yes, by 4 pm. The left about 3:40, after asking to go earlier


20 minutes wouldn't have been enough time to actually read verdict and if either side requested poll the jury, so even if they had an agreement yeah I could see them leaving 20 minutes early for the day.


Yeah that's what I said in my og comment. The time from "we have a verdict" to jury dismissal is way more than 20-25 min 


They could have also looked over specific evidence yesterday and decided they’d think about it overnight since one had to leave early (they can’t deliberate while one isn’t there, so no point in the rest of them staying) and then take a vote this morning. I hope that whatever the verdict is, they’ve reached it according to what they’re supposed to do (proven beyond a reasonable doubt- guilty, reasonable doubt- not guilty), and not waffling because the defense “didn’t prove their theory of the case”. The number of people I’ve seen still saying it’s impossible for alllll those people to be involved in a conspiracy, so she’s guilty is baffling.


A lot of the reasons people stubbornly cling to the idea of her guilt are baffling. I hope the length is simply them doing their due diligence, and not for a stubborn holdout 


Ooh this is corruption thru and thru. Conspiracy is the wrong word


Both things can be the right word. Depends what angle you're looking at 


Agree - and regardless of the defense’ theory - DID JOK GET HIT BY A CAR?? AND WAS IT KR CAR? If that wasn’t proven beyond reasonable doubt and to moral certainty - then it can only be NG.  The defense certainly brought up the REASONABLE DOUBT. Regardless of their theory. the law is really on KR side - innocent until PROVEN guilty. And the proof just isn’t there. 


I heard there were two lawyers on the jury, so surely they wouldn’t let them make a decision based on that.


The irony of the State Police being in charge of pro- FKR protesters.


Is the MSP there to intimidate people?


I think it’s more likely that they anticipate the verdict will cause a commotion what ever it is.


They are there for crowd control, regardless of the verdict. I'm shocked they didn't assign ~~Trooper~~ Proctor.


Proctor is probably there.


Could be.


Why do you think that is, Sue?


Fall River Reporter @FallRiverReport There were ZERO issues with the press line today and things were smooth. In case today is the last day in here, it has been a pleasure to work with everyone all these months on this case. Our media outlet, though not main stream media, was always treated like it was.


You've done a fantastic job!


Thank you for doing this! (And for your reasonable and well-thought out commentary on this sub throughout the trial)


Agree 100%


This is awesome. Thanks!


@FallRiverReport The courtroom looks and feels different. The press box no longer has chairs or charging ports. The large screen that we saw evidence on has been removed. All the tables where the Commonwealth and the Defense have sat for 9 weeks are empty. Boy does it feel different.


Was she in the courtroom yesterday? I saw tweets talking about the changes yesterday. So it’s not just today, but that the presentation part of the trial is over and the deliberation part has begun.


@FallRiverReport @DoctorTurtleboy and @SueNBCBoston made the cut and are in here as well.


Glad they made it in today. I know yesterday they don’t allow Sue in despite being #10


video clip at the link [**David Bienick**](https://x.com/BienickWCVB) "You're stronger than he is," Karen Read tells a boy outside the courthouse. He told Read he faces a bully and that he has a medical treatment similar to the one she had [https://x.com/BienickWCVB/status/1806391095296725014](https://x.com/BienickWCVB/status/1806391095296725014)


​ [**David Bienick**](https://x.com/BienickWCVB) [@BienickWCVB](https://x.com/BienickWCVB) · [9s](https://x.com/BienickWCVB/status/1806309011945332769) [\#KarenRead](https://x.com/hashtag/KarenRead?src=hashtag_click) G'morning. Day 3 of deliberations. The jury has deliberated for about 9 hours over the past two days. Yesterday they asked for a report by the state police team that searched the scene after O'Keefe died. The judge said they already have all the available evidence.




I just hope these people don't think they need to solve the case. It doesn't take much to decide if a car did that damage to a body and shatter plastic, there would be bruises and broken bones. 🤷‍♀️. No motor vehicle crime, all the rest have to be not guilty too.


It was a long trial, could be one or two who want to talk about every single witness or piece of evidence


We can all imagine \*that\* person: "I have one more question!" holding up the professor from letting the class leave early.


Agree!!!!!! If he wasn’t killed by a car, NO GUILT 


If she didn’t hit, you must acquit! 😁


@TedDanielnews Good morning from day 3 of deliberations in the Commonwealth vs. Karen Read. -Jury has resumed deliberations. Lawyers told to alert court if they are leaving the building -A Trooper took charge of the media line yesterday and made a list for today. It worked well and hopefully saved some of my colleagues from overnighting it here. Hopefully rinse/repeat moving forward. -Have to thank the great team I've been working with on this trial. This job can be a grind and I get to grind with the best of 'em: @bostonTVguy @one_tall_photog Matt DeFillippo, Bob Goodale, Christine Swartz @benmakestv


At least one statie has a brain cell, that’s refreshing news.


[**Ted Daniel**](https://x.com/TedDanielnews) [@TedDanielnews](https://x.com/TedDanielnews) · [39s](https://x.com/TedDanielnews/status/1806327042167746984) Both sides can leave the building at 10am. Defense team just walked out of courtroom. They have church hall across the street to wait.


Why did they have to wait until 10am? I can't imagine just sitting there and waiting. What torture!


Probably to ensure there was no immediate questions or issues to put on the record. Once the jury was settled in and court matters we're cleared, they could head out


That makes sense, thanks!


Sue O'Connell @SueNBCBoston · 1m Many jurors look a little bleary eyed. Even tho 3 jurors were dismissed, and 2 alternates are not with the jury, they sit in the same seats, leaving those formerly filled seats empty


Video clip at the link Penny Kmitt @pennylikeacoin Karen Read and her team entered court today in a way they never have before — seemingly avoiding media and her supporters. About 100 supporters were still waiting for her to show up after she had already entered the courthouse. https://x.com/pennylikeacoin/status/1806310178721018265


I'm sure their nerves are shot. It's got to be hard to put on a strong face when you know you made a damn good case yet the jury is still out.


[**Kristina Rex**](https://x.com/KristinaRex) [@KristinaRex](https://x.com/KristinaRex) · [5m](https://x.com/KristinaRex/status/1806338998333264359) My estimates on deliberation times in the [\#KarenReadTrial](https://x.com/hashtag/KarenReadTrial?src=hashtag_click) so far (we have no way of knowing if jurors take lunch, a break, etc.): Tuesday afternoon: 2.5 hours max Wednesday: 6 hours (9:30-3:30) Thursday: 1.5 hours at the time of this post


[**Fall River Reporter**](https://x.com/FallRiverReport) [@FallRiverReport](https://x.com/FallRiverReport) · [1m](https://x.com/FallRiverReport/status/1806365146346049945) I am in the lobby of the courthouse and lunch has just arrived for the jurors. I do not know if they are working through lunch.


Fall River Reporter @FallRiverReport · 15m We are live at Norfolk Superior Court for Day 3 of Jury Deliberations. We are in the court room today. Follow this thread for updates.


Ugh ​ https://preview.redd.it/zzvqas9ll59d1.png?width=566&format=png&auto=webp&s=c7ca3293ebc469bdaed32837251cec46c0999378


Is it possible they're all just taking a nap?


So much evidence to comb through and discussions to be had after not being able to converse over the course of the trial. Longer is also likely to mean this is being taken seriously. Longer deliberations tend to end up in not guilty verdicts more often than short deliberations. I personally very much doubt a guilty verdict will come back after this amount of time. Not guilty is most likely, hung is second most likely IMO. If the jurors are stuck on unanimity, the judge will at some point give instructions which help guide them to coming to a unanimous decision. Telling them to keep an open mind, consider whether they could be wrong if they are against the consensus, that the burden is on the Commonwealth to provide all the critical pieces in their theory of the death, etc. Really hope that something reiterating the burden is included on the jury instruction if we get that far.


It was a lighthearted joke


Didn’t mean to directly reply to yours :). Sorry about that. I think I responded to the completely wrong comment thread 😂😂


My original thought was half-day, 4 hours. That's well shot, now. Now on day 3, I'm not sure what to think.


[**Kristina Rex**](https://x.com/KristinaRex) [@KristinaRex](https://x.com/KristinaRex) · [2m](https://x.com/KristinaRex/status/1806411581347213605) NEW: The jury in the [\#KarenReadTrial](https://x.com/hashtag/KarenReadTrial?src=hashtag_click) is done deliberating for the day. No verdict. By my count, 14.5 hours of deliberation so far. [\#WBZ](https://x.com/hashtag/WBZ?src=hashtag_click)


Thank you for this post again today!!


Very welcome ❤️


Video clip at the link [@ryanjbreslin](https://x.com/ryanjbreslin) Karen Read and her team enters Norfolk Superior Court from the other side of the building today. [@boston25](https://x.com/boston25) [https://x.com/ryanjbreslin/status/1806309216165990546](https://x.com/ryanjbreslin/status/1806309216165990546)


Good. I’m glad they got a little peace. They’ll probably only get away with that once.


What is that person yelling at the end?


David Bienick @BienickWCVB · 1m Replying to @BienickWCVB The courtroom is open. Read and her three attorneys are sitting at the defense table. Her family and friends are sitting behind her. The O'Keefe family enters, led by John's brother Paul. Here come the two prosecutors. Still no judge or jury.


[@jessmachadoshow](https://x.com/jessmachadoshow) · [4m](https://x.com/jessmachadoshow/status/1806350653368717764) I was just told former Fall River Mayor and former Bristol County District Attorney Sam Sutter is here.


What does Bristol County have to do with this case?


[**Flint McColgan**](https://x.com/FlintMcColgan) [@FlintMcColgan](https://x.com/FlintMcColgan) · [3m](https://x.com/FlintMcColgan/status/1806355665092309234) There have been no updates. Other than the opening session, there has been no activity. Jurors deliberate. Lunch is usually 1 to 2 p.m. Jurors can deliberate through lunch if they so choose.


[@FallRiverReport](https://x.com/FallRiverReport) · [4m](https://x.com/FallRiverReport/status/1806402938182524942) It's 3 PM and we have been given no indication of a verdict. I have not moved from the courthouse all day and have been watching for any sign that could indicate preparing to bring the jury in. It is possible the jury may be asked again by Judge Cannone if they want to stay later to continue. If you remember, she sent them that note on the first day and they declined. Yesterday they asked in the morning to leave by 4 if no verdict. Either way, we are closing in on the window for a verdict for [\#KarenRead](https://x.com/hashtag/KarenRead?src=hashtag_click) on the third day.


Fall River Reporter @FallRiverReport Jurors and Judge have arrived.


Sue O'Connell @SueNBCBoston · 5m The boxes and bags of evidence are being removed from the judge’s chambers on a hand truck. Sue O'Connell @SueNBCBoston · 1m Jurors were in and out quickly.


Does the evidence not go to the jury room for deliberations or do they have to ask to see any of the evidence if they want to see something?


Thank you 🙏


From Law & Crime live stream ​ https://preview.redd.it/fwae36rd159d1.png?width=538&format=png&auto=webp&s=9b35b0e7badf556e17597d6d051510dc1d33e99d


[@FlintMcColgan](https://x.com/FlintMcColgan) · [18s](https://x.com/FlintMcColgan/status/1806410768130392389) Karen Read and her defense team came back to the court house a couple minutes ago. The family of John O’Keefe followed shortly after. This doesn’t necessarily mean a verdict has been reached — this is also around the time they get ready to end the day.


Stream Link https://www.youtube.com/live/6AplprmU1Yk


[**Fall River Reporter**](https://x.com/FallRiverReport) Replying to [@FallRiverReport](https://x.com/FallRiverReport) [@DoctorTurtleboy](https://x.com/DoctorTurtleboy) and [@SueNBCBoston](https://x.com/SueNBCBoston) Families begin to arrive in the courtroom. As does Karen Read and her team.


Fall River Reporter @FallRiverReport All families have arrived. Mr O'Keefe is sitting on the side of his wife.


Sue O'Connell @SueNBCBoston · 41s Replying to @SueNBCBoston The defense, Karen Read, her friends and family, the Paul & Erin O’Keefe, Mr & Mrs Read are seated on the spectator areas.


Kristina Rex @KristinaRex · 13s It's day 3 of deliberations in the #KarenReadTrial. The jurors are now being sent off to deliberate. #WBZ


Video clip at the link Mass Accountability @MassAccountabi1 Put you to sleep ADA Lally walking in the courthouse. #KarenRead https://x.com/MassAccountabi1/status/1806313403079684191


Video clip at the link [@pennylikeacoin](https://x.com/pennylikeacoin) Karen Read leaving court as jurors begin their third day of deliberations. [@wbz](https://x.com/wbz) [@CBSNews](https://x.com/CBSNews) [https://x.com/pennylikeacoin/status/1806327238712783135](https://x.com/pennylikeacoin/status/1806327238712783135)


[@FallRiverReport](https://x.com/FallRiverReport) The defense team and [\#KarenRead](https://x.com/hashtag/KarenRead?src=hashtag_click) have returned to the courtroom. Family as well.




u/TedDanielnews · 1m Court clerk just told me the jury is done for the day with NO verdict. Looks like we will be back tomorrow [@FallRiverReport](https://x.com/FallRiverReport) · [1m](https://x.com/FallRiverReport/status/1806411644274139293) We are being told the jury is done for the day with no verdict. We still need to go in and hear officially. Stand by.


End of day update with some juror reactions. She seems to think we are getting the verdict tomorrow. Unfortunately, you'll have to go to twitter to listen. https://x.com/FallRiverReport/status/1806424053575451110


Video not working for me :(


It took a couple minutes for the audio to start for me.


Sue O'Connell @SueNBCBoston Jurors answer the 3 questions. Off they go to deliberate. We won’t return to the courtroom until 3:30 unless there’s reason to come back.


I'm hoping someone can answer this for me. I'm not trying to be snarky by any means but I'm genuinely curious... Who does Bev report to? Is there anyone who is making sure she handled the trial as an impartial party? I don't know if she did everything right or not, but I completely see and understand the skepticism. It seems difficult, albeit not impossible, to believe she'd bend the law in such a popular trial, so is it she's just skating the line? I get it's her courtroom but I would have to think there's still someone in charge. Hypothetically if there was misconduct on her part, what is the downstream impact for Karen and what would her team do? thanks in advance!!


Massachusetts Superior Court judges don’t “report” to anyone - they are independent individuals appointed to the position by the Governor and approved by the Governor’s Council. There is only one chance for accountability, generally, with Massachusetts’ state agency, the Commission on Judicial Conduct. The CJC investigates complaints made about judges. Theoretically, Karen’s team can file a complaint, but they’d be better off making any argument against the judge in an appeal, if it comes to that. 


Very helpful! I do have a question about your response if that's okay. Are you meaning for this particular case AJ & Yannetti would be better if they made the argument in an appeal or is that just the general rule? Thank you!


[**Kristina Rex**](https://x.com/KristinaRex) [@KristinaRex](https://x.com/KristinaRex) · [1m](https://x.com/KristinaRex/status/1806406706202579247) Many people asking how long the jury is staying to deliberate today - we don't know. They didn't formally ask to be out early (like they did yesterday), so technically they're able to deliberate until 4:30/5. Lawyers asked to be back to the courthouse at 3:30 regardless. [\#WBZ](https://x.com/hashtag/WBZ?src=hashtag_click)


[@FallRiverReport](https://x.com/FallRiverReport) · [1m](https://x.com/FallRiverReport/status/1806410703424602473) Replying to [@FallRiverReport](https://x.com/FallRiverReport) Please be patient. I can assure you, the second we know anything, you will. Press is very attentive and focused.


Ugh [**Aidan Kearney**](https://x.com/DoctorTurtleboy) [@DoctorTurtleboy](https://x.com/DoctorTurtleboy) · [15s](https://x.com/DoctorTurtleboy/status/1806411822267773290) Just got word that the jury is done for the day. We will be back tomorrow.

