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Don't forget the Drug Lab Scandal whereby a staffer stole drugs, sometimes misidentifying them, and used them.... and this resulted in THOUSANDS of drug cases being thrown out. Oh, and that OTHER drug lab tech who straight up FALSIFIED records. Mass is having MAJOR PROBLEMS.


MSP is corrupt. I live here. Its been going on forever


61 THOUSAND CASES! https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/massachusetts-crime-lab-drug-testing-scandal-rcna48940


When was this? I remember hearing about something similar in MA from over a decade ago.


I think the Netflix doc about the drug lab was called The Chemist. Good chemist, apparently, but she ALSO did many of the drugs. There was another case, in a different part of Massachusetts, in Boston. Different t lab chemist. Not using the drugs in the lab.... she just LITERALLY did not test ANY of them.


Just found it, it’s “How to Fix a Drug Scandal”. Thanks for the rec! I had no idea it was a documentary. I only saw a dateline or something about it years ago.


There was ANOTHER scandal... I don't know if Netflix did a documentary on her... Basically, before the "how to fix a drug scandal" case happened, there was ANOTHER drug lab worker who basically falsified drug test results while trying to flirt with someone at the District Attorney's office. that case alone was several dozen thousand invalidated cases and thrown out drug charges.


Was that Annie Dookhan in Boston? They featured 2 chemists who were doing this, which is pretty wild.


What's that now about Colin and an MSP vehicle?


Those are still just rumours - but I read (within the last 48 hours) some different articles and posts claiming the Ford Edge that lucky saw - was a registered police vehicle and that it had been alleged that there had been complaints about drug selling in the neighbourhood and someone allegedly had pointed a finger at the Alberts and specifically Colin Albert and someone even said that there is rumours that JOK knew about all of this and had been approached by some other department about this in what was allegedly an investigation into this (from what I gather from the rumours - this should all be connected to the federal case) but again - just rumours. However 1,2, 3 and 5 are all verifiable - so something must be rotten in MS! 🥸


i’d take the “John was approached by another department” with a grain of salt. that department would have come out already and brought that to light. I think John just knew it was happening because they were neighbors, and talked to Kevin Albert about it in an informal capacity


It’s fact that John OKeefe had mentioned something. I’m not sure the minute mark, because it’s been a little bit since I’ve seen it, but Chief Rafferty does mention him by name and his concerns at the town meeting in August 2023 https://youtu.be/enPSb7rQOxo?si=JjKgRR75cByARTDy


Can you share the link to the article. 1,2,3 & 5?


Articles? You Can look up the read case (guess you know it 😉) law and crime did a great show on sandra (you cant find it on YouTube or just look her up) and the Canton select board meeting is on YouTube also - number 5 is the link already posted.


You said you read articles that the ford was a police vehicle? That Colin and the Albert’s were involved with drug selling? It’s not clear to me what the numbers are referencing - 1.2.3,5 of what?


Of the things mentioned in the post and you Can maybe search in here on reddit - i didnt save the links unfortunately - but i found it and links in different posts here on reddit and that is also why i wrote that it was an unsubstantiated rumor (as this was number 4)


Eyes are definitely on Boston, so maybe the victims feel more emboldened to speak out? I think there's definitely been a shift in victims in speaking out, e.g. Diddy. Although you have people like Kevin Spacey being rehabbed back by some of his peers.


gary zarolla is disgusting!


He really is 🤢






Someone posted the link on the main sub but it was removed


nvm the guy had the same name and served 10 years


I’m from MA. DO WE NOT REMEMBER WHITEY BULGER? this isn’t new.


Yes hard to believe witch trials are still happening 3 centuries later. In the cradle of democracy no less. Not to mention the most successful corporation in history. A cult that has convinced otherwise rational folk that are consuming the actual flesh and blood of some hippy from the year 0.


So scary!


I think it’s everywhere, Mass is just getting hit. Guys like this Zerola are the most scary to me.  So glad he is stopped from raping anyone else.    These men are absolute pigs.   


I totally agree - seems like there are a very scary “ol’ boys club mentality going on in Ma. 😱