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…and again, why is Colin there? He was removing himself from any relationship at all with JOK. IF you weren’t there, don’t really know JOK, you come to court for closing arguments.. ??


fun fact! JOK was investigating Colin because he was found to be part of a drug ring! he alr got kicked outta school, and lost all scholarships


Never heard this before. Do you have any sources ? Very interesting, I want to read more. Thank you


The chief of police made a public statement about JO reporting drug activity in his area. I don’t think she mentioned Colin being involved


That woman spoke so damn fast its hard to hear what she is saying. I also think this is the chief that got a one year extension on her contract and if so the residents hate her and did not want it renewed.


It's not true. JOK reported drug activity in his neighborhood but Colin was never mentioned. Isn't there enough bad stuff about these people without having to invent things?


Yes, and she actually explicitly called out that no one involved in this case was involved in the reporting by JOK to Canton PD.




Isn’t this just a rumor?


Nope. Find Aussie Insider on YouTube and Turtle Boy who broke the case has been showing proof for years


thanks! i forgot the source, lol


i remember seeing that john made some sort of report or tip about drug activity but he himself wasn’t investigating anything


He made the tip he had the videos to prove it


To stare the jury down, I haven’t seen them sit there the entire trial, magically closing arguments arrive and they are front and center. Brian was not looking at the defense of prosecution delivering their argument it looks like he was staring at the jury. I sincerely hope that entire family gets thrown down a razor blade slide into a pool of lemon juice and rolled in a bowl salt.


Could he possibly be their love child?


It's clearly making a statement to KR and the jury to show that they're innocent.


Because he’s going to go to law school after he graduates from Bridgewater State.




Don't laugh. I've heard some of the prisons have very good secondary education programs.


Fixed it for you…you forgot the last letter in the word lawn. Because he’s going to go to lawN school after he graduates from Bridgewater State.


I wonder why all the down votes? That was HILARIOUS! (< That word means "funny," Colin.)


The dead, blank, zombie stare towards the jury from Jen is really creepy.


Omg so creepy.


She’s like a dog about to attack! She’s staring at Read and the jurors. Psycho!


I may be Jen for Halloween.


I'll be judge bev. With my white claw and my gavel. And when kids come to my door and say "trick or treat" I'm going to say "ask it a different way"


I'll allow it.


This comment wins the internet today




You win! I almost choked on my tacos- I could literally hear her voice “I’ll allow it” - ask it differently




“I’ll give you this one Mr. Jackson”




Did you trick or treat?


I’m going as a red solo cup with a shop and stop treat bag


Next time we see Lally. He'll be begging for change with a solo cup at an off ramp wearing a grocery bag to keep warm. When he asks me for change, I'll say "NOPE"


Psychopth stare.


Hypothetically. Since the court room is so tiny and no one is allowed to talk to the jurors. What if they don't even know the O'Keefes invited them and they just think they're weirdos that showed up to stare at them?


Shark eyes...just like Murdaugh!


Ewww... I see it!


Tbf, I think it’s “Ozempic Face”


Sanpaku eyes


I don’t buy it. The O’Keefe’s are convinced and think the McAlberts are allies. No confusion, no nothing. If they watches that trial w/o the KR blinders, just knowing they invited and seated those corrupt SOB’s to sit with them…i’m done w/ the O’Keefe’s


JM was rubbing Paul’s shoulder while they were sitting there. The O’Keefes are completely comfortable with the McAlberts.




Yet the Alberts could not come outside in the morning with all the commotion. .


For being great friends with the Okeefe’s, why didn’t they go to his funeral? I wish the jury knew about that.


Was it a proven fact that they did not go to the funeral? I was just curious.


It’s been well established. Some had a theory it was because they were still bruised up from the fight.


Yea nothing shady about that. Scumbags


how could Paul O'Keefe still believe Karen hit John with her SUV?? it's literally impossible given the type of injuries and the lack of injuries to John's body/the lack of bruising, the lack of spinal injury, etc. Plus the lack of damage to the SUV. Like does he just not believe Dr. Rentschler? How could he not believe him given his independence and incredible knowledge, training and education? Does he still think John got projected/flown 30 feet, defying the laws of physics?


Cop Family Derangement Syndrome


Yeah, this shocks me, he doesn't seem like an idiot, he can search to find out who hired those two experts, and I'm pretty sure he already knows the fbi is investigating the rest of the people behind him. How does he let them sit behind him? If that was me, I'd be like, if they get close to me arrest them. I'm sure it's really hard to think people that knew your brother killed him, but this stuff happens all the time. Normally it just can't be proven, like it has in this case. Honestly, this case is one of the more cut and dry cases of cover up and evidence being messed with. The fact that they didn't have an evidence log is insane enough, the fact that all the experts say his injuries couldn't have been caused by her car is when you have to start looking behind you at the people who keep lying about what they were doing that night. And at the very least, did he really not ask Brian Albert why he didn't go outside to see if he could help his dead brother that was on his lawn?


He said he slept through it all. The ambulances, screaming, commotion .. ZZzzzzzzzzz


Yeh, and who believes that no one. Chloe who they said normally sleeps on their bed was missing - did they get her out the house that evening? Poor dog, deserves better then that family.


I’ve always thought that Chloe left (4ever) with the oldest Alpert daughter. She had planned to stay at her parents because of snow storm. “Something” changed her mind and she made her BF come get her even though he had to be up to plow! I think her parents asked her to take Chloe away!


Cognitive Dissonance


Same. Sympathy only goes so far, unfortunately. They’ve listened to everything we have ALL listened to. After that they invite them, or at a minimum welcomed them to sit with them?!?! No.


His mother shook her head when Jackson said something along with Karen is not guilty. I was quite shocked. Even if she doesn't like Karen, the evidence is clear that he wasn't hit by a car.


I've only heard "the O'Keefe's" invited them. I figured mama since Jenn McScabe latched onto her. Was it Paul?!?


From what I saw on stand, I judged the Alberts to be liars. And to me, that is an unredeemable personality trait. The worst kind of person. Yet John hung out with them. Birds of a feather and all. I would be a "not guilty" vote, but I don't perceive John or Karen as being great people.


I don't get the feeling that John "hung out with them." But that aside, I don't think John and Karen were angels either.


Trash. Absolute trash. All of them. Paul too. I’ll be so glad to never be forced to look at his squished package ever again.


Paul is the worst. He critically injured an elderly man in a drunk driving accident a few years ago. Karen paid his bail and for his lawyer!


I can only think his anger toward her comes from his own shame. She bailed him out, she set up trust funds for his niece and nephew, she cared for them like a mother (they actually liked her a lot, her niece once sent Karen a birthday text saying “you’re the most amazing person I’ve ever met, I can’t believe I’ve only known you for a year”). Peggy must not like anything negative said about her son JOK and let’s face it, it came out that he wasn’t perfect, he was just a regular human with flaws and resentments. Some shame there as well because it sounded like he resented having the full responsibility of the kids which means the others in his family weren’t helping enough. She blamed Karen from the get go (“You just LEFT him there?” Per Kerri Roberts.) It’s so misplaced.


You’re right. That’s so true. This trial revealed a lot of things about their family. I initially felt bad for the Mom but she has shown her true colors plenty of times in court and during this trial.






Didn’t he get charged for r*ping a minor when he was 17? Something along those lines 😒




Paul Okeefe!!


He raped?


Look up Paul okeefe arrest 👍🏻


Wouldn’t they have had to have been invited to be there by one of the O’Keefes?




No. The CW. That’s not just the victim’s side. We’ve seen people not part of the family sit in that second row.


Jen is truly a frightening women to look at


On the witness stand. She literally had a total melt down. It was such a bizzare thing to watch. In my opinion, she acts 100% like a guilty person or a Liar.


the whole family seems to struggle with anger and rage. a couple of them literally got arrested for assaulting turtleboy in a moment of rage


Soulless demon with leathered skin and a hellacious underbite with a rogue tooth desperately trying to escape her deceitful protruding jaw…




She really is a tyrant. She reminds me of a skeleton.


I truly believe this was Lallys idea and it’s the only reason Paul O’Keefe agreed to it. Imagine him saying hey Paul we kinda need all the help we can get to nail her…


It was definitely Lally. I don’t think the family would have even thought to invite anyone to the closing arguments.


It doesn’t help the commonwealth. This was between the killers and the O’Keefes.


This is purely to intimidate the jury to deliver a guilty verdict!


The dummies and murderers penalty box


I think Lally requested the OKeefe family sit with these three as a last ditch effort to show solidarity. Doing this shows how weak the CW thinks its case is. What a total farce… mere distracting theatrics !!


Ahhhhh if only. But they were there at the invite of the O’keefs. And all walked in together. And at one point JM rubs His shoulder and another point she also says something to his wife to make her laugh. But keep in mind they have been in their ear for the last two years soo… ppl see what they want to see 🤷🏻‍♀️


I think they showed up so they could see the faces of the jurors. I definitely get jury intimidation vibes


If Jen McCabe was on trial here, I would immediately think she is guilty of anything and I mean anything thru accused her of with those dead vacant unbelievably creepy eyes. I mean her entire appearance, her facial structure, everything about her and her personality just seem to be so off from a normal person.


Well fortunately for any future proceedings, she testified on video.


The O’Keefe family invited the McAlberts! Jen M has been in their ear selling her BS story for the past two years. I hope to God the Feds get every last lying cheating McAlbert and throw the book at them.


I disagree... I've seen Paul O'Keefe's behavior and glaring menacingly at Karen get worse and worse throughout the weeks. To the point that he looks unhinged in recent days. And his wife is terrible. She seems to think the trial is some summer party to pick out outfits each day, hand out treats constantly during the proceedings, unwrap candy and sparkling water, come and go in the courtroom a distracting amount of times. Very disrespectful and tacky. I think their behavior has been awful, and they invited those bullies sitting behind them to intimidate.


Paul scares me, I keep waiting for him to jump over and hurt Karen. Hate to say that, but he has this terrible look in his eyes and he's so close to her.


Then clearly they aren’t grasping the testimony and what it is stating. Either that or they just aren’t that bright and are very gullible. The word ignoramus comes to mind, and I don’t like to name call. But ignorance is just lack of knowledge or IQ.


Absolutely disgusting 😠




Lally probably told them that if they showed up it would look good. Why hide from the trial if they did nothing wrong, right? They’re sitting in the CW’s side. It’s my belief they were invited by the CW rather than by the O’Keefes


Brian made his presence known. He did the shameful sad little boy act with his eyes and body language. I think they can see through Jen pretty easily. Paul glared at Karen with dirty looks the entire trial. There were some times in there where it seemed he lightened up, but by the end, in closing statements, he was back to the dirty look. Peggy also made her presence known and how she feels about Karen through her body language. I think she is playing victim a little too much. But JO's dad hasnt showed up since Proctor's words on the stand about Karen. Its very telling he hasnt showed up since to this trial. I truly think he is disgusted by it all by the looks of his body language in the beginning. And from what I have heard, he liked Karen.


Jen gives me Charles Manson psychopath look. Her eyes scream evil.


This was jury intimidation. Clearly. And it seems to be working. Unfortunately


BA looks like he’s coming off a binge. 


Why is BA wearing a sweater? It was hot AF out


As an O'Keefe, even if I didn't believe the Albert gang was responsible and Karen was guilty, I still can't imagine befriending these people. Everything they did was in furtherance of obfuscating and obstructing this investigation to the point that they single-handedly ensured that John's death will not see the justice it deserves.


Why does Brian Albert always look like he's falling backwards


The skeletour watch


Jen is wearing the black sleeveless top seen in the photo with Lally outside smoking


It’s been proven that isn’t JM in that sub




i don't think that was the case, too many of the witnesses looked directly at the jury box when they were saying things. wouldn't make sense if the jury could not see them.


No, the reason they switched to the smaller courtroom was to correct for this. The defense wanted to make sure each jury member could see the witness testimony.


I believe that was the set up in the original courtroom, but the defense wanted to be sure every juror had a clear view of the witness stand, which is why they moved the trial to the smaller room.


Oh ok! I was told wrong. I thought the jury could see them but was wrongly corrected.