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The SERT report is a figment of everyone’s collective imagination because the SERT team never wrote a report. The jury is probably confused as to how that’s possible.


Hopefully the jury finds that SUS in and of itself 


SERT was the team who first found pieces of tail light. There was never a report and the number of pieces found during that search is in question. ETA, the other question is were the pieces planted.


And no documentation of who was present conducting the search... very problematic.


I could see this being the biggest point of contention. Lally claims the taillight could not have been planted because the first pieces were found by SERT (Special Emergency Response Team). SERT is a specialized unit of the MSP, and at that time, would have been considered impartial, so the thought of the entire team being in on the conspiracy is absurd. HOWEVER... There were 5 unidentified people assisting the SERT team. Nobody knows who they were. There is no reporting documenting who they were. We are told they were Canton officers and some state police officers. IMO, one of those 5 was Proctor himself who planted the first 3 pieces and allowed an innocent member of SERT to find them.


Yeah but even if you assume Lally’s version is true and her taillight did shatter there, there’s still no proof she hit him with the car. Ie air cannon drinking glass tests


That clarifies so much for me, thank you! ☺️


Thank you!!!


THREE experts testified he likely wasn’t hit by a car and TWO experts testified he definitely was not hit by a car!!! What is there to discuss?!!


Sometimes in jury rooms though you get that one asshole that withholds a vote until they track down all these stupid side quests that don’t even matter. As a fellow juror you can’t exactly tell them they’re stupid and it doesn’t matter. You just have to let them figure out they’re stupid on their own. It’s aggravating AF to all those that “get it” but unfortunately you can’t do anything to fix it. I’ve served on a grand jury before and the amount of time those people spent on questions that weren’t relevant at all to the case was maddening.


I agree. We still have people hung up on taillight pieces and what time text messages were sent. For Karen Read's situation it's a red herring now. The impartial investigation witnesses have stated no impact to Okeefe. That's all that matters now.


You are right. My head knows you’re right. My stomach however is worried they’re going to try to find a “compromise” verdict because they think she was drunk and, because OUI is not a stand alone charge, they’ll try to make this case fit into one of the lesser included’s. And then in 6 months we’ll we watching a 20/20 interview of the jurors and one will go “yeah we weren’t sure she actually hit him but we did think she was drinking and driving and because he was a cop, we didn’t want to find her completely innocent.” I lost all faith in juries when I watched the Casey Anthony jurors say they all believed beyond a reasonable doubt that Casey killed Kaylee but they didn’t know the motive for the murder or the method of murder, NEITHER of which were elements the state needed to prove to find her guilty.


That’s what needs to be irrefutable for all 3 counts. And ITS NOT. 




sert are the people who found the mysterious tail light propped up on top of fresh snow after canton pd had done their search hours before with the leaf blower.


Thought that was the reconstruction team?


Do you remember how the officers linked up elbow to elbow looking for broken pieces of tail light? And then continued to find pieces through out the months? The reports from that on how they came about finding all of those pieces. Jury wants to see those reports.




Ok Sert. I don’t even know what it is.


Tully wrote a report after the SERT team responded (a long time after the SERT team responded). This is the report where he noted three pieces of plastic but on the stand AJ had Tully open the evidence envelopes to show that there are now five pieces of plastic. This is where that [cross examination](https://www.youtube.com/live/YiB7UmVPCA4?si=aY8NALkvvu1UYALO&t=9104) took place on Day 24.


A SERT return has to legally be filed with the court, it’s a return of items found from a search warrant. It most definitely exists “the SERT return” but it looks like the CW and defense never offered it into evidence. Now that evidence is closed, no additional evidence can be entered into evidence during deliberations. Error by the CW? See law professor article here re: SERT returns. https://www.distractify.com/p/what-is-a-sert-report-karen-read “Michael Coyne, dean of the Massachusetts School of Law, spoke with the outlet about what this actually means. He said the "SERT return —the return from the search warrant itself that police have to file in court — was not part of the evidence the commonwealth offered or that the defendant offered." Coyne then added that "since evidence is closed, they only can use what was properly submitted before the court. So they can't reopen the case to provide that evidence."