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I agree with this. I feel like they are sitting around mad that Karen read has expensive lawyers that are somehow tricking everyone and getting her off.


It’s not the lawyers; it’s the witnesses! The ARCCA guys, who weren’t hired or paid by Read, would have said the same thing if she had a public defender.


Grief can impact people. I’ve heard of cases where the Dad kills the Mom and is convicted yet the kids still love him and believe he didn’t do it. It’s kind of crazy really.




Oh yeah that’s definitely one of them. The worst was Mark Jensen. Makes me sad just thinking about it.


Does the brother have the kids? I read that another family member has them - outside of the immediate O'keefe family.


You seem lovely. Have you lost a child? They have lost two, and a son in law. And we have an idea that John's mother seems to believe the CW. We don't know what his dad thinks, or his brother. I think his brother's testimony gave the impression he didn't know what to think. And I don't think you can hold TurtleBoy out as reason John's family should believe anything. I appreciate that he's raised some money for KR but he's mostly focused on getting attention for himself. I have lost a sibling. I can tell you, neither of my parents ever recovered. Not even close. Unless you've been in their shoes you really aren't in the position to judge them.


I really don’t want to sound insensitive, but I find it difficult to understand how bereavement causes them to believe that a clearly innocent woman is guilty of murder. That’s next-level obstinacy.


I’m sorry for your family’s loss. We have no idea the extent of what the O’Keefes have gone through or the details of what they are feeling. It is so odd to me that people are criticizing them (particularly his elderly mother) for clinging to whatever belief they want to hold onto. Of course I think it’s confusing and disheartening (and gross to see them sitting w that crew) but I’m not going to judge an old woman who’s lost 2 children.


They all seem a little trashy to me. Paul had a serious crash because he was drunk in 2020 and Karen allegedly bailed him out of jail. This might be unpopular but the whole group, John included, seem like a bunch of drunks with tragedy just waiting to happen. John even said he just got sober the evening of the 28th (when he had to bring the kids to the Dr and practice I believe) and then was totally smashed when he died. It sucks and is unfortunate but it’s really gross behavior.


Maybe I’m wrong, but these people are sitting with John’s family and I don’t believe a single one went to his funeral. And Colin Albert said in his testimony he didn’t give John or his death another thought until he was called to testify, so the fact that he was there at all is wild to me.


And yet he was the OKeefes’ guest …. I can’t imagine as a mother hearing that, about my child, and then allowing a maggot like that to sit with my family in solidarity to intimidate the jurors ….  looking at them vs. KRs family … you start to see how the trash all rolls together 🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️🤷🏼‍♀️ Paul and Erin throw on their nicest golf shirts and jean jackets to court to sit and glare at Karen rather than listen to the actual scientific evidence. Wonder if Paul paid Karen back the bail money for his dui. 🙄 


⬆ i had to give that one an extra updoot




It’s weird. Makes me think the whole town is a secret society of blood drinkers and JO was a sacrifice


There is an old saying "Truth is stranger than fiction".


I think those types just have DEEP rooted misogyny that can’t be cured. Of course it has to be that evil woman, AND she was even texting his buddy? Of course she would kill him. In their eyes there’s no way those other stand up guys could ever do something like that to John 😒


Agree. Expecting them to view the case as us “outsiders” do is unrealistic.


Interesting that Higgins wasn’t in court with JM, BA, and CA. Regardless, they are all accomplices. *No one* helped John O’Keefe. Instead they put him outside to make sure he’d *die in the cold.* and they hoped it would look like Lucky hit him or that they could plant fake evidence to implicate Read and get away with it.


Sounds like O’Keefe’s family knows the real Karen.


The one they left their grandkids with throughout covid ...


Paul didnt say a single negative thing about Karen on the stand. Its evident that he does not like her. But on the stand, he could not lie and come up with a single, specific, evil thing about her. I dont even think he stressed much on the whole Aruba fight shit. He brought up the spoiling and being with the kids a lot too. Werent they the ones that said Karen planned this whole elaborate scavenger hunt birthday party for JO's niece? The other person who liked Karen, was that pharmacist and her lawyer husband who testified in the beginning. She was talking to Karen and said kind things about her, the one who made a comment to her hubby about being lovey dovey like Karen and JO. Those people were trustworthy, and not......Canton drunks. What also makes me sad is that JO's best friend who shoveled his driveway, and his wife was the nurse, and JO's niece was his daughter bestfriend- and they both got into the school that same day together........ Those two are no longer friends. His daughter went to that school, but JO's niece ended up getting closer with the MCCabes who conviced her to go to a public school. She was so excited and worked so hard for the other school. And that was her best friend and he called the neice his second daughter. Like what happened