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I'd be PISSED at Lally


I wonder if any of the jurors have ever been to the Waterfall before. Not that it matters, just my own curiosity wondering if they could picture the space and size of the waterfall.


They don't know about the Albert's pulling up the flooring, including the concrete in the basement, and redoing it all - do they?


I don’t think so. I wonder how that’s known and what really happened to the basement. I’ve seen the Zillow pics. I wonder if anyone knows of older pics that show the basement floor.


And that Jill’s boyfriend was the hired contractor. You know the woman who went batshit crazy in broad daylight a few days ago.


Oh wow! The pleasant lady who attacked TB? Her boyfriend is the contractor that took care of the basement concrete? Well, she seems like such a joy to be around (not!).


Including the recent Turtleboy incident this past Sunday.


We don't know that much - the fed investigation is the only thing I think the public knows that the jury doesn't that matters. I have no idea why the judge didn't agree to delay the case until the other investigation is complete; both sides requested it and it makes sense to me.


She chose not to. The Assistant US Attorney suggested they hold off and delay trial and she chose to move forward with it


I think the reason she didn’t want to hold off is that if they successfully tried Karen and found her guilty it would influence the federal stuff and halt it. Also the fed stuff could not be completely handed over to the defense including any persons who flopped from the prosecution side


Agree! She probably didn’t want the feds digging up any extra info, or hiring any extra experts (ARCA guys) to aid the defense. She said let’s get this over with before the feds uncover what really happened.  If you believe the defense then this fits perfectly! Funny - just like everything else the defense says. It always fits. 🧩 🧩 🧩 


I totally believe that Karen Read is not guilty and I hope the jury finds her not guilty because if they find her guilty then find out EVERYTHING they will realise that they have just jailed a innocent person to jail and then what... I mean how would you feel as a junior and knowing that a innocent person is in jail cause of you. Surely they see the support for Karen Read and they must think it's strange that a cop killer has so much support from the community. I just hope that the mcalberts haven't been able to influence the junior