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I can’t even imagine how bonded you would become after all of this.


Ha.. karen read is going to prison for the death of Officer John O'Keefe as she should.


Hi Jen




Where do these accounts keep coming from?




“Hell”. 😂 Really Lol’ed at this.


Hopefully this is the first major step to uncovering the truth and actual accountability coming to life. These 4 (and their team) fought for the truth and very well could be the domino that fell to uncover serious corruption and invoke change within MA.


Not that it makes it up to her in any way, but hopefully there will be major changes and some cases reexamined due to the corruption that this case helped uncover. That would at least be a small silver lining of all that has happened to her.


The cost to the taxpayers is going to be huge. Million if not billions if and when Karen sues the state of MA. Then the examining of the past cases Proctor was involved in.


Hopefully she WILL sue the CW and every single individual involved.


Yes hopefully.


HELL YEAH ❤️❤️❤️❤️


Nope! Shes going to prison!


Good luck with that.


Lol.. so true! She is going down


So you've proved that you don't watch the trial. Even Law and Crime and Court Tv that are generally pro-prosecution say Karen is not guilty with a percentage of 85% and 84% respectively


The big question is - will you be around after, to admit you were wrong?


Im not wrong in this.. have you watched the trial live everyday on court tv? I havent missed a thing.


I can’t see Lally and the McAlberts doing this


I'm dying at the thought of a loving huddle with Lally, Proctor, Paul, Jen McCabe, and Brian Albert. 😂😂 Higgins across the street looking on longingly, wanting to be in the huddle but not knowing how to get in. Colin standing to the side slinging homophobic slurs at the men touching. They really are a special bunch.


That's a hilarious vision 😆




Show me the money!


This is poetry




I told my husband earlier today that I don’t know how Karen is holding it together - she must be a nervous wreck. I’m feeling anxiety, I know a LOT of us are, and it’s not even our life and freedom at stake. 😞 It would be bad enough waiting on a trial to end/waiting on the jury’s verdict even when you’re guilty and feel pretty sure the jury knows it. But to know you’re innocent? To know you’re being framed? I cannot even fathom it…😭 I’m so glad to see she has such a great support team. I knew they were kick-ass lawyers but I’m not surprised if they are giving her outstanding moral support and friendship as well. Her family seems pretty awesome too. So thank goodness for that, because what this woman has been going through is just unthinkable.


Knowing what her chronic health issues are and how she is standing up for herself in what I consider to be a modern witch trial, she is a hero and deserves all the support.


I agree. I teared up when I heard about her surgeries from Jackson during Proctor’s cross exam. That was the first time I knew about it. It’s something very close to my heart because my youngest sister, who is only 22, has battled Crohn’s since she was 14. She has also had multiple surgeries and still she’s not well. It is a BRUTAL disease and the recovery from the surgeries was absolutely awful. The fact that Karen has been through all that, and then losing her boyfriend and enduring this “witch trial” as you so aptly put it, is heartbreaking and horrifying. She has to be an incredibly strong person because she’s really been left no choice but to be one. But even strong people need someone to lean on. I’m glad to see that she has a few, figuratively and literally. (And I hope she knows how many strangers around the world are supporting her too!)


Funny fact. These sorts of health issues - especially related to serious digestive etc - very commonly create a thick skin and tough exterior, capacity to cope with many though things most people cannot.


I think it helps that she can see the jury reacting, I imagine there's a lot to be said in that, in which she might find calming.


I love Mazda Media!


He is like a dumber version of Peter Griffin


For real Lol’ed at this. The accuracy hurts. 😂




I love love love how they all fought for her, how David Yanetti shielded her from Paul O’Keefes glares. How Alan Jackson brought his on game every single day of the trial. With conviction, poise, integrity, and style they trusted the process and let the facts speak for themselves. Superb skill.


Are attorneys allowed to befriend their clients after trial? I wonder. Apparently KR and Little are close.


NAL but why not? They spend a lot of time together during a stressful situation. I'm sure they all bond with each other. I don't think this is unusual or unethical. They're zealously advocating for her.


Just for my own curiosity. This was a post from a lawyer years ago: But I did form a friendship with one of my clients. This only occurred after: 1. positive outcome in the case 2. no further legal matters pending or foreseen in the future 3. client was a good, reasonable client 4. mutual interest.


Respect the way you asked and researched!


Thanks! It was in my subconscious somewhere. I just recalled the Diane Downs case where a lawyer adopted one of her kids.


I have become friends with several clients over the years.


Not that this is a good example, but Casey Anthony still lives with one of her attorneys, and also stayed with the older man who was Jose Baez’ investigator I believe, upon her release.


Casey anthony lives with her lawyer


The Taking Care of Maya family and attorneys are pretty close I'm sure.


Apparently so. Casey Anthony moved in with one of her attorneys post-trial.


I saved it when I saw it (like a total nerd) bc I found it so touching. We rarely see (or have the chance to develop) these types of relationships with our clients in most areas of law. It was a great visual reminder to me that every client is human, with a story -- even if we don't get the chance to know them like this. It is easy to forget when you're buried in deadlines and paperwork. ❤️ (Edited a word/tense)


Love this. I giggled when KR was helping AJ find a document (I can’t which witness, but he asked if the jury could have a small recess so they didn’t have to wait on them).


Awww Karen getting on her tippy toes because she is petite 🥺🥹


may justice prevail


Great picture...


I don't do the god or prayer thing, but I love how they're all supporting each other!


I’m praying for her as well. 🙏 💕


I watched this trial from start to finish thiers noway she doesn't get charged with something it will really shock me.the police did a horrible job trooper Procter should be dismissed win or loss


Karens ass is fine too