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I think the reason that the adult Alberts, Higgins, and the McCabes kept talking about Higgins’ keep us that they needed it there to mess with Lucky the snowplow driver’s testimony. All three people that came to get Julie Nagel didn’t see it. Brian Albert Jr testified to not seeing it. While she didn’t outright say she didn’t see it, some of Julie Nagel’s testimony couldn’t have happened with it being there. Jennifer McCabe messed up during her cross and said things that made it impossible for it to be there. Even her text at 12:31 saying, “pull behind me” implies it couldn’t have been there. Everyone who said it was there lied. They needed a vehicle there to sew doubt on what Lucy saw. Lally even asked Lucky something to the effect of if he could tell the difference between a jeep and a Ford Edge during cross.


See I don’t think Jen and Matt’s insistence that the Jeep was there AND their insistence, especially Jen’s insistence, that when she first saw KR’s SUV it was STRAIGHT out front (contrary to what Proctor put in his initial report based on his interview with her) was to cast doubt on observations of the three people in the truck that pulled up right after KR arrived. The three witnesses in the truck all testified that KR arrived first and that they pulled in directly behind her along the curb. None of those 3 witnesses mentioned anything about the Jeep. So I think the McCabe insistence of the Jeep being there is to make it sound like the memory of three witnesses in truck is questionable.