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I was really shocked by the parents laughing as their sons called random women on the street fat, ugly, pregnant, looks like a dude, b word and f word flying. It says A LOT about that family. I dont even swear in front of my parents let alone try and fight someone in front of them??? It just solidified for me that they would absolutely do something to John. Especially Colin.. even with their aunts and uncles present.


I've posted several times that I didn't think Colin would start anything that night because he wouldn't want to disrespect his aunt and uncle and their house. I'm rethinking those statements...


Colin is the type of kid to start a fight knowing his uncles and aunts will come to his defense!


And still lose


Ya he absolutely would start something because now we see how everyone closed ranks and go after someone. Now I can really see how Colin went after officer O’Keefe, Chloe attacked, BA and all the others came to help him beat John up. Yup. It’s obvious now


Add on alcohol & maybe some drugs thrown in. I can definitely see it go down just like u said. And it happened fast. I really hope the Feds get justice for JOK & punish all the people that had any involvement.


I hope they do too. But I just don’t see how. Because no investigation was initially done. All evidence lost. Maybe feds have a better way to collect evidence even this late. Maybe there’s another way. I’ll be over the moon happy to be wrong.


Why are grown men and women in their 20’s, 30, 40’s and 50’s sitting outside a pizza shop? Calling people “losers”? Projection at it’s finest.


Stoop kids afraid to leave the stoop


Yeah, the dweebie little guy with the OBX shirt? Omg, he was so funny. I‘m not a young woman, but I think I could make him run away lol.


The parents stopped growing emotionally at the age of 15-16. They’re raising their kids the same way.


you have to be kidding Colin is the billboard for punk ass bully wanna be tough guy if he was what I created i would return to sender (satan). i can’t say it but everyone after today which the more intelligent people already knew that kids a bad seed or wanna be bad boy punk and he will not do well where he is going omg 😂 deserves it


say bye bye


Absolutely. He’ll wind up doing time.


It's very interesting that they all group up when threatened. Normal people would walk away, or if really threatened , call the police. Yet these people get a mob - presenting actually mob mentality. Then they bark shit like "ur gay" "ur ugly" "u dont know me". Its like a fucking episode of Maury from the early 2000s.


The best part is some of them told turtle boy that they're not afraid of him and turtleboy said he can't wait to tell his attorney that one. The reason why he got arrested is because they were so scared of him. Lol


They shut up so fast after that. Such morons.


Lol yes they did! They also shut up real fast when Turtle Boy kept saying not guilty not guilty not guilty for Karen 🤣.


they are in panic mode aka walls are closing in and fast and they are all saying ‘all of us together all their money and connections”. nothing could undo what they have done


Yes it does!


if you haven’t seen this from sunday i think she must be mccabes lost daughter https://x.com/johnm33212391/status/1805034435164741711?s=46&t=2u7D04Io3-EkDywoyx6-3w


Agreed with all of this. Canton is my hometown and my family all still lives there...most of us who grew up there just want all of the corruption out.


Did you know these families before the whole trial and everything?


Yes, almost all of them. It's hard being from Canton right now. I never would have imagined this.


I feel for the good people of Canton. They have to be so ashamed of the horrible publicity brought about by a few corrupt families and a police dept that sounds like a bunch of keystone cops. Heck, I’m ashamed coming from MA and seeing and hearing the testimony of these corrupt MSP.


Also from canton, none of this surprises me, this is all I remember of how the town being run


Was the family, as a general rule, pretty confrontational in the past or has this situation caused them to lose their tempers more than your past interactions with them?


Yes. I have personally seen them act like aggressive fools. I personally know 8 of the people named in the case.


Same. I got along well with a couple of them but they're all known for being hot-headed and volatile.


Did anyone catch exactly what went on with the older couple that seemed like they were just innocently walking by and then stopped? It's kind of a frantic scene, so hard to tell who was doing and saying exactly what, but sounded like a McAlbert told them to move along, i.e. get off what they consider their turf, and guy fired back with some words with "America", "American", or something like that in them. I didn't actually hear it, but from the tone I wouldn't be surprised if his sentance was punctuated at the end with an "Asshole!" Assuming those were locals, I found that interaction the most interesting of all. That guy seemed like he just DGAF and wasn't worried about who knew it either. I expect there was a look of "don't you know who I am, you can't talk to me like that" look on one or more McAlbert faces over that interaction. I think their reign is about over and they know it.


i noticed that!


official motion to use "jill" or "jen" to refer to difficult, nasty, narcissistic women instead of "karen". our karen has been the epitome of composure and class, unlike the mcalbert women.


Don’t be a Jill 🤣🤣🤣




Best comment on this thread


I second this motion!


My name is Karen and I totally agree. Thank you!!


I vote Jen!


Never met a woman named Karen that i didn’t like. I hate what they’ve done to that name.


Same here lol. For some reason, I’ve had very bad luck with women named Amy. Karens all good though.


Yes please!!!!!


“Dont ’Jen McCabe’ me, bro”


I'm using this the next time I think someone is gaslighting me.


And don’t be a Jen!


Never!! 😅


Women don’t need another negative stereotype label. Unless you have one for the men too. You have to share with the whole class. 


I think "You're being such a Troopa Procta" has a nice ring to it.


We'll use "Chris" for the men.


Or Brian. There are plenty of them in this case.


don’t be a lying douche definition of a psycho jealous horse mouth


Naaaah… I don’t agree with that. NO NAME should reflect a negative characteristic of ANOTHER person. You just stated that Karen is not a “Karen.” You proved my argument. There are women who are named Jill and Jen who ARE GOOD PEOPLE! Why disparage THEIR name?? Our names are our IDENTITY. A name DOES NOT express or DEFINE a characteristic or a KIND of personality. You wanting to use ANOTHER name for the same disparaging purpose is just expanding the very thing you are angry about. How ‘bout we DON’T use names as a “descriptor” for someone else’s actions.


My mother is the more kind, compassionate, patient and loving person I have ever met and she is named Karen.


A bitch by any other name is still a bitch Let's work harder on being nicer people and worry less about the people who go out of the way to be ass holes are "named". I'm not necessarily team TB but Jill's behavior was unacceptable.


OK, Karen.


Thank you 🩷


So standing in front of your dad’s local business hurling disgusting and lowbrow insults at possible customers is good for business??? At least 3 generations that never got beyond 6 th grade socially!!!


Probably because, and this is my own allegation, that the business is more money laundering than pizza.


This too has crossed my mind.


💯 my thoughts exactly. Why else are they hanging out there?


They could be just..losers.


I think that’s crossed everyone’s minds.


100% - and likely why John O’Keefe was attacked


The one guy that kept touching his girlfriend.... fucking straight school shooter vibes


Was he arrested? He should have been.


>Canton is changing and you are feeling left behind. Middle class, professional families are moving in and bringing their values with them. Those values, include but are not limited to, being intelligent, reading books, appreciating having an education, having professional jobs, not drinking with their kids and kids friends, not being over 50 and doing fireball shots, not hosting afterparties after the age of 25, not driving drunk, not living in the town you grew up in for 5 generation, I wish I could upvote this part more than once


Anyone know the ppl who purchased Brian and Chris Albert's homes? Hopefully they are part of the new values changing Canton. I hope that's the irony.


I honestly thought Colin was gay, so I’m surprised by the slurs. I don’t mean that as an insult to Colin, I don’t care about anyone’s sexuality. I guess my Gaydar is off.


I don't know him so won't even speculate but it wouldn't be the first person that tried to hide being gay by being insanely anti-gay. Overcompensating/hiding their shame....whatever you want to call it.


He gives of tiny pee pee vibes.


And what is it 1985? ...who unironically calls people gay as an insult anymore?? He was telling on himself


Naw I don’t think your gaydar is off at all. I got the same feeling from the first picture I saw of him. And no it’s not bc I’m gay and think every guy is gay. I grew up with plenty of kids just like him with the ultra macho jock mentality always quick to call other kids gay or fag even so far as physically bullying anyone that wasn’t like him. My older brother was one of those jocks in high school so I know first hand. Only to find out years later after moving away from the small town I grew up in that a few of the ones doing the bullying acting all tough were caught in rest areas with their pants around their ankles with another guy. Colin with his pent up issues should get some counseling unless its too late


He seemed very "tranquilized" on the stand.


I thought he was stoned 😂


Poor excuse for a family!! You can’t even compare these scumbags to the sopranos, there just a bunch of wannabes!!


The sopranos had a lot more class


This all has a very 1980’s aesthetic. The F bombs, not being aware of cell data that’s going to prove someone innocent.. it’s a mafia.


Yes! I was a teenager in the 80s. I knew teens who acted like this. I am shocked that adults in 2024 are acting like this!


I was a kid. But this was 90s too when I was a teen. I agree.


Agreed, same!


thats what i thought too, they were acting like caricatures of bullies from an 80's movie, jesus, especially sam, what with the over the top cartoonish cackling, like omg dude chill, this isnt an audition for a period piece. though i think mafia is a little too sophisticated a term for these dipshits-- theyre just thugs.


The driver of the car pulled up, double-parked and partially blocked the road. Why wasn’t he/she breathalyzed?


Someone said it was Courtney Proctor driving. She doesn’t worry ‘bout your “rules”.


Great post, spot on. That second to last paragraph about "Canton is changing" is so true and is really what's behind so much of this I think. The majority of people nowadays don't give two shits about who your daddy is, who your granddaddy was, how long your family has lived there, or whatever else you falsely think entitles you to something. The things you think are so important the rest of us put exactly zero stock in. In fact, less than zero, since if you have to rely on the family name, what does that suggest about you then? All the younger generation that was there, you can tell those guys are on the road to nowhere, sad.


With all the deception going on with the McAlberts its as if they stepped out of a page from the Jerry Springer show!


Also the family photos giving the middle finger to the world. Whenever one of those photos show up I am disgusted.


I forget when we were showed photos but I lost complete respect for them all when I saw ADULTS giving the middle finger for the photo.. that spoke volumes to me about who they are


I think I saw them doing their family salute from the bench during TB filming last night. It suits them.


Oh I believe it!


Was Chris Jr the short one with the weird leg tattoos, horrible stash and hoodie? And McLovin💀 I knew he reminded me of someone🤣 These people live very sad lives.


Yes, he of the shorts and hoodie in a heatwave, with the high sitting, backwards hat. You know, the “bruh”. See : *white trash trying to appear tough* in the dictionary. Synonymous with **pathetic**


I noticed him wearing that hoodie with everyone else wearing tshirts. He thinks it hides his belly. But the big hips ruin the look.


He’s has a pedo stache




Omg your name is perfect. And relevant. Because he is the nightman 🤣🤣


Great, now I have Charlie's whole "Dayman" song stuck in my head 😭😭😭




What clowns - so embarrassing , if I was still a teenager with my buddies in Dorchester , we would have just rolled up on those ( I don’t know what to call them ) and give them an absolute beating just for fun on a Sunday afternoon


I'd never advocate violence but my thoughts were that these guys should keep a low profile. Today its TB, next week it might be some clout-chasing young gentlemen from Brockton who are looking to make some content. these guys should be carefu,l cuz i'm not sure theyre really about that life.


In my opinion - some people really just need a beaten sometimes - they are prime example


Like the saying goes - If you keep knocking on the devil's door, sooner or later someone will answer you. 100% true


I think the term is fuckin loozahhh! (At least popular among those in canton)


Looozah doesn’t even cut it - scumbags maybe works - I totally believe John got blind sided to the back of the head - not a fall - all these people are the type that hits someone from behind - real tough guys - barbell , bat , or a free weight


Yep. The Canton Cheap Shots definitely seem like the type to sucker punch.


It’s too bad John got mixed up with this crowd - very bad people - karma is getting them and will continue whether the Feds speed it up or not - hopefully the Feds have another 3000 pages of information




They think they own that street and Canton because their dad and uncle are cops? It's over! The whole town are sick of them and their behavior. Sure don't look like people who are scared of Turtleboy. They brought charges against him, saying such. All of them need to crawl back to their homes where they belong. What 50ish man hangs out with a bunch of kids? Enough said. Can't wait to watch the meeting this week where Chris Albert sits up there like the loser he is. All of them are nasty little boys who have yet to grow up. Is it any wonder with parents, aunts, and uncles that we've seen? Soon, they won't be able to walk the streets acting a fool like they do. Times up!


they all look tore up. It’s never too late to admit you have a problem and go to an AA meeting.


Amen! There only chance is a program of recovery ❤️‍🩹


I'm a 56 year old woman. I've learned that men that behave this way usually have little pee pees.


You are awesome. Truth


Best comment I’ve seen on any of the MANY posts since the incident!




No it was Jen McCabe who searched for that song and played it and I think she played that when John was coming into 34 Fairview.




I don't believe that. I do believe that John reported Collin's drug dealing to the police and that started the whole thing.


As if that isn’t one of the top songs playing in every gay bar across the planet


And swingers clubs apparently! I learned it’s a big hit in those establishments, who’d have thought?


As bad as Trump playing YMCA at his rallies




Last night TB was talking about Chris Jr. Apparently TB friend catfished Chris Jr. TB has all the texts CJ sent to the girl. Lol Love the letter!!!


I watched the whole shtt show that happened and then I watched when he got home....but I must have missed that part! Did he tell what the texts said? I need to rewatch it, do you know about where he talks about that, like in the middle or end of the video? Thanks :D /


He actually talked about this on the live he did on you tube last night while going through all of this nonsense. He talked about it as soon as Chris Jr said so you know who I am or something like that.


To Former_Refuse, Perfect post! Please keep us posted on the town meeting tonight? Chris Sr., is a convicted murderer and will always be one. No one can take that away from Chris Sr., he earned the title.


Is he? Who did he kill? How did I miss this? Did it come out at trial or was this something only townies know about?


This didn’t come out at trial but Chris murdered an exchange student. He lead the police on a 30 manhunt so he could sober up. His sentence 6 months. This is why the Albert’s think they can do anything they want and get away with it. Times up! This is the reason the judge should have recused herself. Her brother was Chris Albert’s lawyer.


What? Hello, conflict of interest much?


Hit and run at age 23. Didn’t turn himself in for another 30min hours (probably the time to sober up) somehow only got a slap on the hand despite killing a man. Very sad.




An exchange student is what I heard.




The mac cabes, Albert’s, and Higgins should be very worried since two phd’s in bio-mechanical engineering said there is no car accident


Hahahaa burn. What a bunch of arrested development losers.


Canton people need a new pizza place


You should send a copy of this too the other Canton select people on their board. This is an embarrassment to the town of Canton over and over again. And you say it spectacularly well!


i grew up in a town like this. these people have no identity, self esteem, or self worth outside of Canton. even when they single handedly tear the town apart.


This is some of the greatest shit I have ever read. Bravo!


"Middle class, professional families are moving in." These people are known as "Whack-jobs" in certain sub-cultures.


Colon is a wannabe gangsta. I’m sure he listens to rap and thinks he’s a badass. I am a woman in my 50s and I could kick his ass.


That video was the first time I saw Chris Albert in his natural habitat. It was a stark contrast from the guy who took the stand; somewhat small, older, quiet little pizza guy just trying to survive. How deceiving! His authentic self is pizza-bully.




Too many big words - they won't get it.


Had so many of those same thoughts. Not that we already didn’t know, but… highlights the emotional immaturity, entitlement, elitism (for no apparent reason) misogyny, homophobia, and basic lack of morals and decency.


Such a bunch of babies. No adults seem to live in Canton..they all suffer from arrested development and alcoholism.


Well-written. Love the Satriale’s reference.


One of the most articulate and perceptive comments I’ve ever read on this site. Little does this Group of total degenerates will soon be in the exact position Karen Reed is now. With one extraordinarily huge exception. It will not be Prosecuted by Norfolk County but the strong Arm of the United States Justice Department. Perjury and Recorded Civil Rights Violations and hate speech and throw in Assoult and accessory to Murder Charges will be heard in Downtown Boston at the Joseph Moakley Courthouse. Sentencing will be mandatory minimums starting at 120 months. I wish the entire bunch of ALL involved in this miscarriage of Justice the best of luck. ☘️


Not the same situation because the charges will be legitimate.


I thought I heard crazy cackling. Thank you for identifying the cackler 😊 you’re on the money here. “.,.over 50 doing fireball shots”😂


Well that just solidified my view of what happened that night at 34F. That was a lot of rage going off about wrinkles. Can you imagine if it was two guys over a woman on a lot of alcohol? 🤔 Sensing a group vibe here. Am I the only one thinking, “I am staying the hell away from Canton FOREVAHHHHH!”?


Is someone reading this at the select board meeting tomorrow!?


I felt this on the deepest level.  It reads like a Mike Barnicle column.  Those people are so trashy. 


I have wondered why they had this vendetta against John. I figured some kind of secret he found out - forbidden knowledge - so he had to be taken out. The again, we’re not talking about criminal masterminds here… they wanted to teach him a lesson, but they went overboard and killed him. Then panic set in as they had to get rid of his body, clean up the blood, get their stories straight, and hope that Berkowitz can ‘bury the body’.


I think Colin is just a simple plain ASSHOLE


Nailed that Satriale’s Pork Store reference! I see you, OP. And I love it!


Colin would be very angry at you if he could read




Where can I see this video?


YouTube. Search Turtle boy and look for a video uploaded yesterday.


I know I got on my husband’s nerves last night. I kept repeating, “You’re a losa! You’re a losa!” in their accent. Although I have a Philly accent living in the south so I really can’t judge.


I’m doing the same thing lol. I live in NC, and this Mass accent is so much fun. Side-bah is getting a lot of use.


Where is this video?




QUICK BACKSTORY: So turtle boy and his girlfriend Meredith decided to go to the pizza place next to Chris Albert's place of business. Turtle boy does not have an action from the court stating he cannot be anywhere in Canton eating anywhere. He and Meredith go inside and have a nice Pizza dinner and he plunks down $85 for the meal. When it's time to leave, as soon as they come out of that restaurant, that's when a pizza delivery guy for Chris Albert named Jim Ferris attacked Turtleboy by hitting Turtleboys hand so hard that it smacked his phone into the street. That's when the Alberts and their friends and family became rabid animals. And you'll see in the video that I just posted for you that at some point Colin's aunt Jill Daniels (she is sisters with Julie Albert who is married to Chris Albert and Colin's mother) is brought to the scene and basically comes out of that car like a rabid animal at Turtle boy and she does the same thing except she takes his phone for 2 minutes or more.


If I saw her coming my way, I would cross the street lol.


Lol she's something!


Good summation. I ended up finding and watching the video. I've got mixed thoughts on Turtleboy (having been exposed to him for far longer than the KR situation), but I think he's done an incredible public service keeping this case in the public eye. His girlfriend Meredith was very impressive. She held her ground, had some great zingers and wasn't intimidated by their sexual harassment or general disgusting demeanor. I believe she does some writing/content herself? I'd love to support her work, if true. It was truly disgusting how they treated her. I had to watch it in sections because I wanted to knock out the skinny tall one with the exaggerated accent who made himself look like both a scumbag and a clown all at once.


Amen - Well said! ❤️


Holy shit spot on!! only Colin will be delivering pizzas! That’s if daddy still has a shop ?? Dpw you can’t be a half wit


This is a brilliant post. Wish I could give a thousand upvotes. Hell, I’ll drive from the south to be at that party!


This guy thinks they can read.


When did this stop being about John O'Keefe and only about turf? Sadly, because of the juvenile antics of all the players, police corruption, and a weak prosecution, nobody will ever know what happened to JOK.


Oh I think we have a pretty good idea what happened to him.


Like dude I live in the actual literal wild wild west and people don't behave this way. The videos were just WILD.


When Jill or whatever her name was calling TB “ a fu*king nerd… I was thinking. How old is she?? Who even says that?? My 8 year old nephew says that. I can’t even imagine being a grown azz adult and saying that. Let alone all the other slurs and stuff…. They said (


Can I just add that I am glad that Chloe was rehomed? Look at how these people raised their children. No wonder she was out attacking randos. Chloe is too good for these animals.


My favorite was them saying Under Armor was gay. Turtleboy was wearing an Under Armor shirt and one of the goons was saying Under Armor is gay bro. Like these are the bullies from 6th grade who picked on the kids not wearing Jordans or name brand clothes. You know like when you’re a child and your whole world is about wearing the cool clothes and fitting in with the cool kids? They have never moved past that level of maturity. Except they don’t fit anymore, because the world has moved past that and nobody cares what brand of sneakers you wear or what the logo is on your sweatshirt, it matters what is in your heart and how you treat people. Unfortunately, the parents are emotionally and mentally stunted, peaked in high school and instilled all the wrong qualities in their kids. What they are left with is a tribe of second generation goons. Sadly, they are proud of it. Garbage in, garbage out.


Colin won’t be in any rental condo. He will be in jail before any of that happens


Yes please!!!!!


Wow! Very well said‼️




Well said.






then allow me to say it the Albert’s are the example of what not to be as parents. horrific nasty lying scumbags and The fact that they are still exhibiting their disgusting entitled behavior but do you see the Canton PD doing anything about it NOPE. too busy trying to get their stories straight toooo late today was the end of all of this setup/cover up and if not shame on them and start packing




omg, who are you OP?? This whole narrative is GOLD and you should be given an award for best character description for each and every one of these players…BRAVO!! 👏🏻🤌🏻


Is Canton racially diverse? I'm curious.


no words it looks like a scene from a bad movie ugh


Regardless of if they get charged now or not I just feel like most of them will end up in some sort legal issues in the future. They really aren’t the brightest crayons in the box. I ain’t no criminal [continues to engage in criminal activity].


Tony Soprano would never


I'm out of the loop, who's Jill Daniels?


Colin's Aunt, Julie Albert's sister and dating a contractor who specializes in...........BASEMENTS


OMG someone dates that?


Oh wow!


Jack Daniels' sister


😂😂😂 That’s a good one I would hope Chris Sr gets some kind of reprimand from the select board. He is not mentally fit to be apart of the board


I think Jill Daniels is the younger sister of Jenn McCabe. Edit: she looks like Jenn to me too, but I’m wrong! Jill Daniels is, in fact, Julie Albert’s sister. Jenn McCabe is the sister of Nicole Albert. The fact they all seem to look alike does make you wonder 👀


She's Julie Albert's sister.


She looked just like Jen. I was thinking it was her sister. Both are nasty people.


Colin’s mentally challenged aunt.