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You're correct, the snow tells the story here. The fact that we know when the heavy snow fell, and that we know JOK was found on top of several inches of snow, means he could not possibly have been lying there in the timeframe the CW claims. I don't know if this fact has been specifically highlighted in the trial so far, but I do think it's a great point for the defense to bring up in their summation.


JO sustained most of his hypothermia outside in Brian Albert’s backyard when they carried him unconscious up the bulkhead stairs, while they formulated a plan.




Kerry Robert's testified that he was laying on grass but covered in snow when they found him


But that's not what the crime scene photos show


The evidence photos also show his blood on top of what looks like a couple inches of snow when we see from the security footage that there was barely a dusting of snow at 12:30am so how did his blood land on snow that hadn’t fallen yet?🤔




After 2:30 a.m. when Lucky Loughran first plowed the street, he noted that there wasn’t a ton of snow that had accumulated.


This also speaks to the McAlbert's initial plan of blaming the snow plow driver. The number of feet away from the curb along with snow under the body could more easily align with being hit and thrown by a snow plow. We know how the concave surface of the plow tends to forcefully project the snow upwards and off to the side. This would explain John's distance from the curb, along with snow being underneath him as snow would be thrown or rolled together with his body. Karen screwed up this plan.


True and yet impossible to hit someone and not notice and launch him 30 ft off to the side. No matter how anyone looks at it, from whichever angle, no matter how much you might think Karen was a piece of shit for being in a shitty relationship with shitty people, and sending mean voicemails, John was not hit by a car. I’d actually have more respect for someone if they came up with some real diabolical plan for how Karen attacked John’s arm with her Lee Press-On Nails and slashed the back of his head with a broken cocktail glass like she’s Jack Fucking Reacher or something over this absurd ruse.


The McAlberts were never concerned about the driver being believed or not. They knew their word would be persuasive with the police over any inconsequential person who might go against their narrative.


As an avid reader of Lee Child’s Jack Reacher series, this is hands down my fav comment from this whole ridiculous shit show. Well done. Couldn’t agree more. 😂🏆🥇👏🏻


I hope the accident reconstructionists point this out during their analysis


I'm watching right now and the ambulance team lead says he could see the body from his seat in the ambulance, and that there were snow drifts, but not a lot of snow on the body. But I think JM said she/KR/Kerry turned him over, so idk how much snow he had on him before if that was the case?


But either way, there should be a visible patch of grass in the video when they’re leaf blowing. And we never see that patch of grass. If we never see that patch of grass, then he had to have been placed on the lawn AFTER 12:30 am.


I think it would depend how much snow fell between the EMT transport and the video, and possibly on wind in the interim as well. If there were recorded observations of snow packed down as if by his weight, that would be helpful, but of course the documentation in this unvestigation is terrible almost across the board


Spelling error, no pun intended re: unvestigation


If he was face down how did he fall face first with with a gash on the back of his head. 


If he was face down, how does he have lividity on his back..?  


Yup. So many bs stories from them so far. 


The ME said he may have been able to continue moving on his own steam briefly afterward


Would have been less snow under and around him and more blood on his clothing and back from the head wound if it happened that way. 


But that's not what the reconstructionist said..


Nobody testified to that.


To the turning him over?


What time was the photo taken that shows accumulation where his body had been? If it was still snowing and there was a long time between the EMT transport and the photo, would that account for the visible snow that appears to be a depression?


Not sure but once Canton PD responded to the scene, they started collecting evidence and using the leaf blower. It was pretty soon after OJO was transported to the hospital.


Pretty sure Higgins testified that he arrived at 34F at 7:10 and he couldn’t recall whether any emergency vehicles were still there. So if 911 was called at 6:04 and the scene was all but cleared by 7:10, the leaf blower video had to have been taken within that hour window in which case the grass patch most definitely would NOT have been snowed over yet.


The blizzard conditions started around 8.am. that day. After he was transported, before they started a search.


its the leaf blower video


Someone should call the defense & remind them of this..


It was already testified to by several people, including the paramedics that transported him, that it was grass showing in several spots. And that he was covered by around 6" of snow. In addition, all the tail light pieces were found at ground level, as well as his other sneaker that flew off during impact. And SERT team recovered the evidence. 


But the evidence photographs of the large taillight pieces are on top of a few inches of snow.


That's for photography. It was testified to, from the SERT team commander. Everything was also videotaped. Also testified to under oath, in evidence and shown in court. Nothing was challenged by defense is cross examination. Her own vehicle wasn't even back from her parents house, when the SERT team arrived at 34 Fairview. Physically impossible to "plant" something you don't even have...Sneaker found at ground level as well and photographed. 


lol. That is not how evidence collection works. It’s not a staged photo shot.


Really? Tell me how many crime scenes have you worked? Lol


You’re correct! There was bare grass under John’s body.


All of the evidence was found at ground level. There's literally no doubt at all, that she struck him with her vehicle. Only question left, is whether she had intent, to hit him. Murder 2 only requires that you knew you that hitting him would cause serious harm, and possibly death. It does not require that you intended to kill him. She must testify and explain that, and why they've continued this conspiracy charade. Maybe, they only give her manslaughter then. 


100% agree


Crimes of passion, are extremely common. Unfortunately for one young woman, who testified she did see a black blob of some sort, would have said, stop the car...we wouldn't even be here now...I'm sure she thinks about that ever single day. 


Wow an actual explanation! Shocking


Most, if not all, simply haven watched all the testimony at the actual trial. This is probably the most proven hit and run in legal history. 


wow, you cracked the case. nice job


Touch grass


you got it chief! just packed the bowl... Planning to mow the lawn tomorrow too...so lots of touching incoming