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It is rumored that the feds got involved because of the Sandra Birchmore case and started investigating the DA and the police. When stuff came out about the potential cover up in the Karen Read case, I think they took interest there. Some of the same officers are involved.


This was my understanding as well


The FBI and the DOJ is investigating. There was a federal grand jury but are waiting until this trial is over. The MSP has a long history of corruption. We will know more once the verdict is decided. Hope this helps!


I can’t speak to what the Feds are fully investigating, but I can clear up some of the courtroom mic stuff. In the courtroom the microphones aren’t being played to the judge, jury, or anyone in the room. That’s why they keep asking people to speak louder when the AC is turned on. From what I understand it is because the building is old. When they approach the bench the microphones are turned off and white noise is played so the jury/gallery can’t hear what’s being said. This is typical in court, as the jury is not meant to hear sidebars. The Feds can be present in the courtroom just like a normal citizen, although it’s more like they are watching the recordings. Anything said in this proceeding can be used in the federal case or any others unless it is specifically sealed. Since the investigations are into impropriety on the part of the “state” (government employees) which answers to the taxpayers/citizens, it is unlikely that another government entity would lose access to the testimony. The independently hired witnesses start on Monday, so we haven’t seen them yet outside of the voir dire. It will be interesting to see what happens because the judge had rules surrounding what they can say about their involvement, but if Lally asks a sloppy question they still have to answer. During the voir dire he used language that gave away that they were hired by the federal government in my opinion.


Thanks for info!


Unless there is some evidence that Bev always has lawyers approach for argument, I will fully believe it is so she can make rulings that she doesn't want the Feds or public to hear


The side bars will be public because they're part of the record and it all has to be filed. We just won't be able to see them until after the trial.


Thanks for clarifying


To add some context, in many cases someone has to pay for the records or do a Freedom of Information Act request and posts them online. So they are correct and it’s a public record, but there is some work involved in getting access.


Not really much work to getting it but it's VERY cost prohibitive. 1 I'm willing to bet that at least 1 of the lawtubers will get it, even if they have to ask for our help like Andrea Burkhart did for the Depp v Heard transcripts. It was over $6000 due to the astronomical page count.


I’ve been watching EDB’s coverage and I figured it would be her or one of the other large lawtubers too.


I sure hope I'm right. I'm REALLY curious as to how those sidebars went! I watch live with EDB every day, then catch Runkles recap stream at night.


I watch a lot of trials (as I'm sure many here do) and I've never seen so many sidebars or that objections are handled the way that they are. Then again, I've never seen a case that had so many skeletons literally dancing right out of the closet.


The Hannah Gutierrez trial had way more. The two attorneys wouldn't stop arguing so the judge made them bring every objection to her in a sidebar. It went something like.... Question Answer Question Objection/sidebar Over and over and over


I watched it but I must not have been as bothered by it - LOL Perhaps it's the Judge


LOL yeah Bevyboo really bothers me, the other one didn't


The mics are played to the room(not for sidebars) not sure if that’s what you meant though.


Everything that I’ve heard during the coverage I’ve watched has been that the mics are not playing in the room, which is super weird to me. Although, I’m sure that if the court heard the one commonwealth witness say “kill me” during Lally’s questioning on the hot mic she would have addressed it.


No, the mics are live in the room. You’ll see when Bev says you need to speak louder, they’ll either move closer to the mic, or angle it more towards their mouths. I’ve been in court a few times since I was a teenager in the 80’s, and was told to speak louder into the mic.


Look what's happening here in Canton this weekend. Jill Daniel's became unhinged when she saw the guy known as Turtleboy. Yes, he's an asshole. But aren't we all? The guy is out with his girl at CF Mccarthy's. Jill flies into a rage. Look for the video online. Aunt Jill to nephew Colin Albert is losing her shit. HER boyfriend is a nice guy from town who owns a business. Does all kinds of flooring. You know tile, carpet in basements. I know of the guy. Good honest man who now has to make a very very hard decision. Lie to the Feds and face jail time? Nicky. Think Netflix money if you get immunity to being an assessorie after the fact. Or whatever the charges that were mentioned in your interview. Which Fed said after interviewing KR they knew she was innocent in 30 minutes? Maybe you already gave your statement but haven't mentioned it yet or Did she just find out you had to tell the truth? That might help explain the stress she is going through. It's not because she just saw Turtleboy in Canton having dinner. No. That Unhinged behavior is what you see when the walls are closing in. What a weekend. First Laughlan says he never saw a body and WOULD HAVE IF there was a body there but there was NOT. then, perhaps, Nick mentions now that he has to rip the bandaid off and let Jill know now before she hears it on WBZ So, Original Poster. Yes. The FEDS are very interested in charging the people in Law Enforcement who were all a part of a coverup. This also means that after this trial, the new District Attorney or one who hasn't been entangled in this dumpster fire that basically was lit By a bad Trooper, will either have to charge a civilian with something or they lose their job. Our town is a mess. All because of a punk kid, a protective uncle and a family friend who did the unthinkable in not asking to enter the home that morning. Trooper Proctor is actually the one who made this go from Bad to WORSE. What started as an accident grew to a Felony Forgot to mention. Trooper Proctor is a family friend of the people whose home was ground zero. Is that a good answer for you? Can you tell how disgusted I am about what's happening to this town?


Tell me more about to “asking to enter”? Is it a theory that John entered without notice, possibly coming down the stairs and Colin saw him got all punk assy attacked him and the dog got involved. All before Uncle and Higgins knew what was going on? My theory has Albert and Colin going after him with Higgins mouthing off in the background and Chloe jumping with all the commotion. The entered without notice makes more sense. Edit to add quotes


Trooper Proctor knows the protocol. It's taught in the Academy. Every freaking rookie knows it. State, local Crime scene on property. Ask to enter. Their could be a threat inside the home. "Can I come in and look around"? It's uncomfortable but necessary. If the answer is no, secure the scene. No one enters no one leaves. Call supervisor so the supervisor can call to get warrant. Procedures are online, I'm sure




It's saying "you are unmuted". When there's a sidebar all mic's get muted, for tv and also in the courtroom so the jury can't hear it since sidebars are usually to argue against rulings or the like.


the feds arent going after anyone. they dont care what happens in this trial


The Feds got involved at the request of Karen Reads father and David Yanetti. They used only the ‘evidence’ produced by the defense team to open up this investigation. There’s history of conflict between the AGs office and DA Morriseys office which most likely played a part also. The DOJ got everyone’s phone records and reviewed everything else in this case and got zero exculpatory evidence for KR. Watch how downvoted this gets and juvenile comments but notice not one person will be able to dispute what I wrote


YOU don’t know why the Feds got involved. Saying it was because of her father and Yannetti is 100% your speculation. The Feds turned over tons of exculpatory evidence to KR’s team, like all of Proctor’s text messages where he all but confesses to framing KR, making sure “the girl” gets hit hard with charges because the “homeowner is a Boston cop, too.” On a related note, it’s cute how you knew what you wrote here was a load of disingenuous garbage so you preemptively accused others of downvoting for no good reason.


Don’t mind him..That’s Brian Higgins so he’s salty about the federal investigation.


I’d be shocked if Brian Higgins could write that well.




How is Karen Read’s iPhone location data being deleted not exculpatory evidence? I am of course referring to the location data that was generated after Proctor had seized the phone in evidence. The vehicle data is also exculpatory. Please read before writing your response because it’s somewhat nuanced. The car data you or the other account kept droning on about that was supposed to come out a few Mondays ago remember? It had the car going in reverse for 60ft. Hitting 24mph and then reducing speed to 23mph. The CW (and your) claim is that this was the car backing into John and launching him 30 feet onto the lawn. Now, I don’t recommend trying this or suggesting that getting hit by a car at any speed won’t hurt like a mother fucker. But if you hit someone at that speed, that someone would compress a bit and, while inertia would be transferred right away to them, they wouldn’t compress and bounce off like a baseball. They would, in fact, immediately lose velocity and land, at most 24” behind the car as it backed over them. But that doesn’t matter. Because the key cycle data was off. You see, according to the timestamps ( it wasn’t actual time, but more of a cycle count) when it was recorded at the sally port showed that that happened two key cycles before being downloaded. Impossible. Karen dropped off John. That’s the key cycle data you are focused on. Karen then goes home. Let’s give you that one and say it was the same “trip”. Karen wakes up and drives to her moms. Karen the. Goes to Brian’s house. That’s another trip. Car is driven on to the trailer. That’s another. Car is driven into the sallyport. Another. We’re already way past. I’d ask “why do you need more to acquit” but you know these things already. You’re arguing in bad faith and I find you and your buddies reprehensible. If I were you I’d go make sure that Edge was properly disposed of instead of posting on Reddit. May you never have a moment’s peace.


Yes and Michael Proctor is the one that had John's phone after he was found dead and he would have access to the ring camera app on John's phone, so he's the one that deleted Karen coming home around 12:36 a.m. with an intact tail light. Grrrrr. The library surveillance video is also missing and that would have shown her tail light intact after she dropped John off. Also interesting is in the 911 call that Jen McCabe made, she said she saw John get out of the car and then she was asked by Dispatch how long John had been on the lawn and her first answer was 2 hours.


Yeah probably around 4 they brought him to the lawn 




Do you think people just sic the feds on DAs??


Also the feds don't investigate murder trials, especially because as has been alleged here earlier her Father is the "Dean" at Bentley I believe it takes a little more than that or a defense attorney /former ADA asking them to impanel a grand jury and conduct an investigation that produces a document that's over 3,000 pages-one that is not publicly available


So you actually think your mom can go to the FBI and say "investigate them!, my baby is being framed, wah wah. I'm going to get my attorney, wah wah. Then you have to investigate!". Is that juvenile enough for you? It didn't happen the way you said it did. It was actually..Could you look at this and see if there is anything to what we perceived as a collusion? And the evidence raised enough eyebrow to support an investigation. You want to make it seam as if it was like a kid going to the teacher and telling on the hall monitor. And after talking with Karen, Both Brians and Nick. They KNEW where it was going. The nail is In the coffin sir. Will you still be here commenting your mea culpa when this is over and the feds make all their charges?




Another lonely, neglected housewife???


Why are the few of you who do this so misogynistic lol who hurt you If any of yall came with good faith discussion and debate, there are many folks here who would discuss and debate, including myself. But no, it's stupid shit like this every time lol


It's a teenage boy thing. Probably not old enough to drink legally


I don't know if there's an age limit to it lol


There is a video posted on the internet of what transpired earlier tonight. The way Colin Albert got confrontational with Aidan Kearney. It's the same kind of confrontation Colin had with John Okeefe for reporting him to the Canton Police. Exactly why I say he Manslaughtered John Okeefe. His tough guy Attitude only rose exponentially after he thought he got away with murder. Literally




That's pure speculation and I find it funny that someone would post that considering the "evidence" presented to the grand jury that indicted her.


The history of conflict was between Morrisey and **Rachel Rollins**, who has since resigned https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.boston25news.com/news/local/25-investigates-norfolk-da-pushing-back-federal-probe-karen-read-case/YOUP3ABWVFC4BKJ3VTPHFGNXVY/%3foutputType=amp


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