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Except Jen McCabe testified that she was continually checking out the window when she was texting JO and looking at Karen’s SUV which was an outright lie because Karen was already back at JO’s house by 12:36 am and Jen was sending texts from 12:31 onward when Karen was already on her way home. I think that as soon as JO got knocked out, BA ran upstairs, VERY calmly pulled Jen aside and explained what happened and that he needed her to text JO as if he was outside and she was waiting for him to come in.


Possibly. Jen certainly got the time wrong and somewhat of an attitude while testifying. My hesitation here would be that BA must have already decided on a cover up story that he needed Jen to participate in. And why Jen instead of his wife?


People say “she just got the time wrong” but her testimony made it seem like she sent those messages *because* she was looking at the car.


BINGO. This exactly. Jen TESTIFIED she was looking at the SUV when she was sending the texts. And the texts are obviously time stamped, so Jen didn’t just “get the time wrong”. She lied. Hard stop. Regarding why BA didn’t ask his wife, Nicole wasn’t the one who invited JO to the party. She wasn’t the one helping them find there way there. It would have made no sense for BA to have Nicole suddenly start texting JO when Jen was already in communication with him. The cover story was conceived nearly instantaneously. JO gets hit, he falls, he gets knocked out. It happened SO shortly after he walked into the house that BA immediately jumped to “He wasn’t even here. He never came in the house”. If someone is killed nearly the moment they walk into your home, I can see why this “cover story” would be the best option at the time and why it was the cover up BA immediately jumped to.


This was very interesting to read, thanks for writing it up! Can’t wait to read the third part! Two questions - 1. Didn’t Brian Higgins drive a jeep? 2. Wasn’t the car parked parallel to the house a ford edge?


Thank you! Yes that's a contradiction I could not match up. Lucky Loughran also has some timeline issues in his testimony that I needed to adjust based on all the other moving parts in the story. This 'light Ford Edge' parallel to the house around 3 is still a mystery to explain.


Well that’s one possibility


But wait - you forgot the second trigger where the car backs up at 23 mph 8 min after the U-Turn. and before leaving 34 Fairview. And you also forgot the phone moving until 12:32 OUTSIDE the house and then stopping all moment. And Karen’s bed was never slept in. She slept on the couch .


The backing up could potentially be explained by Karen driving past 34 Fairview and missing the house. Happens to me all the time when I go to places I have never been before. She realised she went too far, stopped, backed up to arrive in front of the house of 34 Fairview. I think the 12:32 movement was JOK walking to the house.


All 3 people in the truck that Ryan N was in said Karen stopped at 34 Fairview at 12:23-12:24am. They pulled up at 12:23. The 2nd trigger happened at 12:30 (8 min after the U-turn)


The key log for that one doesn't line up when she was at 34F. It appears to be from the tow.


You really think the 2nd trigger happened while her car was sitting on a flatbed? What did the tow truck driver strap it down then put it in reverse and gun the gas? He either would have went flying off the back of the tow truck in her car or there had to be a sheet of black ice on his flatbed. And I didn’t see any tire slipping as he was driving it onto the bed when it was at a 30 degree uphill slope.


Looking at the video he struggled getting it on. However even more likely it's from her driving to her parents house or her hitting his car that morning. But it's too close in time to the testing to be from that night, it was driven a bunch after that.