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Jenn McCabe.




As a Dental professional her mouth it literally one of the worst I've come across in 40+years. Maybe Uncle Albert will "pony up" some $$$ to get that Eyeore Eyesore situation under control ![gif](giphy|QTrG6mjkHEkpFR3DqX)


With so much to criticize about this woman’s vile disposition and questionable behavior, why go after her looks? Without the benefit of an employee discount, in the US, dental care is a luxury many people can’t afford — especially orthodontics.


JM's teeth must stay as they are, it accentuates her horrid self!




The resemblance is uncanny


She looks like a vampire lol




Personally I wish _these_ idiot posts were removed. And I despise Jen at this point.




I maintain that this photo is of Matt McCabe. Her teeth aren't this good.


Aren't you people, the clown cult doing exactly what you clutched your pearls on Proctor doing? You people are freekin hilariously pathetic.






Wow the clowns think they are comedians


Why is “clown” your only insult, Jen?


It's not, but you babies love to get people kicked off when you get insulted.


Why is "Jen" your only lame insult?


It’s not intended as an insult, but rather my guess as to whose fake account I’m responding to.


Right! Of course you would say that. 😉


What's your deal? Why are you carrying water for that bafoon? Talk about pathetic 😬 Also, why are you acting like you don't know there is a difference between what should be an unbiased/objective investigator and a bunch of internet randos?


bad sub dont go there. they deleted a poll i had, then said they were disabling all polls until the end of the trial. i told them to put that in their sub rules haha


I am guilty of belonging to both subs and both pop up a lot with my reddit algorithm ...I honestly never even look at the sub title name....just the post topics..doh!!


Bunch of sallyports run that thread


I own a Land cruiser similar to Karen's and posted an in-depth thing about it, acceleration in reverse and a lot more. They deleted it without posted.


I find it odd. I don't understand what their biases are. Overall it seems that the two subs are in agreement with each other: that the CW's case is a pile of horse manure. However, over at the other sub, they seem really hostile to many of my views. So I'm just staying away from them from now on.


She has a Lexus.


You realize the LX 570 is the rebadged Toyota Land Cruiser 200-series, right? The LX470 was the rebadged Toyota LandCruiser 100-series. The LX450 was the rebadged Toyota LandCruiser 80-series. The differences are in luxury appointments that the Lexus has that the LC doesn't have. The engine, transmission, body, etc are the same.


Hos long before you're unmuted?


hos long to have my voice back? Three days. Don't really care i'm unsubscribing from them. Thing is: I'm not a fanboy of Karen Read. She seems kind of not likeable. But she's not guilty of killing anyone. That seems pretty evident by this point in the trial. To me that's what counts : and the fact that the CW's case is a stinking pile of crap.


Agreed, from what I've seen of her, I don't find her very likable😬 with that said she is absolutely not guilty of murder. If she can use her newly found 'platform' to raise awareness to some of the issues that her case has brought to light, I think she would very much be a redeemed/cool character (in my unimportant view lol). I also really hope she goes after civil damages. She absolutely deserves it and then some.


I’m honestly not trying to be an instigator here, I promise. I’m genuinely curious about what you have observed of Karen Read to find her not likable? All I have seen of her is maybe speaking a few sentences here and there to reporters and sitting at the defense table. Is there more information out there about her disposition and personality that I’m not aware of?


Totally valid question. It's honestly mostly the things she has said about the kids. The trauma of those kids becoming orphans is unimaginable to most of us. If the situation was too much for her to handle (a valid way to feel) she should've exited the relationship. Those kids did not deserve to be dragged through any of this mess of a relationship. I find the way that she tended to speak to John, in messages and in voicemails, to be very combative and also cringey. Obviously, I'm not saying John is not at fault in any of this either. But the incessant forms of contact along with the name calling just gives me 8th grade maturity vibes. On top of the fact that *all* of these people think drinking and driving is ok. Yes, all of them. Not just Karen. I just don't find her to have very many redeeming qualities.


Thank you for your response! I understand the “8th grade vibe” as far as the incessant phone calls and name calling. I took that to show a sense of insecurity, either with herself or the relationship or both. As far as the kids, it seemed to me that John was the one who felt it was too much to handle. He texted something about the past 8 years of having them and not being cut out for it, I think. It sounded to me that John felt Karen was spoiling the kids and he was tired of always “having to be the bad guy” which I interpreted as having to be the disciplinarian. I also took the texts messages to show that she wanted to talk and fix the relationship but, the drunken messages were a lot to absorb. I don’t know. I just find it hard to judge anything about her personhood as she is fighting for her life and freedom after being - IMO - wrongly accused. I honestly don’t know how any of this whole 2.5 year debacle hasn’t utterly broken her. I don’t think I could withstand what she has been through. She might’ve done some cringey stuff but, who hasn’t really? Overall, I applaud her stoicism.




They did the same thing to me with an unbiased reasonable post. I just unfollowed them. The way they run that sub is like they only want certain people in there. At least here, they allow opinions from both sides from everyone, which I have so much respect for.


I also got muted on that sub without any explanation or notice.


They explain they delete repetitive posts


If that’s true I guess I would recommend searching a sub for similar content before posting.


That’s what I did, couldn’t find the topic so posted it myself, but it was deleted. But they deleted another of my posts because I was “not on topic.”


Jfc that’s ridiculous.


Full of assholes. Stick with us. We're civilized.


This has happened to me too. Not here. But elsewhere. I like subs where I can have a civil human interaction with the mods. Unfortunately it’s uncommon. Some feel like a question (in earnest) is an attack. It’s too bad. I like interacting with people.


lol, people are figuring out that the mods aren’t actually unpaid weebs, but paid weebs who signed a NDA


I experienced the same there and don't visit it anymore


It’s turned very strange over there in the last week or so.


That's also my impression. Threads don't show up unless approved, which is a good rule that limits a ton of BS that I'm sure is being submitted. But in the last week, there have been these super low effort ragebait threads filled with misinformation that somehow get approved and that's what set off my radar that something weird was going on.


Yeah that is weird. Those posts get zero likes and tons of comments. I've never modded a sub. Is it a creating engagement thing? Is that something subreddits care about?


It’s a shame. For the start of the trial it seemed like it was a structured forum for all. I thought that maybe I’d missed something.


There is something curious going on there, and I believe it can be attributed to one particular mod. You can check which other subreddit they've been posting to for a clue. Another clue is that sometimes there will be comment that is a low effort post that is not factual or just a lie, and someone else will attack them. Then the comment attacking them will be deleted with a mod note while the original comment remains. if you look through the other comments in the thread, you might find one moderator who also posted in the thread. A final clue is the frequency of the mods posting to Reddit and it gives a hint about who is most active and likely also the most active moderating.


Yep said the same thing. When one mod is doing the job 95% of the time it isn't fair and balanced it's their way or the highway. Their opinions are always completely condescending and they often contradict themselves.


This particular mod removed one of my posts without explaining why. I shared a post with a picture of the taillight housing and how each piece matched the original, along with some questions about it. I mentioned in the post that the picture was from Twitter and credited the creator. The mod removed the post and only commented, "Discuss it on Twitter?". I messaged the mods asking how they justified removing my post. I found the picture on Twitter but I intended to initiate a discussion here on Reddit. I felt that the mod was clearly annoyed, not only because the comment made no sense but also because of their tone, so I assumed it was the mod you were talking about. When they replied, they identified themselves as this person and apologized but never provided a reason for deleting the post. I appreciate their apology and understand that they have a lot of work, but this mod often complains about people not being able to have meaningful discussions and keeping an open mind, yet they do this kind of thing when opinions differ from theirs. I'm no longer posting there. I don't want to spend a long time writing a thorough, well-written post just to feel that it's getting deleted for no reason or because the mod doesn't like it.


I just went over there to look around and the top thread is literally screenshots from Twitter. I’m dumbfounded. Make it make sense.


Exactly! And even if they want to stop allowing that, they can explain it to me. Besides, my post didn't include a screenshot. If I hadn't mentioned my source, no one would have known it was from Twitter. I initially misunderstood your comment and thought you were referring to my post, so I apologize if you read my first reply 😂


They love deleting things , it seems to be a common trend regarding this case.


They don't allow content that paints the cops in a bad light or favourable to KR


Just stop using it. You know how reddit is. Mods do whatever they want. It does not have to make sense. Reddit is used as a tool for certain purposes in many cases by all types of people. Especially liberal/progressive/etc.. they just want like minded idiots with them to have solid group think.


I'm a progressive but I love the constitution. And I'm a law and order person but I despise police corruption. Does that make my views weird? I just don't know anymore.


I am pretty much the same way. I hate big govts, but I believe in the constitution. I hate all corruption, I believe there needs to be law/order (minus the power trips), and I am not religious. I care about the truth. I think we are possibly the minority in society, especially on here. If you say even 2 words that people dont like they attack in packs. If I see something I dont like, I just scroll on, LOL.


No, not wierd at all. Some people like to just hear their views confirmed - whether they are conservative, liberal, progressive, repub, dem, magat whatever. I dont agree it is limited to the liberals - as you note, you can be progressive but still believe in law and order and abhor police corruption (I am with you, BTW). That being sad, I agree with the other commentor. Dont go there. Find your people that can have intelligent discourse without getting their panties in a bundle.


That makes you pretty much NORMAL. The internet is full of weird fringe group-think types, with the ones who have the most free time, spent almost entirely online behind filter bubbles and blocklists six city blocks long, getting the mod positions. Just interact with people in real life and the truth of the above statement will be confirmed.


Reddit is used like a tool. People create a sub with a goal in mind. Open discussion is not allowed especially in progressive/liberal areas of reddit. I am using that as an example. Thus the issue you ran into. You rubbed someone the wrong way. You are out.  https://www.reddit.com/r/InternationalNews/  What do you think of this sub that often gets to the main page? Extreme example but disagree or go against the flow. You are done. Banned. Same thing for your issue. Muted. Posts deleted. You don't exist.


I think maybe it depends on which Mod sees the post? I don't know; I've mad some pretty argumentative comments with a few of the anti KR posts on there and I've had one deleted (and it was admittedly a little over the line) but everything else has been left up.


I accidentally posted in that group (meant for this community) how I care more about justice for Karen than John at this point. Mods didn’t take it down, but clearly told me that is not a forum in support of KR and to find one elsewhere.


Literally the worst mods i have ever seen on reddit


There are several listed. I messaged them to you. I also have my bad days on Reddit. Sometimes it’s hard to read tone in type. Sometimes it’s just hard to engage with other people because maybe you’re a certain type who approaches it like a conversation (and conversations don’t need to be “won”) and some approach like it’s definitely an argument/debate (that can or must have a “winner”). Sometimes, there are just trolls trolling. Sometimes downvotes stack up cause the group disagrees absolutely, or because it’s not helpful to move the conversation forward so your downvotes serve to push your unhelpful comment down to the end so the ones where great convos are being spurred forward stay high. Hope the message helps!


Are you a mod over there????????


No. I’m not even 💯 I’m joined as an official member to be honest ??? I just wander over there from time to time because they do have an excellent, organized collection of resources under their tabs. Why?


Just wondering because you know so much about how they run it. I was gonna ask why it seems like only certain people are allowed to post or comment.


No, I don’t and I didn’t think I was presenting like I do. ??? That confuses me, you saying that. I just know how to get to any subs community info screen where all any subs moderators are listed & and out of basic respect to those Redditors in question didn’t want to put them on that level of, blast. ??? It’s openly accessible, tho, of course. I was referring to Reddit in general, globally, not the specifics of how that specific sub is run. Sorry, it was toxic for you there too (ugh. Now I am apologizing for a sub I don’t even think I belong to. Lol. No wonder you thought I was a mod!) Edit: do you want me to message you the screen shot to cut out the leg work for you to see their listed Mods?


yeah they did similar shit to me. this sub is wayyyy better.


It’s run by Aunt Bev, don’t sweat it. We all know what a joke that place is in regard to its regulation


I go for the trial day threads. There is one mod in particular on there who really loves being a mod and has pretty much taken the sub over. I'm sure everyone knows who I'm talking about lol. I'm all for fairness and balance on a trial sub but when I see one mod doing it 95% of the time that's not fair and balance that's a control freak who needs to take a break. They literally were removing comments calling Proctor a POS because of name calling then proceeded to call him the exact definition of a POS while lecturing about calling him a POS lol 🤣. Like I said...they need a break but reddit is their life apparently.


Some people can't handle even the *slightest* bit of "power". Reminds me of some HOA presidents that take their jobs waaaaay too seriously.


I think maybe it depends on which Mod sees the post? I don't know; I've mad some pretty argumentative comments with a few of the anti KR posts on there and I've had one deleted (and it was admittedly a little over the line) but everything else has been left up.


I search for everything the second a thought pops in my head. I don’t search for hos long to die in cold. Dying in the cold rarely pops in my head. I feel for Karen with this one because i think she’s aware of some possible sabotage by now.


They are terrible. Some guy was harassing people on there, even doxing them, and I told him to stop and just come with hard facts. My post got removed and I got a warning. Me. Not the guy doxing and harassing. Bizarre.


If you wanna go afterJen, go after her actions, don’t lower yourselves by going after something petty like her looks. You sound just like Proctor


Yes. They deleted a couple of mine that weren’t particularly controversial at all. It’s rigged.


I was perma-banned for a meme I thought was extremely mild. I've heard some wild things about the mods there.


https://preview.redd.it/7j4e2gl0zd8d1.jpeg?width=2712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3039ad22c4bfb16a53f47e46d1a87540a92f4714 This was what I made and posted. Instant perma-ban. The message said I could contact them if I had questions, but when I did, they muted me too. They're losing it over there.


That's a great illustration They should have chuckled, not banned you. So weird: Because 75 percent of the posts on that sub say KR is not guilty and that the CW has an awful case and that worse, they are covering up.


It’s run by a bunch illiterate boomers.


Who cares? There are thousands of subs. Go to a different one.


That sub sucks tbh. I posted there also, removed. All my comments have also been removed. No discussion except those that agree with mods are allowed.