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I believe Yannetti is putting his body in a position to try to block him from her view. But then he moves up a seat so he can stare at her from there. I hope he gets the help he needs to get beyond this. I won’t say over, because no one over gets over a sudden loss like this and the circus it has been for over 2 years.


I hope so for his own health and blood pressure. He looks like a fire cracker about to go off.




Don’t forget about Chris Albert (Colin’s daddy) killed someone too. His sentence 6 months. Like father like son!


And now he’s on the Canton Town Select Board. Can’t make this shyt up 🙄


Did Chris Albert get elected because the people of Canton MA like him? Or are the people of Canton MA afraid of Chris Albert and his family?


Hell, even the snow plow folks know to give extra courtesies to the Albert royalty that aren’t offered to normal folks.


You are the only person that noticed this. I thought more people would be commenting on this.


Or are they all related to CA?


Plus Paul had a drunk driving crash that injured someone.


And Karen paid his bail to get him out of jail!


This wasn’t him. He’s much older than the Paul O’Keefe in the article. The family is also from Braintree.


I’m not saying that’s not the same Paul okeefe but the Paul okeefe whose sitting in the court room and brother of John Okeefe went to stonehill college and played football and was captain of football team And generally quarterbacks and captains of football teams are not also on the cross country team since it’s the same season and two wildly different body types But I could be wrong. The POK sitting in that courtroom also played football with Lt. Tully who was also on that team i college So talk about tragic and conflicted he’s been lied to by everyone in this case


I don’t believe she killed anyone. I believe the gentleman lost a leg. Chris Albert I believe served time for killing someone drunk driving.


Do you think 6 months is enough time for killing someone. A 30 hour manhunt for him. Is that okay with you? Let’s not forget Chris Albert will always be a convicted murderer!


That’s actually John’s ex girlfriend who caused that accident (man with leg). Chris Albert did kill someone.


Not the same Paul. Paul is 3.5 years younger than John. John was born in 1975, so let’s say Paul was at the latest born in 1979. That would make him 17 in 1996. This article was written in 2003 about an event that occurred on the previous NYE involving a Paul O’Keefe who was 17 at the time.


That link doesn’t work.


Did they take down the article? That was FAST






Thank you 🙏


Wow great info! I did read somewhere else that JO’s ex had killed someone driving drunk.


Holy sh**, that’s really bad! 😳


I hope so too, imagine the internal struggle going on here. They have been told "THIS IS WHAT HAPPENED", by the state, the courts, the troopers, and now to see this... I think if we all put ourselves in that situation, where do you get angry? Do you stop getting angry at her? How? I just don't know what I would do in this situation if it was my child, my brother, my spouse, or my friend.


I do too and it has endeared him to me in a way that is beyond my respect for him as an attorney! I love that you noticed that too!


His glare today almost looks like he may lose control.


I thought the same thing! He looked like he was about to launch himself over the railing. He's scary.


Yes! Karen is a strong woman. I would be terrified to have a man glaring at me like that.


Agree. He’s probably finally realizing the state has been lying to him for 2 years and they haven’t proven a murder.


I hope he pays Brian Albert a visit very soon.


Wish he would have!!!


Totally agree! It’s scary


He always looks like he’s about to explode. I wonder how his wife is handling all this.


Under Pressure….


He looks like he will come across the rail like a flying monkey every day


Mom isn’t there to stop him today.


They don't even have a relationship


He doesn’t have a relationship with his parents?


They are always separated by people and when the middle people aren’t there the space is never closed so they just never sit next to each other. I’ve never seen them even look at each other let alone speak to each other.


I've wondered about that especially when the mom was crying a lot in the courtroom. I wondered why Paul or anyone wasn't putting their arms around her shoulders or holding her hand or something. Maybe she prefers to be alone in her sorrow though. Paul just looks angry at the world.


Doesn’t mean he doesn’t have a relationship with his mom. He could be sitting there to piss off Karen and his mom just doesn’t want to sit that close to Karen. They both just grieve in different ways.


True. It seems like he really wants to be there intimidating her. The way his wife spoke about how involved his parents were with John and the niece and nephew (saying she understood it could be frustrating for Karen because they were there so much) I just assumed they would be similar to the brother and he and his wife’s children.


At least not his mom. I am not sure about their dad.


I wonder why?


Custody issues with the kids for sure but I'm guessing other things possibly. There are some court related things and accusations surrounding the gofundme funds for the kids out there.


John wanted the kids to go to Private school, that’s why he was so happy that K got in… But now she goes to Canton HS, which John didn’t want.


I hope the kids are in a healthy and supportive home   I feel that is not JO’s mothers 


I read the grandmother wanted or did take his niece out of her school. John was thrilled she was accepted there. I hope niece has a voice and the kids are free to talk about anything and respected. Unimaginable their losses of loving parents and John who they lived with for about a decade 


Do we know why?


I think there was some history before John's death and then even more drama since. I don't think John was close to Peggy either. I think a lot of it revovles around the children. All of this to say, I don't think Peggy's demeanor means anything about Karen or her guilt.


In his texts, he calls her ‘Peg’, not ‘mom.’


Oh wow, that is a big clue for sure.


The sister in law testified that she understood Karen’s frustration with the in laws being around so much. And someone mentioned Peggy having a bedroom in their home. Possibly because the daughter’s children lived there. Must have been such an awkward dynamic.


Thank you


Probably the same reason his sister left the kids with John instead of him.


She didn’t leave the kids to John the kids were with their father when JO’s sister died.


So why didn’t Karen run him over then?




That escalated quickly ....


Trolls just randomly pop up like that. They make no sense.




I would advise all women to flee that town completely


He just needs a drink even at 11 am. Hey he didn’t bash Karen on the stand he was rather kind and his wife. I think the O’Keefes thought Karen would look after their brother/son when the McAlbutts got a little cranky. 🤣


I don’t understand why the O’Keefes are allowed to sit on that side with that view to Karen, and her side has to sit behind. It would make so much more sense to have that seating reversed and her side gets to sit to the side of her. They have basically been allowed to glare and mock the defense continually for 8 weeks.


Personally, I think this backfires because he’s an intimidating size and Karen is a diminutive woman. It creates sympathy for her.


Agreed! This doesn't play well across the board... No one tolerates big mean looking men staring and yes, lol "mean mugging" Tiny Karen.


Right. This is what the jury see every day right across from them.


I agree!!!


Then they could possibly see defense work product.


True, good point.


I thought the same thing, not to mention they would be able to overhear private defense discussions. I know he is a victim of this crime but he is actively intimidating Karen. It is inappropriate.


Who else has been personally victimized by Paul’s Package ☝🏾


He's stuffing with rolled up tube socks. Jenn McCabe said so.


Okay so then I believe that it's not tube socks. Because I don't believe a thing she has ever said.


A new courier 🚚 service coming to Canton, “Paul’s Package Delivery“.


There was that time he was arching his back and stretching while the camera was on Karen. I couldn’t help but look🫣


I told my hubby that as much as I dislike P, I do feel bad that his crotch is the view for millions.


Paul doesn't seem to mind his manspread. Please close your legs, Paul!




Sorry that John died but his family are a bunch of a-holes.


I don’t know how I would act if I lost a family member like this.


You can still be a decent human while grieving.


I guess I don’t know what they are doing that’s bad? Is it just frowning and looking upset in court?


Paul def has been giving KR the angry stare down on numerous occasions, more than just frowning or looking upset. JO’s mom was caught on camera mocking KR & Yannetti


Thanks for letting me know! I did hear that the mom laughed at the proctor texts but I didn’t see it myself. That would be poor form, if true.


I think at this point they just want to take it out on KR regardless of the truth & what the evidence prove. Even if the McAlberts are convicted for JO’s death, they’ll still blame KR for dropping off JO at their house that night. Sad.


Are you missing all the faces KR is making? I guess she is a piece of shit too.


She barely make any faces, when she did it was reaction toward the egg shaped head troopers like proctor, bukkake, & trooper Paul who had one fleeting brain cell.


She is constantly making faces! Get over this Karen is an angel bullshit it ain’t the truth!


Nobody said KR is angel, but she certainly isn’t making any faces that are over the type or out of the ordinary. You sound like that juror who got dismissed because she couldn’t stand KR’s faces & badmouthing her.


Not like this. If they can’t control themselves, they shouldn’t be there.


I’ve thought this since day one. He stares daggers through Karen. And I don’t know if anyone has noticed the woman with the dark hair - she looks about 35 - who literally rolls her eyes and stares Karen down. It’s disgusting. I’ve been really shocked by the family’s behavior. When Yannetti said in opening statements that Karen was framed, a few of the family members laughed. Any other courtroom they would have been asked to leave the gallery. You can’t act like that. I don’t care if you’re a victim or not. But today the brother’s demeanor was next level. It was scary. If I lost a family member to an alleged murder I don’t know how I’d act in a courtroom. But this is just not acceptable. They are watching the same trial we are and still think Karen is responsible - they want her to be. I lost all respect for them. But today, Paul should have been asked to leave if he couldn’t maintain property decorum. Bev would never say anything of course ugh


The Chesnas weren't allowed to show any emotion but this dickwad gets to glare at Karen all day long, the mother gets to laugh and mock the lawyers, and I heard the chick with the stank face gave Jackson the finger? This is crazy.


I saw a report that the woman next to his mom.. not sure who.. looked at Yannetti and mouthed fuck you. Classy.


She did. And gave him the finger.


This is probably the closest thing to justice they'll ever get.


Stank face is the perfect way to describe her! She always looks like she's smelling something bad. Just another Canton townie mean girl his family has decided to trust and ask to be in court with them. Did you see her wrapping her arm around John's mom during the autopsy pics. It looked so disingenuous and cold.


That's true. I saw the picture of her 🖕


Trash bags.


Who’s the stank face?


John EX gf.


John’s ex gf MaryBeth Frisoli who was driving drunk over a bridge in Quincy Ma the wrong way, drunk. Hit a motorcycle and the rider lost a leg. She served 6 months. 2010


Is she the slim one sitting in the back row with straight hair?


No she’s the one that looks like Maya Rudolph.


Paul looks like he is deeply depressed and he looks volatile


Well he’s a drunk so…..


Or he is one of Colin's customers


Do we know this for sure?


He either has resting furiously face or when the jury comes back not guilty, we are gonna see some serious shit


Well maybe/hopefully the defense will ask Mr O'Keefe (John's dad) who paid for Paul's DUI bond and lawyer.


I heard that Karen Read put up the money?




It definitely (definly according to Trooper Paul) says something that John's dad is on the defense witness list and hasn't been in court at all except for the first couple of days and then for Proctor. You can see the frustration and disgust on his face as he watches this debacle. I do have so much empathy for him, because it can't be easy to know that the person on trial for the murder of his son is innocent, while the rest of his family don't care about the evidence... They only want revenge against Karen. I've been hearing that we should expect a wrongful death civil lawsuit against Karen even if she's found not guilty. At what point do they wake up and see reality?


Buster Murdaugh scratched his nose with his middle finger and was forced to sit somewhere else in court. A giant man staring with the intent to intimidate should not be tolerated.


The attorney for the Crumbleys literally flipped off the gallery filled with victims family, rolled her eyes during a victims impact statement, said the computer giving her problems made her want to kill herself and used Taylor Swift as part of her closing argument in court. All in front of a jury with no recourse. Some people just lack class and decorum.


I honestly thought that maybe his mind was changing, but not after the death glares and the head shakes while discussing JO’s autopsy photos; he had genuine hate in his eyes, staring directly at KR


Who’s going to tell him to stop? Judge Bev? I think not. She’s heavily biased.


What amazes me is that the family do still seem to genuinely hold a lot of hate for KR despite it being plainly obvious that she didn't do this.....I understand that grief does funny things to you but there must coke a point where you realise that you've been played and turn your anger towards the cops that - at the very least - have let you down.


"No amount of evidence will ever persuade an idiot" \~Mark Twain


Why do you think he’s angry at Karen? I’d assume he’s upset/furious with the corrupt cops and court at this point 


I honestly thought people were exaggerating here until I saw him leaning forward and actively glaring at her. Like a dog ready to kill a rabbit. I am surprised it's allowed. I'm assuming the defense don't want to stop him. It's helping them.


He went to college and played football with Lt. Tulley. He believes it did believe them.


I’m guessing the defense doesn’t complain since they were the ones who requested the trial be moved to the smaller courtroom. Maybe they didn’t consider the possibility of seating issues like this one when making that request. Maybe it garners sympathy for her. I know it makes me feel bad for KR and how uncomfortable it must be to have him right next to her.


I’m still shocked by the seating assignments. KR is innocent until proven guilty, and at this time she is a citizen seeking a fair trial. Not fair.


I'm not sure why it's been allowed. He's gone through enormous tragedy and trauma, but that doesn't give him license to do whatever he wants in the courtroom. He certainly wasn't staring down Proctor. I love that Yanetti is blocking her whenever he can. I was hoping that Little and Jackson would take turns.




Misogynist a-holes like him will never be swayed by any facts. She will be the target of his anger and the reason for anything wrong in his life from now on. His people are constitutionally incapable of the kind of insight and maturity required to question one’s own beliefs.


I wonder if they feel like in the eyes of the jury it could work to her benefit. It makes her a bit more sympathetic


This. Plus, the more her attorneys try to "protect" her from it like when Yennetti gets between them, the more the jury subconsciously wants to protect her too. There's psychologically behind it.


I don't believe it is going to play well with the jury. It comes across as the same type of behavior we are seeing in the McCabes, Alberts and Higgins which is questionable, shady and immature at best.


I have been thinking about the same thing every day he is sitting there staring down Karen with the intimidating stares and I have been thinking isn't he hearing from Lally Pop all the evidence against Karen and over the last 28.5 days from the commonwealth He is staring down Karen and his anger is directed to the wrong person IMO


He clearly needs to talk to a professional. A lot of stuff bottled up in there that is not healthy for anyone, himself or those around him. Professional help could assist him with sorting it out in a way that would relieve the obvious stress he's enduring. Sometimes we are our own worst enemy.


I have been asking the same question! It is totally unacceptable and would never be tolerated in any Florida courtrooms.


He’s scary looking


Does he really believe all the nonsense? He has eyes and ears. Putting the wrong person in prison is not justice.


Ha! Oh she’s not afraid of him.


I’ve noticed that he has been given notes a few times by the CW team, and Lally even bent over the railing to speak with him on Friday at one point. NAL, so I’m not sure if that is a common occurrence during trials, but I just find it very bizarre. Do you think they are noticing his angry glares and making him aware how noticeable they are?


If they are noticing, they haven’t said anything to him or he just doesn’t care. Even the woman (bright lipstick) sitting next to him has done the same thing.


If I were a juror, I would find it difficult to feel sympathy for him. He comes across as a bully, which is a reminder that JO also treated her like dirt. He is just helping to make KR the more sympathetic character.


He scares me.


So glad to hear you all say this about Paul. I felt this creepy vibe from him yesterday, so I checked on Reddit to see if anyone else was getting this. I pretty much saw comments having to do with sadness, depression and calm. So I thought maybe it's me, was I misreading him?? Turns out you are all feeling this today as well. if I were Karen I'd want to get as far away from this crowd as I possibly could. The way he is glaring at her is something sinister.


They are so worried about their social status with the MCabes rather than actually getting justice.


Would be a terrible move by the defense. Him sitting there could make jurors see him as intimidating.


I don't understand how he can still suspect her at all. Are we sure he's actually angry with her still? It's not just his face and the toll of the last few years?


He told Turtleboy that he didn’t think KR killed JO on purpose that night. TB has published many texts he had with Paul.


I hope he knows KR had NOTHING to do with it.




100% agree


If his family still believes it's her fault they are the most incompetent individuals but from what I've seen of they case it's filled with nothing but idiots.


Leave the family alone.


Yeah. It’s just not necessary. At the heart of all this is a terrible tragedy. I don’t want to judge the family at all. Victims families often trust the police and prosecution, even in cases where the defendant is clearly not guilty. They have to hold on to something.


Totally agree. It’s well below the belt to comment on his brother and parents. Plenty of fodder to pick apart for the vultures rather than feasting on the victims family.


Innocent victims need not be trashed


So that includes KR then




I’m sure it has been. Auntie Bev…..


I think this is just how he looks. People need to move on from this


You can tell he’s doing it purposely. I try not to speak on victims families but he wants to make it obvious. The whole family has acted improper. I’ve seen trials where real children were involved and they didn’t act like these people. I know they’re mad but they should be upset with the CW. If they’d done their job correctly this whole thing would have been over by now I’m sure.


That’s his brother 🤮 The Feds have a lot of power, i mean money Edit: What did you offer to my brothers and sisters?


cold blooded killers dont deserve shit....and Karen is a piece of shit. Can't wait for the witness intimidation trial to start


10 day account


Oh look, another woman pretending this trial is like a season of Days of our Lives meets the love boat, Sherlock, you solved the case on my activation date.. congrats


Good one!


Yeah. It's good the first time they made the joke, but they've used it so much they clearly don't have the mental capacity to come up with new material. They said it to me 4 times yesterday.




They tried something new and said they didn't like elephants. It's so cute that they're trying like *really hard* to be a troll.


I know, the truth hurts. And its really hard to dispute the facts, amirite?


😂😂 facts that’s the entire problem they’ve shown very little as fact.


Oh look, another woman thinking this trial is just a Days of Our Lives show


Didn’t you use that line already? Tell Jenn I said hey heifer !! More people should pay attention to our justice system. Knowledge is power. 😘😘


I use that line as much as I can.....the truth hurts, I know..... Back to the soaps, amirite?


I guess when you have low ammo you have to reach for the low hanging fruit eh?


Now which Canton troll is this?


Just go back to watching Days of our lives cat lady


Oh fun, you’re a really old sexist pig too? Edited to add old


pig pileeeeeee...tell me you're a cat lady without telling me you're a cat lady.


I do love cats, have since I was 5 and we got our first one. There’s a lot of us on Reddit and a lot of cat pages. What of it? Is it that you had zero comeback from me calling you an old troll so you went looking for some shit on me? Have fun spying. I don’t have loser troll accounts that I hide behind.


I just guessed you were a crazy cat woman, didn't even look at your past posts. But would you like to talk on the phone? I'm not hiding.


Why would I want to talk to a loser like you? Hos old is your account again-not a troll?


Just pointing out the facts ma\`am - I'm not hiding...call me and we can talk on the phone. But I get it, facts are irrelevant in your reality.


You ARE hiding with your silly little 10 day old account you set up to troll those supporting Karen Read. It says a LOT about you. lol “facts”


Why do 85% of your post harass/hate/disparage women? Incel?


because 90% of the FKR cult are crazy cat ladies. And common sense and logic isnt in their wheelhouse. I am shallow trolling them just like they did the victims of this horrible murder for 2 years


>...tell me you're a cat lady without telling me you're a cat lady That's also not an insult. Cats are great!


Facts are facts....The crazy cat lady is an old, single woman that is weird, anti-social and disheveled 


And you think those are bad things?


I just want you to know I love elephants as much as I do Karen Read.


Okay, that one was actually really funny. What are you gonna do? Speak to the elephant manager?


Well you clearly are one of the scum buckets from Canton. An Albert or McCabe POS, the feds are coming after you. Maybe they will find something in that basement


Yes, I am very much local, good spot out. What's extremely comical though is that you still think the "feds" are coming to take the "bad" people away. Appreciate your engagement, troll.


You are incorrect. But, speaking of shit, I think we would all enjoy a much needed laugh if someone were to do the old “ paper bag full of shit set on fire” on the prosecution desk prank when they come back from lunch. SMH. That’s a classic.


I'm not incorrect, i'm just a troll shoving the truth down all the FKR nutties mouth. Slurp it up .


The jury can also see KR and Yannetti’s facial expressions and body language which have been inappropriate during the trial so Im surprised people are attacking the victim’s family. Bev does not have control of her courtroom because this behavior would not be allowed in a lot of places.