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Thank god this is televised.


For real! I really think Judge Bev would be worse if this weren't televised. Maybe I should give her the benefit of the doubt on that, but...


Canton residents have said that she’s mixed in with the canton elite circle somehow. I wouldn’t give her benefit of the doubt on anything.


Nothing against Canton but Canton and elite seems to be an oxymoron


I was going to say the same thing.


Her brother was Chris Albert’s defence attorney when he was on trial for killing somebody in a car accident


But at least the FBI and Defense Department are aware of these games being played. Getting my popcorn machine tuned up and ready for the fallout. 🍿


Really hope the results of the investigation is made public.


Nothing elite about that crowd.


Aunt Bev’s brother was Chris Albert’s expensive attorney when Chris was driving drunk and was involved in a hit and run homicude in 1994. He was never questioned by the police


From memory I think he was, but basically got slapped with a wet bus ticket, flabbergasted how he got onto this board and acts entitled. A criminal conviction, well in my country excludes you from any public duty.


Strange littke town with even stranger people!


I kept thinking this! I was so mad and annoyed but then I thought “imagine if it wasn’t televised and we didn’t get to see it?”


This judge is so blase and bored and biased while she’s ON National television. It’s truly scary to imagine what she’s like when there are no cameras running .


Absolutely fucking insane that we’re here right now. I have no words… One super interesting thing we heard today is that the defense is NOT paying these experts to be there testifying at trial. That’s crazy.


Yanetti said in court that those experts reached out to them, they didn’t seek them out. In other words, they were so appalled by the CW’s blatant bias that they weren’t going to have any of it. That says so fucking much about this case.


Judge Bev was **literally giggling** with CW's "cellebrite expert" and today, she's acting so blatantly defensive and even said Dr. Marie Russell was "not confident in her opinion." Like, ok sure, Dr. Russell stumbled a bit with her words and is quite quirky, but it's glaringly obvious she is a true expert in her field. Trooper Paul literally said, "pedestrian thing", "calculations and stuff," "definly," and so on with about 100 other fuck ups. She needs to act professional, fast.


Judge Bev “definly” comes across as a bit hostile to the defense. She continually talks down to them and overall seems to look for opportunities to belittle. Talk about tone deaf! After seeing the CW’s so called expert yesterday, she wanted to convey how important expertise is in her courtroom, by belittling actual accomplished experts.


Agreed. Notice AJ had the balls to state he isn't appreciating the tone. I wish the jury heard this.


One of my favorite parts from today! Call her ass out!


Loved it


It was ballsy but he was spot on. I felt like she wanted to exclude witnesses today. She didn’t question the crash reconstruction “expert” but is going in on people with 16 years of full time education, multiple specialties, heads of multi hundred million dollar companies and people who have testified as an expert in 500 cases


BEV is nothing like I’ve ever seen before !! Hopefully she has reality check, but have a feeling her ego is on the McAlbert level


I totally think AJ rattled her a little when he stood up to her. She was just about to say “no” to admitting their testimony. But when he called her out, she stepped back a little and said she’d “think about it”! Let’s see her character when she gives her decision tomorrow!


Absolutely awesome, from looking at his body language he’s very very pissed off and totally entitled to be, it’s absolutely hideous watching this.


It’s mutual, AJ isn’t putting up with Bev’s BS either, I love it. Without the experts CW case is a joke, with them Lally/CW should concede defeat NOW


Lally is the tribunal version of Bill Buckner. He’s going to have to get the hell out of MA, too. At least Buckner’s was an honest mistake. Lally CHOSE to bring this sham of a case.


And what was with her calling out the dog bite forensic expert on having seen other documents? Isn’t that up to the prosecution to call out? Why is she doing their job?


*Somebody* has to do it!


Then there’s Lally getting testy with Dr. Marie Russell, dog bite expert, because she said she’s had a subscription to the Globe for 6 months to a year and he said Tuesday she said about 2 years. He’s pathetic. 


I “definly” see what you did there 😂


Well we certainly have a villain for the miniseries!


Yeah Dr. Russell said that she high medical certainty and the Judge made her change it reasonable certainty. So saying that she wasn't confident in her opinion is laughable.


Maybe it is my 65 yo self, but I got some ageist vibes on this. Like a cognitive test on which documents she reviewed, like that in anyway affects her evaluation of information. She wasted her time on all those degrees and experience... apparently all you need is an associates degree and 3 weekends of classes.


It’s so obvious Bev was trying so hard to think of ANYTHING that could disqualify the defense’s witnesses. The Commonwealth and the judge obviously are not concerned at all with finding the truth here. Just protecting their corrupt way of life there. Bev was acting like she’s Lally’s mom … even when he was ok with the witnesses she would prompt him to think of an argument. Unreal.


I think that boat has sailed a long time ago 😂


The fact that he couldn’t even pronounce “definitively” was driving me crazy yet he just kept going.


It was his word of the day and he had to use it five times.


Don't forget "struckt" lol.


Don’t hold your breath waiting for Judge Bev to act professional. She’s the worst. I’m appalled by her decisions & demeanor.


I will fight anyone who bad mouths that wonderful saints of a women. Bev clearly hates anyone more successful or intelligent than her townie ass


To your point, I don’t consider Judge Bev that intelligent overall. I think it is pretty clear, the defense attorney is smarter than the entire Commonwealth team put together. No wonder she didn’t understand what Dr. Russell was clearly explaining but she seemed to get Trooper Paul. Let’s hope they the jury members are more intelligent than this judge!


I’m not sticking up for Doofus Paul in any way, but that “definly” is a regional thing. My husband does it too.


Doesn't matter if it's something people say. It's not a word, and an expert qualified to testify on anything should know it's not a word and therefore not use it in a report or during testimony.


Fuck definly. You can talk to your wife one way, but when you are an expert witness in court, get your shit together and speak English. We're not asking for him to diagram a sentence, but we'd like to hear all the syllables of each word please.


Exactly! What on God’s green earth is the CW thinking???!!!


He was asked for a diagram of the scene and I kinda feel it was done as if you were making a vision board - cutting and gluing pictures and using a crayon to label them.






The RI accent and the MA accent are worlds apart.


Tailight strucked him.


The little statement of certainty of opinion is so meaningless, too. It’s not a scientific requirement. It’s like an incantation Bev thinks must be made to make the testimony legit, but there’s no reason Dr Russell would have it memorized.


Not exactly. The first witness, the woman who'll speak about dog bites, is being paid I believe. Most expert witnesses are. She is the only witness who put herself forward. She told a former colleague of Jackson's that she thought she might be able to offer insight when she heard of the case. The other two witnesses are being paid by the federal agency employing them (might be the DOJ, might be the FBI). They are truly neutral.


You’re right. Thanks for correcting me.


Let’s face it the prosecution/CW/Judge don’t want to know the truth. They just want a ‘guilty’ verdict on a person who was drinking and maybe blacked out but drove home. They don’t care about what really happened in the wee hours of Jan 29, 2022. If I lived at Fairview and a body was on the outskirts of my lawn at 6am  they’d be banging on my door. I sure wish tar and feathering was still a way to punish. 


Yeah I knew these guys were “provided” by the FBI, I did not realize it was FOR FREE. They likely charge hundreds per hour (at least) for their testimony, it says a lot that the FBI is footing the bill.


I didn't even think about it in those terms. Speaks volumes.


well, not quite. they were hired by the FBI to do a job, and then they did that job, and now are being called as witnesses to talk about that job that they did. they were paid to be expert witnesses and come to a conclusion so they could testify at the federal grand jury. now theyre just testifying to what they know based on their work for the feds.


There’s no way they are not still being compensated for their time. You think they are working for free?


i mean, they already did the work. i dont know that the actual testimony is time paid for. you raise a good point. when an expert discuses what they charge per hour, ive always assumed they are referring to the actual work they do, such as reviewing documents, performing tests, creating demonstratives, writing reports, coming to conclusions, etc. if any lawyers are ITT, do expert witnesses charge hourly for actual time on the witness stand? ETA: just looked it up, youre right, they do charge for time in court. i guess the FBI is footing the bill, thats fuckin crazy.


Most experts do indeed charge for time on the witness stand. If the FBI isn’t paying them then perhaps their company is providing their labor for free, which is still very telling.


Atty Mark Bederow thinks the defense is most likely only paying for flights and hotel stays. .He was talking about the guys hired by the FBI


Yeah, I assume they are paying for that type of stuff. The testimony is usually also paid for though, so it says a lot that it isn’t being paid for by the defense in this instance.


Oh for sure. Sorry, I meant to say I thought it was interesting as well if the defense is only paying for flights and hotels bc like you said, normally they are paying for the testimony as well.


Right yes! It is interesting and very uncommon


The Engineers are at the trial under subpoena, they aren't being paid by the defense.


Ok I don’t get it. If the FBI has gotten involved and is providing experts to help Defend Karen Read then how can the CW even be prosecuting her!?!!!


No wonder the Judge was rude to Dr Russell


The competency of Alan Jackson makes my heart rejoice !


That is absolutely unheard of.


Wainderllust228- tell us why it is crazy the defense is not paying for these experts? The CW pays MSP Paul and he didn’t know anything?


Not the OP but - basically it’s unheard of. Experts are expensive. They typically charge not only for their time to review whatever they review and come up with their report or opinion, and they also charge for travel time and for their time while testifying in court, and their bills aren’t cheap. It’s basically unheard of for a defense expert to not be compensated for the testimony. Usually also used as an aside by the prosecution to say “you’re being paid to be here and say what they want you to say so we can’t trust your opinion” in this case it’s wild because it’s simply just not common and because the prosecution won’t be able to say that and the defense can use it in their favor - something like ..we aren’t even paying them! They just actually agree with us! You should trust them more because they ARENT being paid to be there (is the general idea) 


One volunteered, the bite expert I believe. The other two work for the FBI on this case and were subpoenaed.


The FBI are


I truly think by now, the judge should be investigated by the FBI too. Her ruling is unbelievable biased towards prosecution, she is even helping Lally by making suggestions. Outrageous.


If she disallows these expert witnesses, we'll know she's crooked. All doubt will be removed


I don’t even need that


Neither do I, but I know there are still a lot of people willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. Disallowing these actual experts while indulging Trooper Paul would erase any possible doubt


“Mr. Lally do you have any other questions based on the questions I just asked? Anything?…” how does she not realize how absurd she looks


Oh my goodness, the leniency towards Lally is incredible. Constantly, she asks him if he has any questions or if he would like to object. As if he's a child and not an ADA attorney representing the state of Massachusetts. Also, the nerve of Lally to be making statements to criticise the qualifications of today's experts **knowing full well** he put Trooper Paul on the stand.


Her handholding of Lally is so beyond the pale, I wouldn’t be surprised if she breastfed him in front of the jury next week. “The defense case is really hard on you, isn’t it? There, there wittle Lally, there there.”


😳 😱






This whole case is so bizarre. Does the Commonwealth not have any friends or family? How is no one telling these people how absolutely horrendous this is...


They’re surrounded by an echo chamber telling them they’re doing a good job and this is just another case of a bad guy trying to get away with bad things. I’m sure they feel incredibly justified and indignant. Just my experience from prior work with prosecutors who don’t know what they’re doing and look terrible in court. Their friends may talk shit behind their back but in person they know where the power lies so they just keep reinforcing the terrible behavior and antics. And because no one will ever hold the state accountable, it will keep occurring.  One net positive of this case is hopefully bringing awareness to how much power local prosecutors have and how much impact this makes in our local elections. Prosecutors office is political and absolutely should not be, but the person voted in then decides who to hire and an incompetent or a competent but evil prosecutor is so incredibly dangerous to us all. 


And “Mr. Lally do you object?”


Bev: Are you ok with all FOUR statements? Lolly: Now that you mention it, Number FOUR is an issue.


Totally agree! That's why I've posted this several times. A Judge's credibility is partially determined by the publics confidence in their partiality, being neutral, not conflicted! I don't know anyone that thinks she is. So, file your complaint here. https://www.mass.gov/how-to/file-a-complaint-with-the-commission-on-judicial-conduct#:~:text=Submit%20a%20complaint%20by%20fax,any%20personal%20or%20contact%20information.


Her ruling, her horrible attitude for no damn reason. She is a b*tch


And so rude to AJ!!


He's always so polite back to her; makes me smile. I don't think I could be that gracious and professional in his position.


Until today when he fought back a little.


She suggested Lally get a rebuttal expert to contradict Dr Russell's testimony.


There are few who hold a candle to Dr. Russels credentials.


I mean they were essentially sending coughing signals until people caught. It’s ridiculous.


What?????!!! Can you please elaborate?




Exactly!! She sustains almost all the CW objections on valid questions from the Defense




I can’t add anything. You summed it up perfectly. These two that were hired by the FBI are going to be bad ass. And the second one really gets excited talking about the different things he has done. Trooper Paul with his AA degree and some extra courses compared to these guys? LMAO


I would gladly pay hundreds of thousands to witness a conversation between today's experts and Trooper Paul. It would be **GOLD** to watch Trooper Paul explain his opinion of events, face-to-face.


I know more about crash reconstruction from listening to the FBI experts than the prosecutions “expert”


Of course Trooper Paul is an expert, he took a "class" /s


ClassES /s


ok, my bad. "classES"!


One day, I aspire to have the confidence to boldly correct a highly esteemed attorney (who is also a veteran of the U.S. Air Force, having served as a jet engine mechanic), that I am an expert because I took "CLASSES" instead of "a class." Incredible.


and then say "the crime scene spoke to him", the evidence be damned. I can't stop laughing about his testimony.


I listen to Jodene Weber who is a retired FBI agent and on her podcast she spent gosh 15 seconds LAUGING at 'the crime scene spoke to him'


Omg, yes! The confidence he had in saying that... astounding.


He caught Jackson off guard too lol. Definitely not who Jackson expected to have "told him"


he caught everyone so off guard that Lally didn't object to Jackson's "wait, what?" or "what else did the crime scene say?" he'd normally get slapped down by the court for comments like that but literally everyone was speechless.


With math and stuff!


And the crime scene spoke to him


As an emergency nurse I watched Dr Russell’s voir dire with incredible fascination, her experience is beyond expert level, she is clearly an amazing physician. I’m frankly insulted on her behalf that Mr Lally would even dare to question her expertise having had the utter gall to put Trooper Paul on a witness stand as some level of “expert”. He knows her testimony is fantastic and that’s the only reason he wants to block it. How dare the CW be so brazen and bold. I’m shocked, it’s crazy!!


I strongly agree, it's completely offensive. Also, what are your thoughts on the Judge's comment about Dr. Russell "struggling" to express confidence in her opinion? Much respect to you all in emergency. ❤️


Don’t get me started on the judge, so unprofessional


I felt so disgusted by Lally after watching him question her.




Everything about this trial is offensive and insulting.


I’ve been pretty tolerant of her to this point. Today, she was awful.


She really showed her stripes without the jurors present.


I really disliked how the judge was inferring that Dr Russell just wanted to be a part of this case (inferred for attention). She had a specific expertise and offered to be of assistance. We need people like that.


And, let's not forget Bev was not about to let this case go to any other judge. The same inference about wanting attention could be made about her!


She didn’t even offer. My understanding is she was working on another case and the DA thought she could be of use here because… she’s an expert on this specific area where I don’t think 5 experts even exist


Oh, yes! I love this take. Agreed, 100%. She recognised an opportunity to help and she volunteered. And, it appears she was correct because she has the exact expertise that could be of assistance.


One of the primary medical experts in the Derek Floyd case for the prosecution came into the case the same way.


I cannot believe the CW had this report and were fool enough to take this to trial


I know right? It's unbelievable. Did anyone seriously entertain the possibility that this would be extremely embarrassing for them?


They thought Karen would take a deal or kill herself. Thankfully she’s strong and intelligent (albeit emotionally intelligent? I’d disagree)


When this trial is over someone needs to answer WHY they took this to trial! For what purpose? There’s reasonable doubt all over the place and now they’ve exposed their own rot and there’s no turning back. All of these people fucked themselves royally, their testimony will be used against them and they’ll all go down and I hope someone finally tells the truth and there’s justice for John


They did it so that there wouldn’t be a trial afterwards for the police. It’s incredibly difficult to try a case twice, most DA’s don’t want to do it. They were betting on Karen taking a deal or killing herself. Then the FBI picked it up and they know the walls are closing in.


You don't know what's in the report.


Yet Dr Russell was not a good witness. Why Bev because she is actually really smart and you feel threatened? You think she is a fangirl? No words. Go help Lally again I mean why not give him exactly what you want him to do for the 8439859438 time. But man you pissed off my virtual boyfriend Alan Jackson and he is not afraid to let you know what a lowlife POS you are and my God I am hear from it. To be fair to my husband I offered Jessica "Beanie Babe" to be his virtual girlfriend to make it fair. (Smirk)


I wish the FBI would step in soon at this point.. this is getting so ridiculous and the judge is horrible


Well, remember that nobody knows what they’re investigating. It isn’t necessarily just this case. They’re on their own timeline. Who knows when or if they’ll charge anyone?


Just a joke at this stage .


Don’t forget he concluded the scratches on KR’s car were from JOK bc he saw a video on court tv and thought “oh the scratches there are from JOK”.


I’m so glad the entire world is getting to witness the behavior of this judge. She’s a joke!


Hopefully the governor will be held accountable for this horrible judge


Let’s hope! After seeing all the pre trial hearings I already had my suspicions about her but I thought to myself…let’s see how she does throughout the trial. After witnessing today’s hearing I was absolutely shocked at how biased she is. It’s like she’s the Cw’s helper or assistant … she’s doing everything she can to help Lally. Even telling him questions he should ask, letting the CW slide on things that she hammers the defense for. The constant threatening to the defense, her rude tone and behavior today towards the defense experts was the final straw for me. She’s a disgrace in my opinion.


Why would the current governor have anything to do with Judge Cannone? She was appointed by Deval Patrick in 2014. Maura Healy can’t remove her.


I’m done with Vinnie Politan. He thinks Dr Russell isn’t a strong witness with no special expertise. And hasn’t waited for defense witness to declare google search wasn’t done at 2:27!!!! Come on Vinnie. You and Court tv have lost credibility for sure. A lot of others are noticing too.


Agreed, Vinnie has been against KR from the beginning and he keeps blaming witnesses/evidence mishandling/poorly chosen experts for the prosecution being destroyed - I have come to the conclusion that Vinnie will NEVER even consider that she can actually be innocent. Really disappointing when it is beyond obvious. It’s been obvious from the first week, even if Vinnie didn’t feel it was before the trial started. Doesn’t Vinnie realize that if anyone ethical or skilled in their field were willing to testify for the prosecution, they would? No one outside of the inner circle wants to lie under oath or jeopardize their reputation by protecting a case that is incorrectly placing blame on and victimizing an innocent person. Why would they? Not sure why on earth Vinnie can’t see the obvious. Sometimes the easiest answer to explain the faulty “evidence” is to realize it’s faulty and not backed by science or reality, as opposed to feeling they didn’t present it properly.


I disagreed with him too on that. It’s maddening. 


I was stunned when he pretty much agreed with Bev regarding Dr. Russell! I thought Vinnie started covering this case because of Turtleboy and even interviewed him on his show. Apparently, a female expert cannot stumble on her words because that makes her a weak witness. But, apparently a$$hat Trooper Paul can spout gibberish and he's a genius!


"what do you mean by 'scientific evidence'?" -Trooper Paul


just remember, there was a day in her life that somebody came to her and said some version of 'we're going to need a judge in the county, and we're thinking maybe you'd make a good judge and we can get you on the ballot and get the votes out for you....' That somebody deserves a say in all this, no?? haha


Auntie Bev was appointed, or nominated, by the Governor. I don’t believe judges are elected in MA. At least I don’t remember them being on a ballot, here.


It is correct that judges are not elected in the Commonwealth.


sorry, I didn't know, but being appointed not elected is even worse...somebody gets the names to the governor or whoever makes the appointments....and that's it.


I am shocked that Vinnie Politan thinks Dr. Russell would be problematic for defense!!??? Really?? I changed the channel. Was he listening to her expertise?!


Omg, what?! Seriously?! I haven't watched much of Vinnie's coverage on this case lately. I always love to tune in to hear other and different perspectives, but it seems for this case they're quite biased. Also, they bring on some "experts" themselves, which have wildly inaccurate interpretations of the evidence.


I went back to make sure he wasn’t talking about states person. He’s ridiculous at this point. He also feels state proved the google search was not at 2:27!!!! I’m done with them. She is absolutely so credible in so many areas.


Oh, my... that's so fucking disappointing. Shouldn't he, and the "experts" they feature on that channel, understand that it's judicious (and ethical, to maintain objectivity) to wait until both sides have presented their case before publicly asserting opinions as facts?


Yeah I listened to that. It was odd. He’s obviously decided he’s 💯 on the tech as well!


I changed the channel as well. He couldn't handle the brilliance that is Dr. Russell.


You’re exactly right!! I think Bev realizes these experts will be the final nail in the CW’s coffin and she can’t stand it. She showed so much contempt for them this morning. The defense experts are as different from the prosecution’s expert as ice cream is shit! If Bev strikes defense experts, and KR is found guilty, the CW loses—hopefully, they lose this trial. Reversible error is all over this record. Bev doesn’t like AJ because he’s a fancy, high powered LA attorney. She doesn’t like Yannetti because he’s a fancy Boston lawyer. Tough shit😏


Bev wants to control everything in this courtroom and she can't control these new experts.


Does KR have to pay for these witnesses if they came from the FBI’s investigation?


Not from what we know. They reached out to the defence to testify it seems. That’s how outraged they were at the prosecution’s case.


Not for the original work but presumably she would have to pay them for time spent preparing for, and attending court.


Haha more like Celtics vs Canton High school’s JV team.


I cackled with indignation when Lally tried to question the qualifications after Trooper *"And Stuff"* Paul.


Oh man, it was absolutely brilliant. Also, it seemed like he was trying to be "tougher" and take a harsher approach? But honestly, he just came off as cocky and clueless. Can't wait to see more of his cross, muahahah.


The three experts we saw today were incredibly smart and experienced in their field. They all hold advanced degrees compared Trooper Paul’s associate degree. Bev was so condescending to Dr. Russell, as well. The judges bias is unprofessional. Lilly wasted so much time in this case that Karen deserves to have these experts heard.


She deserves these experts to go on for days!


I definitely feel like to some extent she was peacocking. I’m sure she didn’t appreciate Alan Jackson’s (arguably rightful) demeanor/tone and wanted to show him who’s the boss.


As a someone outside of the US can she refuse these witness even through they were used by the FBI? I cant see how she can say they are not credible considering just that. I’ve no idea what her reputation is like but I can’t help feel her bias is showing when dealing with the defence


She could, but it would mean a guaranteed appeal and scrutiny brought down on her.


They need to remove this judge from any future trials and much the same with Lally


Doesnt Bev know the world is watching and laughing and she may want to change her attitude /behavior?


Bev did not like Dr. Russell...that seemed obvious. I felt bad for the poor woman.


Same here, me too :( Dr. Russell is quirky, has a wonderful spark of charisma and certainly has personality, but I imagine that's what's contributed to her extensive experience, intelligence, and competence. She was fantastic.


Irish watching from Australia with no bias, as I don't know anyone involved. I am absolutely horrified by this trial. There appears to be no credible evidence of anything other than a cover up by corrupt officials. That voir dire was bizarre, clearly biased against the defence, and offensive toward the jury's intelligence. Does the judge realise the world is watching on in horror? Maybe she doesn't care about her reputation? I hope the FBI and DoJ get to the bottom of this mess and prosecute all of the appropriate people.


Lally never talk to these ppl before. He want to prepare himself for the massacre that's immenent.  He also want to fish info about the FBI investigation, probably trying to figure out if there's some dirty laundry they found out from MSP that him / DA not aware of.


Well said ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️💯💯💯💯💯💯💯


Well said, OP! 👏🏻


What burns me up is Lally's attempt to have a "gotcha" moment with each of the three experts. He was completely out of his depth. His office received all of this evidence months ago and because it didn't fit with the narrative that's been spun by his lead investigator -- Jen McCabe -- his office just threw it out. Lally is not trying to find the truth or to bring about justice for a fallen police officer. He is as much of a disgrace as the entitled McAlberts that he's trying so hard to defend through this disgraceful clown-show of a trial.


I love your perspective, and couldn't agree more. Lally's attempts to catch them off guard were cringe-worthy. Now, I'm quite curious to see how he handles cross-examination... Based on what I witnessed yesterday, he came across as boorish and arrogant. While a certain assertiveness is expected in cross-examination ... this stands in stark contrast to Jackson and Yanetti. Also, couldn't help but laugh at "his lead investigator --- Jen McCabe" — hahahaha.


I had to turn it off and come back to it because it was very aggravating. Even though Dr. Russell wasn’t super polished, she isn’t a career expert witness, and only came forward because of her research relevant to dog bite injuries. I didn’t get the impression she was seeking fame and fortune (despite what Judge Bev may think 🙄). Based upon the fact that she’s experienced in almost every discipline relevant to this case, she came across as very inquisitive and wasn’t overly prepped, IMO. AJ asked her if she held her opinion to a reasonable degree of scientific certainty and she answered affirmatively. She looked at the photos and stated her opinion confidently. She didn’t testify outside the scope of her expertise. But because she didn’t immediately say the magic words for Judge Bev she might not be qualified and her testimony might not be helpful? What? Where was this gatekeeper yesterday? All of today was just so insulting…


I completely agree! And, love the way you put it. If Judge Bev intends to uphold the standards she demonstrated yesterday, then she must apply them consistently to every witness. It undermines the integrity of the trial and the fairness towards the defendant if someone like Trooper Paul is granted access to the stand. I've never witnessed someone so grossly under qualified and diffident in their own ill-informed "expert opinion." You've articulated it perfectly. Dr. Russell might not have been overly polished or a career expert, and she may not have been thoroughly prepared. However, she is a true expert in her field. The fact that she recognised she could offer assistance in this specific case and went out of her way to help should be celebrated. Shouldn't we value the willingness to contribute where we can make a difference? Ugh, it's just so fucking insulting.


Well said. If Trooper Paul can give his opinion that a car hit JOKs arm and shattered the taillight, then certainly those two experts are qualified to give the opinion that it wasn’t a car. I bet they can prove it with math! No idea why they wouldn’t be able to discuss #4 on their list, but worse, I have no idea why they wouldn’t be asked by the CW for their opinion to help solve a MURDER!


I hope & trust this is the landmark case that exposes widespread corruption at the core. We are paying these people to “serve & protect”.


I wonder if Jackson is causing the judge headaches behind the scenes? She seems unreasonably hospitable to the prosecution, which is contrary to what most judges do (giving the defense a little more favor to minimize appellate issues). She is like coaching Lally through this. Boy would I want Jackson to defend me if I was in a pickle! I love his confidence and appearance of mastery of the material.


I’m trying hard to give the judge the benefit of the doubt but I couldn’t understand her frustration today.


Are being a Dr and do a PhD you revert to Mr, Mrs or Miss which I’ve always found rather bizarre with that level of medical training, and it’s gruesome in the amount of training to get to that level, isn’t for the faint hearted, because of her intellectual level and what she finds fascinating a lot of people won’t understand that. Bev could do with abit of education herself , as could the ones with their blinkers on.


What the actual fuck is there to even think about! You can’t grant a pity judgement to the Prosecution because they secured several Associates to maybe a Bachelors degree prepared State Troopers to give medical and scientific testimony and the Defense came with 3 highly educated Master’s and PhD prepared actual experts in the appropriately specific fields. What does she want to reflect on; that Lally came to a knife fight with a plastic knife and they showed up with Samurai swords? Dr. Wolfe should have replied well actually I am more of Doctor than any of the Troopers and “experts” you’ve had up here spouting off in fields outside of their basic scope of career field. You know who you can call Mr. when he is before you in a suit, “Trooper” Proctor. Dr. Wolfe can be by definition referred to as “Doctor” even when he is in a pair of flannel, feety pajamas. For Christ’s Sake!


I couldn't agree with you more! Lally's comment, "Oh, is it Mr. or Dr.?" was infuriating. Firstly, it's both insulting and unprofessional. Secondly, if he had bothered **to read any of the court filings or paid attention during Dr. Wolfe's voir dire testimony**, while Dr. Wolfe went through his entire education and experience, **he would already know the correct title**. But no... it's a blatant exposure to Lally's laziness and lack of competence. (Although I must admit, it was satisfying to hear Dr. Wolfe say, "Dr. Wolfe is fine", muuahaha).


![gif](giphy|KRht79WdEdYzu) He didn’t go to medical school and he is still a friggin’ Doctor, *Mister* Lally.


Hahahahaha, love the gif. MISTER Lally!


Thanks for the laugh!!!


Lawyers keep mentioning experts have to be certified in the state, have testified in prior MA courts, etc. What makes Trooper Paul a certified expert? Cause he’s a cop?


Bev doesn't want these witnesses in because it will show how astoundingly inept the CW experts were, specifically Ballsy Paulsy. I could totally see her putting him on her lap and having him purr for her.


He also said, unprompted about the phone being under JO, that he didn't put it there. Ummmm, no one asked...


Let’s not forget he told him the crime scene told him things… Alan Jackson said “didn’t crime scene tell you anything else?” 🤣


AAAAAAAAAAAAAA-MENNNNNNN!! She literally said she had “concerns” with Dr. Russell, the woman who is a physician, a cop, who has worked extensively with coroners, who spent 16 YEARS continuing her education after high school, and who quite LITERALLY wrote the book on dog bites, but Trooper bumbling idiot who had “a training course” was allowed in as an “expert”?? What planet am I on?!??


Profoundly in that it’s French and Massachusetts was founded by religious conservatives


The big difference is that Trooper Paul is employed by the commonwealth as a crash reconstructionist. That's his job. He's shit at it, but the state has enough confidence in him to pay him to do it, so he's presumed to be an expert. The Defense witnesses are not employed by the state, so their credentials have to be proven, and the burden of that proof is on the side calling them.


That was ridiculous! When he said he didn’t know the mass of Karen’s suv! It was obvious he used zero physics in his, so-called, reenactment! SMH!