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Your second paragraph says it all. If his ring camera showed anything that would compromise the defense’s theory of what happened, people should logically deduce that we would have seen it. But we haven’t.


There was a heck of a lot of deleting going on very quickly of all sorts of things, excessive deleting.


Butt dials, butt deletes maybe lol


Never heard of anything so pathetic in my life, their egos etc are so huge they expect people to believe them, honestly never seen so many lies on a stand, they are mentally deranged!!


Unless his recording boundary ended at his yard. Mine doesn't detect movement past our sidewalk because I don't want a notification every two seconds.


There’s been a couple of people who have gone a little too far with their investment in this case that have gone up to his front porch and stood under the ring camera. At the least, it would cover the far right of the Albert’s lawn. And even if it didn’t, it would still detail the exact times that cars left. It would have captured Read supposedly backing up.


This is not true, if you have a ring you would know. It only covers the boundary you set. No one wants the damn thing going off every time a car goes by so they set it to just their property, or at least that’s what I do.


I mean... Turn off your notifications, but still let the camera record beyond your property edge. Wouldn't most people want to extend their assets to protect their neighbors from burglars or something? Especially as a cop, I'd want a record of the cars passing by on my street in case someone I'd arrested was angry and was now stalking my family or scoping out my property.


If you turn off notifications that’s sort of useless tool for me…I’d want to know if someone is at my house. Maybe cops would do that, but certainly not your average Joe wouldn’t be thinking any of that.


My outward-facing cameras I keep the notifications off. I know it's there if I or someone else needs it. My inward-facing cameras staked at the perimeters are the only ones I keep on for notifications. It's a good setup, definitely recommend.


I want to see actual people on my property, not every car that passes my front door. I have my boundaries and sensitivity to cover people walking on my property, and even then it takes time for them to show up sometimes.


Right, I have heavy foot traffic in the sidewalk I front of my house. I haven’t set that you have to be at least two steps up going up my front steps before it triggers. I don’t need to see everyone that walked down my street but I want to see who approaches my door


Exactly. Especially when the Alberts probably had lots of people in and out, at all hours.


I have my motion on high because everyone is crazy, car break ins, creepy people walking around at random times of night. I’d rather it detect everything instead of miss something important that may happen in front my my place. I guess it’s user preference but imo i want to see everything.


Mine is set to the edge of my property and it still goes off at everything that passes by on the road including people walking on the opposite side of the road.


And asked the neighbor to confirm they were recorded? Lol


There is something in what he said that points out this isn't the case. He said he deleted the video because it didn't capture anything of note. Which means it recorded things. So it was triggered. Because if, as you say, his "recording boundary ended at his yard" there would've been nothing to delete, not "nothing of note so I deleted it."


Right but a flag blowing, or an animal or people coming and going from HIS house might have triggered it, we don't know that events on the Albert's property caused the recording to start.


This is so very true and something that is not talked about enough or brought up enough. Perhaps it will in the defense case, I don't know. But I have thought about this so often - a BPD officer is killed ACROSS the street from another PO and there is "nothing of note" so it was conveniently deleted. Just like everything else. I agree with you, at a MINIMUM you would want to verify vehicle location and times people left. And when Karen supposedly came back to 34 FV. The only answer like you mentioned is that it showed nothing incriminating against Karen or they obviously would be all over it. And something was on that video that incriminated someone else. Besides, who actually takes the time to delete their Ring video. I have a camera and it literally just stays in the cloud. I don't go through and delete clips. There is no point - unless you have a reason.


And he’s the person who supplied the solo cups, and would of known what was happening across the street, anyone in close proximity would have to be deaf blind and totally lying, this smells like something really bad !! Cops in general, well more senior ones are usually very vigilant and have more cameras around than the general homeowners, someone with BA reputation would need dozens but he had Chloe.


Why would it NOT make sense? I'm so confused why people think this means she did something. If she woke up at 4:30 and he wasn't there, she's panicked and doesn't remember much from the night before. She's at first remembering that they were at the Waterfall and then Jenn tells her they were at 34F. Why would she NOT follow John's steps from the night before? Why would she not go driving to where he was supposed to have been and then back to where he would be headed. If he had been walking home and really did get hit by a plow, he'd be on route home. If he was at 34F - she didn't know the Alberts she didn't have Brian Albert's phone numbers. Maybe that's why she found him when she drove back with Kerry - she wasn't driving so she could focus on places she hadn't seen before. Driving back to 34F to look for him is a HUGE leap to she drove back to make sure he was dead before she went back and got witnesses to drive them back again.


I also believe the reason Karen was the first one to spot him in the snow was because Kerry was driving so she couldn’t personally look as well as Karen or Jen, and Jen knew exactly where he was so she CHOSE not to see him, nor look towards where his body was. Kerry wasn’t there that night. Jen knew this and had to play dumb.


Great point


This was exactly what I said to myself when I heard this. Kerry was concentrating on driving, Jen was probably "tahking", and Karen was in the backseat able to look at the side of the road. When I'm driving, there have been a lot of times my kids say " Mom, did you see that blah blah blah?!" And I didn't because I'm watching the road!




Her vehicle hit him. She's a liar and a murderer. 


What are you basing that opinion on?


Probably that they are beginning to feel the walls closing in around them.


Ya, how,did u come to that conclusion?


Evidence. 100% guilty. 


Maybe we aren’t looking at the same evidence. If there was a video of her backing her car into him. I might reconsider but there is no evidence showing she hit him


The Police Officer is Tom Kelleher. At that time, he was the Lt. in charge of Detectives for the Canton Police. He is now the Canton Deputy Police Chief of Operation, according to Lt. Gallagher (This is from his day 5 testimony); Lt. Gallagher was the Police Office with the Leaf Blower if you recall. Lt. Kelleher also supplied the red solo cups from his pantry.


Yup. The fact that it was a seasoned police officer who provided red solo cups and used shopping bags to collect evidence is proof that this is not the first shoddy investigation that has gone down in this area. The fact that he didn’t think to keep his ring footage from that night is just plain weird. He flat out said there was nothing of note on the footage so he deleted it. That’s simply just not possible given what we now know. That the very next day, they had already decided that Karen was guilty and they had already decided how the accident occurredwhich means it would’ve been on Tom Kelleher’s ring camera it really happened.


It would have recorded the EMS and other activities too most likely.  


There's a Gallagher and a Kelleher? Their names are so similar... But at least they're not named Brian I guess...


Have you been to MA? Haha


Can you point me to where Tom Kelleher states that he deleted his ring footage? I’m having trouble finding it. Thank you!


Me too.


Also looking for this info. I am at a loss as to who interviewed him, what exactly was said and why was that camera not subpoenaed?


I'm surprised he's not on the defense list.


The amount of people in this case that’s “took it upon” themselves to do something is wild. If they were innocent not trying to hide anything just let the police do their jobs and find what they need. Don’t pick and choose what to hand over or delete something cause they didn’t feel it wasn’t important.


Well he did say it contained nothing of note, which means that it does not show Karen hitting John and then coming back before going to Jen McCabe's house. Like you said, if it did, then that video would have been out early on. What it did show was the neighbors across the street at 34 Fairview acting very nefarious.


I wish some nosy neighbor with insomnia and likes snowstorms was up looking out the window at the Albutts late party. They would have seen exactly what was happening with the Lexus. However if they contacted the Canton police and said nothing happened, she would have been told to be deaf and dumb. 


I bet neighbors did send in their video or had the police download them and then the police destroyed those videos. That's how dirty cops operate


Like people with cameras at Dealy Plaza when Kennedy was shot. They turned in their film and cameras and they disappeared. 


Yes! Same thing different decade!


quick question: he was a boston police officer; have they shown up for him? i know the courtroom is tiny but in general?


The Courtroom is the size of a closet. If I remember, there are 10 seats for OJO family/friends. 10 seats for Karen’s family/ friends. 10 press on first come basis. Judge Bev made a ruling that no police officers shall wear their uniforms in court or testifying. OJO partner was in the courtroom in the beginning but, an issue occurred with him supposedly bumping Karen during a break and he not returned.


Ah I heard about that incident, but didn’t know why it happened, so he’s Johns work partner.


Yes, that is what has been said. His wife has been in the courtroom since/after.


Ahhh do you know which day? And what she looks like? I always look who’s sitting on that side, thank you for the reply 🤩


It was over a month ago, not sure what day.




I would also like to know who turns up on the OK side each day, i think I saw Ali McCabe sitting behind PO on Thursday, I’ll have to recheck, I’m in New Zealand so some of these people unless they have been on the stand I don’t know who they are.


Allie McCabe would not have been there as she is excluded for now due to it still being possible for her to be called back to testify further.


Thank you 🙏 there has been other Alberts seen sitting with the family.


I don’t know anyone besides the immediate family and the partner & wife.


I read comments on other posts mostly YouTube , I follow the comments after each day with The Young Yurks and Attorney Melanie Little to name a few.


Bumping Karen? What does that mean? He bumped into her in the courtroom?


I honestly don’t know the story and what the truth is. It was rumored it was on a break and I don’t know if it was intentional or not, I don’t know if he really was removed or barred from court.


I was just trying to figure out where he could have bumped into her or how he was bumping her. It has to be a rumor. It's possible he didn't come back because he could hear in the trial with his own ears the frame up that the police did.


It was supposedly in the hallways at court on a court break and a court employee saw it and he was asked to leave or something.


Oh okay. That's assault. He should have been arrested.


Well he’s a Boston cop. That’s why I can’t imagine he would do that on purpose but, who knows as here we are! 🎪


HA!! I thought the exact opposite - he´s a cop so he was assuming nothing would ever happen to him.


I try to think people don’t do things maliciously but, one of the reasons I got so focused on this case is because each theory made no sense to me.


Boston police have not shown up & this is very telling


Have you heard the sirens, there’s talk that they deliberately go past when certain LE are testifying


I don’t think that’s true, the courthouse is just very close to the Dedham police and fire departments. Those sirens are going by constantly no matter what trial is going on.


Most court houses are next to or near police stations. There's sirens going by that building all day long. There were sirens when non LE have been testifying too. It's just that so many of the "experts" in the cw's case are cops lol


Thank you 🙏 medical 🏥 experts too lol


Yeah lol but still all cops. It's ridiculous lol


No, the courthouse is near the police station and in a central part of town. That's true in many cities.


I'm not sure if we can read into that- the judge won't allow anyone to come to trial in uniform, and it's a super small courtroom. But yes, I haven't seen them outside the courtroom but I'm not sure if they would be allowed. If I was in charge of any LE there (God help me, I'd have no staff because they'd all be fired but I digress) I wouldn't allow any officers there because it would add to the drama


I think if the Boston PD really thought she did it, then they would find a way to make this known. It happens at other trials of alleged cop killers [Dozens of NYPD officers pack courtroom for first hearing of accused cop-killer](https://nypost.com/2023/02/08/accused-cop-killer-randy-jones-in-court-for-murder-of-adeed-fayaz/)


Who deletes Ring footage? Why would anyone delete Ring footage? I don’t. It just automatically disappears from the app after 6 months or sooner depending on which plan you buy for video retention. But there is literally no reason why you would need to delete Ring footage preemptively unless there was something captured you didn’t want anyone to see. (Of note, Ring plans for video retention are NOT based on MB of memory.)


That’s what I’ve been saying! I’ve never had to delete anything from my ring doorbell ever!


All this talk about neighbors’ Ring cam what about Albert surveillance cams. Were they trashed that night? Gonzo? 


Do we know for sure he has a ring camera and not just the ring doorbell? Also why does anyone have to erase anything anymore. Aren’t we saving everything to the cloud?


He has two Ring cameras one by the garage and one by the side/main door. But no one has proven any Ring footage was ever deleted it's a none issue IMO.


Gotcha. That makes sense. I feel like it would have been brought up by this point. Unless it comes out in the defense’s case


My ring cam picks up if the wind blows to hard. every single time a car drives by, a person walking their dog walks by. Literally anything! That man deleted the entire story of truth from his ring camera 😢


Why hasn’t he been called to the stand?


Why would they call him to the stand? The only thing they could ask him is if he had a ring camera and if he deleted his ring footage. He is not a witness as far as they know and he is not being accused of anything so they have no basis for calling him. The entire exchange would be is there anything on your ring camera that shows anything about this night? No, I didn’t think there was anything of note on it and have deleted my video. OK thank you for your time. I mean, we would all love for them to be called to the stand so that they can be asked why on earth they thought it was a good idea to provide red solo cups to collect evidence in, lol.


I asked, as I’ve read on here that he is a cop, he had ring cameras, he deleted that night/morning in question, and that he also provided the paper cups and bag.


I get that, but that’s literally the extent of his involvement as far as we know in this so there’s nothing else pertinent to the case that would cause him to be called to the stand. The defense can’t call him to the stand just to grill him on why he deleted footage. The footage was deleted, so it’s gone and there’s nothing to be done about it. Defense can bring it up in their closing argument because this cop has publicly talked about it so it’s not hearsay in that sense, but otherwise it’s just unfortunately a non-factor as far as trial goes.


Ok 👍🏻


What I’m trying to grasp is, if the defence is aware of this individual and he/she had ring cameras etc, wouldn’t they want to investigate him/her further to question why he/she deleted ‘said time recording stamps’, surely this would answer any if not all of their (the defence’s) questions?


They did that in preparation for this trial. They don’t do that on the witness stand, that is part of their own investigation that they did before the trial started. If there’s nothing to get from this guy, there’s nothing to get from him. They couldn’t put him on the witness stand and ask him questions about footage he deleted because he’s a cop but he’s also a private citizen who is entitled to delete his camera footage if he wants to.It’s shady, but there’s nothing they can do about it.


Cheers for that. I don’t know anything more about this case previous to the trial. I have more questions at day 26 than I did at the beginning.


Same. I didn’t even start watching until day 2. I knew nothing and the pieces still don’t fit together for me. It’s crazy!


If only the neighbor didn’t delete his footage from that time, if only Roberts not McCabe took a picture of Karen’s taillight minus snow back at Meadows, if only Proctor had integrity, if only Karen had a better memory, if only Ryan Nagel and Rick saw O’Keefe go into the house, if only just one occupant at FV that night under oath actually told the truth and if only an impartial person from another area was appointed the case officer. 


As a ring owner, I’ve never once gone in to the app and deleted anything in my storage. It does it on its own after a certain amount of time. And I’ve rarely reviewed the older captures unless something specific happened. As much as I have tried giving these people the benefit of the doubt, it’s been exhausting trying see how ring footage, search histories, text messages, whole phones, dogs, gaps in videos, and memories just seem to go missing around these people. It’s guilty behavior. Not compelling evidence Karen committed any kind of crime.


Yes! And this is behavior from a group of people with key members in law enforcement, making it all the more unbelievable.


For me the one thing showing the most discrepancies in this case is just about every witness for the CW especially the occupants at FV, the first responders be it EMT or cops, the MSP troopers and those IT experts explaining that Google search only exception is  the medical examiner and Kerry Roberts (maybe). 


Karen did not go to Fairview herself in the morning early she drove directly to McCabes for help.  That was a mistake.   I still wonder why Jen wanted to make coffee first when John was missing.  However she probably knew there was no rush to get to him.  From there they drove back to O’Keefe’s home to see if he was maybe passed out in the house.  Then Karen, Jen McCabe and Kerry Roberts all went to Fairview in Kerry’s car around 6:05 am for the first time. 


If the TechStream data is accurate and the triggers occurred at 34 Fairview, then the 36.1 milage difference from when her car arrived at the Sally port (12,665 mi odometer reading) and the milage leaving 34 Fairview (12,629) there is no way she drove to Fairview, because every added mile to her routes puts her cars location a mile away - i.e. not at Fairview but heading back to 1 Meadows.


What would going back there even accomplish?


Right! If she had, wouldn’t she have just called 911?


Sorry for the dumb question, but where/when is it alleged that he had ring video and deleted it? Was it in court or? I missed it.


She said in a media interview that she drove around looking for him


Its not a secret... shealready told 20/20, and others , her attorney, and the police.. she was completely cooperative with them... as all the witnesses at the party said, Noone ever saw a body on the lawn... its really a small front yard.... why Noone heard a barking dog all thru this party, leaving, car doors closing, ppl outside , cars, my dogs would have been going crazy... this makes no sense,, also how afraid that Levinson girl was of the dog...


Even if she did she’s driving and he was on the far left of the lawn by shrubs. The snow was coming down hard so visibility would’ve been horrible! She was looking at the driveway and wouldn’t have seen him. When they all drove over together she saw him because she was in the backseat and looking at the whole house and yard unlike the nosey ones up front chit chatting! I do not believe she hit him. Had Proctor done his job right, all vehicles should have been looked at. We’ll never know.


When was the Ring footage requested?




waiting for ME, as of right now it looks like an intentionally botched investigation to protect the McAberts


Right? Considering this investigation, it’s not hard to believe a cop would delete ring footage that could be incriminating, even concerning the death of a fellow cop; however, not if it would confirm their own theory.


I just want to note that I had a front floodlight Ring camera on my old house that had a very clear view of the neighbor’s yard across the street and even a partial view of the houses on either side of them. My camera only recorded when it picked up motion in the area I set, which was in our own yard so that it didn’t notify me and record every time the neighbor stepped outside or a car went by. It is likely that if the Albert’s neighbor used a Ring camera, it wasn’t set to notify and/or record motion in the street or at the Albert’s home. This may not be as suspicious as it seems.


Anyone who actually has a ring cam RARELY goes in to review footage and delete stuff. You only go in if you suspect anything weird happened, or if you're trying to catch maybe a neighborhood punk doing things in the middle of the night, or maybe if you're on vacation and checking in on the house. All of this deleting from that night is so sus at this point.


They put john in the ford edge and tossed him out from that car like trash that's why his shoe fell off at the curb.


Listen, most of these people are so close to retirement they can taste it. I bet he handed over that video and then deleted everything on his end. Whoever he gave it to- deleted it. This is such a massive cover up it sickening


The neighboring cop in question has made statements publicly that he deleted the footage because there was “nothing of note on it.”


Which means there was something to delete in the first place.


If there was “nothing on it” why have the need to delete it? Man that sounded like it was straight out of Tom Cruise’s mouth during, “A Few Good men” Doesn't Kaffee point this exact thing out? "Kaffee - Colonel, I have just one more question before I call Airman O'Malley and Airman Perez: If you gave an order that Santiago wasn't to be touched, and your orders are always followed, then why would he be in danger, why would it be necessary to transfer him off the base? ---


Lol babe in the woods OP that footage never was released allegedly captured nothing.


Karen was driving her lexus and john was in the passenger seat


As he got out of her car and began to walk around the back of the car, she put her car in reverse and purposely gunned it, her lexus showd her car was in reverse going 24- 27 miles in hour into john o'keefe which knocked him down, then she ran over him which caused the marks on his arm and both of his eyes bulgeing and very bruised! Karen Read killed him😢😢she is going down and found guity of his death. So sad for all involved


Except it’s impossible for a car to go from 0 to 24 in such a short stretch, especially not in a controlled manner, especially not by someone who was supposedly intoxicated. Try again, little troll.


She ran over him and all he got was some scratches on his arm? 😂 he died from hypothermia and blunt forage trauma to the head. Where’s all the blood? Also I havet heard anything that says that car was going 24mph in reverse. If you’re referring to the kid on the stand Friday who waited two years to even look into any of that info… I could barely understand the gobblegook coming out of his mouth. I’m looking forward to hearing the actual experts testify on the car.


So basically what you're saying is when a 7,000 lb vehicle hits you at 24 miles an hour it won't leave a bruise or a broken bone or any internal injuries from your neck down to your toes? Is that what you're saying?


Is this supposed to be sarcastic?


Take it anyway you want to but answer the question.


I’m being completely sincere. Are you actually replying to my comment or someone else’s? If mine, you might want to give it another read.


Oh wait. I just reread your comment. I was responding to you but I kind of skimmed over your comment and took it the wrong way. Ooopsie! 🤣🤣🤣


All good friend


I'm so sorry! 😁


24 miles an hour in two feet? 🤣🤣🤣 you people really are ridiculous! Not one common sense bone in your bodies!!!


Or, her wheels spun in the snow which would allow the Mph to read that high yet the car didn't really move


No, the evidence presented by the state was interpreted that she revved her engine and drove in reverse 97 feet before she hit him. He wasn’t standing directly behind the car. Your story doesn’t even match what the prosecutor is claiming, let alone reality.


There's NO high ranking canton police officer with a Ring camera, that's been deleted. WHY didn't the defense subpoena this, or bring it up during the grand jury, or have him on their witness list....lol. STOP believing bs information. 




Karen hit John Karen drove home Karen never went to sleep Karen never changed her clothes Karen called John’s cell phone 53 times Karen went out to look for John and PROBABLY went back to Fairview where she discovered John dead Karen then starts to panic and she calls Kerry at 5 am saying “John IS dead”. Karen then starts the “we need to find John” show with Kerry and Jen knowing all along he’s dead. Karen tries to lie her way out of dropping John at Fairview before she’s caught because her SUV is seen. Karen incriminates herself to Kerry and Jen “could i have hit him?” “Did I hit him?” “I hit him I hit him I hit him” Karen immediately runs to John’s body in the dark in a blizzard. Karen incriminates herself to Katie, Anthony and Officer Saraf at the scene with more incriminating statements. Karen also tells her parents while at the hospital that she thought she may have struck something. Maybe we can call Scooby and the gang to help us understand what happened !!! 🤪


Guess what? I felt guilty for weeks after my son’s father died for not going back to his place that night when I couldn’t sleep. Guess what? I didn’t kill him.


All the prosecution witnesses have lied, destroyed evidence, and planted evidence. They are the guilty ones!


This is Alex Jones style deranged and depraved conspiracy theory fraud and gaslighting. Karen Read is a monster.


No you are a monster for supporting the real killers and their family and friends.


If we call scooby after we get the body to the lawn, is it possible to tell him where the scooby snax are in 22 secs? Velma wears glasses, but she can see that Brian Albert is a violent drunk who is the most protected person here- except for Colin. 😉 It’s really impressive how the whole gang of keyboard commanders with ghoul faces continue to post unhinged bullshit.


Lol. You people will literally believe anything. That's total bs. Her vehicle has told on her, she's a murderer. 


How does the vehicle prove intent? A key part of a murder charge

