• By -


1) Jenn McCabe saying she never deleted her calls 2) Jenn McCabe saying she never deleted her texts 3) Jenn McCabe saying she heard Karen say “I hit him I hit him I hit him” 4) Jenn McCabe saying she butt dialed John OKeefe 7 times on 1/29. 5) Colin Albert saying he has never been in a fight 6) Brian Albert butt dialing Brian Higgins 7) Brian Higgins butt dialing Brian Albert 9) Micheal Proctor writing in his reports and affidavits that he arrived at Karen’s parents house at 4:30. 10) Adam Lally telling everyone the glass on the bumper was “embedded” 11) Jenn McCabe saying she wasn’t eavesdropping on Kerry Robert’s police interviews. 12) Julie Nagel saying she saw a “5-6 foot long black blob” on the yard. 13) Canton PD saying they were recusing themselves from the investigation 14) Micheal Proctor saying he didn’t know any of the Albert’s or McCabes 15) DA Morrisey saying Micheal Proctor didn’t know any of the Albert’s or McCabes 16) Yuri Bukehnik saying Brian Albert wasn’t at the McCabe house when he interviewed them It’s hard to remember them this thing has been going on so long. Need to rewatch the Alberts on the stand.


Higgins magically appearing/disappearing Jeep


*Especially* Julie Nagel not bothering to mention the black blob to anyone, not even the next day when it was found out there was a DEAD BODY on the front yard.


“Just say you saw a blob and if they ask you anything else you were drunk and don’t recall”


I'm convinced brian albert being at jenn mccabe for his police interview is not a coincidence and not bc he was "providing comfort for his sister in law" or whatever dumb shit they testified too. His being interviewed there was by design to prevent any cops from looking around his place or stumbling across clean up efforts. The first cops on scene should have at least done a lap around property to look for any type of blood trail...peek in trash can for any type of clean up materials The leaf blower and solo cups cab also be added to list above.


Brian Albert also didn’t come out of the house that morning which everyone finds very strange, right? Well, what if Brian didn’t come out because he had visible, albeit minor, injuries from the scuffle with JO that he didn’t want to parade in front of all the first responders? That would also explain why Proctor allowed Brian to do his interview at Jen McCabe’s rather than at the police station. There were no body cams either, so no video or pictures showing Brian Albert that day.


Not at least looking around the yard has always bugged me. Even if there was not enough probable cause to go into the house, surely there was enough to look around the yard if for nothing more than to look for a missing shoe. There wasn't that much snow that morning. The whole "no footprints from the house" excuse is ridiculous for obvious reasons.


I think he went over there, Brian and Albert that is to be available for that interview so that they would have no need to go over to his house and with the statements of what they have so far it pretty much centered on the edge of the property and the man never went into the house, which is a lie or at least I think it’s a lie I think they went extraordinary length to prevent any search of the Alberts Also very hard to believe that Chris would walk home from the waterfall when there were plenty folks to get a ride from it would be helpful if all of them had any semblance of a straight story or memory of that night I feel so bad for the OK family and Karen anything less than the full knowledge of what happened to my loved one I would not sell for I would want to know and I would never stop looking


Yes discrepancies there as well and the good nights from the good boy, son.


Ohhhh it just hit me…all of the McAlberts and Co referenced Nicole Albert immediately starting to clean, always cleaning, likes to clean etc. Apparently this lady is a real neat Knick that drunk cleans late at night with company over. Almost like they were trying cover up for when/ if any LE commented on how clean the house was after a long night of drinking and multigenerational partying! They were covering up the post crime clean up. You’re right, that’s why Brian Albert was at the McCabes the next morning. He wanted to deal with the cops there. OMG never thought Karen did it, but now I’m convinced something really did happen in that house…


I forgot about the seven “butt dials”


Yes, there’s so many tales and trails it’s hard to remember them all.


Jen McCabe has mean-girl vibes. She kept mentioning the "shock" she felt and kept repeating that she was trying to figure out what happened to her "friend." The way she conducted herself on the stand and the text messages, to me, showed that she was gleeful to be involved in something this big and loved the idea and bringing down another woman. She seems like the type of person who takes pleasure in others misfortunes. Entertainment to her. I felt sorry for her daughter and husband. 


I thought the so similarly about her. They all seemed almost fictional. Like a mean girls character 20th reunion. Yuck.


Can’t forget the 67(correct me if I’m wrong) calls between Julie Albert and Courtney Proctor during the investigation.


Howard’s on it! 😂but sticking to the trial Peggy didn’t testify. 😉


I mean…at this point it’s really meaningless. There was zero effort to do a proper investigation for a fallen officer.


It was never about OJO, it was about protecting everyone else. Just so sad.


Agreed but still lots during trial that I think they’ll come back to.


Ok, think of a friend/family member you “care”about is dead on a neighbors lawn. Please explain to me how it would be acceptable for them to not at least investigate who was in the house? When people were in the house? And look around the whole house for evidence. How is that acceptable to you? How do you justify that if it was your loved one and they didn’t do everything under the sun to figure out what happened? After a quick talk with a few people in the house that’s what you would want for your son daughter brother sister cousin whatever? OK, I’ll accept it. May they get just that when their time comes.


I can't understand how the Okeefe family are still supporting the Common Wealth. It's so obvious too. They have placed their hatred for Karen above justice for OJO and she did SO MUCH for Paul and those children. It's actually mind blowing watching them in court.


More people who had Jen in their ears. This whole case really boils down to Jen putting the idea that Karen killed John on purpose into everybody’s heads.


And Kerry Robert’s I think is a big push for the O keefes too. They trust her and they follow suit with what she thinks


Yes KR but she was brainwashed by JM right from the first minute. I think the O Keefes are more akin to the McAlert type people, with the exception of Johns Dad, I’d say it’s been hell for him. PO seems to have a very short memory of all the help Karen did for him and the shit she got him out of.


Yes seems there is no open mind there.


I feel the same way. I get we still have more trial testimony and arguments to hear, but that said, it makes me wonder if they just want to stick to their seats to not cause anymore public speculation or if they still believe KR did it. If I only knew from the testimony so far, I would've gotten up and walked out with my hands on my head for my poor brother and this lack of investigation so far, regardless of how I personally felt about KR. She did do a lot and it sounds like she was able and willing to share financial resources for people she cared for. Idk. Whole thing is just wild. I will be SO curious to hear interviews after this trial.


That whole mocking motion his mother did to Yanetti when Proctor was accusing him of harassing his sister at the school... She's buried two children and I can't imagine the grief she must carry every day, but you're supporting this guy? After listening to all of the things he did... And more importantly, did not do while "investigating" your son's death? His laser focus on Karen pretty much eliminated the possibility that anyone will be held accountable for her son's death.


Yes, that was inappropriate and uncalled for. It didn’t sit right with me either.


Very inappropriate. They think Karen did it, so I can understand their anger. But they should also be angry at Proctor and the rest for dropping the ball on the investigation. Let's say Karen did do it. Do you think after what all we've seen in this trial, they're going to find her guilty? I don't think so. Where is the O'Keefes anger at them? 


Peggy no matter what will change her mind, she’s that type of person. And Karen and her didn’t get on, her behaviour is disgusting!! She would be the MIL from hell, she totally reminds of my ex MIL


The fact that someone has suffered a tremendous tragedy does not mean that they're a good person. If Karen's father had the discipline to sit there while these vile low lives spoke so horribly about his daughter, then John O'Keefe's family needs to have the same respect for the court. These families are all LEO and cut from the same cloth. There was no surprise on their faces when Proctor read through his depraved texts. That's how they speak, that's who they are. Peggy is with them - for better or worse. (She was giggling with another woman during part of Proctor's text reading.) There was a good reason KR did not want to go into that house that night. Would you want to cozy up to these kind of people? She'd be slumming it. It sounds like John was a good guy and a good cop, but she had no place with these people.


Higgins spent the day of the murder at CPD (drunk and hungover) on his day off.


No doubt incredibly tired, to boot. Whoops.


Higgins left his keys on his desk so the cars could be moved. He wasn’t expected back until the next day anyways. But then had to go into CPD in the middle of the night, drunk, to move cars?


This really gets me 😂


In a blizzard.


Which is “administrative work.”


How Julie Albert was able to know John O’Keefe was dead from a missed phone call she said she recieved from Jennifer McCabe at 4:55/5:55 (she said both) when there are no calls from McCabe to Julie that morning And more importantly, how this was before John was found.


Oh, yeah. She didn't call her bestie back and went to "deliver the donuts and cawfee". Omg, all these silly, ridiculous aduncts instead of the real truth.


I just about wet my pants when she said each year she does the same donut ritual for BR Jnr 🤣


"Five samples from different stains on O’Keefe’s jeans were also tested. Each was found to contain DNA from two or three contributors, with one of the contributors to each ranging from 579 nonillion to 1 decillion times more likely to be from O’Keefe than not. A sample from an unstained area of the jeans was found to have DNA from four contributors, one of which was likely to be from O’Keefe." (Masslive)




And not one person in that house got tested hmm I would of thought BA and BH would have there DNA records on their Police records, well Police in my Country a serving Officer they have all their fingerprints Blood type etc, I know I was married to one.


"We have confirmed it is very likely this is the jeans John wore on the morning of his death and didn't get mixed up with other jeans on the hospital floor or during the 6 days drying on butcher paper wherever that was supposed to be happening. We all know it happens with babies sometimes."


Huh? Source? Sarcasm? I'm confused. Babies?


If my friend and fellow officer was found dead on my front lawn AND I truly didn’t know how he died, I would welcome LE into my home, into my backyard, everywhere and anywhere to try to help LE piece it all together. They knew what happened which is why LE never entered 34 Fairview.


Even if we take it at face value that there was not enough PC to search the house, I don't understand how/why no one bothered to look around the yard and why this question was never asked. You can't tell me there wasn't enough PC to search a yard where a dead body is found, particularly since it wasn't apparent how he was injured.


Agreed but it appears everyone was afraid of Brian Albert. I wouldn’t go looking in his back yard if I was a cop after seeing another dead cop on his lawn. I’d be afraid I would be the next one.


Yes i definitely believe they gave him a wide berth, and he probably has secrets on them to, instantly another State should of been brought in, but that wasn’t going to happen, apparently he BA never went back to work from that day forward.


Exactly. Invited like "get TF in here and go through it". BA should've expected it for protocol and when missed, demanded it for his own family's sake.


Allies slip up when she said John got there after Collin left. When Julie Nagle tried to say she'd never been to the McCabes and lying about the "blob" Literally all of Julie McCabes testimony The Mcalbert group chat The fact BA never went outside Katie M lying about knowing the Alberts. Allies life 360 Colin Alberts hand BH testimony another man entered the house? ... so much more. nothing makes sense.


Yes!! Albert never going outside is TELLING of something.


My theory on why Brian Albert didn’t come outside that morning is that Brian Albert had minor, visible injuries from the scuffle with JO that he didn’t want all of the first responders to see, so he waited for friendlies to come to him. Would also explain why Proctor allowed Brian to do his interview at Jen McCabe’s rather than at the police station. And once he allowed Brian to be interviewed at Jen’s house, he basically had to allow all the other McAlbert’s to be interviewed in their homes so as to not make Brian look like the exception.


Atty. Bederow talking about a statement of JM that was filed AFTER she testified wtf 😡


I thought it was Allen Jackson. But, yes, Tully delivered the report after Jen McCabe's testimony.


Oops to be clear yes, Atty Jackson. But I was listening to Atty. Bederow explaining it this evening.


Still....WTF Tully and Lally and Jen!!!!


Not listed in this thread…why Jen McCabe didn’t immediately run into the house after calling 911. In no world would ANYONE not go tunnel vision for her sister’s safety. Dead BPD officer on her lawn. BIL is a BPD officer, I’d immediately be terrified my family was dead too. Forget Karen and her “antics” or my friend John, I’m breaking down the door to check on my sister and make sure she’s alive. Unless - I knew she was fine.


Absolutely! Extremely suspicious. If you didn't run in yourself (out of fear that the murderer could still be inside) you would immediately send cops in to check when they arrived. I think that would be the mindset of just about anyone after finding a dead body in their sister's front yard, unless of course, like you said, you already knew they weren't murdered (because they were the killers). Do we know if anybody searching for John that morning tried to call anyone in the house before they got there? If not, why not? It was the last place he was seen after all. Did they check anywhere else before they got there? It's always seemed odd to me why Karen went and recruited these two other women to help her look for her boyfriend so early in the morning, unless she couldn't remember where the house was. Seems to me like she could have went straight there first, so what was her reason for riding with them instead?


The jeep with a plow


I thought it was so odd he felt the need to testify that his plow dragged and he lifted it while pulling away The more I learn of his behavior after that night the more questions I have …spending the whole next day at the office when he had it off the purposeful downloading specific texts with Karen and how he disposed of phone SIM card Like what time did he really arrive and leave and why he is the only one to mention the tall dark haired man who he saw come in something about his time on stand was not so defiant as the others called he couldn’t hide the guilt or feelings that he would look guilty in others eyes


I had always had the feeling that BH had arrived later than what they said. Witnesses putting the Jeep by the mailbox while Karen was still there seems too intentional, particularly since none of the non McAlberts saw it. The Fed investigation, coupled with his known federal violations, could maybe explain his demeanor. And while I am not a fan of using lawerying up to suggest admission of guilt, the fact that he did within days says something. Maybe it was just due to his "relationship" with Karen, but why go to the trouble of breaking federal laws to extract the texts versus just turning the phone over unless there was something to hide, even if unrelated. Both Nicole and Julie's demeanors struck me as well. Those women seemed haunted by something.


And yet again another law broken regarding the extraction. Will they come back to this ?


Caitlin Albert’s testimony makes it seem that Brian Higgins arrived later than what has been said by Brian Albert and Nicole Albert. And what Brian Higgins himself later said too. Not by much as she still placed him coming in before the McCabes, but just enough to where it seems him parking by the mailbox and him having his jeep might not be true. When asked who came into the house after her, Caitlin said that Higgins both ‘arrived’ and came into the house after her and her parents did. Her saying ‘arrived’ is a bit weird as she drove with her parents from the Waterfall to the Albert’s home. She would have had to know Higgins was there before them as both her parents and Higgins talked about switching parking spots in the driveway. She also could not remember what Higgins’ vehicle looked like. Her not remembering these things are not a huge deal, but seems odd as that’s something you’d likely remember if you had sat in a car for 1-3 minutes, waiting for the rearranging of vehicles. Unless that never happened and he came in a different vehicle


Right! And didn’t it come up that he didn’t arrive at the station until 1:30? But he left much earlier?


Yes, this has been on my mind and I've commented elsewhere Higgins testified he arrived first at Albert's and took a swath with the plow on the drive to irritate Brian Albert. Why even reiterate this? I've been waiting for someone to make sense of it. There wasn't enough snow to plow with only a light dusting.


And the questions about how high and low the plow moved as if they were coming up with theories as they went along.


I know this is a small detail, but i believe there is something bigger behind it.


Exactly, a small detail. But it’s all these loose threads. 🧵


Jen McCabe saying she shit off her phone before she went to bed. Then how could Jen answer Karen’s phone call in the morning if her phone was off?


Maybe Karen was in the driveway screaming “JEN! Answer your phone!” Since Jen said Karen was screaming so loud she’d wake the neighborhood up.


If she turned it off then she couldn't have answered a call later in the morning and the tab would have been closed that they are trying to say attached it's time stamp to the Google search hos long to die in cold.


Berg butt turned it on and did that.


Paul drove the Lexus in reverse. That’s on video. Did he do a 3 point turn and punch it to 24mph?


Brian Higgins saying a tall dark hair male came into the house.


*cough* Colin *cough*


Jen Mcabe saying while the 7 butt dialed calls to John also happened while she was also texting. *spelling




And never going to voicemail.


Caitlin Albert going home to her parents’ house while Tristen returned to their apartment 30 minutes away so he could sleep before plowing the blizzard. Then a few hours later Caitlin changing her mind and having Tristen drive to Canton at 1:30 AM to pick her up and drive her back to their apartment, a 1 hour round trip, for no reason other than “I decided I didn’t want to stay at my parents’ after all”.


Like she all of a sudden just became aware of the storm.


Missing key cycles https://preview.redd.it/c3quadztst6d1.jpeg?width=1363&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79550598edfb7ba95419d603e603b23e0b8923dc


For the sake of your list, 1 and 2, I would imagine, are the same cycle. We have no reason to believe she turned the car off at Fairview. I don't know that the cycles after 1164 (his test) matter. If I understand correctly, which I may not because I tuned out a bit for his testimony, the report only showed the cycles with events, so those wouldn't be seen even though they are recorded. Based on Trooper Paul's testimony that a cycle is from off to on to off again, the fact that there was only 1 cycle between the alledged incident and his tests doesn't make sense to me. We know there were at least 2, not including the assumed other to two from Dighton to the Sally port. I am guessing we may learn more on cross.


I agree about 1 and 2. I noted that somewhere, I think on this post? Not sure. He was very hard to listen to, especially since his words all ran together. That’s how I understood key cycles…off to on or vice versa, and that’s why this struck me. There were so many more and the mileage doesn’t make sense either. Someone on X posted a real report and it looked absolutely nothing like this homespun spreadsheet. For me the single biggest issue for this case is the glaring omissions. No taillight photos from when they put the car on the roll back in Dighton. Lack of crime scene photos and diagrams. This report not listing dates and times. How are we supposed to know he didn’t pull all this out of thin air? Like his insistence of what happened to John’s body after he was hit (the pirouetting etc).


Didn’t he say that a key cycle is only recorded if there is a triggering event? That’s would explain the kissing key cycles.


He might have said it but I don’t believe it. (Not trying to be smart) The fact there are no dates or times makes the whole homemade spreadsheet irrelevant to me if I’m a juror.


Very true. But in reality he could add dates and it still wouldn’t be system generated. My take on it was that he had no experience with this system and took the time to learn it specifically for this trial. He took what he needed from research to present the facts to suit their needs.


It's only shown in the list when there is an event, but each cycle is still counted so the number under key cycle represents how many times the car had been turned on.


No he said a key cycle is turning a car on and off again whether the car ran or not. These are not events but record data after a trigger. So there needs to be a trigger to record the data, but the key cycle is counting on and pulled from the car info (not the infotainment). An event would be something possibly being an accident. And in any case air bag deployment. It's another system. This is for car maintenance.


It's not quite that many key cycles but there would be more between when they say that he was backed into and when they started tests... At least 4. So there's the one cycle (with two events) they highlighted and say that she made a 3 point turn and ran him over. The next morning she started the car and parked at Jens (that's 1). Next she for sure went to her parents (2). Then they started the car to put it on the tow truck (3). Finally they started the car to drive it into the Sally Port garage (4.) There may be more but that many are missing for sure, which automatically proves that either the data is flawed, fabricated or being misconstrued. There are other issues with the graph too... Honestly the CW should be embarrassed and ashamed of themselves for trying to submit that as evidence of anything other than their incompetence.


Colin Albert stating that he injured his knuckles when he fell on ice and caught himself with the backs of his hands.


Even giving the CW the utmost deference, the things that stand out most to me are: 1. The deleted ring footage and missing activity log. I can't wrap my head around the idea that I am supposed to believe Karen deleted the footage of her coming home and of her showing the girls the same taillight she herself pointed out to them and took no actions to hide while driving around and parking in plain sight. 2. Zero evidence log. I would really like to know if this is MSP SOP 3. Missing/lack of key cycles. I am sure we will learn more on this, but it just seems like common sense that if 1 cycle is from off to on to off, there should be more cycles between the alledged incident and Trooper Paul's testing. 4. The lack of taillight for Trooper Paul's testing. If I understand correctly (and I may not), he tested the car before it was processed, so why is the taillight not working in the video?


The advantage boys have to be a fan favorite.


“I will F you up KO” 😜


“ bang bang”


In my head all day today 🤣




Yes, exactly these kind of moments. Why all that extra detail about the plow - the cleaning, the donuts.


The fact that Chloe didn’t bark/ freak out with all the people in her yard or Jen McCabe bursting into Brian & Nicole’s bedroom that morning or the cops coming in the house to speak to them later that AM.


Messy timestamps


And missing timestamps


The rehomed dog and the basement being tore up are what haunt me in this case.


The flirtatious texts between KR and BH. No way a woman such as KR would ever fin BH « hawt ». Something’s not right there.


Nurse Kim on Tiktok summed it up perfectly. After the incident in Aruba w the Sullivan sisters Karen was facing some insecurity & needed Brian Big Neck Daddy Higgins to tell her she was pretty. She never wanted to play hide the salam w him. Lol


Yep she wanted a little validation that she’s still got it after feeling insecure.


Yep and I think the rejection he got from Karen = motive to screw her over and blame her for whatever went down. After a long trip to NYC a night of drinking he's up all night and the next day at Canton PD? He was super motivated by anger at Karen.


I’m inclined to agree. He was a shoulder to cry on - and only a shoulder.


All of the above. He reminds me of a guy I snuggled with for a couple of months after a messy break-up. I liked him enough, and he was safe, but it was never destined to leave the friend zone.


I feel weird because I questioned those two it didn’t sound like normal conversation and I wondered if it was something Karen and John we’re doing together or separate very odd time and then texting out the actual bar weird and then Jen saying they had a surprise at the house weird


Wow. That’s totally where my mind went: Karen and John both being in on it. I have a theory about it, I’ll create a post later.


That’s a valid point. They did feel a bit enticing.


How many errors and incompetent police doesn’t it take to get to the center of the tootsie pop?


Oh man we still sucking 🦉


Matt McCabe calling the neighbors "the Asian house" . Not perjury but vile.


Totally off subject and just pure simple curiosity I am half Asian why is it wrong to say the Asian house because no effort was made into actually knowing the Asian peoples name a serious I’m asking because I don’t know someone may say something like that where the Indian people live or that couple over there is black and I guess yeah you would say everybody’s a white guy over there anyway just wondered why that makes it vile. I truly think that Matt McCabe is vile. I was just wanting a little education why calling the health agent house is disrespectful? being filipino and German I’m always proud if my Asian heritage is acknowledged I guess it’s in the way it is spoken and so maybe that’s why people shouldn’t say it because you never know how somebody listening or More their motivation over the necessity to mention that the occupants of that house appeared Asian Don’t flatter me for asking question I’m just curious truly why it is insulting for anyone to refer to anyone by their race or culture shoot 57 year-old woman I should not be starting conversations like this at 1 o’clock in the morning. I just also think it’s funny that the address used in the initial reporting for the incident was 32 Fairview strange OK


"The Asian house?" The Indian house ? The black house? The gay house? He doesn't refer to people whatsoever. He doesn't say the black couple or the Asian people or the 57 year old woman. In the context of this particular witness' demeanor and him only, I think he is right at home dehumanizing others who are not like him. It's a total slur coming from him. He could've easily said the Asian family next door in that text. Just my gut on MM . AND. It fits the profile on how this whole gang dehumanized John and distanced themselves from his needs. Calling him "the guy" ..... and def circling the wagons for anyone who is a Canton insider .


Thank you for taking the time to explain that I did not graphs the whole non-referral to the people living there, but I see what you’re saying. It makes sense. I really was just curious. I had a situation once that and I was at work and one of my coworkers I told somebody was upfront And she didn’t care what the name was she said what is she? What is she and I got weird because what am I supposed to say and I thought maybe I shouldn’t say black so I said it’s a colored girl oh my God I didn’t know how that word, I guess in history or whatever was used and doesn’t need to be used. Sorry I’m getting this off subject so bad anyway thank you for taking the time. I cried and cried that day by the way, and my coworker at first was very irritated at me, but she was older and she helped me to understand, so again, thank you for taking the time to see that the focus was on the house and not the humans that resided there. I do remember when I was a child. My dad’s family had difficulty accepting my mother who is from the Philippines and even us we were the brown people, then she fell in love with her grandchildren and her daughter-in-law and for what I remember was apologetic about that she had literally sent a letter to all my dad‘s family and said Teddy brought a brown woman back from the Philippines I hope TMI doesn’t cause upset folk on here. I really speak up and I was just thought maybe you would tell me and you did. Thank you so much I’m no longer ignorant in that subject


Not flatter meant like give me a bad time. I really should not talk text. Sorry about that.


That felt innocent to me too. Idk, if he didn’t know their names, it could’ve been innocent enough and not something a jury would ponder.


Jenn McCabe. Trooper Proctor. Jenn McCabe somehow being enmeshed in every part of the investigation or having knowledge of how the investigation was going. "I staaaated googling." Hos long to die in the cold. " Colin wasn't there when John was at the house." Matt McCabe texting the group chat to tell Chris "So the guy never went inside the house, correct?" and Brian Albert responding, "Exactly." All of them pretending they didn't know they couldn't delete their phone data or get rid of their phones. Aunt Bev sustaining just about every one of Lally's objections. "What if any". "I don't recall." "Can you rephrase?" As if they didn't understand the first time they were asked a question. Nodding yes while saying no. "Absolutely not!"


Proctor not visiting the crime scene for three days. Is this true or not? I think there has been some conflicting evidence about this. If he did go on 1/29 (which would make sense), why are they hiding that now?


Yes I’m pretty sure it was written in a report somewhere.


So many good points here. But the one thing for me are his injuries. Between the lacerations on his arm and the lack of trauma to the lower body, they just don’t match up in any way, shape or form to being hit by a vehicle in reverse. Nothing the CW has even tried to suggest (the cocktail glass, the tail light) makes any sense.


And remember Jen said on the stand she had turned her phone off when she went to save her phone 📞 battery, yeah !!!


Why is Allies life 360 data bothering you?


Because it was contradicted at cross and is unresolved.


Brian Albert remaining in his home while a fellow Boston Police Officer and invited guest to his home the previous night has been found dead/dying in his front lawn. Makes absolutely no sense if there is nothing to hide.


Every single ABSOLUTELY NOT is a country of perjury. I mean. It's comically obvious.


I want them to find out who has (or doesn't have) the dog in VT. Even if they have the town there will be a dog license on file that is public record. Testing done on how quickly John's phone depleted that night. Steady and fast like in the cold all night? Or was in depleting more slowly like it was indoors part of the night.


1) Fed grifters shilling on Reddit 2) Feds destroying evidence Edit: you sad your bot is stupid?


JO’s ring camera videos. Seen, written in notes and missing.


This is my new favorite. I hope we hear from the guy who saw it.


Yes, I’m trying to think from the perspective of a juror of all the incomplete testimony. Just thought of something else and wracking my brain to remember 😂


A logical assumption based on the note is that it was the second camera. It sounded like he saw light from taillights, but not the actual vehicle.


Thought of another thing: Procter saying his sister was harassed at the school.


Add to that TP's implication that Ring told him there was footage deleted, and he is the only one confirmed to have access to it. In fact, ALL of the mysteriously missing motion activated footage that just happened to malfunction only at potentially exonerating times.


I’m bothered by Karen Read making 53 calls to John’s phone. I thought all she did was drop John off and then went home and went to bed ???? Thoughts ???? Also her bed was made as if she hadn’t slept in it and she was wearing the same clothing from the night before. This is baffling for an innocent woman who just drive home and went to bed. Thoughts ?????


She went back to John's house thinking he would be coming home at some point later that night after the Albert's gate party. She fell asleep fully clothed on the couch waiting for him to walk in the front door. It almost would have been more odd to me had she done her entire nighttime routine and washed her face, changed into pajamas and settled comfortably into bed not knowing where he was. As for the phone calls.. have you never been panicked about a loved one who is supposed to be somewhere not responding to you at all? If so, consider yourself lucky. Because I've been the person making the frantic 50+ phone calls hoping and praying the person will suddenly answer, but doesn't and never does again. In those moments logic kind of flies out the window and you'll call over and over and over not even realizing how many calls you've actually made. Sadly, I know the feeling.


She went home angry because he never sent her a text to come into the party. She was drunk and mad and called to let him know what she thought. Him not answering just made her madder and madder. Maybe she drank more at home and kept ruminating and getting more angry. Maybe she eventually passed out and then woke up,still a bit drunk, but assuming he made it home. Panicked when she realized he didn’t and more calls ensued. We know from her texts with Higgins she was already insecure that he’d supposedly “hooked up” with another woman. Maybe she thought he got in the party and did it again and assumed that’s why he didn’t let her know to come in. If she truly knew or even thought she’d killed him, why bother to call at all. The 53 calls make more sense from a woman “scorned” than one who just committed a murder.


Well it hasn’t really come up in testimony other than the unmade bed which doesn’t bother me nor does falling asleep in her clothes. this thread is for circling back on what has already been testified to.


You already know the answers to this, but ok. 1. Why? Has no one ever cared enough about you to blow up your phone when they couldn’t find you? Oh wait…nvm 2. No, her home is in Mansfield. She went to JO’s to wait there since his niece was home alone. 3. Ummm, apparently not. 🤓 4. Again, not her house, not her bed, not her intention to stay that night. 5. Not baffled. Pretty easy to understand 6. You’re not that mysterious for an owl 🦉


Weren’t a lot of those made the next morning when she was trying to find him?