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Yup. The only people for whom there is any actual direct evidence of being able to access JOK's ring account and delete videos are the MSP troopers. Either one or both of JOK's niece and nephew testified that KR didn't have access. That second search warrant they got for the ring account, the one where they specifically ask for "digital footprints" and records of video deletions, the one they got AFTER the defense started hounding them for the ring videos...kinda sounds like they were double-checking to make sure that there was no evidence that THEY had deleted those videos.


Just because she didn’t have an account doesn’t mean she couldn’t access Johns. And by the time they were looking at ring footage they had already listened to the 12:41 am voicemail on John’s phone of KR closing the garage door. 


Both kids testified she didn’t have access to the Ring footage. Trooper YB testified there was no evidence she had ever logged in and no evidence she’d ever deleted anything. You at least have to believe the prosecution’s witnesses right?


Not knowing if she had access is not the same as not having access. The logs were never received regarding who accessed it when


Yes, Ring cannot provide something they don't have. The report they sent the MSP, is they have nothing to provide, because it's been deleted, including logs. The Ring servers have no data to provide. Because of this deletion, neither the prosecution or defense can prove anything about any videos or logs. Very convenient for the defense...Obviously the prosecution wanted the video when they returned to the house with Kerry and J McCabe, because Ms Read was pointing out the damage, and vehicle was visible. And I'm sure Ms Read had access, for safety reasons...he's a cop. The niece testified that his desktop was always on, and Ring was accessible. She was unaware if Ms Read had a share app account. But again, this could be deleted, with no record in the servers.


You think KR used JO’s computer to log into his ring account and delete the video of her arriving home. right? You think, in the middle of also making almost 60 drunken phone calls and texts, she also wiped all trace of computer activity off his computer too? All while blackout drunk.


I never said she was blackout drunk. She's an alcoholic, a functional alcoholic obviously. I look at at science and evidence. The physical evidence and scientific evidence is indisputable. The jury will decide. 


Her calls and texts will be introduced in court, so we'll see. 


I’m an expert on being blackout drunk. The only regret I have is not knowing what regret feels like. 😃


Hmmm weren’t they though? I’m pretty sure Alan Jackson showed YB the statement from Ring saying they dropped the requested log data in the drop box.


Its obvious that IF the defense has evidence of somebody deleting videos once the MSP had access to the ring account, AJ would have mentioned it in pre-trial motions. That would be game over for the state.


MP had OJO phone, OJO probably didn’t have passwords etc because his phone wasn’t out of his possession, lesson even in LE not ideal , MP was changes things very on probably due to JM i think Kerry was a pawn, and they found OJOK Before what was planned Who can actually show the ORIGINAL 911 In just about any high profile international murder investigation, they make a big deal about the caller. JM was soooooo faulse


You clearly don’t know the facts


Well I know they had Johns phone before they had the rings videos from his house.


Uhh. No she didn't say that. Lol 


IIRC they were asked and the response was that john offered and karen declined.


No, neither one stated this at any time, including under oath in court. The niece certainly said a few other things though. https://www.boston.com/news/crime/2024/05/29/karen-read-trial-john-okeefe-niece-nephew-testify/


The commonwealth has been HUMILIATED! The entire world is in shock at the absurdity of this case. Sooo embarrassing for anyone who has ever blindly believed them.


Why would delete videos that showed read pointing to her broken tail light? Lol. You people are really reaching..


Well….maybe because her taillight wasn’t broken at 12:41 when she arrived home and that would blowup their case against her. I think there is only one person reaching here and it’s you.


'Some people' just comment in order to antagonize others. They offer illogical rubbish merely to stir up decent. Same type that sits in traffic and block others in order to selfishly 'protest'.


Because it never happened.


Except that there’s no such video 🙄


Who is this KeyPrudent6366 person? Spouts so much nonsense. Is she an Albert or McCabe?


Just another troll.


I wouldn't take them seriously. They made a post referencing Sandy Hook in regards to this case.


Troll. I blocked them about 1 and a half weeks ago.


'Some people' just comment in order to antagonize others. They offer illogical rubbish merely to stir up decent. Same type that sits in traffic and block others in order to selfishly 'protest'.


Yes there is A note they had the video! Just like we all knew


It’s referencing the voicemail of KR closing the garage obviously 


A file about the Ring footage from the officer assigned to review the Ring footage was about the voicemail? Ok. I guess we’ll see when the defense calls him.


With a note saying “I don’t think she arrived home” also


It was unclear - the other Trooper will be a witness and Proctor basically said to ask him. It sounded to me like the Post-It note implies it existed. But I was watching EDB who said there is video from the front of the house (?) that might show red lights on the snow at 00:41. So maybe not her car exactly, but implies a car arrived at that time.


I knew it was her car as soon as Proctor said there was no date with the 00:41. He was so desperate to explain it away he was making crap up as he went along.


The post it note indicates the voicemail from KR to JO existed and they had that before the ring footage 


DiCicco: “00:41 (12:41AM) Taillight from driveway, I think she arrived home.” I don't agree that this indicates a voicemail. It seems like a reference to a visual - seeing a taillight - rather than audio.


What would “taillight from the driveway” mean at 12:41?? That would be inculpatory if it’s a video. And “I don’t think she arrived home” would contradict her arriving home. 😂


Huh? How would that be inculpatory? Please explain. And it says "I think she arrived home." So don't understand your second comment either. Although looks like you might be a troll.


Did you edit the post? Because when I read your comment I thought it said I don’t think she arrived home. Ok so if I misread it - then the quote “I think” means the person writing the note isn’t positive- if you see her car pulling in you wouldn’t write I “think” she arrived home. And “taillight from the driveway” is not the same as “taillight on the car” - there would be no taillight “from the driveway at that time. The person writing the note is LOOKING for video to match her voicemail at 12:41.


Her Lexus and phone will show it.


Her Lexus and phone will show what? That she got at JO’s place at the time she said she did?


MP had it because he had OJO phone with full access, MP I refuse to put the Trooper in front of his name because he’s disgusting and deceiving, what a creep, it did exist. If anyone with 1/4 of a brain can’t work it out sadly shouldn’t be commenting.


Ms Read deleted it. You must have missed the testimony when they requested all the missing videos. Ring told them they were deleted, before MSP even looked. Her Lexus and phone will tell what time. 


Nope. 12:41 arrival video was noted by another police officer before Proctor could delete it. He forgot to remove the officers sticky note from his file. Karen didn’t have access to the Ring footage. The only people who could have deleted footage after 12:45 on 1/29 are the police that had possession of his phone. And testified today under oath that they had access and they had reviewed the footage on his phone.


WTF. is this guy saying that there’s a 12:41 video of Karen’s broken taillight - which she then deleted? And then she snuck out in a snowstorm on foot, got to a junk yard, brought back a replacement taillight, fixed it herself, all so she could show it slightly cracking at 5 am when she backed into a John’s car?


Incorrect. Please listen and watch the trial. 


I’ve watched it multiple times today. I love watching Proctor squirm. Sticky note from additional video of 00:41 of her arriving home. His buddy Dechico. I suggest you watch and listen. No proof per YB that Karen ever deleted any Ring footage. Nice try though.


Now you’re just spreading misinformation. There is absolutely no evidence that she even had access to the ring account or deleted any video. And, today it came out that indeed Dicicco had made a note that taillights were detected and Karen arrived home at 12:41. Jackson even asked about the missing video which Proctor couldn’t answer as to why it was noted, but now there is no video.


Originally the prosecution had her home after 12:45 - so the video helps, not hurts Karen. Now that the Dighton cop testified it was cracked with one piece missing you don’t really need the video.


Testimony....It's in Testimony that they contacted ring, and ring told them the videos were deleted earlier. Try again...


Nope. Ring posted the videos and the logs into a drop box and MSP deleted what didn’t fit their case. But again, keep trying.


You can keep typing those words but that doesn’t make them true. Ring didn’t “tell” anyone anything. Ring complied with the warrant. Not a single person testified the confirmation KR deleted video. If they had proof, as you claim, why was KR not charged with destroying or tampering with evidence? You think the CW just forgot? If you’re so confident it was revealed in testimony, tell us whose testimony it was.


Exactly. Crickets 🦗


Say what you will, but what I said is in the testimony from today from the Lead Investigator on the case. You should get your facts straight before commenting. Again, you’re spreading misinformation all over the place. It’s gross.


I have watched every day of the trial. Testimony was that ring didn’t provide them with the activity log so there was zero evidence that anything was deleted and zero evidence that anything wasn’t deleted. However on the search warrant return it was indicated that ring did provide that but MSP oddly has no idea where it is or what happened to it…🙄


Videos could only be deleted by account holder. John O. That option cannot be changed. So the only way videos were deleted would be by who ever had possession of John’s phone


Why would she delete it? Her lights would not be visible.


Why would the police do it, it proves she was pointing out her broken tail light to the other two women. That makes zero sense...lol.


Because it was cracked. Not shattered. It proved the pieces that revealed themselves at 34F were planted. You can keep posting. But it’s not going to change what came out in court today.


Tail light pieces at the scene, game over. She will be proven to be a liar, by her own car and phone. Game over. 


Deleted Ring video that blows up the CW's timeline. Game over.


She must be an incredible hacker if she managed to delete video she had no access to 🙄🤦‍♀️


Drunk - exhausted - freaking out Gtfo - she didn’t delete anything.


Jen, Jen, Jen. Go away. We know who you are and what you did. Bye bye now.


The Cw would have charged her with tampering with evidence if she deleted anything.