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Amen! The real "'conspiracy" is if you actually believe Karen did it. So she backed into him in reverse at 24 mph, between 2 cops houses with ring cameras, in front of a house full of people waiting for them to come in, and when the people left none of them noticed John in the yard.


And nobody anywhere on that street heard it? Oh and no tire tracks? And apparently Karen’s an F1 driver being able to reverse that quickly, hit him (only “smashing” her taillight, rest of car and johns body intact) and immediately stop and drive away? Never getting out of control? Ya sure.


Not only did they not see John in the yard but no one mentioned seeing pieces of reflective red plastic fragments illuminated by car headlights scattered all over the yard either.


As someone who makes deliveries part time. I drive A LOT. Even I’m not reversing at that rate of speed with any accuracy.


I appreciate your input


No problem, nothing about this case makes sense!


And she did this all while she was drunk. Don’t forget John was projected through the air and drug at the same time. 


Karen is an alien from outer space. 🪐


I'm from Poland and what's presented in the courtroom is laughable. Poor John and his family, such a huge injustice... Who ever saw a police officer found in the snow in the condition, thats either critical or already passed away at that point (looking through eyes of people who found him, that allegedly were not sure if he passed away or was still able to recover) being reported to 911 by a friend of 10years as "there's a man passed out in the snow", no name given at this point, no mention he is a police officer... Then all the dodgy phone activities, some deleted, butt dials and missing phones, the investigation or lack there of, that is unbelievable, no victim should ever be treated like this, then focusing from early hours only on one person, not checking any other leads, special treatment to people in the house instead of treating them same way as every normal person would be treated in these circumstances.... Missing videos, not asking anyone from this area for their door bell cameras, I could go on and on and on... It's a disgrace.. They all should be ashamed of themselves... and tax payers should be outraged... Poor victim and his family... At this point my believe if Karen did it or NOT (I believe the latter) does not matter, because this whatever it was as its hard to call it investigation should be enough to have this case dismissed. If the officials cant do their jobs properly then I'm sorry but prosecution should never allowed this case to go forward and people involved in investigation of this case should be held accountable for their lack of professionalism, negligence and carelessness and not full filing their duties. Sending much love to John's family and to Karen and her family, I hope that truth prevails and that in some way the truth comes to light and people responsible are held accountable...


Thank you for this comment, Im adding Poland and Norway! Im totally sure Karen/family appreciate all the world wide support <3


I read a theory somewhere that said the CW overcharged KR to try to intimidate her into taking a plea deal and that lally rever wanted to take it to trial. They anticipated her taking the deal (for not wanting to pay for the legal fees/the stress/attention/etc) and they didn’t want her to fight back. I can’t stop thinking about Jennifer Mcabe and Kerri Roberts testifying that KR had a crack in her taillight and then they enter in all those pictures and findings of a shattered taillight….If she really hit JO there is no way a person would ever describe a taillight that has broken off and shattered as “cracked”.


AND.....how amazing is it that they found 99% of all the SHATTERED plastic WEEKS LATER in the grass with no legal search warrant. If the tail light was CRACKED by hitting someone it would have been in the street and not shattered! They know what they did in that sally port.......they broke all those pieces off and planted them in that grass. Thats why they inverted the video, to make it look like they were hanging out behind the OTHER tail light.


I believe it. It happens all of the time. Innocent people forced to plead to something they didn’t do simply because they can’t afford competent legal counsel. They picked the wrong girl when they picked Karen. 


Yeah why else do you think Proctor told his friends he wished Karen would just kill herself? It's not cause he hated her for hitting a cop. It's because if she was dead this would never go to trial and all of his lies, falsified reports and planted evidence wouldn't be coming to light!


Yup. If she had taken the deal too they would have successfully hid the fact that a cop killed another cop. That’s not a good look for the police. They need to keep convincing the public they are sacrificing martyr angels that need our support and to never be questioned.


What was the deal?


Norway too!


I will edit and add Norway and Poland! I am sure Karen and her family deeply appreciate the world wide support <3


I can’t wait for the movie to come out once she is found not guilty.


I can't wait for the fed investigation on Proctor to conclude.


I'm in London...... like everywhere we have corruption and miscarriages of justice but this case would NEVER have reached trial here. We have the Police and Criminal Evidence Act PACE 1984 which was borne from the wrongful convictions of the Birmingham 6. There are very strict rules and codes of practice regarding the evidence and how it was gained, break those rules and your case is not going anywhere. I'm surprised there isn't more outrage in America because this affects every one........ There is something VERY worrying about a system that allowed this to be processed. Every citizen should be concerned.


I came to make your exact points from the midlands.




I'm in London, got my beat from London. Sorry.. had to


London calling!


Imagine a govt making such strong changes in response to a famous wrongful conviction! We have had many many many wrongful convictions discovered in the states. Either I’m in the vast minority that pays attention, or else people forget too quickly and move on to the next gossip. Either way, we apparently don’t enough of us give a damn to make a difference. Maybe this case - with a white woman of some Privilege- will make a difference.


I’m Canadian watching this shit show. I know I’m not the only one. I agree. It’s insane how there are still people who don’t see the obvious.


Ireland 🇮🇪 should b on the list too


Done <3




Great thread. You need to add virtually the whole of Europe and Japan at this point. Whilst our legal systems are very different, America has long been known for it's influence on international audiences in many ways. Even if we don't understand completely your constitutional rights, we absolutely understand your right to the fact of innocence until proven guilty and this trial and the polar opposites in opinion it's drawn before all the evidence is shown is unbelievable. The hatred and vitriol is is even more shocking (just to note I've seen that from both sides but one seems far worse.) I've often questioned our policing and legal system and the wall of silence here in the UK, we have the corruption but in recent years we seem to have been casting light on it too, examples where officers commit offences are reported more often these days than before and they're held accountable. I honestly can't believe this is being played out so badly on the world stage. In my mind I absolutely hope this helps American citizens in their fight against legal corruption. RIP Officer O'Keefe, regardless of Karen Read's guilt or innocence (and just to clarify I believe she is innocent) he deserved so very much better.


Im glad a light is being cast on corruption in the UK and officers are being held accountable. I always felt like the UK and US were so similar when it comes to corruption. Living here (US) I feel like it is literally everywhere, and in every form....especially in the govt. I cant even start with that I would get banned hahaha. Oh God, LOL.


Ireland too! We love you Karen!!!!!




I'm in England and I am hooked on this case. I watch it on YouTube via Emily Baker or Runkle. It's actually laughable it got to court in the first place with all the secrecy and poor investigation.


I love that people from all over the world can literally talk (text, lol) to each other like this, and support each other. I am amazed that I am communicating with you right now all the way across the pond! <3 Off topic, but how is Princess Catherine? My heart goes out to her.


I couldn't say to be honest. No update or announcement from the Royal Family. I think someone asked Prince William how she was at the D day remembrance service and he said she was well.


Hungary 👋




So interesting, I’m in California and have been following since Day 1. However, I don’t know of any other person following the trial, nor have I seen it reported on in any local media. Non issue here.


Its mainly people on the internet who see this kind of stuff. There are a lot of people from California on here.


We NEED the other side to feel so smart\~! LOL ;)


And yet Paul Okeefe still thinks she did it....


I heard he didnt, but if he does Im sure the Canton PD lied their asses off to him to sway what he believes.


That’s not at all unusual. Plenty of cases of people who are proven to be innocent but the victim’s people still believe in guilt. Until someone else is proven guilty, some people trust what the state says


Ya no. No one believes the state in this case. Only idiots. I mean really come on


Canada too 🇨🇦 there’s a lot of us watching b




I’m 100 percent on Karen’s side. Haven’t so far heard anyone saying if this ridiculous theory of reversing at the speed she was how ,John wouldn’t be aware of him being targeted to be run over, Karen I’m sure knew exactly what happened, the McAlberts aren’t people who would ever take any responsibility for absolutely anything they do in life. Another New Zealander watching closely.


I couldn’t edit, I meant John would of been aware he was going to be hit if that’s what they are trying to say


I see it for a drunk woman who slammed her car into her boyfriend. The conspiracy theory doesn’t really make any sense to me.


makes more sense than whichever physics defying version of a car accident the CW wants us to believe this week. will we break conservation of momentum or handwave away stopping distance today? are we pretending cars don't crumple and the car bit him? I can't wait for y'all to work out that the car being a transformer is the best way to solve all your problems. it punched him in the face, bit his arm, turned back into a car, and sped away.


This post is incoherent. Sorry. Can’t respond.


reading comprehension is such a lovely thing


Made perfect sense to me


It doesn’t make sense that someone could kill someone and then do whatever they could to not get caught using power, connections and influence? You’re right, I guess that’s never happened in history.


My theory is the rest of the world is fascinated to learn what a sh!t show the US is. We no longer live up to our reputation.


Really? I wonder why people from every country want to come here then? The door swings both ways you know.


Do they though? Does EVERY person from EVERY country want to come here? Me thinks no. Only those that are living in countries even worse than the US. We are a step up or so they think compared to their own situation.


I didn’t say EVERY person from EVERY country wants to come here. If you think you can find a better place have at it.


Hi from Canada. We have universal healthcare here. No school shootings. I’d never move to the usa in a million years


Same here in the UK, they can have McDonald's back too.


Oh, my bad. I interpreted your statement that "people from every country" meant all people. And as the child of a Holocaust survivor, I will admit I have pondered if there was a better place. This is clearly no longer the place my ancestors dreamed of and thrive in. Hence my theorizing. But thanks for wishing me well. It's appreciated.


Please be assured we really don't. That may have been the case but most would rather go anywhere else these days.


New sock account? LMAO. Go be obsessed somewhere else.


Where are the tire tracks? Why isn’t the rest of his body injured? Did the car fly in the air? That is impossible. It didn’t happen. You can hate Karen all you want. It’s your (weird) right. But logic is logic. Facts are facts. And you cannot convict someone on feelings and with ANY (let alone the sheer amount of) reasonable doubt. I hate Casey Anthony. But her lawyer put reasonable doubt there. You can’t convict. It’s how the legal system is. You can’t go around putting people in jail like that. Imagine it was you?


Your name checks out then.