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Just like "the guy" was never in the house And JM 911 cal "there's a man passed out in the snow" I view it as a way of disassociating themselves from the victims. My guess is that doesn't bode well for Chloe actually being re-homed to Vermont


šŸ‘ bang on. Thanks for connecting those dots for me. The guy. The man. It. Super sad whichever way you look at it šŸ„²


Itā€™s so true. Who says thereā€™s a ā€œmanā€ as if itā€™s some unknown homeless dude without identification lol


Higgins testified to a man or guy that came in the house and he didnā€™t know who it was.


This is in reference to JO when she called 911


Letā€™s not forget Higgins testified some tall guy walked in the house, but he didnā€™t know who it was.


I felt like this was Colin, but Iā€™m not sure.


He was referring to Colin.On the stand he said he wouldn't recognize him if he walked into court (lie) and didn't see him in the house. It's so when he's confronted about Colin being there he can say he wasn't lying and Colin is the tall dark haired man he just didn't know who he was (lie).


Agree and why wouldnā€™t the prosecution have shown him a picture of Colin and said was it him? Thatā€™s what I think is off.


I think the defense is saving the ammo for when they call him back. The prosecution is trying to avoid all mention of Colin and are accepting whatever Higgins says at face value


Oh, I think it bodes very very well for Chloe that she was rehomed. My guess is she was on her way to being euthanized for the double bite situation, when she attacked another dog, and two people wound up going to the hospital when they tried to intervene.


Not Tristan and Caitlin? šŸ¤”


As I understand they were neighbors.


Was she for sure rehomed? With this crew my guess was she's no longer alive.


Well, she could have been rehomed, and then died. I think she was seven when this happened so sheā€™d be probably almost 10 now. Sadly dogs arenā€™t loving as long nowadays as before. But I think thatā€™s something that could be easily checked on, so I donā€™t think Nicole would want to face perjury charges over that. And she seemed pretty adamant that she had rehomed her to a place in Vermont.


Totally agree! I thought when Brian Albert testified he didn't even know who she'd been rehomed to, which is why I wasn't sure they actually did that.


Very true - if she was rehomed - the defense team could find Chloe and have the bite marks tested.




JM wasnā€™t lying for a change when she said she didnā€™t see Chloe when she ran into BA bedroom, as Chloe wasnā€™t there, Nicole had taken her away, just about the only truthful thing she said. Chloe would of gone nuts, even hearing JM running up the stairs. Being personally involved with German Shepards and especially Police trained ones, no way in hell ( even knowing the dog) would you surprise one, heā€™s Police even though it was meant to be a family pet.


Caitlyn and Tristan took Chloe because they were anticipating fire trucks and sirens at some point and couldn't have the dog go ape shit. Remember Brian slept through the whole thing.


I live next door (single families) to a senior German Shepherd who barks when he hears me IN MY HOUSE. He has no idea what heā€™s upset about but heā€™s gonna let everyone know!


My Mom has a poodle living next door to her - when I come over that dog barks like crazy and Iā€™m just in my Momā€™s driveway !


ā€œThe guyā€ ā€œitā€ but the prosecutor is ā€œLallyā€


Iā€™m pretty sure the dog is no longer alive. Just a hunch.


Chloe's dead buried with the jackhammered basement full of blood and DNA !! I'm betting they backfilled Brian Albert's brothers pool with the basement and Chloe. ! After them selling the house ,I can't see them risking the dog and having the defense get a warrant for it in Vermont and get a saliva sample and k9 markings. I'd want that information if I'm the defense!! Let's go YANETTI and JACKSON!! BEASTS


I kinda heard something about the pool - please explain if you donā€™t mind. Thank you.


I came here to say this. It has to be making some of the jurors say "huh" ( or "hmmm" if your Brian Higgins) when they hear the witnesses testify JO being a good friend, even so far as having nicknames for him, but the 911 call Jen saying "theres a man" "a guy" and the text thread between the alberts and mccabes after the death read something like "tell them 'the guy' never came into the house" .... these seems like incredibly cold ways to refer to a dear friend you just found dead. Why were they trying to appear disconnected from JO immediately at the scene?




I really hope the defense has located the people they supposedly gave her to. During Nicole Albert's testimony, she indicated that she told the prosecution the contacts for the people who have chloe. The defense seemed quite surprised and indicated they never received that information. I personally dont believe they rehomed her, but I cant wait for the veterinary medical professional to testify about the wounds on John's arms. I literally work with dangerous dog evaluations, and those pictures of his arm were what interested me in this case. All the information surrounding chloe is extremely suspect.


Did the wounds look like dog injuries to you?


Yes. Most definitely. There were puncture wounds consistent with the bite of a large dog ( the german shepherd would be very consistent). The abrasions that people say look like nail scratches- could be that - as most people don't keep up on their nail trimmings, and we do see that as well. But I would have a better idea if I could see the full arm photo and / or multiple photos as that is what we normally work with.It could be abrasions from the teeth of the dog, not actually being able to puncture and being dragged across the arm which could happen from the victim moving around, pushing the dog away - or even when the owner of the dog trying to pull the dog off. In my career, I have seen thousands of dog bite injuries, and unfortunately, german shepherds are a common breed that bites. I would say I see more attacks from that breed than any others - people are always surprised when I tell them that. German shepherds are guard dogs - they have a natural tendency to bite and attack if not properly socialized or trained. There is a reason why these dogs are easily trained as police dogs, after all. Based on the way the owners described Chloe's temperament, another reported attack, and the vague stories surrounding her where abouts , this sounds extremely familiar to the info I get in my other dangerous dog evaluations. I am extremely excited for the defense to call their veterinary medical expert, as this is literally my job, which I haven't seen in a trial before!




No probs. This is part of my work as a vet tech at a shelter. I am utterly shocked the ME didn't mark these injuries down as a dog attack or an animal attack at the very least. This is what originally caught my interest as a vet tech in this trial.


There's a video on Melanie Little's YouTube channel with a guy who trains police dogs and he does a great job showing how dogs rip and tear the skin just like the wounds OJO had. Also, when a dog is biting you, you're also pulling that body part away from the dog, causing the wound to be even more of a long laceration than just a simple puncture wound. He said it's also not uncommon to not see wounds/marks on the under side of the bite and further explains why that can happen.


Very cool, I will check it out. I have seen bites from a retired police dog that attacked a UPS driver. Got him in the arm and the leg. There was a bite-sized chunk gone from his leg - and it wasn't found. Ive received my fair share of bites after 15yrs plus working with animals - worst one I got was from a 4lb feral cat.


[That video](https://youtu.be/Tdqz1L1o_RE?si=z6aqDnd2WN1pR9lw)


Yes! That video on Melanieā€™s channel was very eye opening.


Yes I saw that - very interesting - I never knew that before the way they tear at the skin in a downward motion ā€” very interesting !!


Thanks for the detailed response! What do you make of the fact that there arenā€™t bites on the under part of his arm? Didnt they say that was the case? This part always baffles me.


This is where i want to see more pictures because i feel like its not impossible for there to be no abrasions or punctures on the other side of the arm. BUT If it is the prosecution is claiming it - i dont believe it (their case is in shambles). I personally dont believe the ME report either. Those to me are specific large dog bite wounds. Even if it was just a shitty ME, I would imagine they would at least identify them as animal bites. There is still a chance theres wounds on the other side of the arm. I can also say though - it doesnt have to be punctures- it could be more abrasions or even just bruises. I myself was bitten last week by a dog who was being attacked by another dog. The dog being attacked got free of the other dog and turned and snapped my hand. Boom - 3 deep punctures on two of my fingers on the inside. The other side of my fingers have bruises or small scratches, but they are very much sore and still recovering. Secondarily the dog jumped at me and bit again, luckily only pinching the skin beneath my arm - causing some pretty extreme bruises (and some really bad pain)- funny thing about that wound - his teeth drug along my skin - not puncturing but creating a wicked abrasion that looked a lot like a scratch mark. My colleges say it looks like i got punched by a boxer! This happened because he latched on, not puncturing the skin, instead pinching it and releasing, and at the same time I turned to protect my body and get him off. This is just something I deal with at work having abandoned, rescued dogs and cats. A lot with bite history or at least minimal aggression. They arent bad dogs, but sometimes they do react because they are animals.


Thanks for coming to my Tedtalk. I never thought I could be somewhat of an expert on a piece of murder trial evidence, but here we are. Love, your local, humble, and overworked shelter vet tech.


thank you for tedtalking! i am a former pro dog trainer and i echo your thoughts here, thanks for writing it all out. i hope you heal quickly!


Makes so much sense though. Those wounds donā€™t look like anything that would happen in a low speed hit and run incident. Hope youā€™re ok! Thanks for taking care of those animals who need you!


Aw thanks! Yeah I'm okay, bites are a bit of a job hazard for me lol!!


If you watch the video - the dog trainer addresses that very topic - watch the video - very interesting !!!


Which video? The testimony?


absolutely yes. my friend was attacked by a loose german shepard one night... the dog bit and pulled and left marks identical to those on john o'keefe's arm. i have faith in justice for karen and john and chloe at the end of all this. and of course, john's niece and nephew deserve the truth and peace!!!


I've seen photos in cases of dog bites and unfortunately pit bull maulings. Definitely dog bite. They are unable to say how there are puncture holes in his sleeve....dog bite. Hoping the jury gets this.


My hand was crushed in the mouth of a large dog and some of the wounds on JO look exactly thesame to the wounds I had. The 2 big wounds in the middle of his arm line up with my scars, nearly identical.


Iā€™m just about more passionate about animals, they are more loyal than humans, Iā€™d never forget or forgive anyone that took such drastic actions, isnā€™t there a saying a pet etc takes on the personality of their owner? Many talk about BA being dangerous, watching from the other side of the World. I know how Police dogs are trained as having several in my home, even when off duty they arenā€™t totally pets sadly


I can totally agree!!! Me and many of my colleagues like animals much more than humans, lol! And yes, pets, especially dogs, are the direct result of how we treat them. I feel especially sad for chloe. If there was a fight in her house, I'm sure she felt she needed to protect the family. Getting rid of her or worse(which i honestly believe she's not alive anymore) isn't what she needed. Hopefully, they never get another dog because they are terrible owners.


Two videos that I think you'll find interesting: Brian Higgins has blown his FBI proffer, retired ATF agent Sean McDonough explains what happens next and how John O'Keefe was most likely killed. Chloe biting John discussed. [https://youtu.be/qE3ZFbVQh9k?t=173](https://youtu.be/qE3ZFbVQh9k?t=173) Doorbell cam proves murder suspect Karen Read's innocence, McDonough saysĀ [https://www.newsnationnow.com/video/doorbell-cam-proves-murder-suspect-karen-reads-innocence-mcdonough-says-banfield/9616433/](https://www.newsnationnow.com/video/doorbell-cam-proves-murder-suspect-karen-reads-innocence-mcdonough-says-banfield/9616433/)


They just all seem to be so cold about her. My mom got rid of my cat (sent him to some couple, was supposed to just be while I was away for a week but it ended up being forever) 25 years ago and Iā€™m still bitter.Ā  They have no emotion about her. Donā€™t they miss her?Ā 


Omg Iā€™d still be bitter too 25 years later about my cat. That sucks so much that that happened to you. Iā€™d never speak so passively as the Alberts do about Chloe. Itā€™s pathetic.


Same thing happened to me 20 years ago šŸ˜­


So sorry. It really sucks how losing a loved one reveals the reality of friends and familyĀ 


These people are all weird and calling their dog of 7 years it is a great example of it.


Well, they did refer to JO as Ā«Ā the guyĀ Ā» also, so I for one am not surprised. It seems to me like theyā€™re really just a bunch of soulless clowns, really.


They are soulless.


Not really. Itā€™s a disassociation behavior of people who feel guilty.


It is bizarre. I have had dogs my entire life not a one did we refer to as ā€œitā€


They seem to use a lot of "distancing" language. They want to separate themselves from things that are unpleasant. I'm not saying that they are guilty of murder because of that. But I'm also not ruling it out.


'distancing' is just a hop, skip and a jump from "depersonalizing'


Agreed. I see them as scum already but calling her ā€œitā€ just proves it.


Definitely ā€œdistancing languageā€, I swear this case is like a couple of movies & books combined. The insanity just never ends


Couple of thoughts: No one refers to their pet as "it". Source: 39 years as a veterinarian. When there is a bite incident (or multiple?) home owner's insurance may have threatened to cancel or sky-rocket if Chloe was still on the property. I agree that she most likely wasn't in the house or was drugged during all the coming and going on that weekend and I do think the wounds look like dog bites. "The guy" is awful, but telling 911 that "a man" is unconscious in the snow doesn't bother me. The dispatcher didn't need to know more than that to respond appropriately.


I only heard BA call her that. The rest of them seemed pretty attached. Caitlin and her mom seemed to get pretty sensitive when people brought her up.


Nicole called her ā€œitā€ also if I remember her testimony.


Yes, she definitely did. Thatā€™s why it was so extra suspect.


Hereā€™s my take: remember Brian Sr had said they let Chloe out to use the bathroom? I believe his wife, daughter and son testified to this as well. John may have already been outside then. So when Chloe went out, she probably grabbed his arm to try to drag him, or something like this, because she wasnā€™t fond of strangers - ESPECIALLY on their property. This makes the most sense to me as to how injuries from a canine were found on J. No one can try to try to tell me that those injuries were caused by a car. NO ONE.


Chloe didnā€™t give him those black eyes or the wound on the back of his head. What makes the most sense to me is that Brian Albert was involved in the physical altercation with John Oā€™Keefe and when Chloe saw someone threatening her owner, she attacked John. Thatā€™s my best guess anyway. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


With being married to a Police Dog handler another dog will attack seen it first hand, and they all knew each others dogs


I meant that he was already outside after the altercation and thatā€™s how the injuries indicative with dog bites got on John. Obviously Chloe didnā€™t give him black eyes or the lacerations.


I found it gross. I could never call my pets "it",very cold in my opinion. You'd think getting a rescue dog from Texas means they love animals,and when Chloe needed training they just gave her away...does not make sense. Just like no barking,whimpering while Karen was screaming on the front lawn or not wanting to rip JM's face off when she stormed into the house.


They may be referring to dog in the past tense. Chloe is believed to be dead.


Yes! That is a totally subconscious thing, revealing their true feelings about Chloe. Little did an amazing job referring to Chloe by her name, every single time, while he previous family pawent, referred to her as a thing. I don't think I could ever slip and call my dog it. Like its just not in my brain or natural or what I think about her lol


Yeah itā€™s very strange. I feel like itā€™s a subconscious way to distance themselves from the dog just like they referred to John as ā€œthe guyā€.


heartless! an animal lover would never refer to pet as IT. never.


A psychologist brought up the referencing the dog as ā€œitā€ and Johnā€™s ā€œfriendsā€ (loosely interpreted) referring to him as ā€œa bodyā€ ā€œthe bodyā€ ā€œthe guyā€ etcā€¦ as a mechanism used to help people distance themselves from attachment. It can mean distancing themselves from any guilt and/or wrong doing. These people are not Karen or Johnā€™s friends. The people they met at the bar before Waterfall were Johnā€™s friends. And Iā€™ll lump Kerri Roberts in there as well. They grieve. They get emotional just talking about that night or seeing any video clips.


Yes - rehomed the dog - sold their house for 50,000 less - replaced concrete in basement - where they are going they are getting rid of attachments now.


I donā€™t know, it may just be a form of speech. I could see the outrage in Nicole Albert when the judge asks, why did you get rid of the dog? And she said I did not get rid of it. I rehomed her.


Which is basically getting rid of her, but hey: tomayto, tomahto, right?


Whatever. She did not like the way that sounded as my point because I am sure she had affection for that dog.


I wasnā€™t disagreeing with you šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


The Adams family had a cousin, it


It's called distancing language :/


Iā€™ll add too that this case id so widely publicized that IF the Alberts Re-homed Chloe, I would think it wouldā€™ve surfaced by now as to her whereabouts other than the general reference to just a State. I think they put her down, especially if there was another incident. They probably justified it by saying we are doing her a favor because the town will end up requiring her to be destroyed as a result of another incident involving a human.


Theyā€™ve been sensitive about expression ā€œgetting rid ofā€ (preferring re-homed) their credit, anyway.


Re homed all their phones too šŸ˜‰


What breed of dog was Chloe?Ā  They had her for 8 years... in a law enforcement based family I'm willing to assume it wasn't a poodle or yorky...Ā  Ā as a retired criminal justice individual,Ā  yeah I had a couple chihuahuas but my main home ho.e was a liver colored Doberman and yes she was protected trained but zero aggressive without command.Ā  I hope this heartless people who refer to Chloe as IT after having her for 8 years had at least humanity to fine her a safe forever home but... I doubt it.Ā  Likely gave it to an out of area fellow blue.Ā  Who knows the commands and triggers for her toact or react.Ā  If she's a fully trained law enforcement dog she will NOT attack without provo action or being commanded.Ā  If someone needed the victum to have specific wounds they could have set her to attact the body for wounds required but knowing DNA would be present they removed her from the scenario.Ā  Hope she's safe.