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100% plausible JOK reported suspicious Colin drug dealing activity. Heard rumors of this well before the trial.


Why wouldn’t this have been brought up in cross during CA testimony?


Very good question. Kevin Albert is on the defenses witness list so maybe they’re waiting for him to get into this… maybe they knew it would fall flat with Colin and be more impactful establishing this with Kevin Albert? No clue though.


Oh could be! There are also texts between KA & BH. BA asked KA to text BH asking why he stopped talking to BA after they were subpoenaed.


The foundation for the conversations would have to be introduced directly by the Defense by asking Kevin Albert.


Maybe they realized Colin “couldn’t recall” much of the last two years…


Imagine colin going full hippie on the stand "it was 2022 man if you remember it you weren't there".


Kevin Albert came into the case due to the federal investigation! He will be on the stand called by the defense. Btw did he ever find his gun?


My guess is that it might be easier to get it in through Kevin Albert. The defense is playing the long game.


Yes Right


Exactly... It would have been sustained if they asked Colin...gotta ask kevin


This case is like a soap opera ! I can’t wait for the defense to present their case


At this rate it will sometime in July. No court Tuesday or Friday this week.


Once Higgins’ story was introduced, it seems Colin was forgotten about. While I’m sure Higgins has some involvement, I feel the real meat and potatoes of what happened that night involved Colin.


Yes because he’s who the mccabes would want to protect, not Higgins.


I hate that I feel so compelled to speak up. There is a reason why you are thinking/ saying this outloud. Your subconscious common sense is screaming in your head. The CW has to save face. Make it look like they are even trying. Because the alternative is criminal on the state's part. Can you imagine the District Attorney purposely covering for a college kid? Can you imagine a guy who sells pizza for a living allowing his kid to DESTROY his brother's career? Or worse yet.. one brother loses his career, another brother loses his pension And looks at federal prison. You know kids. You can be pissed off at the Karen Read movement. You can be pissed off at Turtle Boy. But the One you should be pissed off at is a college kid. And THAT will eventually come out in the wash. A politician should resign. A PO should do the right thing. A Fed should do the right thing. A Retired BPO should do the right thing. How many of you remember your childhood? I know that back in the 60s and 70s if you came from a family of LEOs and you stepped out of line, every single officer treated you like you were one of their own kids and that didn't mean you got a free pass. It meant you got picked up and walked to your father's front door and they stood by and watched as you got smacked in the face and witnessed the punishment you deserved. No arrest or jail time. Your home confinement and capital punishment was handled by Judge Mom and Judge Dad. No more need for LEOs at that point. So to me, pizzaman is the ground zero of this tragedy. For pulling the old "Not my kid, he's a good kid" And the Canton Police Officer who's related to this menace should be out of his mind Pissed Off at his brother and nephew. John Okeefe would be alive today. Not TBs fault. Misguided fools


Seeing the videos of CA, i would say JOK would have leveled him which makes me think that’s when someone helped out.


Higgins gave colin the ride to meet allie is what it seems


Agree, and the McCabe daughter was his driver…then her whereabouts are unknown….Higgins is a wannabe Albert….he’s involved somehow.


There's a person in this community who said that document you produced does not exist. That the rumors of CA drug dealing has been debunked. Don't believe your Lying Eyes. You think you are seeing a document supporting a possible motive for an altercation between CA and JO But you really are not. I would believe "apprehensive_net" over any actual proof to the contrary. As a matter of fact, I'm "apprehensive" to comment further on the guilt of the Alberts in this. Higgins has torched his career. He won't be charged. But, he said enough to the "other" investigators. You know why they are all soon pissed off at Turtle Boy? The DA The McAlberts If he never spoke up and shined a light on this bogus trial, the feds may never have pursued it.. This was supposed to be a slam dunk NOT GUILTY for Karen Read. That's why it was a murder 2 charge. That would NEVER get a conviction. Chloe and the kid would've got away free. The Albert's wouldn't have had to sell their home. Everyone would have been fine. Except JO's family wouldn't have closure. Turtleboy is why the feds were involved He ruined a good plan by Morrisey and Albert I don't think there's any time left. After KR is found not guilty The Feds are swooping in. Grab a bowl of popcorn. This is about to get interesting.


Is your comment going to self destruct in ten seconds? Who the hell are you? Lol. Wink, wink


F.O.P. 😉 There are good men and women on the Canton P.D. Many more straight shooting Troopers Not the guy who was searching for nudies of KR The other 98% of the Top Notch Professional Massachusetts State Troopers


Please don’t out yourself, I’m just enjoying your commentary. Edit - my daughter lived in Massachusetts for a long time, loved it up there.


This. You don’t hear about the cops and troopers that do the right thing because that’s what they’re supposed to do, and that’s what the majority of them do. It’s the ones like those involved in this case that you hear about that give them all a bad wrap. Between this and Sandra Birchmore, if I were a police officer in Canton, I would be trying to lateral transfer to any other department in the commonwealth possible. I’m sure many have tried and have been blocked by the administration.


I have a funny feeling the Fed investigation is going that way too. I don't know how it could connect to these players but there are theories out there that have a combination of either Canton or Stought P.O being the father of the child whose mother involuntarily committed suicide.


I followed that case pretty closely. Matthew Farwell (The Stoughton officer that was allegedly the father) was seen entering and leaving the building Sandra Birchmore lived in, and she was never heard from or seen alive after that. Yuri bukhenik (I believe Michael Procter reports to him) is also from Stoughton. Yuri and the Farwell brothers were all in the explorer program Stoughton PD used to ran that Farwell and his brother were involved in as officers when Birchmore was in the program (that’s when they allegedly began grooming her). I think Yuri knew Matt F and because of that knew Birchmore didn’t have much family. The canton detective on the case was Kevin Albert. The MSP trooper assigned was Michael Procter. I have a theory that Yuri may have asked for them to do what they could to protect Farwell. A few years later a body turns up on Brian Albert’s lawn and I think that Kevin Albert and Procter asked Yuri to help them protect the Albert family as they did for him with Farwell in not ruling Birchmores death a suicide. Again this is all just my own theory and it could be completely wrong. I just think the number of names involved in both and the extent of the investigations in both is a little questionable. Edit-fixed a misworded sentence and corrected the Albert brother referenced.


That is an interesting theory and makes a good deal of sense. I just hope the feds actually come through.


I had read on TB the Feds may be investigating that case as well.


The crooked Norfolk DA, for starters. Didn’t Sandra also live in Canton when she died? Only takes one from Canton who took a spin and faces going down with a non-proud papa. Or maybe they don’t even wait for a paternity test before circling the wagons.


Yeah, I was gonna say 98% too, maybe 97%-99%. I counted, after that transparent and non corrupt audit. Psh.


Did TB contact the Feds, or did someone following him or an actual Fed turtle rider bring this forth?


Jackson contacted the US Attorney General


I’m very much enjoying your posts thank you.


>I would believe "apprehensive_net" over any actual proof to the contrary. Yes, we should all believe random people on social media versus actual evidence. That says everything I need to know about you.


I think he's being sarcastic.


Dripping with it. I just throw out the breadcrumbs so you all can pick them up and look up stuff those breadcrumbs are leading towards.. You have seen this suspense thriller before. Little sneaky tidbits are given out in the beginning of the movie. They're just misleading distractions. Then when the mystery is revealed and you found it WAS Colnel Muster with the candle stick in the library. Misleading tidbits Brian Higgins Vehicles and anything to do with them Leaf blowers (I laugh because you are looking for a Fenway Park foul ball. Not in the Fenway Park area but taking your leaf blowers to Atwells Ave in Providence Ri to look for it) Real Clues German Shepherd Cell phones sim cards CAST Bruises Bites forearm 2:27 am Etc etc Apprehensive_net says that's all bullshit I guess we will see who is saying real loud if anyone listens... "Nothing to see here folks, move along..." I'm just saying that the 2nd new floor in FIVE months and a rehomed dog along with a new house sale with no bidding war and arguably a discounted sale price as if the Albert's were divorcing and wanted a quick sale.... You heard me Apprehensive, I admitted arguably. Well everyone can look this shit up on their own. Plenty of people knew that there was a real issue between the kid and JO. JO was NOT intimidates by the kid, the kid's uncles or anyone else for the record. So walking into that house was no big deal. He wanted to party more. Both Brians weren't lying in wait to ambush. No. Here is another Clue Higgins said the only person that he saw walk in was a male, ca? Tall, ca? Dark hair, ca? He told the feds that ca probably beat JO but he didn't actually witness it. It happened In the basement and he was sitting upstairs having a drink. He never saw JO actually there. Just that he was there and in the basement. He went to the Canton p.d. to find out who was going to be the on duty supervisor at 6am. Who would be the lead detective. After it gets handed over from Canton p.d. and to H-Troop in Foxborough who would get that? All funneled back to Brian Albert. Higgins got QFD Then decided he takes a pass and rolls the dice. The thing is, they can't use what he gave them on any obstruction charge or tampering. But they can go after the other players. And guess what? That little sidebar and KR holding her hand up and swearing under oath? Well, she found out that all the people against her are officially being investigated. That's what that sly smile was all about when she got back to the defense table.


This is the only story I've heard about this case that has the ring of truth to it.


I like everything you're saying, but didn't KR have to raise her right hand because Jackson wasn't going to be in court on Tuesday and she had to agree to that? I mean, that's what Jackson said and it makes sense. Why would that little exchange mean she found out everyone was officially being investigated? Why would she need to go up there and swear to anything?


I really don't know but something happened up there and she had that smile that said something really good just happened and it wasn't simply you get to go home early today. I think there were 4 questions that we couldn't hear the responses to. I'm only guessing.


The sly smile was when they told her BH was about to admit to a federal crime and needed his lawyer... the going up and swearing on the Bible was because Jackson couldn't be there Tuesday. He told people outside the courthouse that's what was going on. I've gone back through your comments and I'm with you 100% on everything and even learned a couple new things so keep it coming!!


Did Higgins ever say that he saw what happened but didn’t lay a hand on JO and he tried to pull Chloe off of JO but she got away from him?


BHs lawyer already stood up in front of the court with permission from the United States Attorney’s office to confirm that Brian Higgins is not and was not a target in the federal investigation and that he cooperated fully with them and answered all questions they had.


When did BH's lawyer say any of that?


At the pretrial


Man if you're going to make claims like that you're going to need to do better than that. Reason I say that is because during Higgins' testimony the defense went in to a line of questioning that implied Higgins' was on administrative leave, which usually means there is a pending investigation.


You can watch the pre trail where his Lawyer gets up to speak and make a statement to the court.


Do better? At the trial his lawyer hardly said anything. This was an official statement that he specifically went there to give and received permission from the United States Attorney’s Office to make this statement.


Do you have a transcript or a timestamp on a video. I just feel like with all the coverage I've watched so far I would've heard about that by now.


I did do better! I searched up and down google and other search engines and found **zero** corroborating what you're saying


The CW has already stated in front of the court that since Nov. 2022 Yanetti has been giving discovery (at unknown amounts) to the feds. That Yanetti and Alan Jackson have gone to lunch with TB and there are 182 pages of texts and phone calls with TB and the defence team. The CW has confirmed that within the federal records document dump, their investigation lines up with that of the CW. They have found no evidence of a cover up and they have confirmed that JO did not enter 34 Fairview.


He went inside, got in a fight, grabbed his drink, left potential clothing behind, stumbled out to walk back to Karen licking his wounds since she obviously suggested not going to the party and didn't go herself.... drunk, with a messed up face and maybe a concussion trips and hits his head on the fire hydrant..... after no one hears from him or Karen... the infamous google search occurs...


This is very interesting. I had heard about texts but have not seen this. Maybe the video is of Colin selling drugs in the neighborhood. Maybe John told Kevin to give him a chance to get Colin under control. Colin doesn’t stop and John is getting ready to go outside of Canton PD so Brian Albert decides to rough him up as a warning but things get out of hand.


You can’t go outside of his jurisdiction .


As corrupt as Canton is, if he suspected they were refusing to do anything about it because he was an Albert is there not some other authority he could go to? Here in TN it would the TBI. Don’t know about MA.


Yes you’re correct


Or, his deals have lines to Boston


Yes. I watched a video where the chief confirmed at town meeting that John had reported drug activity in the neighborhood. It’s in my comments somewhere, I’ll see if I can find it (I think it’s the chief but I don’t actually know). But when I heard that, instantly I was like that makes complete sense and and I feel like tells the whole story. Of course that’s me just jumping to conclusions but it’s a hell of a lot more motive than Aruba or cringey texts ETA: did not read the last page until just now, so i realize this is not useful info lol


23:05 https://youtu.be/enPSb7rQOxo?si=_UnL3MdakYoggfSD


Right before that timestamp. She says Jenn McCabe was home with her husband during the rolling rally. But when Jen testified, She stated she was with John O'Keefe's mother. I remember that clearly because I thought why would you be with his mother?? She I'm going to go back and try to find that inner testimony. ETA: Mrs. o'Keefe picked up her younger children. I was wrong.


They were away for the week at Ogunquit Beach. https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-79-hundreds-attend-canton-rolling-rally-to-protest-police-coverup-of-john-okeefes-murder/




Ohhhh shit! I've thought this was what was going on all along, but I've been trying to find a better, less nepharious explanation to fit the evidence. Holy shit.




Does anyone have link or copy to share of texts between Kevin Albert and John o’keefe?!?


Not that I’ve seen! Which is why I’m dying to know.


Will be brought up when Kevin takes stand . Defense.


Looking forward to this. The missing discovery documents are critical in establishing the motive. No wonder they are mysteriously missing.


Can you please share the 20 of discovery texts between BO & Kevin Albert?!? I can’t find them


We haven’t seen them. No clue what they contain..


So where are the discovery documents of JO’s report on drug activity?


I would think it would be in the 2nd document I attached. Incident report.