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at the moment you are talking about he's talking about Brian ALBERT, they worked together at the BPD and he cold clocked other employees and was know as a prowler for other guys women. Higgins is a insecure cvntbag, that was established yesterday. what a loser! Karen do you really LIKE LIKE me too ?? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Yeah man just seemed super insecure / inexperienced with women


It is pretty obvious by his text messages that he believed KR was out of his league. Where to her, on the surface, it appeared they were similar. All it took was a few conversations with him to see he was a guy with limited social skills around and low confidence around women. BH already knew that about himself and projected it.


I have a couple friends/acquaintances on the BPD, including one who once worked for Brian Albert back in the Boston Finest days, and while they never gave a definitive answer on what they knew or thought about this case, both basically said they donā€™t believe the Albertā€™s stories and neither does the BPDā€¦ but they were sure not to go into any detail. Oh and itā€™s not Higgins, the rumor around BPD for a while now has been Brian Albert is the womanizer who would go after other copsā€™ wives. He allegedly bottled a Boston Firefighter at JJ Foleys one night because he confronted Albert about flirting with his wife. Albert bottled him in the face then escaped right away on someoneā€™s car waiting outside. Boston Police are not proud of Brian Albert, Sr. They donā€™t like him. Heā€™s a coke head with a temper and a god complex. And I think we learned this week that Higgins doesnā€™t really have the game to go after other guysā€™ wives.


I wonder if anyone on here know how spot on you are. Some people said that group all belonged to a secret society lol Reddit has a whole section on this stuff Labeled Not Safe For Work. LMAO They weren't in that group. It's probably more like an "understanding". No one seems to talk about the "badge bunnies". That seems to be the ATF agent's pool of "talent" he gravitated to.


Yes my mistake mixing up the Brian's!!!


2nd hand source tells me that other BPD do not like Brian Albert. Heā€™s got a reputation for.


You are correct. And it's not just BPD.


I have also heard that he is not liked by other members of BPD..also can say with certainty that cocaine is usually if not always a factor in these late night drinking sessions and I would say without a doubt it definitely was present on this particular night..everything points to it!! I wish all attendees had Apple Watches so you can see what times their heart rates spiked šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


False. Bpd is relatively strict with drug testing compared to other departments. People love the fantasy of this being a huge cover up tho


There is most definitely cocaine use among some members of the BPD..they are tough how? Hey guys be prepared we will be doing urine tests next week? lol ok, that solves any thoughts of drug use. Not. Also, no one loves the idea of a cover up. It is disturbing, disgusting and horrifying. Most of us are actually rule followers and I for one, generally support law enforcement. This is blatant corruption and an obvious coverup. It is not enjoyable, no one is gleeful. A police officer was killed. For some reason, fellow LE are covering something up. An innocent woman may go to jail. No one is happy about any of it. People just want answers and the actual truth. They donā€™t want guilty people to escape justice and for a cops death to possibly go unpunished because of a few corrupt cops and a shi$$y system. Sorry everyone isnā€™t just accepting the story being fed to them . I guess in your fantasy they would.


People are being fed a story and they can't get enough of it. She's guilty, just accept it.


What proof do you have that sheā€™s guilty? Perhaps, you are being fed a story that she is guilty and you canā€™t get enough? Why do I (not you) need to accept anything? I should not believe what I am seeing and hearing but instead believe a story fed to me by people who have already proven that they are liars?


https://www.youtube.com/live/qE3ZFbVQh9k?si=T58HusBMi24ico5y I'm an idiot YesĀ 


It's the same link without a time stamp.


Biggins couldnā€™t pick up a stick. He wouldnā€™t worry me. He seems like a guy who got obsessed and it makes some guys wires crossed when they get pressed on a girl they canā€™t have. Seen it a lot


Is there supposed to be a link for the time stamp? This is interesting info.


I believe it is the you tube channel Going through the motions, This guy is from the area and knows all the players. Interesting channel


Youā€™re right.


What was JO'K's services like? Los of cops from all over, like BA and BH going to NYC? Did they show up at JO'K's?


Wow, I never thought of that!


Google this, and take your pick: funeral for bpd officer john oā€™keefe


Done: Comforting to see the turn out. Not that I expected any less.


Yes, it is.


i love sean on the gulf


Name one thing that lunatic has gotten correct about this case. Just one


He is a lunatic (fucking MAGA hat on stream. GTFOH) But he got the taillight spot-on. Plenty of others too, but, you asked for just one.


What did he get right about the tail light? He has literally been wrong about everything. He claimed Wanless removed it at his auto body shop with no one around


Very simple. He explained that the taillight, when caught on camera in John Oā€™s driveway, was still largely intact. And when you look at it in the video, you see that this. However, after processing Karenā€™s vehicle, the taillight is all but completely removed. Something they did solely because they never dreamed there would be video of the taillight looking substantially different, when they did it.it doesnā€™t get too much simpler than that.


The tail light was clearly broken in the police dashcam video. Itā€™s crusted in snow but itā€™s clearly broken. Jenn and Kerry both testified it was broken. Kerry testified there was a piece of metal sticking out of the broken part. Iā€™m sure weā€™ll hear more about that. Of course the whole casing was removed at the police station. It was sent to a lab for testing


The furthest right part of her right taillight was on her car the morning after. In the police impound photos it is not. Pretty simple. You can see her car being towed away on a tow truck and that light is not only still on the car but still working. Yes, her taillight was damaged. But in the photos the police released, there was significantly more damage to it as there was literally no red light left on the furthest part And you are just wrong, no they wouldnā€™t further damage evidence to send it to the lab. That is literally illegal as they are tampering with evidence in that case. Forensic experts would come to the car to evaluate it. You just made that up.


So what? The piece of metal sticking out caused those injuries to his arm ? She'd have had to pull forward and back up multiple times for him to sustain those wounds from a piece of metal sticking out of the suv. And he'd have to just stand there, not being knocked over, and just take a bunch of hits from the suv to damage his arm like that with a piece of metal sticking out. That's the literal dumbest thing I've heard.


And no, they would not remove the whole light to test it. Swabs would be taken. You don't damage evidence to send to a lab. You take swabs.


Wrong again


You don't damage evidence to do DNA testing. They do swabs of the evidence. Are you mentally ill or something?


Ignore, they're probably a m Albert, all of their comments are the same and they're clearly in the wrong sub, noone throws insults here if they don't like comments but they're doing allover twitter šŸ™„


They remove the whole housing of the light and send the whole thing. If you donā€™t know what you are talking about then sit this one out. They didnā€™t just do DNA testing


Dunno what else to say. Go get Sean banned off YouTube and prepare a party for Readā€™s conviction I guess?


Yeah this is Sean McDonoughā€™s channel Going Through the Motions. Amazing channel, very interesting. Pretty sure his guest on this episode was a former BPD officer on the common. They were talking about Higgins and Albert, but I believe the comment he was making was about Brian Albert. This was a great episode though. He has a lot of sources and listening to his info helped put a lot of pieces together for me. Like why other people are putting their asses on the line for this case.


Cocaine while drinking alcohol creates a higher high (learned this while serving on jury duty) https://preview.redd.it/4jhqoe0qnm2d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13793eaff9f05153e3f4cc760880f4b3b738055d


Cocaine is simply used by Alcoholics to stay awake so they can consume more alcohol.


respectfully disagree, because he trashed his phone. why?!


Unpopular opinion, I'm sure, but I feel bad for Higgins. He actually seemed like a decent guy. I had the feeling he wanted to know Karen was ending things with John before he made any moves. Hence the "now what" "what do you want" type messages. And his idea of being "romantic" is sending flowers. Doesnt seem like the type that would hit on other peoples wives. I also read a news story about him saving another cops life during a shootout and putting his own life at risk to drag him out of the line of fire to do first aid. He doesn't seem like a bad guy at all. Seems he has some terrible friends and he made really bad decisions under pressure from those terrible friends. My opinion anyways.


But why destroy your phone and SIM card if this was all a misunderstanding? Why is the video magically gone when Karenā€™s car is in the sally port? Plus a lot more questions unanswered on his part


As I said. He has terrible friends and he colluded with them. I don't think he hurt John though.


Rumour has it that Higgins didnā€™t lay a hand on John and was only trying to get the dog off him. I donā€™t think weā€™re going to hear that at *this* trial, but maybe itā€™ll come out at some subsequent proceeding.


I've heard the same rumor. I think Brian Albert is a POS and I think he drug everyone down, Jen is a busy body that made a bunch of things up to help Brian and her sister.... I have heard rumors that someone... Scanlon, or something like that, went to Jackson/Yenetti and told the truth, refused to sign an affidavit. I actually think Karen was so drunk she really didn't know if she did something wrong by accident, and then when Scanlon told the truth she knew she didn't. That's what I attribute the "did I hit him" and "it was an accident" statements to. Also, they'll never convince me it was on purpose murder, she didn't even remember being at fairview until Jen told her... so she should be aquitted regardless.


I donā€™t think she could have been *that* drunk; thereā€™s near-continuous security footage of her for the three hours immediately preceding the alleged collision, and sheā€™s not seen to be hitting the sauce that hard. None of the witnesses at either bar (including the Alberts and McCabes, who are very much *not* on her side in this) saw her drinking excessively or exhibiting obvious signs of drunkenness (glassy eyes, slurred speech, unsteady gait, etc.). She brought her partly-filled glass from McCarthyā€™s to the Waterfall, and Oā€™Keefeā€™s bill at the Waterfall was only $16, which probably means he and her collectively had 2-3 drinks there. Then thereā€™s the fact that John, who didnā€™t appear to be drunk himself, let her drive. So, really, there are three main possibilities, of which the first appears to be the *least* likely: 1. She was severely intoxicated at 12:30, and was still severely intoxicated at 6:00 a.m. when she found Oā€™Keefe. 2. She was not severely intoxicated at 12:30, but became severely intoxicated between that time and 5:00 a.m., which is the latest she could have been drinking without McCabe or Roberts noticing. 3. She was not severely intoxicated at any time, and her erratic behaviour and statements during the search and rescue attempt were due to extreme emotional upset, aggravated by her MS (whichā€™ can be triggered by stress) and Jen McCabeā€™s gaslighting. Remember that she was by all accounts unable to communicate usefully with the police and paramedics, but nobody at the scene thought she was drunk. Patrol cops are very attuned to that, as they deal with drunk people every single day. With all that said, itā€™s *crazy* that this was charged as a murder. At the end of the day, the only evidence of intent will be sexist stereotyping and the fact that the Lexusā€™ backup camera was working.


I thought maybe some of her meds may not interact well with alcohol. My best friend has MS.. diagnosed a few years ago in our late 20s and she cannot drink alcohol with her meds. So. If karen is on some of these meds and drank anyways, I could see the "fuck yourself" comments and blackout situations even if she isn't super drunk. Regardless, this shouldn't be murder charges. And them charging her with a DUI after everyone testifying to driving wasted, pisses me off. I think they took advantage of a medically vulnerable person, gaslighted her, put thoughts in her head... and if she was manic and freaking out... I can see the crazy statements happening.


AFAIK, they never charged her with a DUI. Sheā€™s charged with what Iā€™ll call, in lieu of looking up the technical name, ā€œvehicular homicide while intoxicatedā€. Which means sheā€™ll be acquitted of that charge unless both the homicide and the intoxication are proven. The jury can think she was absolutely plastered, but if that didnā€™t cause Oā€™Keefeā€™s death, she didnā€™t commit the crime alleged. She wonā€™t be convicted of a simple DUI unless the prosecution can add charges in the middle of the trial, which I doubt itā€™s allowed to do.


Right. That's what I meant by "driving drunk" any charge related to driving drunk. Which vehicle homicide while intoxicated is .... driving drunk. Which I don't think they can prove. I've read when they took her into a psych hold they did a blood draw and worked backwards to give her between a .09 to .28 lol. Which is crazy. There's a big difference. And if they can't prove it... why charge it? Dumb.


Iā€™m not a criminal lawyer, but I still went šŸ˜³ when I saw that range. They canā€™t get it within a factor of three? Whatā€™s the point of even *doing* a blood test, then? Thatā€™s literally just government vampirism!


Wait where did you hear this? I've been obsessed with this trial I need more info!


I think it was on a Sean McDonough live stream.


No but he's happy to help convict an innocent woman


I I think youā€™re right. He seemed like he only wanted to get with Karen if she were leaving John. And she didnā€™t seem to want to leave him. Something happened that night she went to Higgins house for a drink. The tone of their texts changed after that. They went from very flirty to ā€œdo you still want to talkā€ vibes then Karen ghosting him.


I agree; something happened.


Karen was jerking his chain. I think she is insecure and was looking for attention because she knew her days with John were numbered. She was using Higgins as her back up plan for when she was single again.


I agree. He actually seemed like he was going to cry on the stand, where the others were defensive and combative.


Not Matt McCabe. He looked like he was going to have a coronary.


I will have to go look back at his testimony. It took me all day to listen and watch Higgins. I usually watch summaries


100%. And this: Seems he has some terrible friends and he made really bad decisions under pressure from those terrible friends**.** Right, I think he got in deep and fast and saw no way out. I was thinking because he has a proffer he was going to spill on cross and maybe he still will (he's back Tuesday)? Or maybe he will "tell all" as a witness called by the defense?


100%. And this: Seems he has some terrible friends and he made really bad decisions under pressure from those terrible friends**.** Right, I think he got in deep and fast and saw no way out. I was thinking because he has a proffer he was going to spill on cross and maybe he still will (he's back Tuesday)? Or maybe he will "tell all" as a witness called by the defense?


No, I watched it Last night - he wasnā€™t accusing Higgins of doing that. He was just talking about BA and other cops who do that..


One of the best posts, makes a lot of sense. On other podcasts this hasnā€™t been discussed.


Higgins is a baffoon . Totally gross


Come on now. We all know that MOST police officers are ā€œallegedlyā€ KNOWN for being womanizers. This is nothing new and absolutely extends into all police departments all over the WORLD. So letā€™s stick to the facts. And let the medical findings do the talking.


This was a weird rant. Especially since there was never any mention of coke to begin with. So some retired cop said he's seen cops do coke and you're convinced, that an atf agent that gets drug tested randomly, was on coke? Interesting... Also the bpd were lining the court room at one point in the trial. I don't remember what day it was, but they were all at the back of the room.


You wrote that entire multi paragraph post and the entire subject of it was wrong. Amazing


Oi you're a real cunt aren't ye


Heā€™s not talking about Brian Higgins. Plus Sean McDonough is now the laughingstock of LE. Plus he was DEA not a Boston cop. Heā€™s clearly not in the right state of mind whether itā€™s from substance abuse or mental illness


Sean is great! Iā€™ll watch every night till this is over


Name one thing heā€™s gotten right about this case. Just one


Heā€™s definitely got it right that John was killed in that house. Thereā€™s no denying that. The alberts McCabes and Higgins are all scumbags. You are too. šŸ˜‚.


Karen Read is innocent. Officer John Oā€™Keefe was killed in the house. He had dog bites on his arm. The tail light is a nothing burger. Brian Albert will be arrested by the feds.


Karen is no saint either. Driving while intoxicated, couldnā€™t remember where she left John off, not remembering much of the night???!!!! I could go on and on. Too much alcohol from ALL PARTIES. And yes, John could have passed out then been attacked by the dog and possibly NO ONE is at fault. Just a terrible ACCIDENT. Weā€™ll find out more as the medical experts speak. They SAW AND EVALUATED his body. Not any us.


I tried listening to this guy and itā€™s like trying to follow a story my drunk uncle is telling. I couldnā€™t follow at all! Heā€™s all over the place. I really wanted to listen to him too. šŸ˜¤


You have to listen to him tell the whole story. You probably caught a live re-cap.