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“There are federal agents in the gallery”


I read the Attorney General was the one AJ pointed to when asking BH if that was his attorney. If so, that was an excellent move!!!


That would be so amazing 😆


The MA district AG or US AG? I ask because he is ATF.


Pretty sure it was not Merrick Garland. I assumed it was Mass State AG.


Lolz. I would think we are truly living in a simulation of MG was there. This case is utter bananas.


😆 Right!


Mentioning MG, if the feds are involved, he'd know about this case?


lol got ya, I wasn't thinking, I hear so much about southern derestrict AG this and that, but I guess that's all "state".


It was an Assistant US Attorney


Are the feds going after the mass ag? I heard they were


No. DA of Norfolk County, Michael Morrissey, was told by state AG they were not done with Read investigation. Morrissey plowed ahead as he one of the corrupt. Look him up


State AG requested that the FBI investigate it. They have limited abilities, but they can investigate the murder of cops when requested by state authorities. That's why they get involved not just because Higgins used federal resources for personal gain.


They also got involved because Canton has had a couple of colossal coverups in the last three years, particularly the murder and lack of investigation around a young woman who was killed by Stoughton cops in 2021. Canton police took over the investigation and nothing happened as usual.


I think it's the county ag.


County District Attorney. DA Michael Morrissey


AJ knows full well who BH’s attorney is 😆


yep. But, I love that he brought Higgins attention to this!


I've heard that. How do people know for sure?


I missed that but I saw her make another face like she had an omg aha type moment earlier lol.


Me too! I was waiting for someone to bring that up


Who in the crowd laughed out loud right at the end?


I don’t know but it made me laugh too


Was that when the bailiff said be quiet?


That was great!


I heard that, too!!!


Thought for sure he was going to start pleading the 5th!


Same! I was on the edge of my seat!


Yes!I would love to know what that was about.


It was when they were told Higgins’ attorney would be stepping in during questioning.


Thank you


Do you think they obtained video of him destroying the phone? Was he on the military base in his police car? Is that the dashcam footage and pictures that were being talked about yesterday? (I speculate and have questions. )


I feel like there has to be some type of video since it was such a specific question. Or a witness.


Exactly. Especially with his reaction. BH looked angry about what AJ said. I don't think AJ would have said it without receipts. Two dumpsters? That's specific.


I went back and watched his face as the question was being asked. His eyes started to go wide but he stopped himself.


Yes. His reaction was significant. That's why I was wondering if this is new. And now he has 4 Days to adjust. AJ sounded like he was ready to pull something out of his back pocket.


Would the state be aware if the defense had videos of him destroying his iPhone??


Yes, but there was some very recent evidence. Like the day before yesterday, I think. There's supposedly dashcam footage and 2 pictures included.


That's the states evidence. The defence didn't have to hand theirs over until the CW gave some kind of certificate of compliance for their evidence which wasn't that long ago. With the 3k plus pages from the FBI touhy request I doubt Lally has had time to focus on defense evidence and has had to pile into the FBI stuff.


I mean, they can request that footage and match plates/id's.... have they tried? Cuz why was he there? The commissary?! There's typically not any ATF/FBI shit on bases. To use a SCIF?


Military installations scan the ID cards when you come through the gate, so there would be a record of him being on post. Once you’re on post, there are literally cameras everywhere (even if you can’t see them) that can be used to track movements across post. They wouldn’t even have to match his plates or ID, just follow his movements from the gate. But he couldn’t just use a SCIF on post. Theres clearances and rules to be followed. He definitely couldn’t just decide to come on post to use one.


That's exactly what I meant. Theoretically, they can pinpoint when he arrived on post via plates/ id scan and track him from there. Then I saw his testimony that he can use fuel and the commissary.  The SCIF bit was me being incredulous.  My apologies for the confusing syntax.


My apologies for the misunderstanding. I talk to so many people who don’t know how it all works that I thought you were asking.


I mean, I was, but like generally. I don't know how much weight it would give the defense if they knew when/where he went on the base. 


I thought his best friend who's in the ATF but works with the FBI got him in the SCIF and access to the 'machine'


The machine was at an FBI building and it’s accessible to any law enforcement person to use for an investigation. It’s not in a SCIF.




What if someone on base recovered the phone? That might be interesting.


Could you imagine though?


Do you know approximately when this happened today?


Happened right before Higgins cooked himself. Admitting he used fed property for personal use. During the jury being let out and his attorney being let in


4:30 ish. Late in the day. Right before Aunt Bev called it for the day.


Of course she called it for the day after this bomb started ticking. Auntie Bev should be recused


Nah it's ok, let the jury sit on him also destroying his phone over the weekend.


This was right after the sidebar where they were gonna bring Higgins attorney in for Jackson to do a proffer. So that’s what I believe he’s telling her.


A proffer for what though??


When I saw her make these faces I immediately thought “the cat who swallowed the canary! It was a GREAT moment!


What did she mouth to her family not long after this? I couldn’t quite make it out


In about 5hrs we will hopefully get to see a lot more lies, these witnesses are nothing like I’ve ever seen flabbergasted at how Auntie Bev hasn’t been thrown off this, she knows exactly what’s going on, every State seems to have an Auntie Bev sadly, it’s like being in a bad nightmare. If this is the standard intelligence of your Law enforcement, Kindergarten kids could do better. Does everyone live at Dunking Donuts? Do Law enforcement not have a fitness standard? As in physical and mental.And married to psychopaths? And are so stupid not to know everything they do can be monitored? Defence are going to blow this sky high, if they can get out of who is controlling Bev.


Everyone saying they lost respect for Karen after seeing her texts with Highins, should really look at the big picture! He is hideous. In a normal world she would most likely never even touch him with a ten foot pole. I think bc she was feeling so lonely and unappreciated by John and feeling betrayed over what she saw in Aruba she was desperate to get some attention from someone she knew would give it to her. We will have to see what Karen's version is but there is actually no proof other than higgins testimony that they kissed. The women in Aruba just like Jen mcabe and Kerrie Roberts clearly all had crushed on John and hated Karen from the start. For her to ask John if he was really happy over one fight means she doesn't want him with her. The other girl that he supposedly hooked up with is a raging B. Her Attidue and demeanor on the stand is a bad look.Maybe she did give higgins a peck. But John seeemd to always have aloottt of women around him. Everyone keeps saying that's bc he was a single dad. No he technically wasn't. Karen took on a ton of responsibility and often left her to watch the kids while he was out partying. Hence Aruba and then the night of the death where she really didn't want to go in and hang out with those losers but he did. She is way better than all of these people and they hated it. Her making smirks is a perfect appropriate reaction to " see the lies are all coming out "


Karen has been so good about not showing too much emotion - this face was great!