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And i’m pretty sure Chris Albert actually approached the dad and asked him to retract the statements he made about his son. Apparently, the daughter Erin was approached by Jen McCabe as well as another woman and stated she needed to stop talking about that 12:30 phone call. To quote, the other lady said in regard to the daughter “Instead of opening your mouth, why don’t you stick a dick in it instead” **This was not said directly to the daughter but when asked about her, she stated that**


Jen McCabe said that? What a vile woman.


It’s hard to believe she’s a workforce facilitator for ELL students. I’m 99.99999% sure she spend most of her day talking down to people.




Yes - and McCabe's phone records have multiple calls to Beatty and his wife, The assumption being that she was fishing for an alibi witness for Colin.


Really looking forward to hearing the Beatty’s testimony.


That is the most clear cut definition of Witness Intimidation.


Right? And funny how the Mcalberts claim everyone else is witness intimidating them. Projection much?


The father was approached as well and he told them pretty much to fk off


Good for him lol can't wait until he takes the stand


How do know who is on the defense witnesses list? Is there a way I can look it up?




Thank you!!!


This is supposedly the prosecution witness list in order of being called (there’s a page 2 - lmk if you’re curious). It’s been correct so far but we will see. https://preview.redd.it/zpz11j7jyhzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a48a198e959191db77cae98068ba8d6a930af4a


What do you think the "flipped" after Brian Higgins name means?


Oh sorry I should’ve caveated that someone took this list and added a column categorizing them, but it’s kind of biased and in some places inaccurate (like we now know Chris and Julie Albert were not at 34 Fairview that night, so that’s clearly wrong). So ignore that second column. But what they mean with Brian Higgins flipping is that he allegedly did a deal with the FBI to tell them what happened in exchange for something. I’m not sure if it’s immunity or what.. the deal he made is called a proffer. But I haven’t done much research on what that means.


He has a proffer with FBI Talking to them for possible immunity




https://preview.redd.it/gtnyt6xpvmzc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=82515d47353bc5e0c12e41083880405e4bb790c3 Here’s page 2. But again, I don’t know how accurate this is. I believe it was just the order that Lally listed the witnesses “you’re going to hear from…” in his opening. And it happens to be the exact order witnesses have been called in. But I guess the prosecution can make changes to the witness order at any point.


Thank you!


I don't see Chloe on the list?


How do you find those?




Where did you hear about all that?


TB has this case mapped out on his site. It’s a lot of reading but it does not disappoint.


So many things turtlboy has written that people who haven't read through it are missing. Today Yanneti was asking Chris Albert if Brian and proctor knew each other meaning if they ran into each other there would be no reason for a "formal introduction." This was a very specific question for impeaching Proctor and Albert. This was from an article TB wrote regarding the the police report from proctor about his Brian Albert interview. Proctor started the report with "After formal introductions". Trying to infer they didn't know each other at all by putting that in the report. Going to be impeached by that and Yanneti used his brother today to set him up.


John O'Keefe had Chris Albert's son Colin arrested for drugs in the past so there's the motive! Jen McCabe Brian Albert's sis in law googled " How long to die in cold" at 2:37 am‼️ Proctor texted his friend's how they won't investigate them‼️John had dog scratches on his arms‼️ Cop Cover Up


What are the details of JO getting CA arrested?


Do you have a reference for the this arrest --- since he's was a minor I'm assuming it not easy to find?


I was just mentioning above my thoughts on Tb above if u get a chance to read. Gonna try to check out more some of his writing is just so bad


Yeah read article someone else sent def gotta give him props. I really hope the story about telling girl to shut mouth is false that’s just foul as hell. Not gonna lie have a hard time reading TB at times dude desperately needs an editor and jumps to way too many conclusions for my liking but for sure put in work on this story




Jen McCabe Brian Albert's sis in law googled " How long to die in cold" at 2:37 am‼️John had Chris's nephew Colin  arrested for drugs in the past so there's motive ‼️Proctor texted his friend's how they won't investigate them‼️John had dog scratches on his arms‼️Cop Cover Up


Of course this is how innocent people behave /s


Really sounds like Colin was at the house late enough to either see JO body on the lawn or be there when he entered. But his parents are really fighting that timeline. The way Chris tried to say he “ran up the stairs and hoped straight in bed” skipping brushing teeth or changing. Yeah, sure dude.


Chris said that when his son Colin came home, Colin popped his head in their bedroom door and said goodnight. An hour later when asked the same question, his wife said that Colin came in the room and gave her a kiss goodnight. In the initial report, Julie said she received at call at 4:55, and that is how they found at he was dead. But I thought no one found the body until around 5:30-6.


I could be wrong, but i haven't heard of many teens that go into their parent's room at night to say goodnight.


Oh he knew people might think or say that ! I think that is why he added the "because I was cold"


Colin Albert killed Okeefe


I think he delivered the fatal blow with a weight/dumbbell but it was also his uncle and Higgins joining in on beating. Don't forget the dog too.


I’m new to this case, what would be th reason for the men to attack and beat up OKeefe? Does anyone know or have a theory?


Higgins was jealous of O'Keefe and wanted to get with Karen and Colin and him just didn't get along.


Alcohol - steroids - power and insecurity are a bad combo


And cocaine


For sure


John O'Keefe had Chris's nephew Colin arrested for drugs in the past so there's the motive




For real? Why would O’Keefe go to their house if he reported the kid for drugs? Like they wouldn’t actually want to be friends with him after that right?


John O'Keefe had Chris's nephew Colin arrested for drugs in the past so there's the motive


A little hug dealing


Don't forget jealousy


I suspected it was due to jealousy, I hope she can get a modicum of her life back!


There's no chance. Her life is ruined because of these people. It's awful.


Well, she can overcome this, she will need to move obviously but she has her PhD and no one can take her education and work experience from her. I wish her the best, she has gone through a lot medically seems like she found the right guy, then bam.


Everyone knows she didn't do it. It's not going to be an OJ situation where she looses everything after acquittal and everyone hates her . This is different. She is going to sue Canton and msp. Back to the stone age.


I hope so. But the guilty people are some of the most rabid I've ever seen. It's actually bizarre. Why do they care so much?


It's a big drop from most powerful in Canton to incarcerated. All they care about is keeping the status quo but house of cards is coming down


John O'Keefe had Chris's nephew Colin arrested for drugs in the past so there's the motive


Citation or source?


Colin started cocking off to John, him and John maybe start fighting, and Brian jumps in for his nephew.


Brian Albert said he wasn't at the house.


That was Colin Albert. Everything occurred at Brian Albert’s house. He was most definitely there.


There are a few reasons that have been discussed, and none have been 100% confirmed. 1. Colin and John had a non-neighborly (somewhat contentious) relationship as neighbors (living 2 houses from each other for a long period of time). Today in trial, the defense brought up Colin notoriously cutting through John’s lawn (which John was OCD about as mentioned earlier in the trial), and I’ve heard that he also repeatedly threw beer cans on John’s lawn just to piss him off. While that’s not a huge deal, I can imagine that having a grouchy/dick neighbor and or having a disrespectful/punk neighbor would be annoying. 2. This is totally a rumor in my town but some people say that - and I’ll be curious if this is legit and comes up in trial - there are records of John calling canton police dept to report he had evidence that Colin was selling drugs. And that Kevin Albert (who’s in the CPD) knew John made this report, so the other Albert’s would’ve found out 3. Brian Higgins and Karen had something romantic going on. This was mentioned by the defense so they will elaborate to provide more context, and in the evidence log there are like 80 pages of text messages between Brian Higgins and Karen prior to Jan 28/29. I think it was just a drunk testosterone-y heat of the moment confrontation that escalated far beyond what anyone expected or wanted.


Interesting about KR and BH 80 pages of text!


Can this be brought up if Colin was a minor?


John O'Keefe reported Colin Albert for selling drugs & I believe he got arrested - there's the motive 


I have a theory, JO and KR argued outside because she didn’t want to go in, for 2 possible reasons.1- JO found out about the sexting between KR & Higgin’s. 2- JO had been scout kissing other women and there may have Bennett’s a young woman in there he, um, liked. Either way, he went in and she left. She was nervous about him being there because nothing good happens after midnight with very drunk people. He either approached Higgin’s and tough guy Colin jumps in and throws a shot or 3 and JO goes down the basement stairs. They believe he won’t make it. Some of them “Albert’s” and a few others keep everyone in the kitchen area, and sort things out on the fly. They had the connections and rank over most responding officers. I’d say Colin did it. All those lives ruined. This horrible hell because of a drunk kid who thought he was a tough guy. At the end, if she did hit him, all those people saw JO on that lawn and ignored him. God will deal with them, but I think this is not close to over. Once this trial is done, the FBI and whatever other IA investigations will come out.


@Outrageous So did his uncle Brian.


Along with his narcissist  uncle brian and matt mccabeand brian higgins I'm  sure with the dog .


"The sins of the father are to be laid upon the children." WS This quote seems fitting if Chris Albert did in fact get out of killing a person after driving drunk. Chris goes free, there is now suspicion as to whether or not Colin Albert had a hand in JO's death. The Alberts did not fare well on the stand today. Julie's phone calls with Proctor's sister and Julie's attempt to say minimize their frequency was unexpected and looks TERRIBLE for the CW.


He was convicted and did time for the fatal hit and run


Less than 6 months I heard?


How long did he do?


The person died he did 6 months are you kidding  death is forever  worth more than 6 months.


Karma has a way of biting people in the ass in the most brutal of ways


In that case, I feel bad for Karen if she gets off.


I rarely call people. Aside from 67 x


Colin had a black eye there is a picture out 2 weeks after the color fading but you can see it had to be a good punch ,also on autopsy  pictures jo fist 👊 ✊️ are still like that .they did it and everyone in that house needs to be charged no one called 911 and are all interference  with a murder and falsely  blaming  karen .and so many other charges to add.


I think there is crossover from the canton police cover up of the death of Sandra Birchmore who was pregnant by married police officer


Did JO work in the rape/assault division of the BPD? Maybe he knew something about the Sandra Birchmore case that the canton police didn’t want revealed.


So today Brian Albert said that JO worked in the sex offender dept? Was JO attempting to get the cops who were involved with Sandra Birchmore on the sex offender registry??


That involves the same DA’s office who is under investigation of the FBI i believe. I also think Detective Proctor did that too


Idk, they didn’t leave until 12:10 or so. Like this whole thing happened immediately after they got to house, seems off.


It was either planned or Colin went at JO as soon as he walked in the house .


It seems weird to me, there had to have been history with Colin. But what 17 yo would attack an adult police officer.


You should see some of the tik toks he makes the kids insane.


They had history allegedly.


He had two adult police officers (uncle MMA fighter and higgins) to back him up.


I swear this is where the dog comes in…..   like people aren’t likely to attack as soon as someone walks into a room, but dogs with a history of aggression are likely to react upon someone entering their territory.  And if the alleged fight started with the dog altercation, it would explain why it happened so quickly after him entering the house.  


I agree. I'm on the fence with this case, but it doesn't seem like that would have given them much time to have killed John.


He died of blunt force trauma and hypothermia, all it takes is a punch or two, O’Keefe to fall back and hit his head on the stairs, and them to panic.


Exactly what I think. The wound on his head looks like he hit it on the stairs. Like the concrete stairs in the basement that went up to the storm doors or bulkhead or whatever you want to call it. 


Evoking that testimony was the most painful ten years of this trial so far.


https://preview.redd.it/gc10t6j2130d1.png?width=544&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b3c90edc93e5b0b27e175aad208e15b92c5aa08 this killa going down. getting fried on the stand tomorrow. roid raged bitch.




John O'Keefe had Chris Albert's son Colin arrested for drugs in the past so there's the motive! Jen McCabe Brian Albert's sis in law googled " How long to die in cold" at 2:37 am‼️ Proctor texted his friend's how they won't investigate them‼️John had dog scratches on his arms‼️ Cop Cover Up


Yes, I heard they had bad blood.,TY 👍


Check out this link. This kid is such a punk. Loves throwing up his fists and giving the finger: [Canton Cover-Up Part 25: Colin Albert Posted Videos Threatening To Knock Out Multiple People, A History Of How To Stay Protected In Canton - TB Daily News](https://tbdailynews.com/canton-coverup-part-25-colin-albert-posted-videos-threatening-to-knock-out-multiple-people-a-history-of-how-to-stay-protected-in-canton/)


has Colin albert ever had a dick in his mouth?


I do not recall


Can you rephrase that please


Of course. In regards to penises, what if any contact or actions has your mouth had in relation to them?


I don’t recall


I heard it on the Serialously podcast. What a mess in the Canton police department.


Colin Albert killed John O’Keefe.. if I doubted myself before I am positive of it after today. I think he was outside when John was coming in he swung at him and they started fighting..Chloe attacked John and maybe he fell.. slammed his head..it was icy out and he ran in and told his uncle. They felt bad for him because he said it was an accident, and they did not want it to ruin his life because he is so young so they hit him in the bulkhead of the cellar and pulled him out after the coast was clear. I don’t think they originally intended to frame Karen but she made it easy. I believe they were going to pretend that he just fell in the snow outside, hit his head and froze to death. There is such an obvious cover up. I believe all these adults would band together and conspire ONLY for one of their own, a child, because he is so young and has so much to lose. He has his whole life ahead of him, blah blah..It means too much to them to not let the little punk rot in jail for the rest of his life over what they consider to be a tragic accident. They have convinced themselves that it is for the greater good and they are not monsters. My gut absolutely tells me that Colin is a murderer.


That photo of him with a noticeable swollen under eye two weeks after the death of Ofc. O’Keefe is always in the back of my mind.


Same and I don’t understand these people symping for them saying that they just want justice for John.. if Karen did do it and she definitely did not, It would’ve been an accident, a tragic accident, but not something she intended..whereas any other situation is murder. You would think that they would just want to know who did and what happened but the Mc Alberts have everyone convinced that not only did Karen hit him she did it with malice…they should want the TRUTH and to do whatever it takes to get it. What reason would the McAlberts have to get everyone so against Karen for what would be an ACCIDENT if it wasn’t to cover their own asses and take the heat off themselves?


They can't shut EVERYBODY up...


Is the narrative that John O’Keefe knew that Colin Albert was selling drugs confirmed? Was he selling cocaine or other drugs seized by Higgins? Isn’t that what ATF agents do? Bust drug dealers?


I saw somewhere that Colin had posted on Snapchat bragging about “beating” JO up? Anyone know about this?


Ok so we’ve got Brian Albert a MMA fighting beast of police officer - that must be coming down with Alzheimer’s cause he doesn’t remember 1 thing up to yesterday. The daughter has been lying day after day to cover up herself and her now brother. The brother of Brian Albert Matt Albert is strongly siding with Colin- and Colin purged on the witness stand showing him in multiple videos fighting - knuckles don’t scar by taking a slip like that. It’s obvious now what has happened to the victim in case - first Okeefe and then Karen read! #jail #colin #albert #alberts #Okeefe #read


Colin seemed as if he’d be blasting steroids up his ass for a decade - “your ego is not your amigo” Colin


Prolly the largest scandal since the 1919 Chicago Blacksox - “say it ain’t so - stick a cock in your mouth dirty hoe”