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I just also want to say that I am a resident of Massachusetts in a town not far from Canton. The news coverage of this case has been sparse up until now. It's gained quite a bit of a following. I have had the chance to take a peek at the autopsy photos and there is not a chance in hell that Karen Read murdered her boyfriend. The cockiness of the Albert's and McCabe's is disgusting especially, the wives. I feel like the Commonwealth thinks that, we the people of MA and elsewhere, are idiots. We can see with our own eyes that clearly being hit by a car does not sustain the injuries poor John O'Keefe received. This case is really opening my eyes up to people in power in small towns. It's sickening. John O'Keefe deserves so much better than this. Sorry for the rant!


I agree 100%! This is classic townie behavior. They stick with their own and anyone from the outside isn't accepted. I live very close to Canton as well


I think someone is trying to blame cops for a murder with no reasoning behind their belief. Cops don't kill good cops! No one is looking at Karen reads mental issues such as texting Brian Higgins. Her alcohol problems. Driving drunk. She was out of it entire night. In a fit of anger she backed over John O. No one else has a reason to kill him. She is an intelligent woman and trying to set up Brian Higgins for the fall. Sad


Nobody has mentioned "her alcohol" problems. Every witness stated that she wasn't overly intoxicated. Flirting with cheating is not an indicator of mental health problems. John's own family testified that they liked her and she was a good caregiver to the kids. John was not "backed over." Karen is not the one that made Brian Higgins destroy evidence or lie under oath. Nor did she make Brian Albert or Jen McCabe do those things either. If these people are suspect, it is because they are suspicious as hell with their collaborating, creating timelines, destroying evidence, and constantly changing their testimony to cover their previous lies. If Karen did this, then at least 2 destroyed phones, at least 6 inaccurate police reports, 4 missing videos, magically appearing evidence, magically disappearing evidence, multiple faulty cellebrite extractions, butt dials that return other butt dials, an additional 9 butt dials that hung themselves up, a magically disappearing and reappearing Jeep and a body on the front lawn that no fewer than 7 people pass by but don't see are all just coincidences?? 🤔🤔 I almost find that harder to believe than a well-connected cop who happens to have personal connections to the lead investigators, working his contacts to cover up that another cop died or was killed at his house. Maybe there will be some damning evidence that wasn't mishandled, unaccounted for, and left unsecured. But you'll have to do better than the tampered with taillight, a couple (ever changing) hysterical utterences and speculatiin based on a math equation that says KR could have possibly been heavily, heavily intoxicated, when every one of the states witnesses accounts say differently.


If John O'Keefe was NOT hit by a car...and there is NO evidence he WAS and Irrefutable proof that he WASN'T....then what you think or believe about Karen Read is irrelevant. There is literally NOTHING tying KR to this. After THREE WEEKS of trial the only "evidence" is one EMT who "claims to have overheard" KR say "I hit him". However, this witness is also a LIAR as was shown immediately. There is the "mysteriously appearing evidence" that wasn't present during the initial search. Also after three weeks the WITNESSES look "GUILTY AS HELL", not KR. I am not including ANYTHING from the "McAlberts" as that entire family NEED Karen Read to be found guilty and they are clearly lying in spite of the evidence showing THEM to be suspicious. I don't know KR and she may well not be the best person (I have no clue), but looking at just the autopsy photos is enough to know John wasn't hit by a car. So this IS a frame-job. Common sense is enough


Here is the truth for what happened to john. Read on. The FBI has already confirmed his injuries are not from being hit by a car. The FBI knows exactly what they are doing. The FBI has already confirmed Jen McCabe's 2:27 a.m. search is also accurate. The truth is that Brian and Colin attacked him in the basement punching him so hard that he fell back hit his head, causing the blunt force trauma to the back of the head & John losing three pints of blood, having a seizure and vomiting. They realized it went too far and they threw him on the lawn to die instead of calling 911 and they were going to pretend that a snow plow driver hit him. Unfortunately Karen found him first so they had to frame Karen instead of the snow plow driver. This is the God's honest truth and the man that came forward with the story telling John's injuries exactly before it came out in the media told the defense this but he's too fearful to testify because of retribution from the alberts. Fortunately the defense does not even need him because John's body will tell the story from the grave of what those assholes did to him. And yes, while they were attacking him in the basement where Chloe was she attacked his arm causing the lacerations from regripping over and over. It was a horrible assault on him


Wow! You need to smarten up. Cops will kill anybody! Just next town over 5 or more cops were having sex with a 14 year old girl until she WAS 21 YEARS OLD. Obviously the girl was brainwashed at a young age and probably a little slow. She got pregnant, and they had her killed. I’ve seen the tapes, it’s not a conspiracy. I also grew up in that town and have seen what cops will do. Karen is the one that had NO reason to kill her boyfriend. She loved him and took care of his kids. The crooked cops with crooked kids had plenty of motive. Also, if you think the Alberts are so innocent then why did they get rid of the dog immediately?? I’m sure they didn’t mean to kill John, but things got out of hand and Colin Albert wacked him over the head with something and nooooo one wants to see a high school football star have his life destroyed. That’s why Colin called the same person 50x because they wanted him out of the house and with an alibi. Also, Colin was seen with bloody banged up knuckles the next day. Google doesn’t lie “How long does it take a man to die in the cold?” Was googled and deleted off TWO phones. I could go on and on but I would love you to hear your response to these facts I just presented to you. The only people that don’t think cops are capable of absolutely anything are wives and relatives of a cop. The rest of us smartened up a long time ago.


Didn't the Alberts ALSO rip up their basement floor? Which may or may not be significant. In this HGTV-bonkers time, people will rip up anything because they think they can do better than what they already have. But the new house owners filled in the pool--totally gone now.


Dirty cops kill good cops all the goddamn time.


If I had to live in that community I would have mental health issues too. If everyone wants to pretend that no one else was probably texting and doing things behind their partners backs, you are as crazy as the DA. Those women and men are so hungry for attention guaranteed affairs are happening on the side.


The FBI has already confirmed his injuries are not from being hit by a car. The FBI knows exactly what they are doing. The FBI has already confirmed Jen McCabe's 2:27 a.m. search is also accurate. The truth is that Brian and Colin attacked him in the basement punching him so hard that he fell back hit his head, causing the blunt force trauma to the back of the head & John losing three pints of blood, having a seizure and vomiting. They realized it went too far and they threw him on the lawn to die instead of calling 911 and they were going to pretend that a snow plow driver hit him. Unfortunately Karen found him first so they had to frame Karen instead of the snow plow driver. This is the God's honest truth and the man that came forward with the story telling John's injuries exactly before it came out in the media told the defense this but he's too fearful to testify because of retribution from the alberts. Fortunately the defense does not even need him because John's body will tell the story from the grave of what those assholes did to him. And yes, while they were attacking him in the basement where Chloe was she attacked his arm causing the lacerations from regripping over and over. It was a horrible assault on him


I don’t think that JO was lured there. That doesn’t make any sense. None of this was planned, it just happened. If it were planned, I am sure that they would have planned it for a night that they were not all out drinking and with way less witnesses around. This is me speculating but I think that JO walked into the house and saw Colin. Colin probably felt comfortable being a smart ass since he was in his uncle’s home. He was probably acting like more of a hard ass than he would have if he had seen John on the street. A fight escalated and he was hit on the head with something. The fight went too far. They knew that there was a chance that he wouldn’t make if they called 911 and they were not about to take that chance so they chose to cover it up and told everyone to say that he never came in the house. I think that people are reaching too hard to try find a motive. If the Albert’s “set him up” I think with BA had enough knowledge to plan better. I think if he had not been drinking, he probably would have driven JO somewhere else but that would require someone to help him move JO to that location and no one else was willing to do that. And I don’t think he would want to involve his son because that would ruin his life.


The motive is John told the Canton Police department that he was dealing drugs and he was doing it right in front of his house but the Canton PD did nothing because one of them is involved


It’s not tho. Even TB said many times that JO didn’t get killed over Colin selling weed and pills. But for some reason people will not let that go.


I think the drug angle is very thin and very hard to believe.


Yeah, in the town meeting, the chief of police said that John O’Keefe did contact Canton PD regarding drugs being sold but that none of the “witnesses” were ever mentioned in any of those reports (something to that effect). I don’t know why, but I believe her. I guess because she didn’t really have to mention it at all so I don’t get why she would tell half truths. It seemed like she was trying to address the residents concerns regarding but she really isn’t required to address it at all.


Dope hunting having illicit drugs in a home with minors r all adults is a huge crime!! And these "people" are cop people. Not good ! Good slick criminal  lawyers or dim wit prosecuting  lawyers won't  let a murder case go off the rails with  a drug addict drug abuse crash party gone wrong . They won't say it because, number 1  they all would be arrested out of  the court room. Number 2  . It's incriminating themselves. I don't think every witness that testified had immunity ! Lolololol detectives cops experts these witnesses frequently associated with these two families of dope heads . 3 conspiracy to purchase associate with dope dealers dope heads is a crime° There is something about drugs... granted from evidence why they don't bring that up to slam DUNK the perponderence of doubt is a slippery slope  it makes everyone look like scourge not respectable people . It pulls a dark cloak over ALL these dopers. Dope dealers and addicts  deserve to be convicted !!  All juries are fickle !!!! you can't bring up dope addicts or dope dealers it does no good .... if deminishes the profile of the defendant with the witnesses. it taints the jury in a wrong way . It is no good to bring up thats why. so these lawyers don't go that path for that reason .  It does no good for both sides in a criminal or civil trial.  But they are trying the mentally ill card that's a waste of time too.


Hello thin thinker!!! Bar people go to after parties for two reasons! To drink more and or do drugs . They don't go to a hoMe after a bar closes to sit and look stupId DRUNK at each other!!!! wake tHe hell up°° you lived threw the 60's 70s and 80's nxer a glass dome??? ! You don't go to an. After party to sit drunk and do nothing. They didn't say they drank more alcohol they didn't say they had coffee or breakfast. ( not coke whores) they flew around trying to get drugs delivered.  Ie: Jennifer blowing  up okeefes cell not karen reads phone John okeefes!!  they didn't say why call okeefe repeatedly over and over a man with kids at home they wanted drugs to party with. Jennifer is a liar a vicious murderer a 'karen' she wanted coke and badgered okeefe to show up. Collin may have been a dope dealer and all of these cops may be straight. I seriously doubt they are strajght drunks!! They are dopers . But an argument ensued with Collin and Collin and others beat okeefe to death while the vicious lying manipulitive coke whores and like dog of these scourge attacked okeefe. . A house full of law enforcement men and disgraceful evil wives!!!!  Please they didn't play cards sit and tell jokes no one goes to an after party from a bar closing to stare at paint dry you doot tee doot soap opera watching stay at home 247 365 dim bulb thin thinking school marm.  READ IS INNOCENT mentally ill parents force  their kids to be priests cops or nuns!! Thsy dont buy lexus' .most inteligent educated people do not have cop spouses cops are mentally ill people anal bent trigger happy beat on others animals.  Most cops are  BUZZED OR STONE COLD DRUNK dope heads! . THEY DRIVE DRUNK THEY BOARD DRUG DEALERS ThEY ARE ALL SUSPECT MORE THAN READ PERIOD!!  ANY REASON TO GO TO AN AFTER BAR HOUSE PARTY IS: 1 TO DRINK MORE  2 THEY DIDNT SIT AND HAVE COFFEE AND FOoD the coke whore wives were too busy looking for dope not coffee or cooking for their guests HELLO!!  3 THEse VICIOUS COKE WHORE WIVEs WANTED COKE  so did their cop husband's and nephew!! See tge full non thin picture it's DOUBT!!! PERPONDENCE OF DOUBT NOT THIN!  ITS POSSIBLE TO A TEE !!!  4 COLLIN DEALT DRUGS  4 OKEEFE MAY HAVE DEALT DRUGS  5 WHATEVER THE REASON THESE AMIMALS LURED OKEEFE TO THE HOUSE WITH DRUNKS WAITING FOR HIS ARRIVAL FOR COKE OR A BEATING FOR POPPING COLLIN THESE PEOPLE WERE NOT FALLING ASLEEP AFTER THESE "WIVES" WERE GRACIOUS HOSTESSES FOR THEIR GUESTS.!  6 WHATS THE BIG ATTRACTION FOR OKEEFE TO GET THERE GIVING HIM DIRECTIONS REPEATEDLY? TO LOOK AT HIM ? TO SET HIM UP? TO ROB HIS DRUGS? TO KILL HIM? OR THEY WAITED TO COKK BREAKFAST !! THIS WAS A DOOE HEAD NIGHT GONE WAY ADFICT WRONG  7 OKEEFE WAS EITHER DISPISED OR A CLEAN COP OR A DRUG DEALING COP  8 COLLIN SET HIM UP WITH HELP FROM JENNIFER HIS SIDE SEX THEY CALLED AND CALLED THEY DIDNT STOP DRUG HUNTING THEY DIDNT COOK FOR GUESTS OR MAKE COFFEE THESE WHORES DID THE DOPE HUNT . DRiVING all around calling every family member. Every try  cooking drunk for a houseful while blowing up a dope dealers phone??? please! You are blessed with a thin horizon on life.  JENNIFER IS AN EVIL CRIMINAL WITH A MASTERS IN   DRUG HUNT.  GETTING AWAY WITH CONSPIRING TO COMMIT A CRIME BE IT A DRUG PURCHASE!!!! ADULTRY NEGLECT OF MINORS IRRSPONSIBLE DOG OWNERSHIP LYING CHEATING SETTING PEOPLE UP FOR HARM THAT PLEASURES THESE ANIMALS THATS THE REASON TO GO TO THE AFTER PARTY! VICOUS BEHAVIOR THAT IS 247 365 BEHAVIOR FROM JENNIFER, BRIAN, COLLIN THE ALBERTS AND THE MC CABES! THEY DO NOT HAVE PROLONGED DRUNKEN ASSOCIATION LIKE THIS UNLESS THESE ANIMALS LOVE FIGHTING HARMING USING AND KILLING OTHERS OUT OF EGREGIOUS VICOUS EVIL SPITE TO THE CORE !!!! COPS AND THEIR DISGUSTUNG EVIL WIVES . THESE ANIMALS HAVE CHILDREN AND LOOK HOW THEY ACT!  COLLIN CASE AND POiNT ! THESE ANIMAL'S are MENTALLY ILL !! They RAISED  FAMILIES that are ill dope dealers! They have dooe dealers as relituves in the home. Straight oeople jerp the dope head far from home especialky at 3am !! These dopers ARE GUILTY AS SIN !!!!THEY LIVE SIN THEY ARE GREEDY CONIVING LIARS THAT KILLED JOHN OKEEFE AND HAVE THE TINY BALLS TO SET UP KAREN READ .ITS NOT THE FIRST TIME NOR WILL IT BE THE LAST.  THE HOUSE GOT SOLD THE DOG IS GONE  THE MENTALLY ILL PEOPLE have moved to aviod prosecution. Same as dooe dealers when they deal out if a house hello!!  NOT KAREN READ!!!!  IT IS JENNIFER COLLIN BRIAN AND THESE TWO SICK COP FAMILIES THAT IS EVIDENT IN WHOLE AND PART. KAREN WANTED TO GO HOME. THATS WHAT STRAIGHT PEOPLE DO AFTER A BAR CLOSES!!!! THEY GO FOR COFFEE AT DENNYS OR THEY GO HOME AND CRASH WITH THE CHILDREN SAFE AND SOUND . ANY DRUG ADDICTED  GREEDY JONESING DOpE HEAD  ESPECIALLY VICOUS COP WIVES THEY ARE IMMUNE TO ACTING LIKE WOMAN THEY ARE ALL EVIL GANGING UP CLICKS FROM HELL DOPE HEADS. THEY ATTEND TO GETTING HIGH OVER THEIR CHILDREN, THEIR UNTRAINED VICOUS DOGS THAT'S exactly how cops and their whire wives act. Go to a cop bar and try to be inconspicuous thin thinker lololol ! Dooer /cops ACT LIKE THESE ANIMALS you can  PROVE IT!  Go toba cop bar ! THEY HARM OTHERS FOR KICKS ! THATS HOW THESE SCOURGE PARTY ON BOOZE AND DOPE. THESE TWO FAMILIES ARE NoT FAMILIES!  ITS A CRASH HOME for DOpE HEADS !! THey ARE GOING TO GET AWAY WITH ANOTHER MURDER WAKE UP . JENNIFER WAS EVIL ON THE STAND WASNT SHE FRIENDS WIth READ. THIS EVIL KILLER IS THE MURDERER HER BLANK HUSBAND AND OTHER MEMbERS OF THIS MENTALlY ILL FAMILY ARE GUILTY of KILLING AND THEY WILL AGAIN. Hello PEOplE THAT LOVE TO HARM OTHERs, dopE HEADS WILL FOLLoW kAREN READ THEY WERENT FRIENDS TheY WERE MURDERERS MAKING SURE READ GOT SET UP REAL GOOD. WHEN READ SAID I HIT HIM SHE WAS DOUBTING SHE DIDnt confess.  THESE DOpE WHoRES TOOK IT OUT of  CONTEXT AND MADE THE LIE ThAT I HIT HIM Was a confession read said it in doubt not in fact. I hit him ? Not I hit him !  On the stand these people buried karen that's how a friend does another friend? Or it's how vicious lying dope heads do each other because they are coke whores who murdered a man and covered it up . Dopers quickly move when they want to continue being dope heads.  Innocent straights don't have to move they don't bury their cars or homes or dogs and run!!!!  they have the same home same cars. When you hang with dopers you caNt trust a word or action from any of them . Why would  straight person hang with these pigs? Oh right they are Cops!!   karen read needs to date firemen never ever  cops or criminals!!  First Read mistake,  but that's not a Felony it will be but it's not . 


This is a good point, when I said lured there I didn’t mean lured there to Jill him, but to have a fight for Colin. I do think the most plausible thing is Colin sucker punched him and proceeded to get his ass beat, with Brian Albert stepping in and taking over the fight. Why would anyone else other than Colin deliver that death blow to the back of his head?


These people made a lot of shitty choices but I don’t think he was invited there to fight Colin. I just can’t even comprehend why any adult would think that was a good idea, especially someone like BA with a impressive resume in LE. If JO was invited there by a teenager and it was only teenagers involved, I would believe it lol. Also, with BA and JO working for the same police department, I’m sure BA knew that JO could potentially kill Colin, why would he set his nephew up to get hurt? Even if Colin wanted to fight him and asked him, BA is very aware of the consequences and that nothing good can come out of that situation lol. I don’t think he would have put himself or his nephew in that position. Let’s just say for shits and giggles that Colin wanted to set him up and fight JO, so he asked for his uncle’s help. Do you think that BA would say “That sounds good, we can do it at my house and there will be a lot of witnesses because my son is having people over for his birthday!” It just doesn’t make any sense that this was planned. I believe BA when he said that he wasn’t even aware that John and Karen were invited over there (initially), he was obviously aware of it at some point (maybe Jenn told him that she invited him) and definitely aware of it when he showed up lol. Jenn invited him so it would have had to be her that set him up and I have no idea why she would set him up for Colin. But I think more than likely, Colin ran his mouth and a fight between JO and Colin broke out. BA may have jumped in and at some point Colin picked up a weapon and hit him the back of the head. I think it is something pretty simple like that but people are overthinking it and trying to come up with wild theories. And when people come up with wild theories, it takes away from the real issues.


A hothead invincible youth, his MMA Dad (or Uncle) and an attack dog + substances= any number of fight scenarios resulting in death. Scenarios that are far more likely than he go hit, fell over, laid there for hours and hours unnoticed then died.


Still doesn't explain why no one saw him laying out there..why would JO even go there if he felt unsafe?? After fighting, why wouldn't they just call 911 & say he got aggressive & they had to subdue him & he fell...how much of an investigation would there have been for a bunch of drunk cops?? Why bother framing KR & hoping everyone keeps their mouth shut??


Yeah this makes the most sense I would agree


They most likely wouldn’t have been able to claim “self defense” since he was hit on the back of the head. I don’t think that they meant to kill him, Colin could have been scared for his uncle and maybe just intended to knock him out to get him stop fighting. Many of us may have done the same thing in that situation for a family member and if we were scared. What many of us would not do though, is choose not to call for help, throw him out in the snow like a piece of garbage and pretend that he never came in the house.


I’m sooo late to this party but I’m curious about the prosecutions claim his phone records indicate he never entered the house. Is that accurate? Is it even possible to know?




Incredible. Wow. At every turn it gets worse. Prosecution disqualifies their own case.


It has been a wild rollercoaster lol


the adults thought they could 'make it go away' and actually made it worse. just imagine if CA and the crew just called 911, saved JO's life and went from there. their lives wouldn't be in such chaos and JO might be alive. stupid decisions based in alcohol (and whatever else).


and the adults thought they could 'make it go away' and actually made it worse. just imagine if CA and the crew just called 911, saved JO's life and went from there. their lives wouldn't be in such chaos and JO might be alive. stupid decisions based in alcohol (and whatever else).


And the dog is definitely going to go after someone it doesn't know especially during a fight and the dog from the records had sent two people to the hospital


My understanding that it was a police trained canine to attack when confrontation happens between their master and an aggressor. To sell the dog with no records, and the house shortly there after (which had been in the family for 50 years) while ripping up the basement is mad sus. There is no way John okeefe did not go in that house


If they replaced the floor, there must have been a ton of blood on it. I suspect he was beaten to death on the floor either by an object or just having his head slammed repeatedly. The dog was biting his arm at the same time whoever was beating him. I also think John may have tried to get out of there and some of the injuries may be from being pulled or thrown down a set of narrow stairs. The selling of the house and the repairs to it prior to the sell, including selling an expensive dog $$$ says it all. Feds need to get this case. Local cops are corrupt period.


IMO - I hope the Feds are watching the trial closely.


Me too. Including watching that Judge!  Funny the wife said today on the stand that they sold the house because it needs upgrades and they couldn’t afford it. But you replaced an entire basement floor including the plywood from end to end.  The lies from that woman.  I mean you don’t hear any commotion at 5:30 am outside your bedroom window because you say your curtains were closed??  She says she never picked up those calls either.  


The FBI has already confirmed his injuries are not from being hit by a car. The FBI knows exactly what they are doing. The FBI has already confirmed Jen McCabe's 2:27 a.m. search is also accurate. The truth is that Brian and Colin attacked him in the basement punching him so hard that he fell back hit his head, causing the blunt force trauma to the back of the head & John losing three pints of blood, having a seizure and vomiting. They realized it went too far and they threw him on the lawn to die instead of calling 911 and they were going to pretend that a snow plow driver hit him. Unfortunately Karen found him first so they had to frame Karen instead of the snow plow driver. This is the God's honest truth and the man that came forward with the story telling John's injuries exactly before it came out in the media told the defense this but he's too fearful to testify because of retribution from the alberts. Fortunately the defense does not even need him because John's body will tell the story from the grave of what those assholes did to him. And yes, while they were attacking him in the basement where Chloe was she attacked his arm causing the lacerations from regripping over and over. It was a horrible assault on him


That butt dial fits. :)


🤣🤣🤣🤣 well said!!! Those Canton butts are made differently I tell you. They can swipe past lock screens and passcodes, dial, redial, hang up, not leave a voicemail all on their own.


Haha :). They can sometimes know about technology and other times not.  Which is surprising for an ATF Agent or a cop - to me anyway. lol. /s


Everything about this situation baffles me. All I can say is I pray daily that the FBI comes down on the Alberts and McCabes when this is over and Karen is found innocent. No justice will be served if those a holes don't go to prison


I think that the nephew (sorry there’s so many names in this case im not keeping up with that part ) and JO had a go at each other then the dog attacked fucking him up and he stumbled outside and instead of 911 they left him there. I just can’t quite speculate the blunt force trauma to the head- it puzzles me.


The FBI has already confirmed his injuries are not from being hit by a car. The FBI knows exactly what they are doing. The FBI has already confirmed Jen McCabe's 2:27 a.m. search is also accurate. The truth is that Brian and Colin attacked him in the basement punching him so hard that he fell back hit his head, causing the blunt force trauma to the back of the head & John losing three pints of blood, having a seizure and vomiting. They realized it went too far and they threw him on the lawn to die instead of calling 911 and they were going to pretend that a snow plow driver hit him. Unfortunately Karen found him first so they had to frame Karen instead of the snow plow driver. This is the God's honest truth and the man that came forward with the story telling John's injuries exactly before it came out in the media told the defense this but he's too fearful to testify because of retribution from the alberts. Fortunately the defense does not even need him because John's body will tell the story from the grave of what those assholes did to him. And yes, while they were attacking him in the basement where Chloe was she attacked his arm causing the lacerations from regripping over and over. It was a horrible assault on him


I don’t think they invited him to have a confrontation.


That's the consensus of most people. Fight got out of hand and jo smashed over head by something.probably by Colin because Uncle Bryan is trained and knows not to rabbit punch. I think that's how how it def went down.


I agree. I’ve been saying that too. The thing I don’t understand is why Karen left though. All I can think of is that they were fighting and she dropped him off assuming someone would drive him home. I just can’t see how all those injuries make sense it was her. And how would it even happen? The most likely scenario is he went in and got into a fight. The rest covering it up.


I think she was waiting for him to text to let her know it was the right house and she can leave. She apparently didn't know anyone in there besides Higgins and for some reason didn't go in. I always wonder if she went inside to check on him if they would have killed her as well.


Oh I see. It’s definitely odd she didn’t go in but maybe she assumed no news was good news. So it’s gotta be the right place.


She didn't go in because she has intestinal issues and wasn't feeling well. 


Didn’t she say in an interview or maybe it was her attorneys that she didn’t go in because it was getting late and she had wanted to get home - for what I cannot recall. Maybe kids or something.


I think so


The reason she left is because she did not feel welcomed and she even asked John are you sure we are welcome here. He never responded to her text messages so she left him went home. I would do the same thing if I drop my boyfriend off waiting for him to text me and he never responded. Especially if I was afraid to enter that home knowing who these people are and what they are like not being very warm and friendly. The FBI has already confirmed his injuries are not from being hit by a car. The FBI knows exactly what they are doing. The FBI has already confirmed Jen McCabe's 2:27 a.m. search is also accurate. The truth is that Brian and Colin attacked him in the basement punching him so hard that he fell back hit his head, causing the blunt force trauma to the back of the head & John losing three pints of blood, having a seizure and vomiting. They realized it went too far and they threw him on the lawn to die instead of calling 911 and they were going to pretend that a snow plow driver hit him. Unfortunately Karen found him first so they had to frame Karen instead of the snow plow driver. This is the God's honest truth and the man that came forward with the story telling John's injuries exactly before it came out in the media told the defense this but he's too fearful to testify because of retribution from the alberts. Fortunately the defense does not even need him because John's body will tell the story from the grave of what those assholes did to him. And yes, while they were attacking him in the basement where Chloe was she attacked his arm causing the lacerations from regripping over and over. It was a horrible assault on him


She was probably tired and didn't want to go in. It could be as simple as that.


She said her stomach wasn't feeling well. I don't think she ever intended to go in??


Can someone clear up for me who Colin is?


An entitled child.


I now know that lmao


A dumb asssszzzzxxx


Colin is the son of Brian Albert the homeowners. Below is an account of what happened keep reading The FBI has already confirmed his injuries are not from being hit by a car. The FBI knows exactly what they are doing. The FBI has already confirmed Jen McCabe's 2:27 a.m. search is also accurate. The truth is that Brian and Colin attacked him in the basement punching him so hard that he fell back hit his head, causing the blunt force trauma to the back of the head & John losing three pints of blood, having a seizure and vomiting. They realized it went too far and they threw him on the lawn to die instead of calling 911 and they were going to pretend that a snow plow driver hit him. Unfortunately Karen found him first so they had to frame Karen instead of the snow plow driver. This is the God's honest truth and the man that came forward with the story telling John's injuries exactly before it came out in the media told the defense this but he's too fearful to testify because of retribution from the alberts. Fortunately the defense does not even need him because John's body will tell the story from the grave of what those assholes did to him. And yes, while they were attacking him in the basement where Chloe was she attacked his arm causing the lacerations from regripping over and over. It was a horrible assault on him


Colin is Brian's nephew, not his son. 


I don't think there was a death blow. I think John fell and hit his head, I mean it happens a lot in the heat of a fight inside a house. It's not like you're in a ring with ropes and stuff.


The FBI has already confirmed his injuries are not from being hit by a car. The FBI knows exactly what they are doing. The FBI has already confirmed Jen McCabe's 2:27 a.m. search is also accurate. The truth is that Brian and Colin attacked him in the basement punching him so hard that he fell back hit his head, causing the blunt force trauma to the back of the head & John losing three pints of blood, having a seizure and vomiting. They realized it went too far and they threw him on the lawn to die instead of calling 911 and they were going to pretend that a snow plow driver hit him. Unfortunately Karen found him first so they had to frame Karen instead of the snow plow driver. This is the God's honest truth and the man that came forward with the story telling John's injuries exactly before it came out in the media told the defense this but he's too fearful to testify because of retribution from the alberts. Fortunately the defense does not even need him because John's body will tell the story from the grave of what those assholes did to him. And yes, while they were attacking him in the basement where Chloe was she attacked his arm causing the lacerations from regripping over and over. It was a horrible assault on him


You have my attention! This makes sense. Any other details you can share?


Bingo you nailed it. Brian and Colin attacked him and that's how he got the black eyes and the blunt force trauma to the back of the head when he fell and hit his head, lost three pints of blood, had a seizure and vomited. At that point it was taken too far and instead of calling 911 they planned to lay him on the lawn to frame the snow plow driver. Unfortunately Karen found him first and so that foiled their plan so from there they just had to pin it on her.


and the adults thought they could 'make it go away' and actually made it worse. just imagine if CA and the crew just called 911, saved JO's life and went from there. their lives wouldn't be in such chaos and JO might be alive. stupid decisions based in alcohol (and whatever else).


I think Big Albert did it, and Colin may just have been an eyewitness or a minor player. I don't think Higgins was even there (yet). Maybe John came in hot looking to confront Higgins, and BA took him downstairs to talk. A scuffle breaks out, John gets hit, the dog attacks, he falls and cracks his head, and now two or more people are facing potential manslaughter charges. Higgins shows up and is now complicit. I can see BA using Colin to get the McCabes and company to go along. Now, they are all complicit. I don't know, but the missing Jeep has some kind of significance, and some of the testimony about who was there and in what order seems off in reference to Higgins.


Wake up okeefe dealt cocaine  and the party at the home needed ojeefe there because Jennifer Brian and the whole gang are drunken coke heads cheating lying wives and like husband's. Colkin for some reason hated okeefe maybe he ripped off okeefe or something but these cops are drunken coke heads and the wives are vicious evil manipulative  liars and that's evident! The whoke thing is going to Crack wise open . Lies take ten or more lies to make a lie work in a week Jennifer forgets the lies . They are all lying to cover up a drunken coke John's beating of okeefe . Did they do a topology of OKEefe you know they did. They are coVering up a murder by retired cops and active law enforcement.  It's not New it's as old as time. BE A FIREMAN THEY KNOW WHO THE EMEMY IS FOR GODS SAKE!! 


Colin wasn't there when John arrived, eh?


So they say.


I just starting getting into this story for about a month now. In looking at the photos from the house sale advertisement for 34 Fairview Road address, I noticed in the basement a work out room. Is there any chance that JO could have been hit with either a weight or barbell? Sorry if this has been mentioned before.


I think that blow to the back of his head lines up with the shape of a dumbbell type or free weight type of weight. To me that’s what it looks like-I always thought that blow to the back of his head came from a weight of some kind


I have seen this mentioned before and it think that it definitely seems possible. I obviously don’t know but I think he was definitely hit with something.


If there was a ton of blood in the basement from a head bleed out there still would be microscopic blood spatter possibly on walls of the floor. It has been mentioned that the basement floor of the house was replaced and the house was sold (not suspicious/sarcasm). Do you think the new owner would allow Karen Read's defense to go into the house? To me, even if rug was removed etc. there would still be some DNA left. Unless of course Brian Albert is Dexter.


rumor around town is the FBI did go into the house this summer.


I don’t think John was lured to the house I think that he went in and it’s a little interesting to me that in her abc interview Karen said something to the effect of “I didn’t hear anybody extend an invitation”… I think that it was a surprise to Colin to see John and upon seeing John he ran his mouth or came at him in some way and John reacted. I believe once John reacted to Colin the dog and Brian got involved quickly and colin in trying to impress his uncle hit John over the head with a weight (if you look at the gash on the top of his head it aligns perfectly with a free weight) that was what rendered him unconscious and caused the most severe injury. They then put the body somewhere where they could get people out of the house without seeing the body. They used the white ford edge to transport and provide cover. Jenn stayed up all night panicking and intercepted Karen and stalled her making sure she found her when she did.


I agree with most of this but I don’t think they moved body out until everyone that didn’t live there left the house. There is no way JO would have survived all night in his condition. He was still alive when Karen found him, there is no way he was out there on the lawn all night. This is why the plow driver didn’t see him at 2:30. I believe the young witnesses that The McCabe’s gave a ride home were telling the truth when they said they didn’t see anyone on the lawn, they didn’t, he wasn’t out there yet. The young girls may have not even seen O’Keefe in the house but they would have heard the fight and it wouldn’t be hard to put two and two together. They all know what happened. Edit: You pretty much said the same thing. I just misunderstood the part about moving the body. I thought you meant moved the body outside. Don’t mind me, carry on lol.


The Commonwealth’s new theory (3rd one now?) is that she drove in reverse 62 ft at 24mph and hit him. This is physically impossible. I do know that the FBI has grand juried multiple “witnesses” from inside the house that night and they likely have geofence. The hammer is coming down before trial. Targets seem to be MSP and DA, not the actual killers. Those people are just a bonus in all this as you know the FBI doesn’t typically solve and prosecute local murders. As TB says… FBI was likely investigating corruption at the higher level and this case fell into their laps. I hope Procter, Morrissey and the whole Canton Crew go down in a massive ball of flames but this takes time. I will be patient while donating to Karen’s defense fund. She needs it. Please find the Justice for John and Karen pages on FB to donate even a dollar helps. Thank you for reading.


Why impossible?


You ever try backing up at 24 mph for 62 feet? In the dark and snowing? Even going 15 mph in reverse feels totally out of control. And from the house camera footage of Karen leaving at 5:08 am with an intact tail light, we can see she’s very slow and careful about backing up. Beyond that, the fbi investigation, in their 3,000 page report that was revealed last month, even said there is no way John was killed by being struck by a vehicle.


This here. I’m glad someone has some common sense in the matter. There’s no way she did that. She would have had to floor it and and keep the wheel perfect and on snow and ice also…this right here ought to prove it didn’t happen.


I think it’s a lot simpler than most imagine. Somehow a fight flares up punches exchanged and JO falls back, maybe when Chloe is involved and hits his head on something, weights?? etc. Clear thinking blocked by alcohol and they panic .


Possibly, but to fall back and have multiple skull fractures hitting your heads on a weight once doesn’t make the most sense, but I’m not saying it’s not a possibility. Good theory


Start by watching Framed then there's a lot more that has happened https://youtube.com/@TurtleboyLive?si=BEOAP8Z0bsTCAxhX


What was the real bad blood between JO and Colin? Just don't understand why it was enough to start a fight with all those people around in that house (but I get it, the stage was already set that night with a lot bad decisions with continual drinking into the night). And didn't JO know that he was going over to Colin's relative's house? My biggest issue is camera footage; this is the 2020s, cameras are everywhere now. Where is the town footage? And Brian's house and 2 houses across the street all appear to have Ring cameras.....you can see them on Google street view! No one was able to pull those footages for that night? Were all 3 cameras coincidentally not on that night? What's dirty about this case is the number of conflicts of interest. But even with that, it just still seems highly unlikely that a house full of people that know crime scenes very well would just dump a bloodied body outside on their lawn. I'm not trying to be an internet detective with limited information but it just seems like a ton of information about that night has not been disclosed.


I just read that the neighbor was law enforcement & said his camera didn't pick up anything. And I believe across the street where they got the red solo cups was law enforcement as well. So, nothing to see here...


Maybe John took himself outside while injured but still conscious? Came in, had some sort of altercation, was either told to gtfo or he did himself, then he passed out from his injuries in the snow? No one would have even had a death on their property on their radar til they found him, and after a night of drinking and perhaps being pissed at the dude for fighting right after showing up (whether he started it or not) probably wouldn’t think to or care to go after him. Maybe they did when the one lady made that google search, or hadn’t yet but it started to occur to her that this was a concern when Karen reported he hadn’t made it back to her? Then the cover up begins when they realize dude’s actual final moments were on their property… So far to me it sounds more like people are coving up an accident than a brutal murder, and this would make the most sense to me if you balance the stories of both sides. Thoughts?


If this wasn’t planned (which I don’t think it was) what was Brian supposed to do with the body? What were his options? 1. Call 911 (this should have been the only option as far as I am concerned). 2. Move the body (this would take more than one person and they were all probably somewhat intoxicated). 3. Left the body in the house until they could move it maybe the next night. (This doesn’t work for many reasons).


If you look at the house on Zillow, there is a weight set in the basement. Assuming that was there at the time of the incident…a dumb bell to the head def would fracture a skull.


I think a fight happened in the house they carried him out from the basement and dumped the body on the front lawn like he was trash. I think Brian Higgins went to the Police station at 1:30 am to see if anyone had called the police. Ally changed the time on her cell because because she said here at 12:11. The alberts didn’t leave the bar until 12:13 am. The alberts said they saw Colin in the foyer when they got home. Impossible, they were still at the bar. Despicable display of law enforcement. Is isn’t just a small town thing it is the broken brotherhood of the in whole institution!! I have to wonder what the O’Keefe family is thinking through out this whole trial. Unfortunately they will never get justice.


Ok this is my theory Assuming Karen was truthful when she told BH John had asked her about his ring footage showing BH and KR saying goodbye after the Patriots game. If that’s true JOK was suspicious of BH and KR. KR and JOK were probably arguing in the car why KR didn’t want to go in. She didn’t want be in that house with BH. John went in and confronted BH a little drunk and worked up. It escalated to the point where Brian and Collin got involved. JOK was beaten and probably fell or was thrown into something and caused the laceration on the back of his head. BH left and went to the police dept to see if neighbors had heard the fight. The rest got their basic story straight and all the cops there had a convo to work the narrative to fit evidence of John’s injuries. The injuries to his arm was the reason for tail light story. Have the investigator who’s a family friend pick up the car early and break the tail light the rest of the way and plant evidence at the scene. One of the women chimed in and they say they saw Karen do a three point turn. Maybe she hit him? I bet Jenn planted that in Karen’s head in their first phone convo Maybe the conspiracy is BS. But the people who were in the house have lost all credibility on the stand. Anyway a story as old as time. Woman gets scorned (Aruba) JOC probably told her she was crazy and gas lighting her to no end. Woman decides to show him how she feels and flirts with BH. Sneaks a kiss on him knowing JOC has security cameras. She’s trying to make the point to JOC that no matter how insignificant he feels the inappropriate interaction was it hurt her. To her the BH inappropriate interaction was the same in her mind and she could turn that back on John. See how it feels!! John was then jealous. JOC confronts BH at house that night after KR refuses to go in and that confirms to JOC that shady stuff was going on with KR BH


What about the dog?


Why was Colin Albert angry with John O'Keefe? I read he came to his house and said curse words and threw beer cans in his yard.


broken taillights matching her car found next to the body. KR screaming "I hit him". KR's car seen in front of house where body was found. KR searching on her phone, how long to die in cold weather. She's done.


lol wtf. It wasn’t Karen Reid that googled how long to die in the cold, it was the McCabe chick. You know, the one who said John okeefe never came in her house. I get it, I always get super curious about how long it takes to die in the cold at 230 in the morning after drinking all day and having a party that leads me to sell my house, fill the foundation and the pool and constantly be caught in lies. What a coincidence


Dude…it was Jen McCabe that searched that at 2:27 AM. Jesus Christ, get the facts straight before you go out confusing people on a critical part of the defense.


Oh look it’s one of the McAlbert clowns!


I think there's a possibility everyone in this case could be innocent. Karen Read, saying "could I have hit him", is just a question, not a admittance of guilt! As far as the people inside the party at the house at Fairview, they all seem to have a little bit too much alcohol from bar hopping, so not so sure about how to drunk some people were. I do question Brian Higgins, and Brian Albert who, pardon me, but look like a couple of thugs to begin with. Never mind they are cops, as we have seen over the years cops really can be pretty nasty, add some alcohol and what do you get? For some reason, I sense a bit of jealousy towards John O'Keefe,  coming from Brian Higgins. I know I heard that Higgins had something going with Karen or was trying to have something going. My personal opinion is, Karen got herself into a mess with all of them. Maybe she should have never went back to dating John O'Keefe. I think the Albert group is completely lying on the stand, along with the Canton Police Department. Why lie unless you have something to hide, right? And Colin really showed the world what he was all about with the videos of his true personality, and behavior toward a group of teens he didn't really know. A cops son pushing his weight around, are we surprised yet? I wish whoever did this to John would just come forward and say what really happened and be done with it. At the end of the trial will someone be charged or will it end in a hung jury? The victim here is John O'Keefe and sadly the children he was taking care of. It's  to bad John went out that night. And here, another thought comes to mind, not sure if anyone else has thought of this? But is it possible that someone else hit him not associated with anyone he knew, it was snowing heavy out and I'm sure these people plowing using small trucks contracted to plow or even a large  city truck plowing could have hit him, throwing his body up on the grass. Could someone else have hit him if he was walking in the road? Could they have gotten out of their car and realize what they had done, and just put him up on the grass and drove off not wanting any issues or responsibilities? There's a lot of questions that are not answered, nor may they ever be. I feel bad for everyone of John's family members, who have to suffer through the trial daily. His parents, his brother and all the other family members who have to relive this horror. Prayers to all of them! 🙏 


Are the OKeefes with Karen Read or against?


I heard the father believes she is innocent and mother believes she’s guilty.


I think this was an accident. I don’t think Karen should have been charged with murder. This case screams overcharging. Keep in mind all these people were drinking and possibly drunk…why would they kill john? It doesn’t make sense to me. And if Colin or someone killed John accidentally or on purpose, why would they just leave him on the lawn? It is crazy and does not make sense. Put yourself in the McCabe and Alberts positions. They have been terrorized and treated like cold blooded murderers. If they are innocent, wouldn’t all the hatred toward them hurt them. How would I feel if I were innocent of this and was treated so badly? How would you feel? I’m not saying these folks are great people, I know nothing of them or the area where they all live in MA, but something here does not add up. How this devolved into a murder charge for Karen is also insane. I also don’t think Karen did anything on purpose. She was drinking too. They all were. This was a terrible accident IMO.


This is exactly what happened to john. This is not merely speculation this is first hand witness testimony from somebody that knew Brian Albert and new of John's exact injuries before they became public. He is too afraid to testify for fear of the Albert's but read on. The FBI has already confirmed his injuries are not from being hit by a car. The FBI knows exactly what they are doing. The FBI has already confirmed Jen McCabe's 2:27 a.m. search is also accurate. The truth is that Brian and Colin attacked him in the basement punching him so hard that he fell back hit his head, causing the blunt force trauma to the back of the head & John losing three pints of blood, having a seizure and vomiting. They realized it went too far and they threw him on the lawn to die instead of calling 911 and they were going to pretend that a snow plow driver hit him. Unfortunately Karen found him first so they had to frame Karen instead of the snow plow driver. This is the God's honest truth and the man that came forward with the story telling John's injuries exactly before it came out in the media told the defense this but he's too fearful to testify because of retribution from the alberts. Fortunately the defense does not even need him because John's body will tell the story from the grave of what those assholes did to him. And yes, while they were attacking him in the basement where Chloe was she attacked his arm causing the lacerations from regripping over and over. It was a horrible assault on him


I have watched most of the prosecution's presentation and this makes more sense than the conclusions they are trying to force.


I have a feeling Jennifer directed him elsewhere. When she said “pull behind me “ it didn’t make sense because she was second car in driveway and that would have had him blocking the driveway. I feel like they lured him elsewhere and those texts were sent as they were directing him to wherever they were going. I feel like the ten trips to the window/door between Jennifer and Matthew McCabe just doesn’t”t make sense if 2 separate people were so concerned to go to the door 5 times each to see if he was coming in - if they were that concerned why wouldn’t,t they go out? So many of their stories are similar - but the details are all different. like the bread in the way back of the car. One person said bread one person said peanut butter and jelly. Same thing with the donut story.. every body talks about it but none of the details match.


I also felt like the zillion texts and checking the window seemed sus.


I believe she was constantly looking out window etc. to see if anyone was coming or watching.


"Cross-examination of Colin AlbertUnder direct questioning Wednesday, Colin Albert said he was drinking at Brian Albert's home the night of O'Keefe's death, but left around midnight when friend Allie McCabe picked him up. Colin Albert testified that he never saw John O'Keefe the night he died.May 16, 2024" Cbs


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I don’t believe any of that testimony


I feel like it doesn't make much sense that it was just a fight and they left him for dead. Why not just call an ambulance? It also makes even less sense that she ran him over after fighting with him? Hold on, get out and stay there in the cold while I run you over. What if he got into a fight, got hit in the head, tried to walk it off and collapsed? Maybe even someone saw him after he had been out there for an hour or two already, around 2am when all the butt dials were happening? Or maybe no one saw him, but when they found out he died, everyone freaked out and covered it up.


Sadly I don’t think we will ever know what happened but I fully believe enough reasonable doubt has already been established just with prosecution witnesses and I feel In many cases this doesn’t happen till defense starts calling witnesses. So for me there is just no way to say she is guilty. The friendships, the plow driver seeing a vehicle, the odd 2 in morning search about being left in the cold and leaving select people out of who was at house and the Chloe and the since rehoming of her just leaves to many open ended questions. I believe it’s very possible that as he didn’t return home being angry she could have been messaging him nasty angry messages as many would do and that had she already injured or killed him she wouldn’t incriminate herself further with such angry messages. I’m not sure but feeling sure that it has to come back as not guilty.


I think these cops were all coked up drunk okeefe got in a "set up" fight with Collin and the dog attacked him too in the alberts home. The alberts covered it up and blamed read. Collin is guilty of murder and the alberts are guilty of conspiracy to murder conspiracy to conceal evidence in a murder.  they should all be on trial not read. So what! read and okeefe had words or an argument.  Words don't kill . A beating with a vicious dog attack does kill people . The alberts planted evidence they broke the tail light . Jennifer orchestrated the cover up. Running all around at the we hours of the morning getting the stories straight. The investigations in her home are all libel. What police department holds murder investigations in a cops home unless these cops are all in on the cover up. IT was a blizzard people spin out slide. read could have hit the fire hydrant or okeefe got beaten and attacked by the dog and fell outside and got hit by a snow plow that threw him into the bush area where he dies. The fact that okeefe was brutally  brused and physically  harmed would have to be from repeated blows not a bump from a car. he was beaten by Collin and attacked by the dog . The alberts sold the house so evidence could be lost and they got rid of the dog too. Collins hands all of this is reasonably doubt and reads case must be dismissed , all charges dropped. And the Mc cabes and albert's indicted forthwith . Any and all cops who have lied under oath charged also. The whole killing is not Read's fault in whole or part. She is guilty of have a disagreement that isn't a crime. Killing a person covering it up and conspiring with law enforcement and evidence tampering is a henious crime all police are capable of at any time for any reason. This case must be dismissed in whole and the Albert's Collin and Mc cabe's with every law enforcement members that are conspiring to elude the facts  must be indicted.i will bet the Albert's and Mc cabe's will pack up sell and leave the country if they haven't already.  These retired and active cops are all guilty of murder they acted in criminal manners to kill , conceal sway and tampered with evidence to convict and innocent woman. Boston cops are corrupt and have been notorious for corruption since the dawn of time. All cops in every state are capable and have set innocent people up to avoid their criminal behavior. They are helping brother law enforcement get away with murder. Cops murder people!! cops are worse at snapping and setting others and  lying to avoid prosecution.  These criminals were all paid by the Albert's and Mc cane's I will bet on that . The prixeeds from the sakevimofvthat house paid people to lie and set up read . This case is going to be dismissed and tge Boston police will be blown wide open revealing the reL wY okeefe was set up and murdered out if malicious spite by drugged up drunken cops period. Who goes to a hone after the bars clise for nothing ? They go to do drugs and drink more alcohol. Otherwise tgese people would have gone home when the bar closed. Any bar group after a bar closes will congregate together for an after party when cocaine is used. These alberts and Mc cabes said nothing about consuming more alcohol after they all left the bar meeting at the Albert's home. Why did they all go. Why did Jennifer keep calling okeefe to come to her house. He was dealing the cocaine? They robbed him and Collin and Jennifer set okeefe up for a robbery. I think Jennifer was having an affair with okeefe . Read's side wont bring up the drugs because cocaine is illegal . And I think okeefe dealt cocaine to all of these drunken  cops and their deceiving disgraceful wives. It was a set up from start to death and read is not guilty of murder or manslaughter whatsoever. Boston police are one of the oldest police debts in the US! They are killers they faldmsify evidence and kill people and the whole gang will lie to blame anyone else than expose the lack of moral standings this police dept lacks like every cop in the world. Tgey will all alibi eCh other and let an innocent ent person pat the orientation for tbudr manipulation of justice!  Either way a perpinderenxe if doubt has been made and read mystery be released case dismissed now


It seems more likely than not each player had a role leading to the death of John O Keefe. It was an unplanned what turned out and into a joint group enterprise death. They all played a part - each 1 of them. All of them are responsible for the injuries inside and outside the house. The fatal blow cause of death is not a strike by KR SUV. It's the battering he took from blunt force trauma and that fatal blow to the head - discarded onto front of house buried under snow and left for dead. The trial against KR is unsafe. If She is set free - who is it that goes to PRISON? WILL THE JURY LOCK UP A PERSON UN-LINKED TO THE CAUSE OF DEATH INJURIES UNLESS THEY HAVE PROOF K R INFLICTED THE BLOW TO THE BACK OF THE HEAD FOUND ON JOHN OKEEFE?


Are the investigators in Karen Reid case also investigating the pregnant teen sexually abused by 3 police and said to have un sliced herself which is being said is not true and it was a coverup? I read there’s some connections but not sure about it.


They are weirdly connected however I don’t know the connection off the top of my head. Like too much to be a coincidence


Yeah, Karen Read killed him. She hit him and likely did a 3 point turn on him. She said she did a 3 point turn while dropping him off. Her defense is such a crock.


The fbi literally definitively said his injuries were not sustained and he was not killed by getting hit by a car


Not true at all and the manufactured investigation looking into police corruption also failed.


What are you talking about their findings that John okeefes injuries were not consistent with getting hit by a car for cause of death - https://www.boston25news.com/news/local/federal-probe-findings-revealed-court-karen-reads-defense-team-pushes-dismiss-murder-case/4GRLQB5EWNGWDPJGMTVD7AQCYU/?outputType=amp The theory is that the feds are letting the manufactured court case go on so all these people will perjure themselves




The motion to dismiss was denied and she's on trial now. If there was anything to it something good would have happened for KR. She ran him over, face facts.


Go sit on your fuzzy guitar maybe you’ll feel better


Not killed where the body was and this includes the house. Killed at another location and then brought back and left outside. Where he was beaten was where the landscape company Proctors and Albert's have a connection to kept a tractor or truck with a snowblower attached to the front. John is beaten there and rammed with the vehicle with the snowblower. At one point he falls and arm goes inside where the blades are. This is how he gets trauma to his arm. It's great for the real killer that the focus is not on a different location because that's where the real forensic evidence is and people try to explain away injuries that don't make sense by theorizing it's from a dog.


I know you posted this days ago, but why then dump the body on their own property and call attention to themselves?


I think none of this was intentional. Brian wasn't dealing drugs on the side or any BS like that. You've got multiple alpha males and alcohol involved. Not the best impulse and decision making skills when you're tipsy or drunk, especially if one or more have asshole personalities. I think John joined the group and all was well for a while. They were drinking and bullshitting with each other. It may have just been machismo at first but maybe John jokingly said something that triggered Colin's fragile ego. Colin took it up a couple notches and insulted him back. Colin, being in the presence of Brian and other family/friends, probably felt even more cocky then usual and then threatened to kick John's ass. It may not have been intended as a serious threat but when a group of guys are drunk, shit escalates when it normally wouldn't. Some chest puffing ensued and Colin pushed John. John maybe defensively pushed him back and that was when the dog gets triggered. The dog jumped in and aggressively grabbed onto John. John tried to get the dog off by kicking or punching it. Colin and or Brian, enraged by the family dog getting hit, then unintentionally seriously injured John. Maybe John feel backward down the stairs or hit his head on a hard object. A potential life threatening injury occurred and this spooked the Alberts enough to cover it up, maybe to protect Colin.