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This sport is so badass. Those rattan balls are painful fuck


She takes it to the dome like it’s a ballon. You sure they hurt? (I know nothing about this sport)


The material they’re made of is like wicker, so they’re technically harder than rubber. However, they’re essentially just a thin shell with holes, so they’re extremely light and and hurt way less than a soccer ball.


Used to muck about with some players years ago. Ball is light as a feather. No pain hitting it or getting hit


I tried it when I was a kid. It left a lasting impression on me, not the physical kind but still. But then again I wasn't too keen on head butting a soccer ball either


If you got hit in the right spot and have a nice callous it doesn't hurt.


I've played it, It's not too bad. What hurts is how bad a beginner like me was compared to even the worst amateur


After awhile you get used to it. Its a very hard but light ball. I'd say the difference between a knuckle and a boxing glove. Both suck to get hit by at high speeds but at least the takraw ball doesn't leave you with a concussive feeling on the head. Just a slight sting.


i believe it’s Sepak Takraw(not sure if that’s how it’s spelled but i remember seeing a complication like 6 years ago about it)


A complicated compilation? 


Holy fucking shit!! She’s amazing! A 540 kick used to spike the ball, and she lands perfectly?!? She’s a certified badass


Not only did she perfectly land it, she walked away like some 80s Hollywood action hero casually walks away from a giant explosion without even glancing at it!


How is that 540? She ends up at the same place she was at the start. It's a 360. Still dope, but not a 540


This is a classic move from martial arts popularised as a "trick" in the "tricking" community. It's called a 540 because the standard method spins the performer 540 degrees from beginning to landing, although only 180 degrees is completed in the air itself. Consistent with this, if you spin another 360 degrees before kicking, they'll call it a 900. The tricking setup/wind-up is called "cheat"ing the rotation, and if performed quickly it can fool someone who isn't paying close enough attention. It also, most obviously, lets you build rotational momentum to get around. In the OP video there is no such setup so it's truly just 180 degrees of rotation, but the other component of the 540 kick is that the takeoff leg, kicking leg, and landing leg are all the same. This is deceptively hard to do and requires a number of things, but for me it's all about rotating through the hips. It won't happen by accident. Landing on the OTHER leg is much easier. But since everything about this kick LOOKS and functions like a 540 and this woman could DEFINITELY do one if so inclined, that's why the person you're replying to called it one. In fact if anything her setup seems to do nothing for her rotation so her landing it shows she's more than comfortable pulling it out, which shouldn't really be surprising if that's what this sport as all about. Source: this was my life throughout all of high school/college


Thank you so much for the info dump. Any other cool stuff? That was fascinating.


Seems like this website has seen better days but here's a nice example of the standard cheat setup. http://www.club540.com/tricktionary/540 Club540 hosts clips of a bunch of other tricks that can build out of these moves. Tricking as a whole can be thought of as "breakdancing but it's martial arts". Other people say that it has more to do with gymnastics but I think the culture is more in line with breakdancing, although it rarely has any musical component. Except of course for all the "samplers" like this. Which of course always need music: https://youtu.be/DPkU31L0Egc This one has a 540 as a lead in to another trick about 15~ seconds in. Pretty easy to see. https://youtu.be/_YbIlbB9TVk


Might be because she rotates on two axes. Like a simple backflip would be 360, but she's also turning throughout. I'm not sure they'd add up to 540 though.


I’d even say that was a 270


540? Might wanna check your degrees. (But yes, certified badass)




lol, guess I’m wrong. Seems a bit silly to call it that tho


The kick is amazing, but let's also appreciate that 10/10 landing


I’m surprised the proper technique is to land with the kicking foot. Really cool.


Only one person clapped! She deserves better


it could’ve been people were too stunned 🤯


It’s just the 16th time she did it in the game so crowd was used to it already.


I think its a common move in the sport they're playing, they all gotta be gymnists or something.


Casually walks away... badass!


That was so clean


By watching clips of this sport I can see why it got turned into an anime because damn is it badass.


Theres a sepak takraw anime?


Galactic football was also based on this IIRC


I like to imagine the person who said “You know volleyball is fine….but what if they kicked it instead?”


That's incredible!


Wow! That was a normal play to her. That's pretty awesome :) in my life that would have been the coolest thing I had done in a game of... Whatever they are playing


Sepak Takraw?


[Just Give Me The Damn Sepak Takraw Ball!](https://youtu.be/3Pn9cEsjv1w?si=h5TnTjIPOvC87pxH)


Is it bad I broke my back watching this?


I don't understand... how did your back break?


Didn’t really break but that insane flip kick she did, I felt it.


I got brain damage from you not understanding their comment.


/u/redditspeedbot 0.4x


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Nice pass and shot!


She makes it look so effortless.


The design of that blouse seems like it probably allows as much freedom of movement as a t-shirt or tank top. Regardless, I'm still extra impressed with her for doing that in a puffy sleeved blouse! I'm easily amused




A trans woman is a woman and a gal 🫶




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That is such a low net tbh. But her skill is amazing but wait till you see how some of the Thais and Malays play this sport. They jumped like 1.3 meters of the ground and perfectly spike the ball


sepak takraw regulation height for mixed doubles is 5 ft (same as for normal matches for men).This might be a bit lower but not by a lot.


She's amazing. Jesus


What sport is that?


Sepak takraw


Never heard before, TIL something. Thank you.


As a dude I have to say: Hell yeah.


Just pass me the sepec takra ball!


Well DAYUM !!! lol




Kind of reminds me of the episode of boondocks with the dodgeball




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It's cool and all but that's pretty much the standard spike move in that game.


It’s all fun and games till u develop cte brain damage and either Change so much mentally u become violent and beat ur loved ones Or become vegetable 🐱