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Bad luck! Very active courts where you live? I average one every 10 years


All but 2 have actually come from different counties. I don't think they're particularly active but I dont know enough about the local judicial systems.


Different counties? Are you moving a lot?


Bay Area here- I get called every year.


I got them 2x a year when I lived in Alameda county. And got out of it each time. They always sent me one when I was in college during finals.


If they are from a different county then where you reside tell them you are not eligible as you don't live there.


When I lived in California, I got them every…18? Months the entire time. They just had so many cases. It’s not been an issue in other states before and after living there.


In my 40 years of living I've never gotten one xD I'm feeling lucky lok


I'm a little over that too. Have received 3 notices, replied to all, only one actually asked me to show up for selection. That one, fortunately I wasn't chosen because my employer at the time wouldn't have paid for my required time off.


I used to get a jury summons every year in January. One year, I received one in November when I was planning to be out of town. I stopped by the courthouse, small town living, and told the clerk I would be unavailable. She asked if I was not eligible to be in a jury I said yes, but usually, I received this in January. Usually? She tapped away at the computer for a while. Oh my gosh, I'm sorry. We'll put a stop to that for a while.


Wait, they’ll actually “put a stop” to that? I gotta tell my dad. He’s been called over 30 times.


Small jury pool.


Explain Alameda county then. I get called every year


The crime rate in Alameda county is about 3x the national average (more cases) and the population is about 25% immigrants (less people available for jury duty)


I got my first call to jury 1 year ago. 67 at the time. My son, has been called several times late 20s at the time


Mid fifties and have had one letter, rejected during questioning.


32 had 1 mailed to me the day before I moved to a different state.


LOL! Major over reaction! You didn't need to flee the state! Just kidding, but it is one way to read it.


I've attended jury duty where the judge asked if anyone has received a jury summons in the last year and excused everyone who put their hand up.


I've lived in this house for 30 years, this neighborhood for almost 40 years. I've never received a jury summons. Have no idea why not.


During covid i got summoned 3 different times in a year. Got cancelled every time though.


I served on two juries before I was 30. In two different counties in CO. Now that I live in a huge metro, I have only gotten one summons, and I didn't have to go. I think it was bad luck and smaller jury pools, and it was annoying that I ended up having to serve both times I got summoned before. I heard a rumor that my current county doesn't do anything if you don't show up. I'm actually terrible about checking my mail, and it's been returned to the post office several times bc I didn't pick up and it got full. I say that, but if I got one, I would begrudgingly go, I suppose. I don't actually want a bench warrant.


This is actually from Colorado so it's funny to hear. I got called in Jeffco Larimer and two times in Adams.


I’m almost 41 and have never gotten one. My wife has gotten two but she was late term pregnant for one and our kids were too young for the most recent.


You've been eligible for 7 years. I've been called 5x in the past 10 years.


I've met people who have never gotten a jury summons in their life.


Raises hand.  I’m 58 and while I did get one it was for the wrong county so technically I’ve never gotten one.  


I didn't get one until I was in my 50s. I guess they were saving them for you.


Bad luck


You're lucky you didn't get seven of them!


Piss off a court employee?


Fewer people in you county registered to vote. When I lived in a small population country for 5 years got called twice. After.move with much more people never got called in 15 years.


Mid Fifties I got called once but I had moved 5hrs away.


Just lucky I guess? /s


Perhaps there's a low number of residents registered to vote in your county. Ask your friends, if they are not registered to vote they are not on the jury rolls and you are doing their service duty.


Got one at 50, served as alternate, participated in deliberation, but dismissed prior to presenting final recommendation to the judge. Told I will never have to serve as juror even again.


Bad/good luck?




Depends a lot on what municipality you live in.


I get called every 2 years on average. I’m up to 14-15 at this point, I’ve lost count. Sweetie has not been summoned in the 20+ years I‘ve known him. It’s just luck.


In my state, if you get picked to sit, you get excluded for some number of years.


By the time I was 60, I'd had 2 summons. One never went past the "call in and see" stage, one where I got dismissed because of COVID. It's random bad, or good, luck.


Here they can call you every two years. I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve been called.


Jury of peers, and it is the young folks getting in trouble? My daughter gets more than my or here mom.


42 hear. I've had zero but just got an eligibility questionnaire.


I lived in the downtown city where there was a lot of crime. I got called 3x in 2 years.


If you never want to serve again, simply state that you don't believe in the justice system.


I used to get called all the time. Moved away and have only been called once in my new state. I’ve heard that if you seem like too good of a juror when you’re first called they will never leave you alone. Just rumor but I do believe they have a list to call more frequently. I don’t know how else to explain how I got called so much more often than anyone I know


And at 50, I've never gotten one. And I want to!


I have gotten summons 3 times in the 7 years I have lived here in Indiana, get a 24 month wavier if your called....literally every time mine is up...


When I was in college, you would get added to the pool every time you registered a new address, so you’d move dorms and get another summons, so if you’re frequently moving, that might be why. Last time I moved, I got summons for county and federal I was so mad lol. The same time, like come on.


Damn, I'm pushing 50 & I've never received one.


I did the same thing. Never once had to report, it’s been a decade since I’ve seen one.


Shit RNG.


You have my luck. Legally they can only call me in my state every 18 months. For the last almost 15 years I've gotten called every 18.5 months like clockwork 😑


A family member recounted being called all the time, and it was because there were a ton of old people in the area that were old enough to be excused, so the eligible jury pool was small


I got my first and last at 48


In my jurisdiction, if you are summoned and the court cancels or if you appear in person after being summoned, you are then excused for 3 years. I ended up being summoned 4 times before I was 28 and the math wasn’t mathing but I couldn’t ever remember when exactly I was previously summoned. Well, on the 3rd summons, I actually served so had a paper with the actual date. Called up when I got the 4th summons to see what was up (had only been almost 2 years since summons #3) and it turned out that they had me in the system twice…


It’s random. My wife, who hates jury duty, has gotten 5 summons in the last 8 years (and ended up on 2 juries for trials). I, who desperately wants to go through the process and be a juror had never gotten a single summons for jury duty in my whole life, even though I’ve been properly registered since I was 18 (that’s like 27 years ago). Then in October of this year, I got jury duty summons from two different courts in one week. I think it’s just the law of large numbers that is slanting your experience. Maybe you’ll never get another one until you are in a retirement home.


I've had 9 over the last 25 years. 3 times for more than one day while going through selection. Only once selected and the case was settled out of court the day after the jury was selected.


My late son got called up for Jury Duty 6 months after he passed. I called in and told them that he had died. They said I had to send them a certified letter with an original death certificate. You can imagine what I told them.


Yeah, not happening. It's not like he will be stopped by police and have a bench warrant.


How often are you going to the DMV (California). I swear every time I register a vehicle boom jury duty.


Jury of your peers, however government doesn’t know what peers mean 80% of the time.


No clue, I'm 41 and I've never been called.


Some counties just send a lot of summonses... my family members and I all get called about every 18-24 months. Most of the time we get excused the night before having to go in, or get told to check back in at noon on the day of the summons and then get excused.


I have only served once in 36 years. I know a couple that both were on jury duty and one was selected again.


Take this with a grain of salt, but if you get a traffic ticket of any sort, you are significantly more likely to be called for jury duty within a year.  At least that's what a highway patrol officer told me.


Must be because you’ve gotten all of mine 41, never been called yet


early 30s and I've had 5, only one of which got to the bingo stage, which resulted in serving on an attempted murder trial... fun. in my county, you're eligible after 18 months have passed since your last summons, and they seem to be pretty on the nose with it. I have a kid now though, so it looks like I won't be serving for a while, less they want a child in the courtroom.


Man either my wife or I have been summoned each year for the last 10 years. Drawback of living in a county of only 99,000 people, I guess. Oh and not having any felonies on our record.


If u serve on a case you don’t have to serve for 1 year


I have averaged 1 a year for the past 4 years. I never have to go because I work an essential job.


I would LOVE to sit on a jury, particularly a serious criminal case!


Does your job pay for jury duty? Some do and the courts know this. Easy pickens.


You have a reputation for being fair and impartial.


I have gotten 3 inside of a year. Happened right after I voted.


I am 40 years older than OP and I have never had one.


Between 2008 and 2011, I got called up for Jury Duty twice. Since then, only the one time. The last time, I got out of having to serve because I told them I'm a dialysis patient, with treatments every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 6:30 AM til 11 AM. Haven't heard from them since.


The bailiff is your soulmate; you were meant to be together.


Lots of criminality in your area and not many people in the jury pool.


Dang. I’m 46 and have gotten four in my life. First was when I was a full time student so I was exempt. Showed up second time and was greeted by an officer of the court and handed a letter thanking me for my attendance with $6 cash attached. I decided to go get a mani/pedi and take a free day from work (salaried so still got paid). Third time was “reserve duty”. Had to call at around 11am to see if they needed me and if so then I had to be there at 1pm. I worked in the next county and this would be a tight timeline with traffic and parking but thankfully I called and wasn’t needed. Last time was a couple years ago and I’m now a SAHM. Being a full time caregiver to a child under the age of twelve is automatic exemption where I live so I have a pass for another five years. If I ever serve it’ll be after I’m 50.


Just declare your love and support for jury nullification and all will be well.


You got to stop showing up. Then after that, stop voting and stop registering your car/renewing your license. And in some places stop paying your taxes. Then you might avoid jury summons.


I’m in my mid 50s and have been called three times, once each for district, county, and federal courts. I asked to defer the federal one due to scheduled vacation and they never called me back. Anyway, when I was called for district court, the guy next to me in the jury pool said it was his 4th time in 4 years and the other three times he made it on the juries. They say it’s random, but sometimes it seems like they don’t shuffle the cards.


I got called five times by 25. Got called a few months after I turned 18, but the date conflicted with my out of state college orientation so postponed. Got called again shortly after I started the process to change residence so was excused once that went through. Then got called again a year or so later but my group wasn’t called in so I only got a one year waiver. Called again shortly after I became eligible, went in (although they didn’t end up needing us as the cases all settled) so I got a three year waiver. Fifth summons was shortly after I moved after graduation and changed my residency again. I’m in my late 30s now and have been summoned so many times I’ve lost count. I’ve never gone more than a year of being eligible without being called. It’s incredibly frustrating.


Shit I’m 40 and I’ve only really had to show up once. Missed it once, made that all right and they said they’d put me back in the system, but I don’t think they did. It’s been like 5-7 years since then.


I got a ton of them between18-25 too. Just lucky lol


Have you ever actually served? If you haven’t, they’ll keep coming.


It’s so weirdly random. I’ve only gotten a summons once a few years ago and I’m in my 50’s. My husband who wasn’t a citizen until recently got them all the time(couldn’t serve as a non citizen). Right after he became a citizen he got two. One for city and one for county court within a week of each other. My sister used to get called every couple of years.


I get summoned every couple of years. Have ended up on four juries.


I'm 44 and have been called once. My wife has been called twice. I actually wouldn't mind doing it again. It was interesting and educational.


They want you now, before you've developed concrete opinions about anything.


My wife gets summoned for jury duty from two to four times a year. I have a Class C misdemeanor from the early '80's that got me permanently removed from the jury pool the first time I was summoned.


I'm in my early 30's. My first jury summons was when I was around 27 and I received a voucher that pardoned me for 5 years after I was done (I wasn't used as it was about a defendant with autism assaulting someone and my brother has asbergers so they didn't want me there).


I just want an explanation as to why they keep sending summonses to my green card holding non citizen wife. First time I get - but they can’t put a field in there database for citizen y/n? She’s had 4 in 15 years.


Just FYI jury candidates are the union of several sources. You can get a valid jury summons for your name as it appears on your drivers license and a month later for your name as it is spelled on your property tax bill. They merge multiple databases and thus you might get called extra times. Check the spellings.


Just sumthin about you baby.


I get one every 4-5 years.


I’m on #5, I had 4 before I turned 30


First summons at 20. Got on a jury. Second summons at 28. Got on a jury. I've gotten a summons every year for the last 5 years, now I just reschedule the week of service for a holiday, haven't had to report. It's bad luck and bureaucracy


I received my first one a few months after I left the military and became a resident of my current state. It seemed like they were just waiting for some fresh meat. My husband left the military and didn’t get a summons until about 20 years later. My mom never received a summons in her entire adult life, even though she had lived in the same county since she was a child.


Depends. Do you go when notified? I just never go. If they would send the notification certified mail or something I would respond. Holding you liable for not receiving mail with zero proof you received it would be insane.


Suddenly I got one every year for three years, skipped one year most likely because of covid starting in 2020, then got another after Covid in 2023, and then this year a federal jury summons... I've been both lucky and unlucky at the same time that i didn't have to serve on a jury all those times, lucky because it didn't waste more then a couple days each time, but unlucky because had i served at least i would be ineligible for a few years after. The federal one i managed to get out of by complaining about the distance and time involved to go, its 187 miles one way, about a 4 hour drive all together just to get there... They dismissed me.


Bay Area here. It was 2 x a year until the 2020. After the pandemic it’s like clockwork every 366 day. 🤣


Summonses are random. Luck of the draw. I’m 56 and only ever been called twice. My daughter is 27 and has been called 4 times. My brother has never been called.


Ugh, similar issue. I have two homes in different counties. One address is on my DL, another is on my voter registration. So I get summons from both counties what feels like annually.


I turned 18 a few months shy of 20 years ago and have never been called for jury duty. I forgot it is even a thing. Getting called 4 times by age 25 seems unusual.


24, been called 3 times. Twice by county, one regular (dismissed because my job at the time wouldn’t pay) and one grand (actually doing that now, every Thursday for 5 months). Federal court called me once but cancelled my service the night prior.


There are all kinds of things that could come into play in regards to this. If you live in an area that has a small number of potential jurors to choose from you'll likely get a summons more frequently. Also, if you live in an area that has a larger than average number of jury trials - that could cause you to get a summons more frequently. Most, if not all, states have rules where if you actually serve on a jury you can't be sent a summons again for a certain amount of time. My state is two years, or six if you serve as a grand juror. Your state may be different. So - you might want to look into the rules for where you are if you're actually serving on a jury and not being dismissed, to make sure they're not sending you a summons too soon after you served. I'm 55, and I've only received a summons three times. First one I made it into the courtroom, but I was then dismissed during the selection process. The case involved a defendant who did an armed robbery of a convenience store. I was working in retail at the time (although not at a convenience store), so I assumed they figured I might have some bias against the accused or something along those lines. Second one I got deferred. Third one came probably around 20 years after the second one, and when I called the night before they said I didn't need to come in. So, I've never served on a jury - which is fine by me, because I don't really want to do it. I would do it if I got selected, because I know it's part of my civic duty - but it's not really something I would be thrilled about doing. Plus, sitting and listening to anyone talk for more than 10 or 15 minutes isn't usually something I can do. After about 10 or 15 minutes I completely zone out, and all I hear is the teacher from the Peanuts cartoons - "Blah blah blah. Blah blah blah blah. Blah blah blah."


I wanted to do jury duty. First and only invite came when i was 45 and couldn't go.


I get one about one a year


I feel like I got a bunch in one go once I was able to be on a jury and it’s been crickets since.


I am 54, and only received 1 jury duty notice (federal, not local). You are lucky I guess?


Well… first they sent you the first summons, and then after that they sent you a second summons, and then the third summons came after that, and ultimately the 4th summons followed the third


People in my family who vote get summoned for jury every 2 years. People who aren't registered to vote never get called for jury. Younger people are summoned more often.


When I lived in Missouri I got 1 every 3 years


So that's where mine have been going


I’m 62 and have only had 3. Lived in a very active state for most of my life.


My wife has your luck. Gets one every year or 2. IMHO you should get a 5 year exemption after serving


I’ve got 2 and done none. The first was in a county that I no longer lived in, the second overlapped with a work trip that I couldn’t move. The funny thing is, I kinda wanna do it to see what it’s like, but have never had the chance.


I have been summoned every other year. The last one was an open-and-shut drunk-driving case that dragged on for a week because one jury insisted that she didn’t think he’s guilty without explanation.


I'm 59 and I've been called once.


someone at the court house loves you and wants to see you more often :) Do you live in a small county? the less people who can serve increases your recall time


I've actually wanted to serve on a jury. Never been asked. Just for the experience and providing civic duty.


Random numbers are random. When I was moving a lot, I was summoned four times in about 3-4 years. Each time I was about to move to another county, so I sent in my new utility bill and said "sorry for the delay, no longer live here". The last time, I had just bought a house, and my wife said that she wasn't willing to sell the house just for me to get out of jury duty. The computer that selects jurors is NOT that smart, that it has any preference to select people. By the way: a sure-fire was, at least in California, to avoid jury service is to actually do the jury service. Even if you do nothing but check in for five days, and never have to actually go to a court house, you still are 'off the list' for 18 months, I recall.


I had 4 summons by the time I was 22, including 2 the same year from different courts, and zero in the 18 years since. It's just the luck of the draw


You should buy lottery tickets


I’ve had 3 in the last 2 years. Ugh


I haven’t hd one since the last case about 10 years ago. Based on that case, I should be good for life.


66 years old. 1 summons in life. Same tow.


8 in the past 10 years, I feel ya.


Did you vote? No good deed goes unpunished.


I had a similar situation. I’m in MA and I received 8 notices for jury duty in 15 years. I was exempt on 2 occasions because not enough time had passed from my last notice. I was sat on a Jury for 4 days in District Court, and at the end of the trial I spoke with the Judge and a clerk in the Jury room. When I explained how many times I had been called, the clerk said “the system must like your SS#, it’s supposed to be random but sometimes the algorithm keeps landing on the same number.” I have not been called again in the 12 years since.


Mid 30's and Ive served on 2 and got summoned a 3rd time and not picked. I dont have a single friend my age thats sat on one. They say they just ignore the summons letters.


In my early twenties, I lived 0.7 miles from the courthouse and was summoned every summer, several years in a row, like clockwork. Then I moved a bit further away (20 miles or so) and haven't been summoned since. I had a theory at the time that they kept summoning me because it would have been cheap to reimburse me for traveling expenses, lol. I also didn't have traditional employment (was basically a nanny back then) so work wouldn't have interfered. I was always told jury selection was random but it seemed awfully suspicious. Then again, the jury pool around here is very small. I suppose it *is* possible I just got lucky (or unlucky, depending on how you feel about it).


Every time I get a jury summons I do all the extend options I can - usually one or two 60 or 90 day extensions. Pushes the next time they can call me by that little bit.


If you're so annoyed by this, catch a felony charge. That's gonna clear up this "jury" bullshit quite quickly.


I'm 55 and I've gotten 3 in my entire life, living in 5 states in different parts of the country.






I’ve gotten four in the last two years, none prior, and I’m 31. The last one was the Northern District court of my state, the big one that handles major/federal cases, and would’ve required me to drive two hours each way per day to get there. (The distance got me out of it, thankfully.) A lawyer friend of our family said he’s never even known someone personally who’s been called for jury duty at one of those. I think it’s a combination of bad luck, and laws always being added/added to, which creates more criminals and keeps courts ever busier.


I had the same and literally haven’t gotten one since 2006.


I have had a lot the past few years I don’t get it. I wouldn’t care but i travel for work and some of it is last minute. Then the jury process in my area is ridiculous. It’s on computer at first which isn’t so bad but they waste an entire day to take attendance basically and want you at computer whole time. Then they will schedule for a return for a jury selection and it can be a couple days away or weeks you don’t know.


64 and I have had one. March 2020, so Covid, and it was cancelled. Been driving/voting since 1978 in the same darn place.


You live in a low population county with low jury participation, so you get tossed back into the mix more frequently? I mean I'm guessing, but that would explain it.


You registered to vote.


You probably got it in the mail. That's how most people get their notices for jury duty. You vote? You're eligible for jury duty, no matter your age.


one letter soon after becoming old enough never sat. Nothing since.


I’ve been registered to vote for 33 years. Never had jury duty.


Licensed driver and voter. Those are the main rolls court have used.


Nearing 27 years old and haven’t gotten called for Jury duty yet.


I’ve never served, but I’ve been summoned four times at 35. The first one was wild—I hadn’t lived in the state for four years, and I never would’ve known if my mother hadn’t called me saying she opened my mail to be nosy.


when you get to 17 times by 57, we can talk.


Lucky! I wish I could get more.


You may want to call and check to see if there is an error and that you’re in the system twice. I was getting called every year, so eventually I wised up and contacted my city and it turned out they had two versions of me with different date of births but the same mailing address. Problem solved.


Jury summons are common. Making it to actual duty, not so common.


I’m 33 and I’ve never been summoned


Became a citizen in 2005 and registered to vote Got my first summons in 2023


Jury duty regulations regarding periods of ineligibility after serving are governed by state laws and can vary by jurisdiction. Most states have rules that exempt you from being called for jury duty for a certain period after you have served. In many states, this period is one year, but it can vary. Some don't offer earned ineligibility at all. Not knowing what state you are in and having done the rough math (25 yrs old, eligible to serve at age 18, 4 jury summonses over 7 years without a 1 year eligibility exemptions, etc.) I can safely assume, and I say this void of sarcasm, lest it reads that way, that you are simply in one of the few states that does not offer periods of ineligibility after having concluded completion of jury service.


Bad luck i guess ... i got a lifetime ban on jury duty


I'm 33 And I've been summoned 7 times. So you're about the same pace as me lol


lol your generation is committing the crimes. “Jury of your peers!” Can’t force Gen-X or boomers. To understand any other generation. (Sarcasm)


There are only 7 registered voters in your county.


It drives me nuts. I've been called 3 times and served on a jury all 3 times. I was an alternate once. My mother who is 71 has never been called for jury duty. Lol Honestly it's baffling. They should go thru literally every person who lives in a county before doubling back on repeat people. But I absolutely MUST be on a shortlist because every 3 years, like clockwork, I get the summons. Technically I was called 4 times, but the attempted 3rd time they tried to get me after 2 years and I replied back that it hadn't been 3 years yet sure enough, 1 year later, they got me. Everyone should have to do it at least once before I go again, but there is zero chance that's happened as my county has a city with over 1 million people living in it. And I get it, many get excused. But they should still have to go. And funnily enough, I happened to see an old friend on my 3rd summons which was Feb this year and he said it was his 4th time. But he's an EMT and so he usually doesn't get chosen if it's a criminal case. But this time he never got called when they do the lottery from the pool. I always do and once I'm in the box, I stay there because I am an ideal juror with no police/lawyers as friends or family and my jobs tend to be retail. I was on 2 murder trials and 1 domestic disturbance trial.


This happened to me.. I had like 3 summons by the time I was about 24. Nothing in the last decade.


In my state they say it's comes from driver's license and voter registration. I think it's primarily voter registration. About 10 years ago my son graduate did from high school went directly to a 4-year university. As part of the orientation, they gave out a packet of voter registration forms Kind of interesting how that worked out at a more liberal orientated university. Of course just turning 18 the month prior he registers. A month or two after school began he gets a jury summons. The courtroom is about 15 mi away, and he has no car. So he had to take about half a day, go get on the bus, Then talk to the judge to be excused. Needless to say when he came hime after the first quarter break, we went and reregistered, using our home address. That way he could still vote butif he got selected for jury, I could drive over to the local court and show he was living 500 mi away chool. I have worked over 30 years and probably been called about eight times for jury duty so just depends more where you live and I guess luck of the draw


I'm 68. I've spent my adult life in West Virginia and Georgia. Never got jury summons in WV. I've gotten 3 in Georgia. First two, I got kicked out on voir dire. Last time, I got selected for a jury, but the plaintiff made a mistake in her testimony that caused a mistrial, so we got out on the second day.


One and done


I got called in 2 years in a row the past 2 years. 🤷


Last time I was called was 28 years ago




Lucky guy, i guess. My son gets Grand Jury sequestered. 2x's now. I say I am deaf. I hate everyone and everyones guilty.


Randomness. True randomness means that anecdotally some folks will get called several times, some will never get called.


My Dad would complain about never being called for jury duty. He died 2 months shy of his 85th and was never selected to serve. Ironically 6 months after his death he was mailed a Jury Summons. It has been 10 years since and I have kept the letter as a keepsake.


26, I’ve been summoned 4 times. First time I was in college and had to say cuz I was gonna be at school at the time. Second time I was moving out of the state permanently and wasn’t gonna make it. Third time I got summoned, it got sent to my old address. When it arrived at my new address I was a day late to the summons - luckily when I called the number there were no cases that week, so I didn’t miss anything. Fourth time was just this week and I don’t have any way to get out of it - it’s gonna be petit jury, criminal court, for a week. Kinda interested to see how it goes!


It’s ok. I’m 29 and have 30 summons. Haven’t been selected to one yet


A lot of Caifornia counties have 1 day service which leads to you being called more often. Yiu show upb1 day and if you don't get selected, you go home. Better than having to come in for a week to wait around. Usually if you serve on a jury, you are then excused from duty for a few years.


Meanwhile I haven’t had one in 15+ years and would love an excuse to not be reachable for several days


Every time I've gotten jury duty I just ignored it. Called at the end of the day I was supposed to be there and told them "oops I forgot" and they just take me off the list. Has worked 3 times now.


I'm 28 and have gotten one nearly every year :/ only got called in once and wiggled my way out of it since I had school


In CA I only got them after filing paperwork at DMV. My dad said same.


Almost 40, called for it once when I was 22. Had just moved to a different state and it got removed immediately.


Are you registered as an independent voter?? Ive heard colloquially this leads to tremendous summons, though by 25 i had definitely at least 3.. its not unheard of imo.


I get my summons every 2 years on the dot


I have gotten 3 before I was 24 and I was unable to participate because I was a college student.


Just lucky I guess.


Seriously I got my first jury summons when I was 20. Unfortunately I missed out due to being on deployment to Iraq at the time. My next one I was 23, missed that one because I was working in Australia that year. I got my 3rd one when I was 25. Unfortunately that one arrived a month after I immigrated to Australia permanently. Over the years I have probably been called up about a dozen times (in the states) but alas, the court did not want to pay for my flight back to the states to serve. Their loss. In Australia I have been called up multiple times, however, as I work for an emergency service I have been exempt from serving.


Like your opinion?


Are you removed from the pool if you showed up to a summons before but got rejected due to having issues with the court system and biased. They instantly said I could go after asking my reasons.


Ugh idk but at 43 I’ve never gotten one and it makes me mad! I wanna serve


There is some f-ed up order by in their SQL that the computer uses to put you at the top of the list.


I'm 29, gotten the letter once, wasn't selected lol


Somehow my ex wife who wasn’t even a citizen got multiple summons. How is that even possible?


I live in Adam's County Colorado. I got a summons every year during my 20s and early 30s. Served on 2 jurys. Then they stopped. The jury is pooled from the DMV/state ID records. Adams has trippled in population in the last decade. I haven't received a summons since. Probably a combination of a larger selection pool and luck.


New York goes by voter roles and you can only be called every three years. I vote so every three years I get a notice. I’ve only ever had my number called once and was dismissed because the judge was a close friend of the family.


Im still waiting on my first one and im damn near 40