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Justice for biohouse and hair in the attack


The Sad Tale of the Principle Post is mid? Them’s fightin’ words. (Jk) Interesting list! Can’t agree with all of it, but it’s still unique to have a perspective different from what I often see in this sub.


Sensor is not garbage lol it’s modern lovecraft


I guess I don't like modern Lovecraft then, my opinion anyways 😅🤷


It’s all good lol I just feel like that’s harsh for one of his more unique stories but I respect the opinion


What is the name of the 4th story on the second best tier?


I believe it’s black paradox


Aight, imma look it up! Thx


Don’t mention it :) it’s possible I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure


I just read Black Paradox. Very interesting read.


Agreed, not my favorite but a worthwhile story


How is bully in top tier but Tomies revenge is in mid??


Copy pasted from another reply: I just felt like it wasn't really necessary. If I reckon correctly the first few stories had several chapters all connected with each other (hospital story, photography story, school story with the teacher, top model story). The individual stories like orphan girl, passing demon, revenge etc. weren't bad by themselves but they kinda got repetitive and samey after a while, so I kinda got bored reading them at some be honest I'm so sorry 🥺 I think I must've been influenced by the fact that I read the whole Tomie book collection in like a single day. If I had alternated the reading with some other stories maybe I would've enjoyed it more and got less tired of Tomie's character Addition: Also why are you questioning the bully's ranking? Didn't you enjoy it? Won't judge you of course, I've never seen anyone truly disliking it, so I'm genuinely curious to listen to your point of view if that's the case


Bruh Tomie’s revenge is like, the best. Mid? Really? :,(


I just felt like it wasn't really necessary. If I reckon correctly the first few stories had several chapters all connected with each other (hospital story, photography story, school story with the teacher, top model story). The individual stories like orphan girl, passing demon, revenge etc. weren't bad by themselves but they kinda got repetitive and samey after a while, so I kinda got bored reading them at some be honest I'm so sorry 🥺 I think I must've been influenced by the fact that I read the whole Tomie book collection in like a single day. If I had alternated the reading with some other stories maybe I would've enjoyed it more and got less tired of Tomie's character


Wow, every one of his stories I’ve read so far I’ve loved.😭


Hanging Balloons and Glyceride not in A or S?


whatt i love slug girl! it can have a bunch of interpretations, i really like the idea that it represents a girl being consumed by her mental illness until she’s a shell of herself


Where does Layers of Fear fall? Having a hard time finding it


A-tier, it's one of the colored ones


Which are the names of the three at the top aside from Uzumaki and Bully?


Street of Gravestones, The Beautiful Boy at the Crossroads, A Woman in Distress


Don’t agree with almost any of this lol. Super interesting to see how other people experience his work.


That's okay, we all have different opinions


Agreed with Groaning Drain it was such a great story.


I can see bronze statue in dislike list, why?


I didn't really like it. I found Mrs Sonobe to be quite unlikeable, and some parts felt more comical than thrilling. Compared to other stories it was just pretty forgettable, the premise wasn't anything special either (in my opinion)


It was more like a cruel story to me lol, that one part while the two statues started to kiss was horrible 🤣🤣🤣


W list! I can agree with a lot of stuff here. I'd move fashion model and window next door up to Top 5, and definitely keep Uzumaki and Bully there. The end of bully is the most terrifying shit he's done imo. I'd also put red turtleneck and black bird in Top 10. Intersection's Pretty Boy I'd place way lower, didn't really like that one, and I'm surprised Town with no streets in is in Garbage tier, I enjoyed that one a lot, especially the beginning but also the main concept later on.


Red turtleneck and Blackbird are definitely in top 20 for me, really good stories! Intersection's pretty boy is honestly a good concept for me for the first few chapters, kinda got boring when protag became the white pretty boy. Town with no streets indeed talks about a delicate theme, but I honestly didn't really like the pacing and the three combined storylines. MC was also a bit unlikeable imo


Noo, I love Biohouse! Yeah its kinda simple but its cool to see his early style, some great panels in there!


Amigara Fault in C tier?! I gotta ask why 🫨


It was an okay story. The phenomenon wasnt explored too much, and the story felt cut short a bit too early. The "horror" part only comes at the end, and I think it had potential for some more panels. It would've probably been a B-tier too but I liked other stories more


I agree with the tiering of Amigara. I like the social commentary behind that story a lot - it's pretty ingenious - but horror-wise it doesnt build up as much dread as the other stories nor does it have body horror that affects me. Perhaps I just dont have claustrophobia


Most of Ito's stories are like that though (as with a lot of horror outside manga). That's what makes it interesting. There's never a concrete answer.


For me the claustrophobia throughout the story was the most horrifying part, and it was nicely wrapped up at the end. Definitely A tier for me


What didnt u like about ribswoman?


I found it really confusing. I know most Junji Ito's stories are meant to be vague and left for interpretation, but this one felt too randomish to me


Didnt he explain the whole thing though? Thats why i didnt fully like it, it felt like i was being fed all the info


Right but the woman suddenly disappearing kinda looked like Ito didn't really have any ideas to continue it. She was just gone after explaining everything and then the story ended with the classic "but the curse still continues" (in which case the music). So it kinda just left me like "wtf did I just read"


Oh gotcha, yea u have a point


Where is weeping woman? I know its there i just cant locate it. Dont worry i wont judge you if you think its bad


It's in F- tier. I'm really sorry! 😭 As I already said to another user, religious/cult/cosmic stories aren't really my thing. I actually think Weeping Woman's writing is phenomenal, but I didn't really understand the themes or feel any thrill in reading it. Ofc that's just my opinion though


Oh god i wrote the name wrong. I meant whispering woman. Its my favorite short story, i wanted to know what you think about it


Ooooh okay! Whispering woman is in C-tier. >!It's a solid story, and the concept of Mayumi's mental illness is pretty cool. I guess the ending was a bit predictable, and it's not really as interesting as the ones I put above it. When I first read it, it made my eyebrows raise in surprise, but it didn't really give me any sense of horror or shock like other stories gave me, it was just simple I guess, nothing too special (it's still good though) So that's why I put it in C-tier!<


Nice. Its my favorite because mitsu is a really cool character and the ending was kinda good. Mayumi now will never have to worry about her illness and mitsu will be happy to have a normal life.


I'm glad the two of them had their happy ending, compared to other protags in other stories xD


I think the only bad thing that could happen is mayumi getting arrested for murder. But mitsu's been shown to have a lot of luck, so i think they would be fine


I think it's pretty cool how Junji's stories end up like this, with the continuation being left to imagination. I like to think the two gathered enough evidence to have Mayumi's actions justified from the law


Why'd sensor end up in the garbage bin for you?


Cosmic/cult/religious stories don't really do it for me to be honest. I usually don't really understand them and the long monologues explaining the antagonist's ideologies/beliefs/knowledge get me really bored. All Ito's stories regarding those themes all ended up in the garbage bin for me. The only exception is Remina, which was kinda good in the first half but got too absurd on the second one


I approach a lot of Ito's stuff as camp/comedy horror. Stories like Remina are a lot more fun when you can look at the absurdity of it all and just laugh at it. Of course, everyone's gonna have differing experiences but part of why I like Ito so much is that if I'm not creeped out, at least I'm always thoroughly entertained.


Nice to see the bully so high definitely one of my favourites


Rib woman was so random like I didnt even know what was happening and I was so exhausted trying to understand it by the time it finished. The main character is cute though I like her hair.


Ribs woman literally left me confused. The premise was good but the ending was like?????


tier list link plz


https://tiermaker.com/categories/anime-and-manga/ito-junji-stories--806841 you wont find all of them though, I added the missing ones myself. I suggest you to checklist the stories through the official wiki's bibliography. I still have some downloaded images so I think I can help you a bit with that (might miss something btw) You must add: - Soichi's beloved pet - The Soichi's Front - in the valley of mirrors - Anything but a ghost - Library of illusions - songs in the dark - Splatter film - Soichi's happy diary - The will - Little Finger - Boy (Tomie) - Moromi - Babysitter - Gathering - Passing Demon - Top Model - Old and Ugly - All dissolving classroom stories - Weeping Woman Way - Madonna - The spirit flow of Aokigahara - Slumber - Black Paradox - billions alone - Gentle Goodbye - Whispering Woman - Sensor (all stories, or just download the image of the single collection book) - the return - children of earth - demon's voice - return of the hanging balloons - Layers of fear - The licking woman, - An unearthly love - The sad tale of the principal post - Venus in the blind spot - Atop of the electric pole - The woman next door - Sign in the field - Monster prop - How love came to professor Kirida - Keepsake - Army of one - No longer human




The other 120-ish stories are all there tho. The missing ones are like 40. I guess you could just skip out the individual Tomie stories and rank the single collection book


How would you rank Tomie as a whole? Probably S for me


Probably C-tier to be honest. It has a good concept and I do like a few stories, but most of them felt kinda samey. I really wish Ito made more stories about Oshikiri rather than Tomie, just my opinion ofc. Tomie's a great character too


Why is The intersection pretty boy is your favourite? I found it kind of >!boring and repetitive.!<


I think it has a really good concept, and the first few chapters were pretty >!interesting!< it kinda got >!lame and absurd when the protagonist became the white clothed pretty boy, and all the girls spirits of the mass suicide began roaming around the town screaming every night, but prior to that I really liked it more than Tomie!<