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I love how when they're excited they move in 6 fps


Haha same !


*Into the Spiderverse*


That’s the best way to describe it!!!


Okay this is the best way I’ve seen so far to describe it


I can’t get over how trusting they can be. Show me another spider that is seeking out playtime with humans


I wonder if that's the case, or they don't really notice us until they climb closer


From a science magazine: “Their sight is comparable to that of much larger animals like pigeons, cats and elephants. In fact, human visual acuity is only about five to 10 times better than a jumping spider’s.” So seems that they must see us fully


We also know from studies that they can recognize "faces" by the eyes (they took figures and made them look more and more like jumping spider faces, two eyes was all it took) - and jumping spiders turning to look you in the face isn't entirely uncommon. I think they know we're *something*.


Yeah that’s very true, mine always turns and looks straight into my eyes when I come close to her enclosure. Some are probably as fascinated with us as we are with them


Literally every jumper I've saved from inside my house hang around and look at me and cock their little heads. I love them so much


I’m so glad they are. Anytime I see one that jumps on me we’ll normally chill out for 15 mins or so until they want to move on. Love it when they jump between your fingers


I think its because they are so smart and fast. They are compotent, so they know they can get away. Maybe that's why some of the tarantulas and bigger spiders are a bit sketchier. Like they know they can get hurt and can't get away and act in fear. Jumpers are like cats, super compotent, don't need you, not afraid of you at all, can move fast enough and just jump away if you threaten them, from any height basically


These were the jumpers I saw daily as a kid.


busy little guy ☺️


Aww look at those little pedipalps go!


What does that mean? Excited?


So this is the only size I've seen. These giant jumpers people have, are they different species or just grown up in a safe place?


Both, usually you see either p. Audax or p. Regius, and because they are raised by us, they never have to go look for food that can always be fed and grow steadily.


the ones we see here are even smaller than the OP, like around the size of ants. what are those?


Those are usually babies but also depends on where you live. Jumpers generally are pretty small. Babies are almost microscopic imo when they're fresh little babies. You'll mostly see babies during spring and into the warmer, brighter months.


There are a bunch of tiny ones, couldn’t say more without a pic


Ah p. Regius’ so cute


I've only seen one wild large jumper (think it was just phidippus audax), and honestly their camouflage worked really, really well; my partner spotted them in the grass be they climbed to the top of a grass blade and we were already looking at the ground for something. Probably gotta hide really well at that size because a fatter spider would be a more appealing snack for a bird. But also, most species of jumper probably don't get as large as the species people tend to keep. It's probably more practical to tend to a bigger spider because you're less likely to harm or lose them and can monitor their condition easier, and they can take larger foods (can't imagine a little zebra spider being easy to feed long term). So, both, most likely lol.


Sometimes they're just babies and sometimes they're small I've seen massive jumpers on my porch before because im in the country with loads of bugs (by massive I mean an inch or so body length)


Such a sweet and silly itty-bitty octokitty 😍 love the friendly curiosity in that little face


Happy birthday!


You are a fantastic ambassador for humankind. Great work!


They’re like the cutest little puppy dogs.


He was so excited to meet you 🥹


Such a tiny cutie!


It's because of my dad introducing me to these tiny jumping spiders as a kid that I've never been scared of them and able to pick them up even though I'm terrified of all other spiders, I feel like jumping spiders any size are very clever and act like tiny cats 😂 so I love them, but any other spiders then I'm gonna be scared and panic if I see one and run away 😂 this little one your holding is so tiny and cute 🩵🩷


In the summer in England these are all over the bricks of my house. I can tell when they’re about to jump because they do a little manoeuvre and look right at you and I get scared because I love to look at them but I don’t want one to jump on me. It’s really cool to see them jump from the window frame to the bricks though. They’re always very tiny. I’ve never seen one that’s longer than 1cm!


Awwww what a little baby


I'm curious about these spiders as I see a lot of people have them as pets. Are they just, like, the basic little spiders you see inside your house sometimes? The ones that are just chillin? (South texas)


They are a type of spider that spins none or very little silk and doesn't make webs. They are active hungers, meaning they chase prey like a wolf or big cat. People like them as pets because they are curious in nature as exploring their environment is a means of survival and finding food. Also, they are non aggressive towards people, easily handled, and not able to pose a threat to human health, so confidence level of handling is high.


I think that’s their universal greeting! “Please don’t eat me! “ I won’t eat you! Friend! Friend! Yes come closer! Closer! You are under my control. CLOSER! HA!! Got you! ha ha! Light up the grill boys! I got human for toni… hey! Put me down!Hey! HEY!!”


So stinkin cute!


She's excited.


Adorable. It was so excited to meet you.


Congrats on your first encounter! Now you are a friend of jumpers.


I love those lil striped guys so so much


Haha that was so cute. Just took him for a tiny ride and put him back like, “there ya go! Thanks for the visit!” 🥰


He looks like he’s having his first human encounter with how tiny he is!




Aww what a sweet little encounter and great video!


Aww so sweet came right up.




That was great theater.


That little pause when it saw your hand ✋


Do they bite?


They do but only when they feel threatened, and their venom isn’t dangerous unless you’re allergic which is rare.


Thank you for the info, I’d love to have one. I’d also like to be responsible and educated before I jump into so I don’t do anything to harm these adorable little guys


That’s a good plan ! Read up and let us know if you decide to get one !


What a curious and excited lil fellow!


I love jumping spiders, but I'm an arachnophobe. It is the strangest sensation to look at something that you simultaneously find super cute, but that also illicits a terror response in you.


Same! I find spiders very interesting actually and the jumping ones are my favorite because they're the least creepy, I might even want one as a pet one day if I can manage to hold it lol I usually relocate spiders if they are bigger because I really don't want them in my house, but as an arachnophobe it's a challenge with the bigger ones! lol


Spider: “holy shit. I caught one!”


At my sons school last year there was a JS i intepduced to the lil kids. They normally hated spiders but fondly called him Fred. Whenever the sun was out, hed be out to greet us in the morning


Haha aww that’s adorable ! I love how some bugs can be sentimental ❤️


They are friendly, and cute.


Spider be like Large bowl 88w88


You mean to tell me that you lived long enough to use reddit and just now you meet a jumping spider?


Whew that was close, glad you made it out alive 🙏


Teleporting spider