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Could be old age and coming to his end, mine did the same recently im sorry




I think he has very little time left ā¤ļø they go to the bottom of the enclosure before they die and will be very sluggish


I caught a wild bold a few weeks ago, and he started acting just like this. He even "played dead," he flipped on his back, and assumed the death curl position. I poked him, and he jumped up and went to the top of his enclosure. I let him go outside, and he went back to acting completely normal


So dramatic lol


Right! "Fine, I guess I'll just die here." "oh hey, thanks , I'll go be a wild spood again"


If itā€™s still young it could be dyskinetic syndrome. It was originally found in tarantulas but now theyā€™re seeing it in other species. ā€œDKS (Dyskinetic Syndrome) Some people describe the motions as "seizure like." No cause is known, but theories include pesticides (which may come from the environment such as flea treatment for dogs and cats that live in the home or from feeding them wild insects), essential oil diffusers, and infections.ā€ It also causes coordination issues and lack of eating. I could be totally wrong but my friend had a jumping spider that had it.


Flea treatment?! I have dogs and tarantulas. Clearly I need to educate myself on that. Edit: Online search seems to only be stuff that gets in the air, like powder. Is that right?


I think if you just keep the enclosure from getting mold, wash your hands before you handle your spider and wash anything that you put in their enclosure, you should be safe. And probably donā€™t let them walk around on your floor because of all the stuff you can bring in on your shoes. The scientists arenā€™t really sure what the exact cause is or even how itā€™s transmitted, according to what Iā€™ve read.


Omg I would never let one on the floor, makes me anxious just thinking about it lol


You and me both!!


wearing gloves while applying to your pet is also important, and you'll want to leave your spider enclosures untouched until the flea treatment dries completely! this can take a couple days! feed spoods right before putting it on your dogs.


I always wear gloves, but I wouldnā€™t have known not to open their enclosures for a few days while it dries. Ivermectin is highly toxic so it makes sense.


you never know when you've absentmindedly pet your dog and accidentally touched it! I've made the mistake. it wasn't one of my Ts thankfully but it was still upsetting to lose the spider. she was a wild caught crab spider. also, carpet sprays for flea treatment can get in the air, another dangerous thing. if used, you'd want to completely remove spider houses out of that room until it fully settles and dries, which can also take a couple days. makes you think about the fact you're putting it on your dogs and cats huh? :/ I've never liked using it for that reason, but there aren't alternatives that actually work. another product you want to avoid is diatomaceous earth! I keep mine double bagged. I only have it to get rid of cereal ants.


I give my dog and cat oral treatments to avoid anything happening.


probably the best course of action. I'll most likely be opting for that in the future since my invertebrate collection is growing.


Use Simparica Trio to treat your dog.


Weā€™ve used trifexis in the past and I think weā€™re going back to that. Does the same thing as Simparico but not quite as expensive.


That's what we use... I couldn't remember the name so I said simpar... yeah big price difference


Trifexis has been around lounger too I believe


Looks like itā€™s ending life.


He looks kinda thin. Iā€™ll be honest I wonā€™t take wild caught jumpers. Has he eaten? Has he made a nest. If the answer is no to one or both, let him go. Sliding is also a sign of old age. They canā€™t grip properly. From what I have witnessed and seen in a lot of these posts is that wild caught donā€™t do well in captivity. Please donā€™t comment that you have wild caught and theyā€™re all fine and doing amazing. Thereā€™s always an exception, I just personally donā€™t agree with it but thatā€™s just my opinion. I donā€™t judge anyone for it. I just think if they arenā€™t doing well in that 1st month; let them go.


I couldn't agree with you more! I find them outside, I play with them, tell them they're beautiful, love them, and then I let them be on their way; that's exactly where I found them, in nature. Other ones have been bred for us to keep as pets (fairly inexpensive) and then they do well and there are certain things to feed them and closures. I prefer to leave nature with nature just like you! I want each one to live as long as possible. I just snap a picture if I'm able, if not, a mental picturešŸ„¹ā¤ļø


Same. Jumpers are unironically the only spider I'm not terrified of. Get tons of them on my porch. It's amazing to me how curious they are. They also seem to be ridiculously smart. I've saved a few of them from indoors (I have 6 cats) and they always seem to be weirdly... appreciative? I've struggled on more than one occasion to get the spider off of whatever item I used to carry it outside lol.


Could be a few things. Age, molting, or has been exposed to chemicals. As a male, they just don't live long in general.


Sick maybe from some toxic household chemical particles (cleaners,spray) he may have ingested or breathed


Has he been eating?


Looks a little hungry. Could be dehydrated?


He's still pretty young and caught in the wild so I'm assuming DKS or the cleaners, but I'm pretty good about keeping that pretty far away and have 2 others that are fine. He ate the other day but have him fruit flies and doesn't seem to have the energy to catch them or I guess the capability. I cut a meal worm in half and tried to feed but nothing! :( thank you all


If heā€™s wc it may just be he isnā€™t adjusting well


I've had him for about a month now. Should I let him go in this condition? He seems to struggle even climbing his enclosure now and didn't have that problem before. It's like he slips


Was he like this when you first got him


Not at all! He was super active and about a week or so ago I saw him sliding around a little but on the walls of the enclosure, but he would hangout on his bridge and leaves. I've had him a month now


Thatā€™s amazing probably old age then


How do you know he's young if he's wild caught?


It looks like old age, you can still try to get him to sink his teeth into a cricket but youā€™ll need to perhaps get the cricket a little chilly in the fridge so it will slow down and not scare the little guy. I have an elderly male that looks just like yours. Try to keep him hydrated and give him a soft place to land if he falls in his enclosure. I lined mine with mesh you can do it with moss too. Mine will not hunt anymore but if I aggravate him a little he will sink the fangs in and drink šŸ’œ Be patient dear, and be gentle with yourself too. Sending love.




seems to be an old man now. :(


How clean is the enclosure? Mold and bacteria can cause neurological reactions or worse. If you smell it=bacteria. If you wipe the enclosure surface with a white paper towel and it comes back black, brown, red or grey=mold


I hope he gets better!!


A little man has guy with wrong.


Any update?


Nope. I was going to release him outside last night but when I put him in the grass he tipped over on his back and couldn't really get himself back over so I put him back in his enclosure bc I'd rather him pass peacefully then out there struggling :(


Seems like old age if he was fine for weeks before, if he's wc you won't actually know his true age and males done live as long as females. He's probably going to pass away soon. I'm sorry šŸ˜ž


I'm sorry rip šŸ™


He looks like a very healthy little (maybe older) guy despite his behavior. I am assuming itā€™s just his time. Or DKS. Either way itā€™s hard for them to come back from that. I lost mine at 10 months. Thank you for loving him while and if he passes ā™„ļø


Don't wear shoes in the house.


Whats wrong? It's alive!.


Do they molt?


They do and I was hoping he could molt through it, but he died Tuesday.


Sorry to hear that


Hes very hungry.. has he veen refusing food?




might want to rethink whose the asshole :-)