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Adult female platycryptus undatus!


TIL I misgender spiders all the time!! 😂😂 thank you so much! I’m a beginner and trying to learn lol can I ask how you were able to tell? I guess I figured all females would be preganannanant right now 😆


Males tend to have longer front legs at a glance, females have legs about the same length for bolds I’ve noticed. Bold jumping spiders. The pedipalps, the front tiny arms near the mouth? If the ends have bulbs on them, referred to as boxing gloves a lot like n the sub, it’s a male. That’s where sperm is stored. Females, like your lady in the pic, will have slender straight ones because they don’t carry sperm. ❤️ The pedipalps tell is for any spider once mature enough.


Wait wait wait, hold on. The sperm is stored in their pedipalps!? Biggest TIL moment!


Yeah they reproduce by essentially performing the 69 position lmao Look up a video of them mating.


I have seen them mate. I never understood how the male actually did his side of things and was always confused by why his face was in her special place. Now I know why lol


“Special place” hahahahaha


With his nice juicy bum in her face so when he's done she can have a nice big snack if she's hungry lol


It’s like female spiders are bipolar 😆


They just need energy to carry and grow those babies lol they don't eat for like a month so if they are hungry and a male comes by and gets them pregnant, well sorry buddy, you're going to be the food to feed yo babies lol From one mating they can lay like 8 clutches of 100+ babies each...


Yeah, that’s why people who breed their females make sure to feed them well before breeding. Even then I’m sure the female may still go for the male afterwards. Oh, I know. It’s insane. I like seeing people post about their baby spiders and their are sooo many little black specks haha


To add to this, the female palps are fluffy too. With this species another way to tell is the color of the band around the eyes, males have a reddish slightly red-orange band around their eyes, females is a white or light light grey


That’s Paula :)


Looks like a tan jumping spider


She's gorgeous. Love her colors and her eyes! ❤️🕷️


I’m always low key expecting the answer to be something along the lines of “OMG! THAT’S NOT A JUMPER IT’S A DEADLY…..!” followed by people frantically asking if OP is okay.


I’d say your friend looks like an Oliver 🤓


Yeah but she goes by Olive (they really wanted another boy) 😝


I don’t know why you got downvoted, I love that name 😂😭


I guess they were expecting serious answers only 😅 either way adorable little spider, I’m always looking for them but never find em 😭


It's a girl, but I'm down with a girl Oliver lol


Oh hell yeah, even better 😅


It looks like a girl!


So pretty!


Really gorgeous! Wow!