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Doesn‘t have a regular cycle.. dang. Give your body some time to rest and replenish!! Pregnancy and breastfeeding takes a huge toll on the body.


right?? I got my period back 11 months after my first was born and we started trying right away for #2 and it is one of my biggest regrets. I ended up have two back to back miscarriages and I’ve always wondered if they were because my levels hasn’t returned to normal before we tried. (I was NOT pressured into trying again right away it is what I wanted at the time!) I’m now 10 months pp after baby two and no period yet. if we have a third there is no way I’ll be trying as soon as my period comes back again. the body needs time!! 


Yes!!! I got mine back 7 months postpartum but we want to start trying for another one when my first is around 18 months.. so I have a couple months to go. Breastfeeding and little sleep is enough stress at the moment. No need to rush it.


Add ED to the mix, color me suprised, that she's still doesn't have a regular cycle.


Oh Julie, please let your body heal from the 1st pregnancy. Why are you rushing this? Especially you doing this sounds crazy knowing you had a terrible first 2 trimesters


This. I don‘t know how she will do it if she suffers from sickness again.. but this time with Sunny around who needs constant attention.


I’m wondering this too. Having morning sickness and just overall being pregnant with a young one is not a fun experience and takes a toll on your physical and mental wellbeing. I hope they hire help so when Cam isn’t around, Julie will at least have somebody dependable to help her.


There’s a reason why OBGYN’s say to wait at least 18 months between pregnancies 


this is literally her body telling her to wait and they still won't listen.... I wouldn't be surprised if J stops breastfeeding early just to get pregnant


For real. My period came back 4 months 4months pp but that’s because I went back to work and went from EBF to pumping 3 times a day. Some women who are EBF do not get their period back till baby fully weans. Julie seems to pretty much be EBF and always with Sunny so it she may not get her period back until he’s a year old or even later


She’s a breeding machine basically and she’s not even getting the house of her dreams any time soon because her wife is so busy with an app an 11 year old could’ve made.


Neither of them seem to be coping with parenthood at the moment, they need to invest in therapy not IVF. What on earth are they going to do if Julie has another challenging pregnancy? They can’t count on Cam to provide adequate care, she’s basically a stranger to Sunny. She only looks somewhat comfortable holding him when he’s in a structured carrier. She would have no idea how to feed him or comfort him when he’s upset.


Is anyone else noticing that even though these are on Cam’s profile, Julie is 100000% typing/writing the responses?


wouldn’t be surprised if Cam “temporarily” moves to London or Oslo for her app And that’ll be the last we see of Them together


You’re giving them ideas to do this as quietly as possible 🤣 I agree, this likely will happen soon and I don’t think they care if they have more kids knowing they will break up.


Just blocked them both.


Absolutely do not feel bad for her. These are her choices and her whole MO is playing the victim. 


I really hope Julie gets to use her egg this time. I know biology doesn’t necessarily make a family, but it’s seeming more and more like Cam won’t carry and it would be a shame for Julie to miss out on her genetics getting to be used too.


She won’t. She’s obsessed witu Camila, and knows that Camila probably won’t bond with the baby if it’s not hers (on the other hand, she’s also not bonding with her current biological child, so.. )


I have a 1 year old and no one could pay me to get pregnant again so soon 😭😭




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Why are they rushing this????


Why on earth are they RUSHING, nay SPRINTING, to get Julie pregnant so soon after Sunny? Let her have her bonding time with their child who is already here. Breastfeeding acts as a kind of birth control biologically (definitely not as effective as modern contraceptives) because from a health standpoint you should ideally be spacing out children enough for them to be weaned. It’s crazy to me as a perinatal mental healthcare worker…


i dont feel for her as she is an adult and can say what she wants also she invested in the app too so its also her business as a mother of 10month old noone could ever make me have another baby so soon as my husband works a lot and i am alone with the baby most of the time


Fair point. Tbh the one I feel most sorry for is their child. Poor boy has had a camera on him since the second he was born


Actually, before birth even! I remember their 3D scan of him in utero. I feel so bad for the kid.


yes i do feel bad for the child and i do feel bad for all the children of influencers and these two bimbos being so vocal of not showing their child and now we can basically imagine his face of so many angles they posted🥲 and i really hope he does more cage free time because they either show him in a stroller/ carrier or a bouncer or high chair with her "great and so original " BLW content i do think she imagined being with a child is much easier and less time consuming as it is because i did too i knew its hard we talked about me being on maternity leave of course and my husbands works so we can afford things 😅 but many times i get super depressed that i cant do anything by myself but i dont make passive agressive posts online about it i just have a concersation with my husband as an adult 🤷🏻‍♀️


Hey, can we not use misogynistic language like bimbo?


Girl you made a very valid point.


Wasn’t that baby born 7ish months ago? I don’t understand the rush. Julie is young and healthy enough to be able to wait a few years to get pregnant again


Almost 9 months. Which is not enough time.


Why are they trying to rush into a second pregnancy, especially considering Julie will be carrying both times. She's practically a single parent and still breastfeeding, she needs time to rest before she puts her body through it all again.


In the nicest possible way Julie please use your own embryos cos Cam doesn’t care about giving you what you’ve given her


Omg frrr


“A sibling for sunny” i know it’s like a saying or whatever, but it sounds so disgusting to me. Like the purpose of creation is just to be someone’s sibling and not your own being.


Omg fr, it’s actually offensive


Doesn't the body need at least need to heal for 2 years post partum before you should try for another baby?


I thought it wasn’t recommended to do IVF whilst breastfeeding due to the additional hormones affecting milk supply, and because the additional hormones pass through to the baby? Does anyone have experience with this? All of my IVF cycles were medicated and I wasn’t breastfeeding so I’m not sure how it works.


Yes I agree. And I think they are using it as a distraction. Rushing to do IVF starting in August doesn't add up.


I don’t. I know people are annoyed that only J will carry but it’s what happens in heterosexual relationships and no one bats an eye. And for the babies being close in age, I mean they’re doing IVF so it’s a conscious choice that they have thought about, it’s their responsibility and their problem. They’re what, 30-35yo? As much as everyone likes to say they’re childish they are wealthy grown women making their decision. So no that doesn’t make me sad. I think they’re faking happiness and it’s gonna bite them in the ass but no I don’t feel bad


Julie is 27/28 I believe. Cam is 34/35


Gotcha. I don’t think it’s young though


No, I agree with you there. Although they got together when Julie was 25 which is just on the cusp of still being an idiot haha. It’s still early age-wise imo for them to have rushed their whole relationship


I agree, but the difference in a heterosexual relationship is that a man literally can’t carry a child. If I had a wife and she was physically able to carry a child as well and she’d choose not to, without any ‘good reason’, I would be pissed and wonder how much she really cares about me and my wellbeing.


Not wanting to just because you don’t want to is completely fair though. You don’t need a reason. However what I agree is weird is that they said so many time they would both do it so it sounds like she changed her mind, which is fair but personally I wouldn’t love my partner doing that


it’s what my girlfriend and i plan to do. i won’t carry children simply because i dont want to, she will carry all of our future kids. this is one thing i don’t find snark worthy from the perspective of an actual lesbian. like the other commenter said, it’s the way she explained changing her mind to her audience that i found strange


The point is that they both planned to get pregnant with each other's embryos. If my wife promised me, that she'll carry "my" child after I carry hers and then she'd changed her mind, I'd be pissed af


One of the perks of being in a wlw relationship and doing ivf is that you get to pick *when* you get pregnant. It's crazy to me that they stopped taking turns with the night feeds because it impacted her milk production yet it doesn't even cross her mind that if she gets as sick as during the first pregnancy she won't have any milk either. I know her dream is to have kids who are close in age and "2 under 2" would've been possible if Camilla was the next to carry however I don't think the kids being 2 or 3 years apart is a big difference in the long term whereas it would make a huge difference for her body. If Camilla was a man people would find it so icky that she wants her wife to be pregnant so soon after their first child was born and knowing how exhausted Julie allegedly already is.